in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

TEXT: Matthew 28:18-20

AIM: That Christians may learn how to witness more effectively.

Witnessing is sharing with others or testifying of one's personal salvation experience, so as to win them for Christ. A witness is a person who has first-hand information that he can tell anyone who needs it. In this case, a witness is a person who has a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. And having surrendered his life to Him, he is empowered by the Holy Spirit to tell others about Him (1 John 1:1).
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  • To preach the gospel to all (Mark 16:15).Jesus commanded
    His disciples and, by extension the Church, to preach the gospel to all nations. The Church comprises of all who have given their lives to Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. No Christian is exempted from the going.

  • To go and teach all nations (Matthew 28:19)."And how can they preach unless they are sent ..." (Romans 10:15)? Unfortunately, most members of the church prefer to sit in the church. Rick Warren says "you know the health and the strength of a church not by its sitting capacity but by its going capacity."

  • To Declare that Christ died, was buried, rose from the grave and ascended into Heaven (1 Corinthians 15:3, 4).The gospel message is complete in these four historical facts. Paul says "this is what we preach and this is what you believed"(v. 11). If there is no resurrection, then we are to be pitied (v. 19).

  • To baptize the nations in the Name of the Triune God (Matthew 28:19). Baptism is one of the two ordinances of the Church, commanded by Christ. Baptizing a person signifies that he has received Jesus as his Lord and Saviour, and has been placed into His Body, the Church (ICorinthians 12:13). Baptism in itself does not
    guarantee salvation. It is only to be a testimony to the outside world that one is born again.


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  • He must be born again (Luke 6:39). A witness is one who has first' hand information or experience to share with others. In this case' only the person who is born again, who has received and believed in Jesus, is empowered by the Holy Spirit to become a witness for Him.

  • Must be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-8). We cannot stage manage evangelism. The Holy Spirit supplies the right word at the right time to a Christian witness. What is required of a witness is to yield to the leading of the Spirit.

  • He must possess adequate knowledge of the scriptures about the gospel(Deuteronomy 6:6-7; Joshua 1:8). We may not predict the details of what the Holy Spirit wants us to say while witnessing. However, we need to prepare in order to be effective witnesses. Part of our preparation is to have an adequate knowledge of the word of God. We must be familiar with basic Bible passages on evangelism.

  • He must have faith, be prayerful and courageous (Acts 4:19, 20).Someone has likened evangelism to a woman who is pregnant. From the time of conception to delivery day, she prays to deliver safely. She has faith that the baby and herself will make it. On delivery day, she groans in pain until the baby is born. In the same way, a witness must agonize in prayer and believe that a new convert must be born.


  • Approach the person through his felt need. First of all establish a rapport when you have secured the attention of your hearer. Then recognize his felt need. The issue of sin is his greatest problem, but he may not feel so. His felt need at the moment may be money, food, shelter, companionship or some other non spiritual need. If you first show genuine interest in his felt need your effort to reach him spiritually and meet his actual need is likely to get a boost.

  • Start from a common ground. While Jesus was addressing an audience of rural farmers, the parable of the sower Was an appropriate common ground to start from (Mark 4:3-8). For Jesus and the Samarian woman, the common ground was water (John 4:5-15). You too should find a common ground on which to begin.

  • Personal appearance and friendliness count. Watch your dress. Don't dress in an offensive way. A Christian young man who is wearing ear ring, or has deadlock on his head because he is a musician, may find it difficult to evangelize effectively.

  • Avoid fruitless arguments. If the person you are talking to raises an argument, tell him to please wait till you finish, then you will address his question.

  • Be sensitive to the circumstance of the person you are approaching, so that you are not perceived as an intruder or a disturbance. It is important you create a friendly environment that will earn you a welcome as a witness for Christ.

  • Watch their attention span. Try to get your point across quickly before you lose their attention.

  • Don't make promises you cannot deliver.

  • Effectively follow up those who just received Christ.


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To witness effective means to Declare that Christ died, was buried, rose from the grave and ascended into Heaven .The gospel message is complete in these four historical facts as said by Apostle Paul. To start and keep the hearer Start from a common ground. While Jesus was addressing an audience of rural farmers, the parable of the sower Was an appropriate common ground. All in all gaining souls for the kingdom is paramount both by your actions or via preaching, this must be exercised by all true believers

Witnessing is sharing with others or testifying of one's personal salvation experience, so as to win them for Christ. A witness is a person who has first-hand information that he can tell anyone who needs it. In this case, a witness is a person who has a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. And having surrendered his life to Him, he is empowered by the Holy Spirit to tell others about Him (1 John 1:1).

