The creator god of the heavens and the earth has chosen us before the foundation of the world and has called us to live in the light and truth of his son Jesus Christ.
9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may proclaim the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light;
1 Peter 2:9
We generally let ourselves be carried away by the feelings of the moment instead of counteracting different thoughts and feelings with the word of God with what he has promised for us, let us remember that our feelings are fluctuating and change all the time.
Maybe today is one of those days, we have bills to pay and we haven't gotten the money we need, the car is damaged and we don't have money to repair it, our boss puts pressure on us, etc. Let us remember that the devil has only one job, to do everything possible to divert our attention from the Lord and when we direct our attention and our focus to the difficult circumstances around us instead of directing us to God it is very difficult to realize what God is telling us. is saying or we do not remember in those moments the promises that God has for our good.
Without going too far, let's simply examine what God says in the previous text, we are a chosen lineage, we are a royal priesthood, we are the people acquired by God and our virtue is to announce the virtues of God, of the one who took us out. from darkness to his admirable light.
What more can we say to this? It is what God says and no feeling on our part interferes with it, it is very encouraging to know that we have been called by God that we have been taken out of darkness and placed in the admirable light, here we notice that God has done it not It is our capacity, that we cannot face those problems and difficulties with our own strength, whether or not we must ask for help and trust that God guides us to the exit.
Because you were bought with a price; Therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.
1 Corinthians 6:20