The lie rides on the backs of truth
My respects, beloved community. I enjoy a world to be able to participate with topics of current relevance. Today I bring you a writing that was born from an analysis carried out around the post-truth.
It is easy and trivial to look at all the negative aspects of today's world to draw conclusions, sometimes hasty and, in many cases, catastrophic about current situations. And apparently, it is much more attractive to forge the most creative and illusory forms of deception with a real face.
Today, I quote this phrase to say the famous Venezuelan Baptist preacher "Don Germán Núñez Bríñez":
The lie rides on the backs of Truth
We can say that this radical uncertainty projected by global problems, on what issue is true between this wave of propaganda of all kinds, that as militants for the great cause of life on the planet and of the solidary coexistence of humanity, concerns us investigate what is real and what is not, and make it aware that there is malice in many media for mass dissemination of information.
It is from this need that urgent attention to a global ethic for coexistence. Nourish the information using persuasion and avoiding at all costs the manipulation in all that is said privately, and the more, in the sphere of public domain.
The post-truth is the daughter of the postmodernity
It is inevitable that the concept of postmodernity comes to mind. This has tried to be coined as a new ideology that seeks to overthrow the philosophy of the Age of Lights and nineteenth-century scientism, then becoming a kind of emancipation with characteristics, in my opinion, very unhappy. Dr. Antonio Cruz, (1996) tries to summarize them more or less like this:
Postmodernity would then be the era in which the future is discredited, as well as the past, and one tends to believe that the present is the only time worth living.
The postmodern says to be back from those utopian mornings that preached modern ideologies and also wishes to break with the traditions of the premodern world.
Feels scared by the consequences of modernity. He believes that reason has been dismembered by a desire for technical power and has put us in a dead end.
Its blind effectiveness has fleeced the planet and its overconfidence in the truth has led to dogmatism, fanaticism, colonialism and other similar injustices. </ Ol>
Postmodernism makes clear its emphatic denial of everything true, absolute, and dogmatic. The well-established definitions and concepts are grounds for "aversion" to this syncretic movement. Hence, that post-truth becomes a favorite daughter of the current in question. If there are no absolute values, if the truth can be seen depending on the crystal with which one looks, then the opinion matrix that individuals prefer is given rise. In general, this matrix is not subject to investigation, since for the postmodern conception all have the right to think "freely", in spite of what is academically settled by intellectual consensus.
This includes a very demanding challenge to those who try to travel in the truth. The problem of depth that I look at briefly, is not that post-truth is opposed to the truth, per se. The issue is that post-truth submerges people, exposed to it, in an atmosphere so similar to the truth that tide, confusing and in most cases, convinces.
This issue is really critical. It causes people to lose their criteria and align their minds with one or several ideas proposed by an entity, or influential person.
The problem with post-truth,
is that being a lie tries to look
too much like the truth
Keys to avoid falling into traps of the post-truth
As has been seen, the postmodern movement inherits another tragic conglomeration of scenarios with the so-called post-truth. A reflective person with solidity in his thought channel can never conform to the currents of this evil, previously cited.
It would be good to put into practice some tips that, humbly, I consider would provide a filter for the occasions in which we can face a type of post-truth:
- The world is globalized, but at the same time it is worth loving the nation that saw us born and grow. We are not citizens of the world; we have a country This one deserves honor.
- The technological society is booming, but never let technology steal the beauty of interpresonal relations "live and direct." Let's embrace, let's kiss, let's love more.
- We need politics and politicians, but they should never be owners of our criteria. We have on our side the rationale: let's use it so as not to sin of delusions against beings of flesh and bone like us!
- To think that knowledge is important, but it is the feelings that make us happy or unhappy, it is not an absolute value. It is possible to live happily with a well-cultivated intellect.
- Even though irresponsible behaviors multiply in the world, responsibility remains extremely valuable. Value it!
- It is said that Westerners swim between fanaticism and relativism. I think we can firmly believe in an absolute value that governs our life system without the need to be fanatical.
- Although this movement wants to create contradictory individuals without transcendent meaning, we can make a difference and achieve, that both our thinking and our actions, echo in eternity.
It was well taught by the famous Paul of Tarsus, in his letter to the church in Rome:
Let us know what opinion you deserve Possessedness.
Discuss in this post what you think about this topic.