Win SBD Forever - Just comment! - Multilingual Weekly Contest #13

in steembasicincome •  7 years ago  (edited)

I'm happy to announce the thirteenth of #SBDforever contest!

But before I introduce the theme, it is time to reveal the winners for the twelveth one!

Just like the last posts's payout, this post hadn't enough payout for two shares... Only for one. But that's fine, if you didn't win this time, just try again! I remember you that some winners have already been selected TWICE just by entering and being active on my blog!

You can also still win by resteeming this post. Please upvote to help the fund raising!

Now for the prize!

Whoa this time the contest was great! Lots of comments with lots of upvotes :) This is fun, a win-win situation. I did also cast some upvotes, mostly on people whose chances of winning were not great but didn't have much payout!

@metzli and @sparkesy43 gave the idea of using @dustsweeper to collect some "dust" that would usually be lost if you don't have much payout on your comments. It's simple, just send any amount of SBD to @dustsweeper and it will upvote your comments to the minimum payout threshold.

Anyway, this week's winner was.. ... @wonderwop! Technically it was a draw but @ronaldoavelino commented twice thus violating rule #4... Not fair since a double comment would increase the chance of winning.

Captura de ecrã 2018-06-11, às 14.49.54.png

You'll will receive the SBI share in a few days. Just check this spreadsheet if you're wondering if everything is alright.

Didn't win? No problem, just try again! Because here is...

...SBD Forever Round #13!

This week's challenge is exactly the same. Just follow the rules and

Upvote other's comments like hell! If you have the least number of votes, you'll win. Garanteed!

What's a Steem Basic Income share? share (worth 1 Steem). It basically means SBD FOREVER! That's right, no jokes:

You get a weekly income FOREVER. You just need to keep posting and you'll get the same amount in upvotes regardless of how many posts you make per week. The system just looks for your posting frequency and adjusts the income automatically. Seems impossible to maintain? Do you want to look at their maths? Here they are!

Some rules

  1. Upvote this post with 100%. The payout will help me with the cost of the share.
  2. Resteem this post, for the same reasons!
  3. Follow me if you enjoy my posts.
  4. Post ONE comment below with your entry
  5. Feel free to write in English, Portuguese, Spanish or French.
  6. If you already have a SBI share feel free to participate as well, since you can have many shares and get double income.
  7. The deadline for submissions is next Monday. I'll take a screenshot and whoever has the least amount of comments wins!
  8. If the author payout reaches more than 1$, I'll round up the prize to the nearest whole number and attribute more than one winner!

Ready... Set... Go!

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  • This post just got resteemed to 6500 followers.
  • For anyone to use my resteem service, send 0.1 SBD to @abasinkanga + post link as memo.
  • Earn SmartCash rewards when you send SBD to resteem your post
  • Tip with SMARTCASH or Upvote this comment if you appreciate this service.

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Σ$$$ Tipped @zpedro Σ1 SMART! Comment @smartbot help to claim. Currently the price of SmartCash in the market is $0.075 USD per SMART. Current value of the tip is $0.07 USD. To find out more about SmartCash, please visit

Yeah ! lets win some SBI

Great fun!
But when you don't care what the comment is, I'm tempted to stretch my linguistic wings a bit further... I can get myself into trouble in maybe two dozen countries because of knowing just enough Norwegian, French, Spanish, Swedish, etc to get myself well and truly lost!

Do it! I care about what the comment is since I read them :p

good idea :) haha

Whew... what a contest @zpedro! More SBI please...

Congratulations to our winners

Great idea, let´s win together ;)

my first time, be gentle. lol haha !!!!

good idea

thank you for your idea

Didn't win last time, maybe this time.

Thank you @zpedro for running such a fun contest. @steembasicincome is a great initiative and we will grow together @zpedro and I will post daily to receive the most benefit from SBI. 🙏

Hi! I'm thilled that you plan to profit from it, but since the SBI program gives you a weekly upvote amount, it doesn't really matter if you post everyday or just once a week :) You'll profit from it anyway!

That's very true @zpedro everyday or once a week SBI rocks. 👍👍

This is an amazing contest. I’m glad to see people spreading the word about SBI.

maybe, just maybe i'll make a dollar....

ok, i'm going to push the easy button.


Voted, resteemed and commented!!!!

Acho sensacional a ideia do SBI, é a primeira vez que participo de um concurso, vai que a sorte de principiante ajuda né? hahaha

Vamo que vamo!

projeto #ptgram power

@zpedro seria uma boa idéia você ler seu próprio regulamento. No item 7 estava escrito que o deadline para submissões seria 2a feira dia 11 de junho as 11am UTC.
Eu postei meu reply um pouco antes deste horário e tinha, é claro zero upvotes. Quando o horário passou das 11am UTC eu postei que eu tinha ganho. Só podem ser considerados posts os que foram dentro do horário permitido. Então, eu não postei duas vezes e não violei a regra número 4. Você deveria ter olhado os horários dos posts. Afinal, se você colocou um horário final, ele deveria ser conferido. Por que você acha que eu coloquei o segundo post? Porque qualquer pessoa poderia me upvotar após a 11am UTC e você ficaria sem saber quem realmente ganhou. Você pode notar que várias pessoas receberam meus upvotes, de modo a que ninguém tivesse zero upvotes às 11am UTC, a não ser eu.

Obrigado pela tua explicação. Acho que não interpretámos a regra n.º4 da mesma forma. Um comentário é um comentário, independentemente da hora a que o faças.

Agradeço-te também porque o teu comentário me fez ver que eventualmente teria uma corrida desenfreada aos comentários poucos segundos antes das 11am UTC. Ou seja eu teria de andar a verificar quem é que fez upvote a quem às 11am UTC, obrigando-me a ficar em casa. Não pode ser.

Vou alterar as regras de uma maneira simples: quando eu estiver a escrever o próximo post (até pode não ser no mesmo dia), vou ver quem tem menos votos. Tiro um screenshot e pronto, daí se apurará o vencedor. Seja isso a que hora for :)

Por me teres ajudado a refletir com isso, vou-te dar uma share SBI.

Existe uma ordem de classificação em que os comentários aparecem. O normal é trending, mas você pode optar por age. Assim você saberá exatamente quem foi o último a votar, dentro de seu horário.

Oh, é verdade! Eish, como é que nunca tinha visto! Obrigado mais uma vez :) A tua share SBI está a caminho, dentro de 2-3 dias deves começar a receber os upvotes. Alguma dúvida temos a sala portuguesa no discord do SBI:

Muito obrigado, meu amigo!

Humble apologies for the multiple comments

Humble apologies for the multiple comments