Parents are always ignored. " That is the first great lesson we learn in life. When we are little they prepare our minds to obey each one of the counsels and commandments of our fathers. Our supreme father is God, for that reason we must obey his commandments.
Let us always obey Jehovah. Jesus always did what pleased God. However, there was at least one time when he would have wanted to face a situation in a way that did not coincide with his Father's wishes. Even so, he showed total confidence in him and said: "Do not do my will, but yours" (Luke 22:42). Let us ask ourselves: "Do I obey God even when it is not easy?" Unless we do so, we will not get life. Let us remember that we owe him absolute obedience, since he is the one who has given us life and everything necessary to maintain it (Psalm 95: 6, 7). Obedience is essential. Without it we can never have God's favor.
Obedience is a responsible attitude of collaboration and participation, important for good relations, coexistence and productive tasks. The action of obeying is one in which rules, orders, rules and behaviors are obeyed.
Obedience is not determined by the affection you may have towards the person who authorizes, commands or asks, concentrates on performing the task or fulfilling the task entrusted to you, without asking for anything in return. Obedience has nothing to do with submission and that is well known by those who are used to deciding and acting from freedom. Obedience is to behave with responsibility and consequence.
The story of Daniel illustrates some key elements of obedience. We see the wise young man doing what the Lord commanded, both in the right way and at the right time.
Daniel knew that God's law forbade eating things that had been offered to idols. But he was living in captivity in Babylon, a nation that worshiped false gods, and soon faced a difficult situation. King Nebuchadnezzar had commanded that the most exquisite food that had been first presented to the idols be sent to Daniel later. Was it better to obey the Lord and risk the king's wrath, or disobey God and satisfy the ruler?
At first glance, Daniel's conflict was due to whether the food was acceptable or not. But, in reality, it was a matter of fidelity to God. He could have given convincing reasons to violate the divine commandment, telling himself that he was a servant and that he had no other choice. But Daniel resolved not to eat the king's food, and sought a way to honor the Lord and obey his law.
Today, many things that our world considers acceptable are outside of what God wants for their children. Some are not good for us, while others do not honor him. Our desire must be to obey the Lord, because obedience to God is always the best option.
In order to become like Daniel, we must commit ourselves to obey the Lord and to always use the Word of God to make decisions. Then, when the challenges come, we will have courage to obey the precepts of the Lord.
If you really listen to the Lord your God, and faithfully fulfill all these commandments that I command you today, the Lord your God will set you above all the nations of the earth.
Deuteronomy 28: 1
Who to obey
To God and his word. Acts 5:29; Responding Peter and the apostles, they said: It is necessary to obey God rather than men.
To the parents. Ephesians 6: 1; Children, OBEDECED in the Lord to your parents, because this is just.
To the ecclesiastical authorities. Hebrews 13:17: OBEY your shepherds, and submit yourselves to them; because they watch over your souls, as those who must give an account; so that they do it with joy, and not complaining, because this is not profitable for you.
God is struck by Obedient people, will you be one of them? God really wants to give you a miracle, to give clarity to your life, to use your life; but for this you have to pay a price that is not so high and that price is your obedience.
Benefits of obedience
The benefits of obedience go far beyond the relationship between parents and children. For human society to function well and be productive, there must be cooperation, which in turn demands a degree of obedience. For example, in a marriage, the disposition to yield, and not the demanding or insensitive attitude towards the rights and feelings of the spouse, is what will redound in peace, harmony and happiness. In the field of work, subordination of the employee is essential for the business or the company to be successful. With respect to the laws and rules stipulated by the government, obedience not only delivers punishment from the citizen, but also brings at least some degree of security and protection (Romans 13: 1-7, Ephesians 5: 21-25; : 5-8).
Obedience not only produces happy family relationships and other life-long benefits, it also provides the foundation upon which the most important relationship of all can be built: the relationship between a person and his Creator. Jehovah God, as the "Magnificent Creator" with whom he is "the source of life," rightly deserves our absolute obedience (Ecclesiastes 12: 1, Psalm 36: 9).
We instill obedience from childhood, as a fundamental value.