The righteous will do well

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

We are heirs of God so we must approach Him trusting in His love and offering him acts of justice.

Justice and mercy are two different values ​​although they are related. When we have mercy with others, God is just with us and when He has mercy on us, we must act fairly towards others.
Let us be fair to Him and to our fellows, especially those who have had mercy in some way.

For example, a worker who has been forgiven some fault, should be fair to his boss and not only stop doing the wrong thing that was forgiven him, but also compensate in some way what he did.

If he stole, he must return the stolen property, in addition to working twice as much to make up for his lack. In other words, it will stop doing the bad and will do something very good in return.

It is necessary to do works of justice for those who had mercy with us. If your wife forgave you infidelity, in addition to not deceiving her again, you must compensate her with a lot of love and details. It is not about equalizing the situation, but about overcoming it with the good. It offers gestures of justice to those who have shown you mercy.

Apply that same principle to God who constantly forgives you. If we must forgive seventy times seven the faults of our brothers, He forgives us even more, then, imagine how many expressions of justice we should give to God! Do not abuse His mercy and show that you value it, offering acts of justice.

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Matthew 20: 8-15 does not count on justice: When the night came, the lord of the vineyard said to his steward: Call the workers and pay them their wages, beginning from the last to the first. And when those who had come near the eleventh hour came, they each received a denarius. When the first also came, they thought that they should receive more; but they also each received a denarius. And when they received it, they murmured against the father of the family, saying: These last have worked a single hour, and you have made them equal to us, that we have borne the burden and the heat of the day. He, responding, said to one of them: Friend, I do not harm you; Did not you agree with me on a denarius? Take what is yours, and go; but I want to give to this last, as to you. Is it not lawful for me to do what I want with my own? Or are you envious because I am generous?

Remember that this story tells us about the owner of a vineyard that hired workers. The first ones he sent to work since the beginning of the day, he paid them according to the agreement and those he hired when there was only an hour left, he told them they would receive the right amount, although they did not know how much. The latter trusted him and did not demand any contract, like the first. Many times we want to negotiate with God and we condition him, telling him that we will serve him but we ask for something in return. That attitude is not the correct one since we must serve him without expecting anything because we are sure that He will always give us the right thing.

God always tests the intentions of our heart. In this parable, the lord of the vineyard tested the last workers when he hired them saying that he would pay the fair and they accepted, trusting him, grateful for the opportunity to work even if it was only an hour. Surely it was them who he hired for the next day and if he paid them a penny per hour of work, he would pay them twelve denarii for twelve hours. This is the justice of the Lord that gives us more than we imagine!
We must learn from them and take advantage of opportunities, however small they may seem because they are surely the right ones at that moment in your life. Sometimes we are "full of stories" and act with arrogance, expecting only great opportunities, but only those who show value in what little will be put in much. The small opens the doors in a big way. Take advantage of everything that comes!


Then, those who hired first, tested them last, at the time of payment and did not pass the test because they acted with rebellion, criticizing without thanks. Sometimes our requests are manipulations. We say to God: "Heal me because I am your servant and I serve you". We do not realize that He heals us because on the cross of Calvary he paid the price for blessing us, he does it because he loves us and because we were healed by His wound! He gave us eternal life out of love, not out of gratitude to the choirs we sing to him. Adorn him for what he has given you, not to manipulate him. When Peter was sinking, he did not start "singing choruses", but he got to the point and asked for mercy, the same thing I did when my son, a month after being born, was asleep in his crib and suddenly woke up trying to take a breath and I could not breathe I took it by the arms and extended it upwards crying out to Jesus, I heard an inner voice in my head that told me: suck your nose and so I did and my baby could breathe, babies in their first 6 months not they know how to breathe through their mouth, they only do it through their nose if there is any obstruction that can be dangerous for the newborn. There, the Lord made me see that His mercy reached me and so it was.

If you have served the Lord selflessly and have fully trusted in his justice, I assure you that the second day of work is coming, when he will pay you more than you imagine. It will give you twelve times more, it will bless you in abundance, do not doubt it. Do not put conditions on God to serve him. You must break the spiritual contracts! Say: "Sir, I sign a blank document, I will serve you without conditions and I know that you will give me what is fair". Do not limit it, let him do according to his justice.

