STEEMCHURCH- Sowing and Reaping

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 


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Galatians 6:7

Be not deceived God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth that he shall also reap

Life is ruled by the principle of sowing and reaping. Nothing works without it. Everything must produce after its kind. God inaugurated thrs princrple in the beginning of creation. Every harvest has a seed. and every seed must produce after its kind. To expect a harvest without sowing a seed isto be deluded.

Our opening verse tells us to not be deceived or self deluded in thinking that harvest will show up having not sown seeds. God is not mocked by expecting a harvest without seed sowing, the One with expectation is mocked he is deceived and deluded. Every expectation of the heart answers to seed. There is a kind of seed required to produce every expectation of the heart. Genesis 8'22 tells us that seedtime and harvest will not cease, so long the earth remains. This is a universal principle that must be respected to command every harvest that is in your heart don't despise it. Let your heart open up to sowrng and reaping. Make the Word work for you in every Sphere of your life.

luke 8.11 tells us that the seed is the Word of God. That means the Word comes to us as the chief Seed of all, and it names the seeds required to be sown for our expected harvests. 2 Corinthians 9:6-10 reveals to us how the Holy Spirit likened giving as an act of benevolence and liberality to Sowing. The apostle Paul by the Holy Spirit tells the Church at Corinth to sow their seeds of material resources to be a blessing to the Church at Jerusalem. He said they could either sow sparingly or bountifully; and then he said everyone should give as he purposes in his heart. Not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. He referred to givrng as seed sowing.


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Then He said God ministers seed to the sower. What seed? The Word? No! Material things. But He does it by the Word. How? Through the ministry of the Word, He reveals what to sow the seed. Then he said, God is able to make all grace abound towards them that they having all sufficiency in all things, may abound unto every good work. Every need requires a seed to be met, and the seed is always tied to giving service to others, material blessings. favour, etc. But it is always giving and receiving: Sowing and reaping.

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Good works eventually have great outcomes. We have to invest our time in doing good. Thanks for sharing this Sister Splendour.

Thanks for sharing on SteemChurch.

Every action has an outcome. When we do good, we get a number of positive outcomes. Like a wise man once said, it pays to be good.

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God's word is a great seed that after receiving we have to nurture it for it to produce more fruit. This is indeed a good message you have shared. God bless you @splendour21

There is time for everything,in view of that we must learn how to spend our time. Nice one dear.

The point is whoever sow sparingly will reap sparingly, also whoever sow bountifully will reap bountifully.
A wicked person earns deceptive wages.
But the one who sow righteousness reaps a good reward.
You reap what you sow, more than you sow and later than you sow.
Even though we are not farmers or gardeners we all are sowers and reapers.

Thanks for this.
The more we sow the seed of the word of God into our lives the more it germinates and bring fort fruit whenever we are facing any form of challenges that needed to be tackled.
It is the amount of the word we have runing in our spirit that will be pump out through our mouth when we are faced by the other side of life.

We should learn how to be good to othersbecause what we sow is what we will surely reap. Shalom

Thanks for this.
The more we sow the seed of the word of God into our lives the more it germinates and bring fort fruit whenever we are facing any form of challenges that needed to be tackled.
It is the amount of the word we have runing in our spirit that will be pump out through our mouth when we are faced by the other side of life.

We should learn how to be good to othersbecause what we sow is what we will surely reap. Shalom

Blessed is the one who sows good seed for they shall harvest good crops.

Only God can provide for us when we work in his vineyard.
We don't expect o reap from the vineyard when we don't work.
We should always give God all the glory and adoration in all we do everyday in both good and bad situation .
The lord do not need a dine from you all he needs is your heart and your sincerity believe in him and put all your trust in him and every other things shall be added according to his will and authority over his blood.
The grace of God is ultimate and the master of all things we should give him the lord all we have and we will expect the greatest thing in our lives .
The lord has shade his blood for our sake and it is left for us to accept him as our personal life and savour.
Lord who is our master is looking unto us to know how we his servant we execute His will and wish on earth while we are still in the world .
Christ never overlook his servants.
We as his servants should be ready to offer him the savour everything we have and all we know through the things we do to our fellow humans.
He will definitely be happy with us.
Give him praises and adoration and you will never lack

Good post.. Keep up the good boss..

Sowing #and Reaping has been Evolutionary..
Planting #and Harvesting
Committing a crime #and been punished

Thanks to @Steemchurch
For providing this platform.🙋

Ever since the beginning, man has understood the process of sowing and reaping and has applied it to his benefit.
God uses the law of sowing and reaping to bestow His blessing. God’s blessing comes generally to the whole world as He sends sun and rain to the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45).

Each one reaps what they sow. If you sow work, you will pick up successes. If you sow love, you will gather happiness. If you sow winds, you will gather storms. In short, if you want something to happen, predispose everything to make it happen.

When God created the world I believe it with his word and it was done, the words materialize because we are creative beings made in the image and likeness of God, with our words we can harm and also bless, in our mouth is the power of life and of death, his word says in Galatians 6: 7 Do not be deceived, no one makes fun of God; for everything that man sows, that will also reap. Thank you for sharing God bless you

Ever since the beginning, man has understood the process of sowing and reaping and has applied it to his benefit.
God uses the law of sowing and reaping to bestow His blessing. God’s blessing comes generally to the whole world as He sends sun and rain to the just and the unjust (Matthew 5:45).