Are the boyscouts to blame.

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Recently the boyscouts decided that girls should be allowed to become 'boy'scouts. So whose to blame for this debacle? It needs to be pointed out that this fiasco did not start yesterday, it has been a slow fade. The problem started when the boyscouts could not find male volunteers to be scoutmasters (a scoutmaster is the adult). That problem is ironic in and of itself because the scouting program was trying to train up a generation of men. (I am assuming that people know that it takes more than just a penis to be a man, in fact there is a lot of immature girly men that think that there job as a 'man' is to get a girl pregnant and then step aside. The simple truth is that a healthy child needs both male and female input (if it was not such a tragic issue, I would laugh at all the 'she warriors' that want a child to be raised with two mommies...there gonna mess there kids up.

The boy scouts have fallen victim to the mentality that 'keeping the peace' means quieting the loudest opponent.

The lesson that should be learned is that society needs a moral foundation. Look at some of the older posts that I have written, I have been trying to show people that we need to have a reference point. It makes no difference if we both agree to travel due North, if we are both measuring magnetic north by different standards.

Of course I am a Christian, and I want everyone else to be a Christian...but I realize that is not going to happen. Although I am not advocating that everyone become a deist, I am trying to say that I would prefer a society filled with deists over a society filled with agnostics and atheists. A deist believes that a supernatural work created the world but is no longer involved in day to day life. Even though a deist is not serving CHRIST he/she understands the need for a moral compass. Whereas an agnostic/atheist thinks that they are free to invent whatever rules they think (those thoughts relay mess up society)

Some of our founding fathers (in America) were Christian men, whereas others were deists who did not serve CHRIST but believed in a standardized order (common rule book)

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