RE: SEC S20W1 || Hematopoyesis - Módulo 1

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SEC S20W1 || Hematopoyesis - Módulo 1

in steemexclusive •  5 months ago 

Thank You for your worthy participation in our homework Assignment. We are glad to see your post. Happy learning! Let me assess your home work task 🙈

Observations/Evaluation/ Grading

RequirementsAssignment have been metGrading marks
Anatomy and function of hematopoietic organsThe student correctly detailed the anatomy and function of the hematopoietic organs, however he also tried to mention the anatomical location of the liver and spleen. He even mentioned Thymus is responsible. Good Job2/2
Hematopoyesis Medular vs Hematopoyesis ExtramedularThe student forgot to answer this question.2/0
Make a Diagram & ExplainThe student correctly make the hematopoiesis diagram, highlighting the action of the bone marrow in the production of lymphoid and myeloid lines when they are required (in case of lack of erythrocytes, lymphocytes or NK cells).2/1.9
Answer QuizAnswered all the quiz questions but only 8 questions were correct.1/0.8
Clinical CaseHe mentioned the femur fracture as the cause of the blood loss, however she failed to mention EPO.You explained very well how blood comparability is important factor when chosing a donor for a partner. I hope you liked participating and I hope the next module is much more valuable to you!3/2.4
Additional comments.

The questions are well written. Good job. Unfortunately, student forget to answer 2nd question of our assignment. In first question you let us know the anatomical location where each body part present. Stem cell as the progenitor of all cells. You tried your best to explain the diagram. You mentioned feumer rupture in clinical case but couldn't mention the EPO. You explained very well how blood comparability is important factor when chosing a donor for a partner. I hope you liked participating and I hope the next module is much more valuable to you!

Total Grades : 7.1/10
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Hola 👋 , saludos, me pareció muy buena la temática, no me percaté de la pregunta que me faltó quizá por la traducción .

Soy médico y quise responder de forma muy sencilla porque para los que no estan relacionados al área de la salud es difícil manejar términos.

Con respecto al caso clínico se le pueden dar varios enfoques, era una regla hablar sobre EPO, aunque la respuesta de lo que se queria estaba en las acotaciones de los que se les evaluó primero.

Saber sobre la génesis, función de nuestros órganos es muy importante y todo lo que se aprenda en esta vida es bueno, espero que las siguientes tematicas sean igual de buenas, estaré pendiente de participar.

Bendiciones 🙏