in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Good morning All, welcome to another week in this sequence of prayers.
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The enemy has never released her captives without war, in his, language, there is no such vocabulary as reason, discussion or plea. The enemy only listens to the language of violence and “the violent taketh it by force” he releases captives only on war situations; so therefore, the mastery instructions and strategy for victory over the enemy on all issues is war. Someone said “we prepare for war in days of peace” and another states that boundaries are defined and issues properly accorded their rightful statue only if after a fearful and forceful war. Such is the true state of things in the spiritual realm, a fearful and forceful war puts the devil to where he rightfully belongs which is all round failures on all points.

On this ground, several and certain principles need to be adhered to, for some victory as numerated in Ephesians 6 :10 – 18. This is the master's piece, no war can be lost to the enemy when these are applied and no victory can be secured without them. The most dreadful wars ever fought are wars fought in the spirit and the spiritual realm, because here the whole system and faculty of the whole body, spirit and soul are involved and here the war is with the unseen spirit forces and influences, “we fight against unseen forces in the spiritual realm”, here you don’t see with mere eyes the forces involved but you sense their existence and operation in the spirit and you note the damages this spirit inflicts by what could be seen physically and the bible states “we are not fighting against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers , against spiritual wickedness in high places Eph 6 :12. This simply means that the forces engaged in battle are firstly principal and organised. They know what they are out for , their purposes are properly defined and diligently programmed to be carried out intelligently, of course, evil intelligence. Their mission diligently defined;kill steal and destroy John 10 : 10.

Powers- it implies that the forces are engaged against has power backing the principles and the power has one simple directive effect -

Spiritual wickedness - this means the forces we are engaged against has virtue as its key enemy, nothing good in its record, aspiration or expectation, only wickedness and this evil implementation of the enemy is programmed in the spiritual realm and carried out in the spiritual realm. Therefore, hell is programmed with evil antecedents as its only nature of operation . it demands that we must be strong in the Lord Eph 6 : 10 with all the necessary gadgets for winning the invincible war. This means being fit and prepared for this kind of warfare, it requires every spiritual sensitiveness, discipline, and rule adherence to be able to engage in this kind of war with the unseen Eph 6 : 13 – 18. Joel 3 : 9- 11, this involves the kind of prayer that one feels and perceives the war like atmosphere, this kind of prayer is engaging power forces in the battle of wits. The one that prays senses the atmosphere as seen saturated by other spiritually fleeing forces or engaging forces. This involves the act of binding every spiritual powers sensed in the spirit, it involves disengaging the enemies hold on territories meant to be captured and overtaken from the hands of the enemy. This means presenting the words of God, the spiritual legality of the word for divine dominance over the enemies, space of occupance psalm 2:8,rev 12. This kind of prayer is better prayed with the companionship and partnership with the holy ghost “when the enemy shall come liken a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard above them Isaiah 59 : 19.

When one is in the spirit he easily senses the extents of the intrusion of the enemy, the level of the damage done and the level of the intensity of prayer required for total victory.

Those who engage in spiritual warfare knows the benefits accruable from winning the invincible war. They entered the battle first and never leave until victory is theirs, they never back down ,nor out as cowards in the middle of a battle. This is as a result of their resolve for purposeful preparedness for only victory and not failures Joel 3 :9.

The general that led the first gulf war General Collin Powell said about the executions and success of the gulf war that “ninety percent of the war was prepared and concluded at the pentagon, the military head o states of America and ten percent was delivered at the gulf region.

If this could be translated in the spiritual realm it means that through warfare prayer ninety percent of our victory over the enemy must be secured in prayers by all necessary assurance of victory then ten percent should be discovered by public degrees of faith. So you can force the enemy to surrender all the treasuries in her custody by warfare prayer with the assurance that you can step into and claim victory after the warfare victories. Someone said “the more we engage with devil in warfare prayers, the more freedom of spirit and ease in the handlings of the issues of life. Jesus instructs us,” before you enter a strong man's house bind him first before you take his goods”. The few prayer statements of Elijah were the results of long standing before God 1kings 18 : 36 – 38, 1kings 17 :1.

The war must be won or lost in the spiritual realm or spirit before any statement of faith be issued, but we have strong assurance of victory :”whatsoever ye shall bind on earth is bound in heaven.

Thanks to all that read, more blessings.

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