in steemchurch •  6 years ago  (edited)


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Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit through obedience and consistent followership. The sons of the prophets testifies of the anointing upon him.

“And when the sons of the prophets
which were to view at Jericho saw him, they said,
the spirit of Elijah doth rest on Elisha. And they came to meet him,
and bowed themselves to the ground before him

2 Kings 2:15

The miracles of Elisha started with the parting of river Jordan when he smote the water with Elijah’s mantle. Several other miracles trailed his ministry many of which were unprecedented.

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Elijah’s miracles touched every sphere of human needs. Added to these were the miracles of judgment on sinning person and nations. After his death, contact with his bones revived the dead.

“And it came to pass, as they were burying a man,
that, behold, they spied a band of men,
and they cast the man into the sepulcher of Elisha
and when the man was let down, and touched the bones of Elisha,
he revived, and stood up on his feet”

2 Kings 13:21

Believers who walk closely with men of God can receive anointing for ministry through obedience, diligence, watchfulness and steadfast following. Elisha employed several materials and methods in his miracles. He also put men’s faith to work for those who simply obeyed his instructions, like the widow of a prophet who borrowed empty vessels to be filled from a pot of oil and Naaman who dipped himself seven times in river Jordan for the cleansing of his leprosy.

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Miracles are supernatural acts of God in the intervention of human spiritual and physical needs. They are not for fun but serve the purpose of drawing men to God, comforting and reassuring believers of the power of their Creator and compelling backsliders to return to the Lord.


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Elisha’s life and ministry drew attention from within and outside the nation of Israel. His miracles brought recognition to Israel as a nation of Jehovah. Heathens far and near were subdued. They feared the God of Israel and reverenced His prophets.

However, Jehoram the son of Ahab was an evil king. After the death of his father, the king of Moab rebelled against the king of Israel.

But it came to pass, when Ahab was dead,
that the king of Moab rebelled
against the King of Israel

2 Kings 3:5

Jehroram decided to fight the king of Moab without consulting God. But Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, advised him to seek God concerning the battle.

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Elisha rebuked the king of Israel who apologetically asked for his assistance. His prophecies were clear, exact fulfilled to the letter. He exalted righteousness. Contemporary minsters and preachers should avoid singing the praise of the wicked because of their exalted position or what they stand to gain. Like Elisha, they should disregard those who are vile but honor those who fear the Lord.

In whose eyes a vile person is condemned,
but he honoureth them that fear the LORD,
He that sweareth to his own hurt,
and changeth not

Psalm 15:4

Also, they should not be overzealous in praying, prophesying or conduction healing and deliverance for people without emphasizing holiness without which no man shall see the LORD.

Follow peace with all men and Holiness
without which no man shall see GOD

Hebrews 12:14

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It is instructive that the people prepared themselves and were obedient to the words of Elisha. For anyone to enjoy God’s blessings there is need for personal preparation and faith.

“Now there cried a certain woman
of the wives of the sons of the
prophets unto Elisha, saying,
Thy servant my husband is dead;
and thou knowest that thy servant
did fear the LORD: and the creditor is
come to take unto him my two sons to be bondmen”

2 Kings 4:1

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This widow cried to the man of God, drawing his attention to her late husband service to the Lord. Moved by her plea, Elisha instructed her to borrow vessels in readiness for a miracle of supply. She obeyed and enjoyed a miraculous provision, which she used to pay her debts and lived on the rest. God is still able to provide for His people today to ease them out of their difficulties.

Elisha’s miracles of provision extended to the detoxifying of a poisonous pottage for the sons of the prophets at Gilgal and multiplication of bread for one hundred men. His prophecy of abundance acme to pass at the gate of Samaria after the Syrian siege. God also used four feeble lepers to proclaim abundant provision outside the gate of Samaria.


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Image from catholiccatalogue

There were also great miracles of deliverance and healing that followed Elisha’s ministry. These included, amongst others the deliverance of Israel from the plot of the kings of Syria and Moab, provision of a son for the Shunammite woman and healing of Naaman, the captain of the host of Syria.


Elisha manifested the gifts of the word of knowledge and discernment for the great deliverance of kings in his day. His prophecy and counsel delivered the kind of Israel from his enemies strategies.

“And the king of Israel sent to the
place which the man of God told him
and warned him or, and saved
himself there, not once nor twice”

2 Kings 6:10

His exploits in war subdued the adversaries of Israel. He delivered his servant from fear when he asked God to open his eyes to see the chariots of the host of heaven around them.

Through Elijahs prayer, the woman of Shunem conceived and gave birth to a son. Even when the child fell ill and died, Elisha’s prayer brought him back to life 2 Kings 4:33-35. The faith of this woman is worthy of mention. Instead of resigning to fate, she spoke her faith to reality. Thus when the man of God, through his servant, asked

… “Is it well with thee?
Is it well with thy husband?
Is it well with the child?
... she answered, It is well”

2 Kings 4:26

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In spite of our situations, we should learn to make positive confessions because there is power in confession. Naaman was cured of leprosy after dipping himself seven times in river Jordan according to the instruction of the man of God.

“Then went he down,
and dipped himself seven times in Jordan,
according to the saying of the
man of God an his flesh came
again like unto the flesh of
a little child, and he was clean”

2 Kings 5:14

Another aspect of Elisha’s ministry is that of the miracle of judgment. His curse resulted in the death of forty-two young persons of Bethel who made mockery of him. By his unusual provision of watering ditches in the wilderness of Edom, he confused the Moabites who saw the water as blood of the slain. They became easy prey for the armies of the three kings. After praying to the Lord to smite the Syrian army with blindness, Elisha led them captive from Dothan to Samaria where he prayed again and they recovered their sight. Gehazi coveted the wealth of Naaman and became a leper according to the word of the man of God.

“Take heed, and beware of covetousness:
for a man’s life consisteth not
I the abundance of the things
which he possesseth”

Luke 12:15

Those who merchandise of God's people will not escape judgment except they repent.

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In the ministry of Elisha, his language bore very compassionate disposition. He showed deep concern for the pains and sorrow of the afflicted and never used his anointing to exploit or oppress any sincere seeker. He did not accept praise to himself as he always referred to the God of Israel at whose instance he served his nation. His comforting words to the widow who was afflicted with debts exemplified his care and love.

Some sundry events in the miracles of Elisha teach us some lessons.

One, the little maid’s testimony in Naaman’s house added a great opportunity for Elisha to prove the power of the God of Israel to Syria. Believers are enjoined to be witnesses to the grace that is in Christ.

Two, some of Elisha’s miracles were supported by personal faith of the recipients. The widow demonstrated faith and borrowed enough empty vessels.

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Image from nicholshillsumc

The armies of the three kings dug ditches in the valley without doubt before were miraculously filled with water. Thus, the ministry of Elisha was received by faith, empowered by faith, practiced by faith and perfected on others by faith.


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Good to hear from you richi-3, Thanks for sharing with Us!



  ·  6 years ago (edited)

In the spirit of obedience, we become powerful tools (like Elisha) to the advancement of the kingdom as instruments of truth and power..

I have always admired the Ministry of Elisha by the long way of miracles lived because of the faith and obedience to God .. good topic thank you for sharing.

This is quality, well detailed and awesome.

Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit through obedience and consistent followership.

Hence, The two greatest characteristics of a believer is obedience by faith and constant fellowship. Thanks for sharing, brother!
I tap into the anointing of Prophet Elisha.

Thanks bro

Great content bro, spreading the gospel on the blockchain.

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