DailyCelestialChallenge: Wednesday Structures - Family Structure. A prudent or foolish man?

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

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Matthew 7: 24 - 27 "Anyone who hears these words of mine and does them will compare him to a wise man who built his house on the rock.

V 25. The rain descended, and the rivers came and the winds blew, and they beat against that house, and it did not fall, because it was founded on the rock

V 26. For whoever hears these words of mine and does not do them, I will compare him to a man who is unsaved, who built his house on the sand;

V 27. and the rivers came, and the winds blew, and gave strength to that house, and it fell, and its ruin was great. "

The foundations of a home are first love of God, love of neighbor, biblical principles, ethical and moral values ​​such as respect, unity, communication, among others.

These foundations or solid foundations are built by mom and dad, where each one has his own duties and responsibilities to have a home according to the heart of God.

The duties of Father are: he is the main provider and protector of all family needs, he is responsible before God for his home, the priest who prays, the highest authority that makes decisions for the welfare of his House, fears God and He loves his wife as himself, he is a man who sets a good example with his testimony. Teach, guide and correct your children and wife.

Proverbs 29:17 "Correct your son, and he will give you rest, and give joy to your soul."

The duties of the mother: they have an affinity to the duties of the Father, but the love of the mother is so much that it is compared with that of God for what Mother will teach with love.

The wife is subject to her husband, she can be a provider of her home, she is in charge of the maintenance of her house, a woman knew how to build her house, she is a suitable helper of her husband, she fears the Lord, she prays constantly for her children and her husband, take care of your family Teach, guide and correct your children and spouse.

Proverbs 29:15 "The rod and the correction give wisdom, but the consensual boy shames his mother."

I explain the duties of the son with verses from Proverbs 1: 8-9.

"Hear, my son, the instruction of your father, and do not despise the direction of your mother, For adornment of grace will be on your head, and necklaces on your neck."

As children we should listen to our parents because they love us and want the best for us, that is why we should not reject their advice because they will always be of guidance and growth.

And also away from bad friendships because certainly the bad sticks and influences us to do wrong and to get away from our principles.

In 1 Corinthians 15:33 it says "You do not err, bad conversations corrupt good morals."

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It is important that each family build their home first by loving the Lord with all their strength, being afraid of doing the wrong thing in the eyes of God, with principles of love, respect, communication, union, tolerance, honesty and other values. Since the enemy will always want to destroy the family, the basis of a good society.

In Matthew 7:25 it says that winds and rains will come, this refers to tests such as economic or health problems, problems with children, gossip, disputes between the family, etc. That if we do not trust the Lord and we are not united as a home we will perish in the O divided test.

God is the one who would like to see the family remain united, love, the time we have dedicated to raising and strengthening our family in principles and values.

Joshua 24:15 "I and my house will serve Jehovah .."
With the firm decision to serve the Lord every day of our lives.

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-Thursday-Forcesin Nature

Challenge created by @sirknight, for this great Christian community.

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