Steemcleaner Report for the Week of Nov 14, 2016 - Nov 20, 2016 Part 1

in steemcleaners •  8 years ago  (edited)

*logo by @cass

Steemcleaners Posts & Guides:
Tag Spam & High Frequency Posting Guide
Plagiarism Guide
Identity & Content Verification Guide: When to Ask and When Not To
Adding Value to Steemit through Sharing
When is sharing another contributor's content appropriate?
Why Cite Sources

If you feel that a comment left on your blog post or a flag was unwarranted, you may respond to a comment from @steemcleaners or speak with someone in steemitabuse-appeals.

Anyone wishing to contribute to the project can find information here:

Announcing SteemCleaners, the Steemit Abuse Fighting Team!
The SteemCleaners Guide for Dealing with Abuse on Steemit


Abuse TypeCountPercent of Total
Tag Spam2013.42
Photo Plagiarism2214.77
Unverified Udentity53.36
High Frequence Poster96.04
Action TakenCountPercent of Total
Commented, Flagged138.72
Flagged, Nuked10.67
No Action Taken/Logged74.70
Account AgeCountPercent of Total
less than 1 day2013.42
1-6 days2416.11
1 week117.38
2 weeks106.71
3 or more weeks6845.64


LinkAccount AgeAbuse CategoryAction
Link3 or more weeksCopy/pasteCommented
Link<1 dayPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksCopy/pasteCommented
Link<1 dayCopy/pasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link<1 dayPhoto PlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismNMFG commented
Link3 or more weeksOther -- spam accountFlagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysUnverified Identityverified, Commented
Link<1 dayOther -- spamCommented
Link1-6 daysCopy/pasteCommented
Link1-6 daysCopy/pasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksFlagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link1 weekPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link1 weekPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksHigh Frequency PosterCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/pasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismNM, Commented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismNM, Commented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismNM, Commented
Link3 or more weeksPhoto PlagiarismNMFG commented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/pasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link2 weeksPlagiarismNMFG commented, Flagged, Nuked
Link2 weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksOther -- spamFlagged
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link2 weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link1 weekPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksOther -- spamFlagged
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/pasteCommented
Link2 weeksTag SpamCommented
Link2 weeksCopy/pasteCommented
Link2 weeksCopy/pasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismNM, Commented, Flagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismNM, Commented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismNM, Commented
Link2 weeksPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysOther -- spamCommented
Link3 or more weeksHigh Frequency PosterCommented
Link1-6 daysUnverified IdentityCommented
Link<1 dayTag SpamCommented
Link<1 dayHigh Frequency PosterCommented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link2 weeksHigh Frequency PosterCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/pasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamNMFG commented
Link3 or more weeksOther -- spamCommented
Link2 weeksOther -- spam accountFlagged
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link1 weekOther -- spamCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/pasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksUnverified IdentityCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismCommented
Link1-6 daysFlagged
Link3 or more weeksTag SpamCommented
Link<1 dayCopy/pasteCommented
Link1-6 daysTag SpamCommented
Link3 or more weeksPlagiarismNMFG commented flagged
Link<1 dayNM, Commented
Link1-6 daysTag SpamNMFG commented
Link1-6 daysPlagiarismCommented
Link<1 dayCopy/pasteCommented
Link<1 dayCopy/pasteCommented
Link3 or more weeksCopy/pasteCommented
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged
Link1-6 daysPhoto PlagiarismCommented, Flagged

Continued here: Steemcleaner Report for the Week of Nov 14, 2016 - Nov 20, 2016 Part 2

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