The Gospel of John affirms that the first miracle that Jesus did was to turn water into wine at a wedding. What could have been a disastrous party due to the lack of something so important, became a famous story that has traveled through time to the present, and it still takes many years for this event to continue tracing veridically.
There are several simple but profound truths that happened in this miracle of Jesus.
The love of God for weddings and marriages has a fundamental meaning. Marriage was the first relationship that God instituted. It is here that blessing begins in the human social order in the world.
The basic concept of Christ as husband and the Church as a wife is the unshakeable love that exists, the weight of his word, the covenant he made with the church.
How should we maintain our marriage covenant when there are so many problems, and human limitations to be able to overcome them?
It is possible for us to live with someone when that person does not feel that same love towards you.
It is what happens with God, He speaks and his word is true and only waits for you to fall in love with him every day more.