I will always think of that day in which I found you and filled me with light, my dear queen.
I was aimless but you came to straighten my path.
but I could start to see the good things in life but my heart still lacked something.
What happens to me? God what is happening? I want to be happy, but I'm a bit sad.
Help me good and merciful Jesus of Nazareth, help me fill any void that is there in me.
I understood that Your God is the key to what happens to me, you are the one who can fill my life.
Now I find more peace, love, hope and I am completely happy.
I forgive my debtors so that my Christ can forgive me.
I dance, I sing and I magnify the name of my Lord since he took me out of my suffering.
Blessed be your Lord for your great wonders.
glory to you forever.
Come to Jesus Christ and he will fill you with whatever emptiness you have, I assure you.