in steemchurch •  7 years ago  (edited)

Virginity is cool. It is not outdated as many persons would claim. A woman who can remain a virgin until marriage in this present day and age is courageous and godly. I commend her and her ability to turn away from what the crowd is doing. 95% are doing it does not make it right. We need to be more concerned with what God wants us to do and not what our friends are doing. Sexual purity is God's plan for us. He wants us to stay pure for marriage. SEX WAS DESIGNED FOR MARRIAGE NOT OUTSIDE MARRIAGE. It's like feeding a week old baby with yam,when you know it's not the right time to feed him or her with it. This is same for sex outside marriage. When you get married, you can have sex as many times as you desire. Ladies come on we are rare gems. Sure the pressure will come but a man that loves you will respect your boundaries and principles. If your man waits with you till marriage,what a blissful home awaits you both. Set standards for yourself. Make a decision not to sway, make a decision to be loved and respected for who you are. For the virgins out there I celebrate you. For the non-virgins who has decided to remain pure until marriage, BRAVO!!! There are still virgins out there,I forsee a generation where virginity will be celebrated. Although this is a sex-driven society, we'll scale through by God's grace and become ROLEMODELS to our future daughters. How beautiful it would be to tell your beautiful daughter "Kim, mummy got married as a virgin". How beautiful it would be when your daughter says "mummy, I want to grow up to be just like you". I love you all muah!!!!!

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