Eating an elephant

in steemchurch •  6 years ago 


We have all heard the question, ‘How do you eat an elephant?’ One bite at a time.

Well how do we become more like Jesus? One breath, One step of faith, One prayer and One sentence at a time.

One sentence? Yes, one sentence. I have struggled my whole life with reading. My eyeballs are faster than my brain and they skip ahead and I miss words, skip lines and find it difficult to stay focused, even in my daily devotions.

A couple of weeks ago I was trying to finish ‘Mere Christianity’ by CS Lewis, which I had picked up and put down several times over a 6 month period (the struggle is real). I realized I had only about 80 pages left but was not motivated to finish. So as someone who needs motivation I broke it down. Eighty pages divided by 24 hours of work at my job(security lots of free time) was only 3.3 pages an hour. Now that’s something I could do….and did.

Since then I’m using this method to break down other books by the day and hour. I breezed through a book by Cindy Trimm called ‘Commanding Your Morning’ in a week and I’m now working on ‘Crazy Love’ by Francis Chan. Twenty-five pages a day, a few pages here and there and it will be done in 8 days.

And guess what? You can read more than the minimum.

For me breaking tasks down make them simple and easy to get things done. I hope this helps you grow.

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