in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

There are three (3) major questions a believer must ask relating to our walk In the ANCIENT PATH .What is your present state spiritually? Where are you in your journey with God? and Who are you journeying with? To this point, there is a crying in heaven till now saying REPENT for the kingdom of God is at hand (Matt 3: 2). Your Journey and present state in faith (Jude 3) determines whether you are a thief or a son (for he that did not pass through the gate is a thief).
The state of your walking in the ancient path will bring you to these five stages you cannot escape, namely: Remorse, Repentance, Remission, Restitution and Revival. imagesource

  1. REMORSE: A deep regret or feeling of guilt or sadness for one’s sin or wrongdoing. It is a godly sorrow that that produces repentance bringing man back to the ancient path. Our coming to the altar when we do something wrong or expression of sadness will amount to nothing without repentance and conversion accompany it. (2 Cor. 7:9-10, Isaiah 66:2, Psalm 34:18)
  2. REPENTANCE: Repentance is a change of mind or behaviour towards God in total brokenness and submission to His word and will. It is not merely confession through necessary, but a product of inner sincere realization of one’s sinful state, fallen nature which is accompanied by grief and godly sorrow of your sin and going back to God by walking in the ancient path. (Acts 17:30; 3:19)
    Importance of Repentance: Escape from destruction (Luke 13:3) ,Entrance to the kingdom of God (Heb.l2: 14, Matt. 3:2) ,Entrance to the ancient path
  3. REMISSION: This word signifies a release from bondage or imprisonment, dismissal, sending away, and forgiveness, with the added quality of counselling out all judgement, punishment, obligation, or debt. (Heb. 9:22, Heb. 10: 1 5-18)
  4. RESTITUTION: This is you returning back to God, the vertical aim of the cross is getting right with God and the horizontal aim is resolving every conflict with the fellow man, this is the ancient path. it is the attitude and action that follow repentance. (Acts 24:16, Luke 19:1-9)
  5. REVIVAL: Without repentance and restitution revival cannot come; Those who has come to the path of righteousness; are the one that have access to revival. (Acts 3:19)
    The stages of your walk in the ancient path is being communicated by one language called LOVE (1John 4:16). imagesourceThe matter of love we profess today is an imperfect love to God and our neighbours. The love of one for God is determined by ones walking in the ancient path.

a Love brings fulfilment of the law (Gen. 13:8-10, I Cor. 13:5).

b Love mark the ancient path: A path with cravings for the master (Rom. 8:35).

c Love make one perfect (1 John 4:9).
Those who do not overlook these stages of the ancient path become like minded with God in love; this is following and focussing continually on Jesus the author and finisher of our faith.

Blessed Morning!!!

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We all need the grace of to possess such virtues.God help us all