Secrets Of Self-Control (1)

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

‘A man’s temptation is due to the pull of his own inward desires.’ James 1:14 PHPSThere are many great people that never become great simply because Self-Control is missing in theirlives, Self control is the ability to delay immediate pressure by discipline. Many "would-be" great people could not exercise self control in issues relating to Money, Power, Talking, Sex, Success, Traveling Abroad, etc. This is why they sell off their greatness for far too cheap a pleasure of sin. Working on building a better future for yourself as the Lord has promised or as a Prophet has prophesied is not a day's job, it will always require a great amount of self-control. Because kingdoms suffer when the king is a child.So in this new month for the next few days let’s lookat how to develop self-control.Here’s the first step: accept responsibility for your lack of self-control. Admit your problem. ‘A man’s temptation is due to the pull of his own inward desires, which can be enormously attractive.’ The main reason you do things – is because you like to! When you know something’s bad for you but you still do it, it’s because you secretly want to. Sometimes many try to ignore the problem of self-control or deny it: When I ask some people about the problems they face they usually reply - ‘What problem sir? I don’t have a problem,’ or ‘It’s just the way I am,’ or ‘Everybody else is doing it.’ Some may even blame others: ‘If I just had differentparents,’ or ‘The devil made me do it.’ As long as you waste your energy making excuses, you can’t make progress. Also as long as you want to SOLVE the problem ALONE you can not solve it. When you run from those who tell you the bitter truth, then issue will keep beating u down. I have tried to help people who eventually run away then I simply laugh because it is not NEW, we want to go to school but once we have begun it feels too difficult so we avoid classes and our teachers. Many who even beg to be trained eventually run or turn to become little accusers and critics because they want a suitable method.... everyone seems to forget that the Student does not choose the Teacher, its the other way around. There are still those who claim they want to be helped but will never open up or admit the truth about their issues- I am amazed howa patient can go to the hospital and expect the doctor to treat them without saying what the problem really is. Thank God for God's word that has revealed us these things before we encounter them.James points out that many people like to take the path of least resistance, and giving in to temptation is usually the easiest course. The starting point for developing self-control is to face what God has already said in His Word: ‘Everyone who sins is a slave to sin’ (John 8:34 NIV). Do you want more self-control? Then admit you have a problem, and be specific about it: ‘I have this problem. This is where I need help.’ You may have a problem with food, drink, drugs, words, your temper, money, exercise, sex, TV, clothes, time – all these areas need self-control. So today get down on your knees and talk to God first about the problem, meet your someone ahead of you to really help you with the process and be ready to yield to the process of change believing that with God's help you’ll be able to solve it.

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