Be all you are meant and designed to be.

in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)

Our anchor Scripture is Judges9:7-15

7.When Jotham was told about this, he climbed up on the top of Mount Gerizim and shouted to them, “Listen to me, citizens of Shechem, so that God may listen to you.

  1. One day the trees went out to anoint a king for themselves. They said to the olive tree, ‘Be our king.’
  2. “But the olive tree answered, ‘Should I give up my oil, by which both gods and humans are honored, to holds way over the trees?
  3. “Next, the trees said to the fig tree, ‘Come and be our king.’
  4. “But the fig tree replied, ‘Should I give up my fruit, so good and sweet, to holds way over the trees?’
  5. “Then the trees said to the vine, ‘Come and be our king.’
  6. “But the vine answered, ‘Should I give up my wine, which cheers both gods and humans, to holds way over the trees?’
  7. “Finally all the trees said to the thorn bush, ‘Come and be our king.’ 15. “The thorn bush said to the trees, ‘if you really want to anoint me king over you, come and take refuge in my shade; but if not, then let fire come out of the thorn bush and consume the cedars of Lebanon!


Comparing human being with other things, every machine is manufactured to serve a specific purpose, failure to do that, they deteriorate. Behind every product, there is a manufacturer, and in the heart of the manufacturer, a machine is not just manufactured, but there is a gap that product is to fill, a purpose to achieve, a problem to solve. Examples: knife, T.V, car, biro, phone e.t.c. And we enjoy them because they are serving purpose...

Imagine if a Knife is used for tie, or have you seen a Mercedes Benz cut into two and used to carry fire wood?

That is an abuse Therefore; it will be very, very, very, very disastrous for any product to be used outside its purpose. Intact we are comfortable in the world today because these materials are serving their purpose.

If inanimate things are not made accidentally, I put it to us, that man is not an accidental creature, behind the making of a man is a divine manufacturer and every man as a product is destined and fashioned to perform a specific purpose, function and assignment i.e you are a design in the hands of a designer it’s your responsibility to discover your relevance.

When we look at the scripture we read, even plants knows their purpose, they didn't give up their essence just to be king over trees, they knew their worth and held on to it… Biko my people, if trees can have that sense of Responsibility, how much more we that are made in God's image? It’s high time we took our place and begin to fulfill purpose.

When we look at the Scripture, some people were made specifically to raise temples, some to be priests, prophets, kings, Apostles, warriors (yes warriors), singers, painters e.t.c and they were well known because they fulfilled their purpose.

They were stars, they manifested and impacted the world and made history because they operated within the scope of what they are designed for.

Life is not Vanity sir, life is not a waste ma, it depends on what you make out of it.


  1. You are a Vision in the hand of God. Jer.1:9

  2. You are unique as a creature. 1Peter2:9, Job1:8. Do you know the population of the world? Despite the population of the world, you are unique, setapart, No one like you, you are not everybody, you are YOU.

  3. You are born to solve a specific problem: don't copy people, your blue print is different from theirs (Jesus Christ said" in my father's house, there are vessels not only of gold but also of clay, paper wood e.t.c you are not the same). There is some things that if God were to come personally to this world to do that he has set you here to do them, He sent you as an ambassador, a representative, divine agent to do that which He himself would have done. Matt.1:28. A book titled "An unfinished business" said we are co-creators and that is why we are creating new things, projects, ideas e.t.c everyday. Having understood that we are a divine design in the hand of God, we need to see LIFE AS A PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

Despite the fact that God has fashioned us with purpose and divine mandate, it's still our responsibility to discover them and walk in line with them

+We must accept that you are made for a specific purpose, Gideon was saying he was the least in his father's house, as if God does not know… Accept who God says you are and not what reality as you may call it poses to you... Let this mind be in you, which was in Christ Jesus +You must have the desire to discover who you really ARE. The word isn't "Who you really is" because you are not just a component, you are an embodiment of many virtues and that is why even English had to use "are"... Discover yourself, don't just waste away in the world, find your place and begin to fulfill destiny… There is no shortcut to destiny, you can't cheat or outsmart God.

+Engage yourself in every activity (Prayer, attending church programs, Christian forums e.t.c) that will bring out the best in you, don't be lazy. As youths, one of the thing skilling us is laziness, non challant attitude, procrastination. +Follow your dominant trait/inner strength. That thing you find very easy to do.

+Always put in your best in whatever you do i.e, Potential sand dreams... Whatever your hands find to do, do it well. Col.3:23.
Likes of Moses, Amos, Gideon, Paul, Ruth would have missed their divine calling/mandate, but thank God for divine encounter and wisdom.


  1. Ask God in Prayers
  2. Develop an ability to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.
  3. Discover that your passion (what you love/enjoy doing naturally without being force dorp reassured), dreams.
  4. Seek for godly counsel and wise counsel from godly people. 5. Education is a powerful tool; acquire relevant education, not just in the classroom. 6. Be creative, try new things out every day. 7. Practice virtues people observe in you.

I categorize this in to four places:
A. Spiritual Dangers
God will find a replacement for such.
He will be deprived of divine resources.
He will lose his position in God's master Plan.
B. Economic Dangers
He will lack connections.
He will lose financial rewards and career opportunities.
No promotion.
His labour will not produce results of achievements.
C. Physical Dangers
He looks old while still young.
He loses energy.
Pre-mature death.
D. Social Dangers.
He will lose relevance in the society.
He will live a life of struggle.
He will live a limited life.
He won’t have joy, excitement and he loses his self esteem.

When we live what we are meant and designed for, we will be a central point, we become relevant in the society, we terrorize the kingdom of hell, we impact lives and lay legacy for generations coming behind, even we ourselves will derive satisfaction and fulfillment in life. Apostle Paul said, I have fought the good fight, I have won course. That should be what we also will say at the end, The richest place in the world is the CEMETERY, because there, we have unfulfilled dreams, unfulfilled Pastors, engineers, singers, unbuilt houses, unbought cars e.t.c.... It is my earnest prayer; we shall die EMPTY in Jesus name .

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We are God's design, and each one was designed with a specific purpose.
Very good reflection @elmanuel.