Steemchurch:what is God's Purpose For Us

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

What is God's purpose for us?

When you read the newspaper, watch television,or listen to radio, you see and many stores of crime, war, and terrorism.perhaps you personally are suffering because of an illness or because someone you love has died.

•Ask yourself: is this what God wants for me and my family?
•where can I find help to cope with my problems?
•will there ever be real peace?

The Bible provide convincing answers to these questions.
The Bible teaches that God will do amazing things on the earth.

•People will no longer feel grow old, or die._revelation 21:4

•"the lame will leap like the deer. "-Isaiah 35:6

•"the eye of the blind will be opened"-35:5

•the dead brought back to life.-John 5:28,29

•no one will get sick.-Isaiah 33:24

•everyone on earth will have plenty to eat.-psalm 72:16

All thanks to God and sirknight & Steemchurch thank you so much

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To answer your questions, we have to go back to Genesis and see what God said about creation. There he said he wants humans to multipy and fill the earth under a loving atmosphere.

In my opinion, God wants us to believe to believe in his words, show love and thread the path of righteousness.

Gods original purpose havent changed . He is going to make the earth a paradise soon. With no death gone , what could be better than that .