Understanding God's nature

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 

Christians have different reasons for lacking assurance that God will answer their prayers. Some do not feel worthy of God’s answer. Others may harbour disappointment over things that have happened in their lives and wonder where God was when they faced those difficult times. Christians can and should expect the best from the Lord. Jesus taught us to be bold when praying to Him. We must take Him at His word and pray with the bold assurance of confident children who are secure in knowing they are in right relationship with their Heavenly Father.

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Luke 11:11-12.

which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?

In other to emphasise the confidence God's children should have when approaching their heavenly father, Jesus appealed to to God's nature. Unless we understand the nature of our Heavenly Father, we will not be able to appreciate the basis of the confidence.
Jesus posed thoughtful questions to His disciples to help them grasp why they can expect the best from God (Luke 11:11-12). The conclusion they should come to was obvious. If human fathers know how to give gifts to their children, how much more does the perfect Father know how to bless His children? He can certainly be counted as one to give only the best things to those whom He loves. God is love. Gold is self existent, righteous, faithful, sovereign, holy, tolerant and many more.

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Many people who grow up having unhealthy relationships with their fathers do not trust the notion of a Heavenly Father. This does not change who God is. If you are such a person, be encouraged to step out in faith and place your trust in God who loves you dearly. When we pray to God, He gives us answers that will be best for us in the long run, even though they don't seem to be so for His ways are perfect (2Samuel 22:31).
Prayer is meant to be so much more than just presenting a list of needs to God. We must learn to make the time we spend in prayer a conversation with God. Following the pattern for prayer Jesus taught us is an excellent first step in that direction. In praying there must be boldness, showing continuous action (luke9:10-11). The Lord will respond to the persistent Faith He sees shown by His children.

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