There is no nobler task or more profitable activity than worshiping to the only living and true God. Worshiping God produces a lasting enrichment and inner strengthening generated by an intimate and harmonious relationship with the creator. But what is to worship? Only the Bible sets the guidelines for a correct definition of worship. Pay tribute, praise, recognition, worship and exaltation to the sovereign God. Worship is not a liturgical ceremony but an act of being
The words worship and adoration are commonly used among Christians, but the understanding of them is not all clear. Many confuse to worship with certain religious shows where emotions overflow. Others identify it with repetitive and systematic cults, but empty and without dynamism. God wants to teach us about adoration and adoration from a biblical perspective, theological and practical to understand the nature of true adoration
Sometimes the nature of the true has been confused worship. On the one hand, it has been identified as worshiping with mystical activities and with emotional experiences, althoughthere is emotion in adoration. On the other hand, it has been sitting that worship has to do with a cold liturgy, monotonous and pedantic.
The clear teaching of true worship is found in the Bible: the center of worship is God. The communion, the praise and intimate relationship with the sovereign Lord God are the essence of worship The word teaches that worshiping the eternal is an intimate matter of the heart. Has to see with the relationship between the inner being of the individual and the God Holy with whom you can have communion. That is worship: Enter intimate communion with God no matter the place and the circumstances in which the worshiper finds himself
God wants to lay biblical foundations to recover a life of adoration, both at home and in the church. It is necessary have a clear philosophy of true worship. The fact It is simple that God today, as in the past, continues looking for worshipers who adore him in spirit and in truth.
Worshiping God is not the execution of a liturgical rite but a reality of intimate communion with Him. Man was created with the primary purpose of paying homage to the unique, eternal and wise God in accordance with the truth that He Himself has revealed in his Word. That adoration must be both personal as a collective, but it should always be done in a way that please Him.
The Bible teaches the unity of God as his tripersonal essence. God is Father, son and Holy Spirit in as to people, but it is a single divine essence. Faith Christian is fundamentally Trinitarian.
The Christian who knows how to worship approaches God the Father through of the son and in the Holy Spirit. In this way he can adore God fully.
The reality of sin in human experience makes it impossible that man can approach God on his own merits. The human being is not able to seek God because sin it prevents it. God, however, has approached man. The has done personally through the incarnation of God The son. Furthermore, God has revealed to man his will in the Scriptures The Bible teaches that God demands exclusive worship because He is the only one worthy to be worshiped.
Man can not worship God "in his own way". Have to do it as He Himself states in His word. Of the same way that the musician follows the conductor so that the symphony sounds harmonious, the worshiper must follow the guidelines established by God in his word. He is pleased when he is he adores as he has established in the Bible, and he dislikes when man invents his own philosophy of worship.
He Old and New Testament give us examples of how build a coherent argument regarding the need to practice the kind of worship that conforms to the rules divine The men and women of the Bible who learned to worship God in spirit and in truth they were normal people with the same problems, concerns and frustrations that They weigh on people today. The secret of them (if you can call them that) is that they learned to depend on God and gave priority to communion with the Mr. Ana, Samuel's mother, was a sterile woman, something humiliating for a woman of those times. She did not stop worshiping God.
He prostrated himself before the Almighty, shed tears and He made his request in a humble way.
The Lord answered Ana's prayer. The heart of that woman was fully exposed before God. Do not there was space forbidden to God in the life of Ana.
David was also a genuine worshiper of God. With their defects and their falls, David is an example of a believer who longed to be in the presence of God Just read some of the psalms to know and understand something of their life and his experience as an intimate of the Lord. Both its virtues as its flaws constitute a profitable lesson for who longs to be a true worshiper of God. Plus revealing could still be Job's experience. That man It was just tested to a great extent.
God allowed the enemy would afflict you. However, in the midst of the terrible sufferings, Job worshiped God with all his heart. The great lessonis that the true worshipers raise their eyes to the Almighty, they depend on Him at all times and give thanks no only when they receive the good, but also during the more difficult tests.
However, Jesus is our best example of a worshiper. God manifested in flesh. He came to the world to reveal God among the men. He lived in every sense the kind of life that pleases the Father. Being God, "I do not consider being equal to God as a thing to cling to. " The Lord Jesus taught men how worship the only living and true God.

If someone has doubts about what it means to be a true worshiper who looks to Jesus and learn from Him. The Lord taught his disciples to worshipFather in spirit and in truth, but you should not forget that the son he is worthy of the same honor and adoration as the Father. Also the Holy Spirit has a participation in the worship. Just as the son came to reveal the Father to the men, the Holy Spirit has come to reveal and glorify God the son. The importance of the Holy Spirit in worship It is unquestionable.
It is my desire that every truth of our worship biblically ordered that many things begin to be transformed in our life while we wait for the light of his Glory be kindled in our hearts, houses, his people, the cities and nations of the earth.

Sing new chants, chants directed by the Holy Spirit of God, relative groups that review paradigms,
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