in steemexclusive •  3 years ago  (edited)


It is Easter season and yesterday was Easter Monday (the grand finale of the celebration), majority of Christians do go to Galilee to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ as it was recorded in the Holy bible that Jesus told his disciples to meet him at Galilee after his resurrection in Matthew 26:32 and Mark 16:7.

Matthew 26:32

31Then Jesus said to them, “This very night you will all fall away on account of Me. For it is written: ‘I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’
32But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.”

Mark 16:7

But he said to them, “Do not be alarmed. You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here! See the place where they put Him.
7But go, tell His disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see Him, just as He told you.’”

We woke up early in our house, we went to church for the morning prayer which normally happen in church every Monday morning by 5:30am - 6:30am.

After coming back from the program, we resumed to the house works because of the Easter program, the food was prepared earlier because it is important that someone eat before going to the program as no one can tell the time in which the program will end

Everyone in the house left home for the celebration venue and I was the only one left at home, I decided to stay at home today not because I go against the Holy bible but to rest.

The program was scheduled to start by 10am and My parent and Sibling left home around 10:30am believing we are African, there will surely be African time (extra time before a program start)

I was the only one at home, what will I be doing? I can't just be sleeping, so I decided to read a book tittled “the heart of man” or “the spiritual heart mirror”

This book explain a lot about human heart sand what is full of our hearts, some are of evil and some are of good depending on who rule each heart.

Everyone came back around 3:30pm and two of my church children followed my younger brothers since they expected me to present in the program and I couldn't make it to the venue. (Faith and Eniola)




These two boys have been disturbing me for so long to take them around the hills near our house since 2020 November, they came yesterday and they were like “thank God it's a free day, we are going to the hills today”

I don't have any other option than to follow them. After all, I was sleeping since I finished reading some parts of the book and again it will be an additional opportunity for me to post something about how the day went, so, I gave them the assurance that we'll be going in the evening
You know there's this popular saying that

“All work and no play makes jack a dull boy”

I now rephrased it and say

“All day and no steemit post makes @timileyin988 a poor boy”

When it was exactly 4:00 pm, we went on our way to the hill, Myself, Eniola and Faith. We saw many things, we took pictures, we laugh and did many other things.
Below are some of the pictures we took





IMG_20210405_175437_750.jpgI posted something yesterday about this plant, it looks beautiful but it saddens we didn't know it's name. Faith said it is onion, but I said no because onion leaves is not always as broad as this plant leaves. In case you know it's name, I will be glad to know the name as well

IMG_20210405_175203_370.jpgThis is the view of some houses in the town, it only covers like 1/5 of the houses as the whole town is surrounded by mountain


When we came back, the pictures we took was shown to my parents and they like the images

Note: All images used here are taken with my Tecno spark 4, and they are all free to use.

My steem design.png

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