Therefore, there remains a rest for the people of God.

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

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"For he who has entered into his rest has also rested from his works, as God did from his."

According to Genesis, God rested on the seventh day and we have previously defined the nature of His rest. It was not a physical rest for the work done in creation. That was not at all the idea behind the term "rest." The thought expressed here contained the idea of ​​something complete, finished in all its parts. The work of creation was over. Since then, God has never been busy creating. It's just that He needed so many atoms to create His universe, that He created them in the act, all at once. You have not had to create more since creation. Now, there have been quite a few changes that have taken place in the universe, but they were caused simply by those little original atoms changing places by themselves.


You and I live in a universe where the creation has been finalized, with the exception of the "new creation". And that new creation began there on Calvary, and on the day of Pentecost. The apostle Paul said in the second epistle to Corinthians 5, verse 17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away, all are new." The only thing that God is creating today are children of God, through faith in Christ. And to those children, He has promised them a rest. God has promised a heavenly rest, but, dear listener, He wants us to enjoy it even now. Someone has tried to express it more poetically by saying: "All the way to heaven is heaven."
We have to enjoy this life. This was what the author was talking about in this passage: God rested, concluded His work, has finished it. Consequently, you do not have to take the least action to do something to achieve your salvation. Is not it really an attitude of vanity on the part of our believing that you and I, as sinners, could do something that would propel God to think that he should feel satisfied to have us in heaven, because we are going to add more value to what is already there there? "Well, dear listener, reality is not like that, he did it all for us.
Even our own justice is equivalent, before His glance, to dirty cloths, according to the prophet Isaiah. God can not accept our justice, because, really, we do not have any. The apostle Paul said, in Romans 3:10, "There is none righteous, no, not one." Therefore, He offers us a complete salvation, and when we trust in Christ, then we become a new creation in Him.

Credits for the author Luis de Miguel from the Bible school.
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