The people of Israel, when they were in the desert, on their way out of Egypt, were tested in many areas where the mighty hand of God was shown in their favor in a glorious and supernatural way. Surrounded by impossibilities, God was revealed and supplied to supply each of these needs.
The book of Exodus chapter 15:22 relates that the people of Israel left the Red Sea for the desert of Shur and walked three days without finding water. And they came to Mara, and they could not drink the waters of Mara because they were bitter. Then the people murmured against Moses because they were very thirsty.
We see in verse 25 that Moses cried out to Jehovah and Jehovah showed him a tree; and threw it into the waters, and the waters were sweetened and the people could satisfy their need because of what God by the hand of Moses did in that place.
Many times we go into despair when we do not have at hand the resources that allow us to satisfy those needs. The desert represented the perfect scenario for the providence of God to manifest itself day by day and only depend on Him was the best way out.
Not only did they have to deal with the lack of water, but the lack of food. What market would you find in the desert to buy food?
It tells the story that the children of Israel complained and remembered their time in Egypt when they sat with the meat pots to eat, when they ate bread until they did not want to, thinking that in the middle of the solitude and the hard dryness of the desert they would die of hunger .
Again we see how God speaks to Moses and says:
"Behold, I will rain for you bread from heaven, and the people shall go out, and they shall gather daily the portion of a day, that I may prove it whether it be in my law, or not." Exodus 16: 4
Despite the complaints and murmurings of the people of Israel, God remained faithful. In the morning manna fell from heaven and in the evening meat for them to eat (Exodus 16: 7). Every day Israel contemplated how God's provision sustained them, despite the circumstances and the place where they were. His Glory was seen by all.

There were many portents that the people of Israel witnessed, the bible declares in Deuteronomy chapter 8: 4 that their clothes never grew old and their feet did not swell in the 40 years that they walked in the desert. How amazing!
Contemplating the history briefly, fix now on the Words of Christ in the New Testament when it teaches about eagerness and anxiety, which is related to what is described.
Matthew chapter 6: 25-32
Therefore, I tell them: Do not worry about what they have to eat or drink to live, nor about the clothes they need for the body. Is not life worth more than food and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds that fly through the air: they do not sow or harvest or keep the harvest in barns; nevertheless, the Father of you who is in heaven feeds them. And you are worth more than the birds! In any case, no matter how much you worry, how can you prolong your life even for an hour?
And why do you care about the clothes? Notice how the lilies of the field grow: they do not work or spin. However, I tell you that not even King Solomon, with all his luxury, dressed as one of them. Well, if God dresses the grass like that, which today is in the field and tomorrow burns in the oven, with even greater reason he will dress you, people who lack faith! So do not worry, asking, "What are we going to eat?" Or "What are we going to drink?" Or "What are we going to wear?" All these things are the ones that worry the pagans, but you have a Celestial Father who already knows that they need them.
God Speaks Today. DHH
A very clear teaching where we are exhorted to trust in that Heavenly Father, so good and so kind that we have. He knows each one of the things that they lack and he will add them, he will provide everything we need, we just have to learn to trust, develop a genuine faith that will lead us to live each day in a rested, unimpeded way, leaving aside the eagerness, standing on that promise that our Father will take care of us. It will not leave us, nor forsake us. When our faith reaches that solidity we see God doing the things that for us were impossible in an easy and simple way. He opens his sources, those inexhaustible sources that supply any lack, move resources and instruments in our favor where we can only appreciate his great power and love for each one of his children.

One of the names of God, is Jehovah Jireh, the provider. The Lord will always give us according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Do not be discouraged, have faith and he will trust.
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Amen, He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
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In difficult moments, we can see the powerful hand of God acting, we just live by faith, by faith we can see the supernatural of God. I have always been a woman who moved in the supernatural of the Father, he is not limited like us, he can do the impossible, possible. There is only one requirement: Believe.
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That's right, the best weapon, our best option: believe. Nice to see your comment. Blessings @darlenys01
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Despite our rebellions, complaints and murmuring God has mercy and as a good father gives us to drink and eat every day. The disobedient people had their punishment because of their tongue, however God did not stop providing everything they needed, says the scriptures that their clothes and shoes did not age, when God is great. Thank you for sharing God bless you
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Beautiful your comment. The mercy of God is unmatched. A pleasure to have you here, thank you for your support. Blessings @michellechristie
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Thanks to you for the teaching, these are seeds that in turn will bear fruit, one is the one that sows another water, but God will give the growth.
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Amen. So is.
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