In this world one thing is certain, before you will be able to talk about something very well you must have an experience in that. The things we experience are those we understand the most. I want us to look at something David said and the insight he had into it by experience both physical and spiritual.
The Lord is the one who is shepherding me; I lack nothing. Psalms 23:1
Who is David? Obviously he was a King. But before he became a King he was a shepherd keeping the flocks of his father Jesse. He is the one who wanted fight Goliath Saul asked him not to joke because of Goliath's stature but in response told him how he delivers the sheep from wolves. David understood the essence of shepherdhood, how he himself gave himself for the sheep and cared for them. He gave them pasture and made sure they had rest.
Moreover, in spiritual essence had been in fellowship with God for a long time and had experienced the leadership of the Lord. In his walk with God he enjoyed the presence of God and his goodness.
So this David is telling us that the Lord is Shepherding him and he doesn't lack. The Lord provided David whatever he needed and never hesitated to do anything for David. This thing David said is depicting that the Lord being our shepherd means a lack of nothing. Everything you need will be given to you.
When Jesus came He said "I am the good Shepherd, the good shepherd lays his life down for the sheep". This means that Christ laying down His life is a picture that he is a good a shepherd. If this Shepherd would lay his down for us what else won't he do for us. He will freely give us all things. This shepherd is everlasting one.