in steemchurch •  5 years ago 

Deuteronomy 11:26 - 28: "Behold, I am setting before you today the blessing and the curse: the blessing, if you will hear the commandments of the LORD your God, which I prescribe for you today and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of Jehovah. your God, and you will turn aside from the way that I command you today, to go after other gods that you have not known. "


God speaks clearly to us of two things that operate on earth: the blessing and the curse, and this does not depend on whether or not we believe in them, they simply exist. The blessing on the life of a country, family or individual is not a matter of luck. In the Word of God we discover that the blessing and the curse are consequences of our choice, God gave the people of Israel the freedom to choose before the blessing and the curse. The blessing, if they chose to listen to him and obey him, and the curse if they chose the opposite. So, we are always going to walk in blessing or in curse, we are the ones who decide.

Blessing is not something magical, it will come upon us when we obey the Word, and if we choose to follow God, there is no curse that can come upon us. No matter how much someone curses us, if we choose to walk obeying God, there is no curse that can affect us. So we can have peace, live quietly and not distress. Obeying God there is no curse that can fall on us!

Genesis 1: 27 - 28: "And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. And God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth, and subdue it, and rule over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all the beasts that move on the earth. "

Genesis 2:15: "So the Lord God took the man, and put him in the garden of Eden, to work it and keep it."

God creates man and blesses him, that is, gives him a supernatural power to be successful, not to live ill, scarce, depressed and troubled, He gave His blessing to be able to advance, conquer and succeed. When Adam and Eve were placed in the Garden of Eden, they were blessed, but God also gave them an assignment, and that was that they should cultivate and till that place. The word "cultivate" means to take something and from how it is, to improve it; It also means to sow, because everyone who spreads a seed will harvest. God told Adam to cultivate what He had created, and in this way that same land would provide him what was necessary to meet his needs.

Before Adam disobeyed God, he had to cultivate and till the land so that it would bear fruit, until now there was no curse, but once he commits sin, the curse comes, and it was disobedience that caused the earth it was cursed; there is a problem: that the earth was going to resist what was being sown, because there was a curse on it.

This is why the Lord tells the people of Israel that the curse has been operating on the earth since Adam sinned, but also gives them something with which they could nullify that curse, and it is His blessing, with which they can nullify the supernatural power of failure. But, we must know that we can have the blessing of God, but we can not stop working and cultivating, because from our work is that we will be blessed, when we hear and put into practice what God commands us. The blessing, like the curse, is a path that we must take, which requires time, but be it the path of blessing or the curse, we will be taken to a destination. Let us remember, then, that Jesus makes us clear in his Word that He is the way, the truth and the life, that is, He is the way to reach the blessing.

When you move away from the true path, that is, the way of God, you will come under a curse, but if you keep hearing and obeying God, even though in the present you may be going through difficult circumstances, if you keep serving God, the moment will come which blessings will begin to follow you. So, do not stop serving God with all your heart because He will prosper you, protect you, make nothing you do sterile and honor you in front of everyone.

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We are the ones in charge of choosing our path and obviously it is directed by the words that we continually say, they mark our life because there is power in our words. We must use them with responsible criteria and prudence. DTB @arlenys01

Thank you Mother of Crowds for this deep teaching on Choices. This is one of the major problems of our generation. Many are in the fix of a junction of decision and this will always be as a result of ignorance of God's word.


God places good and bad in our way, we are the ones who decide.

The blessings of God are those that enrich and do not add sadness with them.

Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the LANGUAGE, and those who love it will eat its fruit. The blessing and the curse are the result of what our language says: we speak well (blessing, well say) or we speak badly (curse, bad to say). The Bible teaches that the tongue has POWER and can give life or death with words.

The BLESSING is a prayer for, while the CURSE is a prayer against. The blessing is a charitable action, but the curse is an evil work. When someone expresses resentment, anger, revenge, jealousy, jeers, contempt ...

John 6:63 It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the WORDS that I have spoken to you are SPIRIT and they are life. Jesus Christ teaches and explains that the word is spirit. He says: the words that I have spoken to you - referring to what I had said earlier in the biblical account.

Just as the Bible said
God has give us the chance to make our choice
Blessing or curse
Thank you @darlenys for enlightening us about this.

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Deuteronomy was written as the reiteration of the covenant between God and Israel, after the forty years of pilgrimage in the desert under Moses. The investigations of George Mendenhall have shown that the divisions of the book correspond to the parts of the Hitler sovereignty pacts, since it contains the following elements: historical prologue (chapter 1-5), clauses and provisions of the treaty (chapter 5) 26), curses, blessings and ratifications (chapters 27-30), provisions for the continuation of the covenant, invocation of witnesses, custody and public reading of the covenant (chapters 31-33). [1] Chapter 28 concerns then the blessings and curses that would come upon the nation of Israel in response to their faithfulness or their failure to comply with the demands of the covenant. It is a passage that fulfills a specific function within a larger context, which is the terms of God's covenant with Israel.

Blessings sister. God created us to bless us and at some point we will pass through trials, that is where we must demonstrate our faith and fidelity to Him, in this way God will never lack us and will protect us and finally his blessing will be with us continuously.


Before we choose anything in life we need God's leading and directives. And this cannot happen if you do not yield yourself to God.

If we yield ourself daily to God it will be easy for him to direct us.
Many times the way that seemeth right to a man the end thereof is destruction (proverbs 14:12)
So in our everyday day choices we need God.

May God help me to choose life, and that life is the one Christ gives, because without him life is worthless.

Thanks for Sharing ma @darlenys01.

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