STEEMCHURCH: In the glory of God.

in steemchurch •  7 years ago 

Hello my family of @steemchurch...

Have you ever wondered why we sing to the Lord? Why do we read his Word? Why do we go to church to hear the preaching and to pray for others and tell others about Christ? The answer should be: To glorify God, because in 1 Peter 4: 10-11 he says:

"Each one according to the gift he has received, minister it to the others, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. If anyone speaks, speak according to the words of God; If anyone ministers, minister according to the power that God gives, so that in all things God may be glorified by Jesus Christ, to whom the glory and the empire belong for ever and ever. Amen".


**In Exodus 16: 7-10 it says: "And in the morning you will see the glory of the Lord; because he has heard your murmuring against Jehovah; because we, what are we, so that you murmur against us? Moses also said: In the evening the Lord will give you meat to eat, and in the morning bread to the full; for Jehovah has heard your murmurings with which you have murmured against him; because we, what are we? Your murmurings are not against us, but against Jehovah. And Moses said unto Aaron, Say unto all the congregation of the children of Israel, Come near before the LORD, for he hath heard your murmurings. And Aaron speaking to all the congregation of the children of Israel, they looked toward the wilderness, and, behold, the glory of the Lord appeared in the cloud".

The word of God, speaking of the glory of God more than four hundred times shows that His glory is an important theme in the Word of God and is what interweaves the entire text, to what the Apostle Paul concludes saying: "Oh depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways! Because who understood the mind of the Lord? Or who was his counselor? ... Because of him, and for him, and for him, are all things. Let the glory be his for centuries. Amen "Romans 11: 33-34, 36.


And although the impious gets angry, imagines vain things, and man tries to break the chains of God to proclaim himself independent of who did it, God is not only the Creator, but also the Sustainer of man, because through Jesus Christ, "who, being the brightness of his glory, and the very image of his substance, and who sustains all things by the word of his power" Hebrews 1: 3.

When we preach the message of salvation, we are declaring the glory of God, "but if our gospel is still hidden, it is hidden among those who are lost; in which the god of this age has blinded the understanding of the unbelievers, so that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, will not shine to them "2 Corinthians 4: 3-4.

That is, we preach the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ, and God reveals his person in the glory of his Son, who went to Calvary carrying the burden of our sin, to provide a Savior for humanity and light to the eyes darkened by sin for He is the radiance of the glory of God.

Thus, the purpose of man is to glorify God and rejoice in Him forever, that is what life is about, but ... How does a person glorify God?


Well, to glorify God is the final result of the Christian life, is to have reached the spiritual maturity for which it is necessary to concentrate and focus our life on God until we are submerged in His majesty and His glory.

For example, the confession of sin glorifies God because God is never to blame when we sin, to confess means to agree with God that sin is our fault and this glorifies God, while those who try to evade responsibility for their sin they commit a grave sin against the glory of God.

We also glorify God with our fruits and being obedient to what He commands us because Jesus said: "In this my Father is glorified, in that you bear much fruit, and so be my disciples" John 15: 8, and we glorify God because in our testimony the world can see the results of a life lived in the glory of God and filled with the Spirit walking "as it is worthy of the Lord, pleasing in everything, bearing fruit in every good work, and growing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to the power of his glory, for all patience and long-suffering "Colossians 1: 10-11.

To live the glory of God is also to live in praise, for "I, Jehovah; This is my name; and to another I will not give my glory, nor my praise to sculptures. Behold, the first things were accomplished, and I announced new things; Before they come to light, I will make them known. Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise from the end of the earth "Isaiah 42: 8-10.


God made us and only he is worthy of our praise; so the worst thing we can do is to be in the work of the Lord to praise ourselves since our service must be motivated by the passion to praise the glorious God.

As we also live the Glory of God when we faithfully fulfill his commandments and statutes, therefore, "bring all the tithes into the storehouse and have food in my house; and prove me now in this, says Jehovah of Hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you, and pour out a blessing over you until there is too much room. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he will not destroy the fruit of the earth; neither will your vine in the field be barren, says the LORD of hosts. And all nations will call you blessed "Malachi 3: 10-12, because giving glorifies God," give to Jehovah the honor due to his name; Bring offerings, and come into their courts. Worship Jehovah in the beauty of holiness; Fear before him "Psalm 96: 8.

Many times Christians seek a touch from God because they have not understood that God has something better for them, the provision for us to live in His Glory and be a source of the touch of God and for this we must change our religious mentality because the Holy Spirit does not can live in the midst of misconceptions and contrary to the truth.

On the other hand, the enemy tries to make Christians feel that he is not able to live in the supernatural, but satan is a thief and a liar, so the reality is that living in the supernatural must be a normal part of our lives. Which are manifestations of the Glory of God, and while we dwell in the glory of the Lord we will be "we all, looking face uncovered as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, we are transformed from glory to glory in the same image, as by the Spirit of the Lord" 2 Corinthians 3:18, and presents us" without blemish before his glory with great joy"Jude 1:24.

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Let us think that many revivals were extinguished by a religious spirit, honorable vessels and the glory of God that flows, after a time they begin to see how people respond to the Spirit, and if they do not do it as they think it should be, they lower their arms and some even leave the Lord.

Our responsibility is to do what He has called us to do, to say what He called us to say, and to go where He called us to go, and by doing this we will maintain our joy since we can not change anyone or do what they do not want to do.

We only need to surrender to the Spirit, and when the anointing falls on us we must remember that it is not us, it is the anointing that comes from Heaven since thoughts affect the movement of the Spirit and that is why it comes and affects the people who enjoyed it. that moving of the Holy Spirit and the presence of the Lord Glory.