Thanks for sharing with Us @STEEMCHURCH!



This is what we need if really we want to be a true witness of the gospel "Be sensitive to the circumstance of the person you are approaching, so that you are not perceived as an intruder or a disturbance. It is important you create a friendly environment that will earn you a welcome as a witness for Christ"

We are altogether commanded to observer to the same number of souls in the earth on the grounds that by doing that,we are likewise laying up treasures for ourselves in paradise

As good Christians and children of God.
We have to preach the gospel and the good news and good work of God to everyone across the world.

We are saved and commissioned to spread the good news to the world.
We are given a responsibility to preach the gospel to people out there. We are to represent Christ and tell the whole world who Christ is and His ability to save.

Witnessing is sharing with others or testifying of one's personal salvation experience, so as to win them for Christ. A witness is a person who has first-hand information that he can tell anyone who needs it. In this case, a witness is a person who has a personal encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. And having surrendered his life to Him, he is empowered by the Holy Spirit to tell others about Him (1 John 1:1)

I've come across a lot of witness, most of them are always smart and they have confidence in their work, they aren't shy. Thank for sharing sir

God bless you.

numerous souls in the earth in light of the fact that are inside and out by doing that,we are additionally laying up treasures for ourselves in paradise

We are altogether ordered to observer to the same number of souls in the earth in light of the fact that by doing that,we are additionally laying up treasures for ourselves in paradise

The joy of a teacher is when he sees his students practicing what he taught them and when they also teach others.

It gives God joy to see His children represent Him by preaching the gospel of Christ to people and by living our lives to glorify Him.
We just have to live out the Christ in us and represent Him

God is a witness: He testifies to the veracity of His Son. Jesus is a witness of Himself and the Father by His words and actions. The Holy Spirit is a witness to Jesus. The Scriptures are a witness of the Trinity. The Law and the Prophets were a witness. The apostles gave witness. The angels witness. People’s actions are a witness against themselves. The human conscience is a witness of the laws of God. People witness to their experience, and believers are to be witnesses of the Gospel to the entire world (John 5:32, 5:39, 8:18, 15:26; Romans 3:21; Acts 10:43; Matthew 23:31; Romans 2:15; John 4:39; Acts 1:8; Matthew 28:19).

To Witness is to be able to stand on God's eye and be ready to defend our faith in times of both good or bad situations no matter what it will take us wheather life or dead.
God will always guild those who have given him honour and glory and those whoa are doing his will
There is no other king greater than the lord who made heaven and earth and give it air.
The Lord our savour is the light of the world for who so ever believe in him shall see external brightness
His light conquar all darkness for those who believe in him.
Working towards faith is all we should be doing all the time to receive the light.
Humility and faith through christ can bring us closer to God .
When you accept christ in your life you have already made a decision of being with him and working for him through your believe
its tells us what the lord will definiatelly do for you , the lord has made a clear way and prepare the perfect way for us .

Thanks for this awesome contribution to #STEEMCHURCH.

Its our responsiblity as Christian to live a life that pleases God because our body is the temple of the Holy spirit. Because he Dwells in Us. Also share his word

Go yesterday unto all the Earth and preach all the gospel....

Great post
We are witnesses of Christ as what Christ is,is portrayed in us.God sees us as miniaters and workers in his vineyard.I love what you said here" A witness is one who has first' hand information or experience to share with others. In this case' only the person who is born again, who has received and believed in Jesus, is empowered by the Holy Spirit to become a witness for Him."
Witnessing is also vital to the evangelical ministry,that is witness is wideranged.Waiting for the part 2 boss.
Continue the good works

Be sensitive to the circumstance of the person you are approaching, so that you are not perceived as an intruder or a disturbance. It is important you create a friendly environment that will earn you a welcome as a witness for Christ.
This is key

Amazing Great Post Thanks For Sharring This Great post I always Follow You

This is the thing that we require if truly we need to be a genuine observer of the gospel "Be touchy to the condition of the individual you are drawing closer, so you are not seen as a gatecrasher or an unsettling influence. It is essential you make a cordial situation that will acquire you a welcome as an observer for Christ"

We are all mandated to witness to as many souls in the earth because by doing that,we are also laying up treasures for ourselves in heaven
Thanks @goldenheart

Preaching the Gospel was the assignment given to us by Jesus.
He say we should go into the world and Preach the Gospel.
nice post @goldenheart