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Isaiah 3: 10-11 says: Tell the righteous that it will be well, because he will eat the fruit of his hands. Woe to the wicked! Evil will go, because according to the works of his hands he will be paid.
All, just and unjust, receive fruit of their work. He will do well to who does the right thing because he works and strives. In the same way, it will go bad for those who do not work with justice and waste opportunities. Strive to do the work that corresponds to you and God will bless you in your time. Do not wait to be a manager to show that you are capable of achieving great things. Reach your goals as a worker, clerk or general manager of the company where you work. Do not be like those who had work all day and protested what the master did with his money. Do your part and you will receive what is fair.
Proverbs 3: 9-10 says: Honor Jehovah with your goods, and with the first fruits of everything and your barns will be filled with plenty, and your presses will overflow with new wine. And also his word says that if in the little you are faithful in how much he will put you

God fills up the overflowing granaries of the righteous who honor Him with the firstfruits of their crops. That's the way it was in those days. The first of a harvest was consecrated to the Lord because it was the way to ensure abundance of fruit. The granaries were built calculating the harvest and they knew that by honoring God, these granaries would overflow, but if they did not, there would be plenty of space and the harvest would not be abundant. The biblical economy is not linked to mercy but to justice. By doing the right thing, God justly blesses us.


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Ephesians: 6: 1-3 Remember: Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and your >mother, which is the first commandment with promise; so that it may go well for you, and you may be of long life on >earth.

If you walk with righteousness you will realize that the commandments of God are sweet as honey, righteous and true, related to promises. If you fulfill them, you receive a blessing, the fruit of your good works

Therefore, God asks obedience from our parents because disobedience is an act of injustice. Of course it refers to obeying them in the Lord, that is, doing what is good and holy, not what we know to be sin. A father should never ask a son to take the check to the mistress or buy him drugs because his son, with justice, can refuse. A wife will not obey her husband if he asks her to sleep with another man. Obedience and subjection must be in the Lord and according to His laws.

Obedience and honor are two very different things. You can obey without honoring, but never honor without obeying. Obeying parents is very important because it is linked to a great promise of blessing and long life on earth. It's as if you told your son that you will give him a prize for getting good grades and also, you will give him something extra if he gets 90 points in math. That way you tell him that mathematics is the most important thing. The same thing happens with this commandment. God promises us extra blessing if we fulfill it.

Some have pending gifts that they should intend to give to their parents to honor them. We can justify ourselves in many ways not to do it or strive to fulfill. If you want to have a long life on earth and to do well, honor and obey your parents. That is the righteous promise of the Lord. The reward will come in addition.

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the just will be fine. Powerful prophetic promise for the righteous. Now, what is a prophetic promise? Something that God has announced and that sooner or later happens in the lives of those who believe. And it does not matter how the world goes, or it does not matter what ... the world is saying, but today I tell you that those who are living in a just life will do well. Who is a Just? It is good to remember it, because the prophetic promise declares: "JUSTO will do well". It is to the righteous, does not say to the believer, does not say to the one who attends a Church, does not say to the one who touches palmitas, does not say to the one who speaks in tongues, does not say to the religious, does not say to the emotional, does not say to the carnal, says: "The JUST will be fine." The word "Just" in its original translates: "whole, blameless, right, upright, faithful, loyal, honest, true".


Jesus christ is the righteous one we are to all emulate, his walk on this earth was extra ordinary and he made impact the earth can never recover from, this is what the Bible says teaching on righteousness.

Proverbs 21:21; He that followeth after righteousness and mercy findeth life, righteousness, and honour.

Matthew 6:33; But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Titus 2:11-12; 11.For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
12.Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world

God is a just and fair God, who permits the principle of sowing and reaping to take its course without interference. With respect to the story of the landowner in Matt. 20; aside from the message that God does not admire idleness, it's evident that Christ was trying to teach us the importance of trusting in His judgement, which the first hireling didn't fully grasp, but the others got it with humility. I mean they accepted His(land owner) judgement: "I will pay you whatever is RIGHT...

However, I have my reservation for this statement, maybe you can throw more light:

Obedience and honor are two very different things. You can obey without honoring, but never honor without obeying.

Nevertheless, I must say the textual animation are nice. Were they created with Corel Draw X8?

Thanks @michellechristie for sharing this great post.
Kind regards.

The Just One is the one who walks completely before God and men; integrity is to be one piece, it is not double-sided, transparent, it is not hypocritical, ahead of one thing and behind is another; the Just is the one who listens and obeys God; the Just is the one who walks fearfully before God; the Just is the one who speaks truthfully, does not speak lies or deceives anyone; the Just lives in righteousness, is morally upright; the Just does NOT tolerate sin, nor participates in the unfruitful works of darkness, does not acolyte them, but reproves them, denounces them; the Just does not practice a life of injustice; the Just obeys his natural and spiritual coverages; the Just does not take the name of the Lord in vain; the Just does not beat his chest but lives a holy life; the Just does not ask for forgiveness and then continues to do the same.

Apply that same principle to God who constantly forgives you. If we must forgive seventy times seven the faults of our brothers, He forgives us even more, then, imagine how many expressions of justice we should give to God! Do not abuse His mercy and show that you value it, offering acts of justice.

This is so sweet and real.
Romans 6:1-2

What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?
2 God forbid. How shall we, that are dead to sin, live any longer therein?