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His glory is perfect in our life and it had n been the source of our joy and grace he has provided.

we all, looking face uncovered as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, we are transformed from glory to glory in the same image, as by the Spirit of the Lord.

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The glory of God is the beauty of His spirit. It is not an aesthetic or material beauty, but a beauty that emanates from His character, from all that He is. James 1:10 calls on the rich man to "boast in his humiliation," indicating a glory that has nothing to do with wealth, power or material beauty. This glory can crown a man or fill the earth. It is seen within a man and on earth, but it is not theirs; it's from God The glory of man is the beauty of man's spirit, which is fallible and eventually transient, and therefore it is humiliation - as the verse says. But the glory of God, which is manifest in the set of all His attributes, never fades. It is eternal.

This post is awesome. May we live our livss for the glory of God

The exaltation of God’s glory is the goal of our salvation.
God's glory is the source and sum of all full and lasting joy.
God is in a class by himself. He has infinite perfections, infinite greatness, and infinite worth.
The glory of God is the manifest beauty of his holiness. It is the going public of his holiness.

His holiness is what he is as God that nobody else is. It is his quality of perfection that can’t be improved upon, that can’t be imitated, that is incomparable, that determines all that he is and is determined by nothing from outside him. It signifies his infinite worth, his intrinsic, infinite worth, his intrinsic, infinite value.

We are subjects to the love of God and so we are to give him glory through out our lives.
The way we live is the very best way to glorify him by making in line with his will and commands.

When I saw the title of this distribution I knew it was a decent message. Christ is the brilliance of his wonderfulness and the correct articulation of his temperament, and holds everything by the expression of his energy. Subsequent to completing the purging of sins, he sat down at the correct hand of the Majesty on high.

precious message of the word of God, we as Christians must anelhar live every day of our lives under the glory of God, anelhar walk in the spirit in that complete harmony with the father. Thanks for sharing God bless you !!!

When I saw the title of this publication I knew it was a good message. Christ is the radiance of his glory and the exact expression of his nature, and holds all things by the word of his power. After carrying out the purification of sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.

They sincerely edify me in a great way the messages that speak of the glory of God. In it we live, we move and we are. Blessings

Wow,this is so true,everything was created to bring glory to God,and his glory is awesome,and Christ has brought us to glory through his sacrifice,Hebrews 2:10 For it became him, for whom are all things, and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.

When we preach the message of salvation, we are declaring the glory of God, "but if our gospel is still hidden, it is hidden among those who are lost; in which the god of this age has blinded the understanding of the unbelievers, so that the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, will not shine to them.
God made us and only he is worthy of our praise; so the worst thing we can do is to be in the work of the Lord to praise ourselves since our service must be motivated by the passion to praise the glorious God. As we also live the Glory of God when we faithfully fulfill his commandments and statutes, therefore, "bring all the tithes into the storehouse and have food in my house; and prove me now in this, says Jehovah of Hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you, and pour out a blessing over you until there is too much room. And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he will not destroy the fruit of the earth; neither will your vine in the field be barren, says the LORD of hosts. Let us think that many revivals were extinguished by a religious spirit, honorable vessels and the glory of God that flows, after a time they begin to see how people respond to the Spirit, and if they do not do it as they think it should be, they lower their arms and some even leave the Lord. Thanks for sharing

In the earthly / human sense, glory is a beauty or vitality that rests on the material things of the earth (Psalm 37:20, Psalm 49:17), and in that sense, it is transient. But the reason for his fading is because material things do not last. They wither and die, because the glory that is in them belongs to God, and returns to Him when deterioration or death take over the material. Think of the rich man we mentioned before. The verses say, "The brother who is of humble condition, boast in his exaltation, but he who is rich, in his humiliation; because he will pass like the flower of the grass. "What does this mean? The verse is warning the rich man, that he realizes that his wealth, power and beauty come from God, and that he humbles himself when reconsidering that it is God who did what he is, and gave him everything he has. And being aware that he will perish like grass will bring him to the conclusion that glory comes from God. That God is the source, the spring from which all the little glories emanate.


The transcendence of God is the magnificence of His soul. It's anything but a tasteful or material magnificence, however a delight that exudes from His character, from all that He is. James 1:10 approaches the rich man to "brag in his embarrassment," showing a greatness that has nothing to do with riches, influence or material excellence. This radiance can crown a man or fill the earth. It is seen inside a man and on earth, yet it isn't theirs; it's from God The radiance of man is the magnificence of man's soul, which is unsteady and in the end transient, and in this way it is mortification - as the verse says. In any case, the grandness of God, which is show in the arrangement of every one of His traits, never blurs. It is everlasting.

When I saw the title of this distribution I knew it was a decent message. Christ is the brilliance of his wonderfulness and the correct articulation of his temperament, and holds everything by the expression of his energy. Subsequent to completing the purging of sins, he sat down at the correct hand of the Majesty on high.

The magnificence of God is the clear and genuine articulation of his reality affecting the physical faculties. It is God making himself discernable. In the old confirmation it was showed as a cloud, called "shekiná" which symbolizes "He who lives".

The glory of God is the evident and real expression of his existence impacting the physical senses. It is God making himself palpable. In the old testament it was manifested in the form of a cloud, called "shekiná" which symbolizes "He who lives".

In Psalm 96: 8 it says, "Give to Jehovah the honor due to his name; Bring offerings, and come into their courts". Here David tells us that giving glorifies God. When we give glory to God, when we worship Him "in the beauty of holiness" we say to "the nations: the Lord reigns" (Psalm 96: 9-10). Evangelism glorifies God. David concludes that when we tell the nations that there is a God who is King and we tell them of his salvation, we are glorifying him.