in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)


(Matthew 18:14)
“Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.”

God established the family to be the primary influence in the life of young people. Children learn a lot about developing a relationship with God through developing a healthy relationship with their parents and siblings. These relationships must be sustained.

If we show indifference and become insensitive to our children, we can be assured that Satan will not. He seeks to steal, kill and destroy their destinies. But as our opening scripture assures us, God is not willing to lose any of the young ones. We must continually shield them from every negative influence while we teach them the way of the Lord. Halleluyah!

Therefore, give attention to the spiritual needs of the young ones in your family or even the young believers in your Church today. Mentor and disciple them in the things of God as you pray that they would grow in wisdom and understanding in the will of God. Amen.


(2 Corinthians 9:7)
“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or out of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver .”

Isn’t it beautiful to know that we can possess an attitude that draws the attention of God? From our scriptural text today, we can see that God’s attention is always drawn towards the cheerful giver. In fact, He loves a cheerful giver!

This shows us that beyond the measure of what we offer to God or even to people, God looks at our heart to weigh how cheerfully we give it. One who gives grudgingly does not win God’s approval, neither should such a person expect God’s blessing in return, but a cheerful giver is God’s delight. Glory to God!

Therefore, take time to ponder on your givings, be it tithes, offerings or any special giving as the need arises, have they been done cheerfully? If no, you can begin from today to give with an attitude that draws the attention of God as this is what releases the blessing over your givings. Halleluyah!

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Children learn from example. They believe in do as I do and not do as I say. Parents should always set good example for their children both spiritually, physically and otherwise.

Quite sad that some people neglect this

Children are precious in the eyes of God, if we love them we need to cherish them like a precious stone and that will motivate us to train them in the way they should work.