[save the date] SteemFest 2017 - Creamy & Delicious - 1/2/3 (+4/5) November - Lisbon

in steemfest •  7 years ago  (edited)

Yes yes! Some of you heard it already through the grapevine. Last year you overwhelmed me by coming in at such short notice to Amsterdam with almost 200 people from over 30 countries,... (Relive it here on SteemFest's Salon page) This year we'll do it all over again. Lisbon, Portugal, here we come!


In this post I will briefly point out the gist of SteemFest 2, how it came to this location and what the program overview will look like. In future coming posts I'll announce first speakers, hotel package (I found a great deal, cheaper than last year which can host us all together once more), tickets and such. But I wanted to make sure for now that you can keep some days reserved in your agenda.

Soon I'll be going back to Lisbon to make some vids and introduce you to the key venues of SteemFest 2017 in Lisbon.

For now: Mark down in your agenda for 1,2,3 +(4,5) November - SteemFest 2017 - Lisbon Portugal.

SteemFest 2017 Program Overview

(Day 0 - 31 october - Hackathon Participants arrive)

Day 1 - November 1st - Hackathon & Arrival

This day the SteemFest 24 hour blockchain hackathon starts. Build great apps for Steem, Golos, Bitshares, Peerplays, Ethereum or any other chain and present at the SteemFest crowd & jury 24 hours later what you came up with and potentially win big! The hackathon is initiated by @charlieshrem and we can't wait to see what you come up with... If you are a developer, designer or hacker in general, sign up here for the seperate SteemFest Hackathon mailinglist so we can keep you in the loop.

"Regular" (non hackathon participants) attendees are suggested to fly in on this day and book the hotelpackage from this day onward. At night we will have welcoming drinks and SteemFest wristband check-in.

Day 2 & 3 - November 2nd & 3rd - SteemFest 2017

Two days of talks, panels, workshops and fun. This year's venue is wonderful and will host 3 rooms. Catering is top notch and if the weather is in our favour (which it normally should late october) we'll be enjoying it even more, as it has some great outdoor areas. Venue will be announced soon! Just like last year we are open to speaker suggestions (suggesting is no guarantee), mail your wishes, requests to [email protected]?subject=SpeakerSuggestion.

Then there will be a closing dinner on the 3rd of November followed by closing drinks. Social events are to be defined, but I am looking at some remarkable spots in Lisbon at the moment.

Weekend: November 4th & 5th - The Plus Package

The planning of this weekend is still in the brewery, but since you all came to Lisbon, and it is wonderful city with great beaches nearby I am tinkering about either having some 'tourist weekend city trip options' available or we can 'claim' a nearby surfer paradise and go out for a surfing weekend (20-40 minutes commuting from Lisbon). Lisbon itself is beautiful as well and we'll make sure you get some great city infos on the months ahead. During the "SteemFest Plus Weekend" the Volvo Ocean Race (sailing around the world) is also harbouring in Lisbon, so if that is your thing, you should definitely head down Baixa where the sailing-boats are moored off.

Note that this weekend idea is under construction and will not be an integral part of the SteemFest ticket (which will be an all-inclusive 2.5 day feast at bargain prices thanks to sponsors). It might be that we set our destination to a beach village close by, collect up suggested airbnb's and just go there and make it a cradle to cradle 'afterparty' in the nicest villa garden or maybe that we all decide to stay in the city... May this 'after weekend' evolve in comments, your spirit and opinions. Rest assured that I have some ideas :)

And now some insider story: Organising a sequel, little dramas...

The original idea for SteemFest 2 was to have it in the USA, and so last January I was planning ahead for a July "SummerCamp" edition. I found a great place south of San Jose in Bay Area (California) in the mountains called "The Presentation Center". 130 People could sleep on site and I started planning with suppliers of audio visual, bartenders, catering and making room revenue calculations (it was expensive to rent out the whole venue, but could recoup some by becoming "hotel" ourselves, as we could rent out 130 sleeping places). I even worked with the venue to get a campsite on site. Then end of February came the unfortunate news that the Presentation Center, after 30 years of business, decided to pull the plug. I tried and asked if they could delay their closing a bit, but that was a no go. Of course this was terrible news, however I was happy I had not yet announced the event, here you can see as some of you know that I want to keep things a bit 'secretive' before announcing, first I want to set stuff in stone before making it public!

So then it was NOT just a matter of copying the whole planning over to another venue, instead we decided to postpone, and all was open again and unfortunately for some it will mean a longer trip to SteemFest, but I promise, next year we definitely have our eyes on spreading our wings and fly out of Europe and won't wait it out until another full year has passed.

SteemFest 2 - LISBON! will not be possible without:

  • You visiting! (preferably by buying a support ticket (soon tba))
  • Sponsorship by Steem.inc, generous whales, and tba other sponsors (you? - contact me via [email protected] about the opportunities)
  • Donations to the @t-r-f Travel Reimbursement Fund - feel free to donate money there...
  • The @Firepower CREW!! - last year a dedicated crew lead by @firepower consisting of @sjennon @foxxycat @razvanelulmarin @anduweb @anyx made sure the event was a blast and most of them will be back to ensure smoothness once more!
  • Input and help from many more of you, just like last year.
  • The City of Lisbon and it's Pastel de Nata's. Creamy & Delicious.

What can you do now already?

  • Save 1-2-3 (4-5) November 2017 in your agenda and start planning a flight / train / start & arranging visas!
  • Follow @steemfest - the official account for SteemFest infos
  • Signup to the mailinglist via https://SteemFest.com

Wait with booking a hotel until the hotel package and tickets are announced...


Pictures sourced from Flickr for commercial use CC licensed, top picture shamelessly ripped from somewhere on the web but loved the scenic view.
Ofcourse: All liquid rewards from this post will be forwarded to the @steemfest account towards the event funding.

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I can guarantee SteemFest 2 will rock! My crew and I will be there to ensure everything goes smoothly! I look forward to meeting everyone again from last year as well as new attendees. It would be fantastic to see everyone at the SF2. Let's meet again to discuss, ideate and execute our incredible ideas and continue our journey with this awesome community that we're building together! I hope to see as many of you as possible participating in the second edition of the Steemit global conference! I thank everyone for extending your support once again towards this event and to Roeland for putting this together! Let's do this!

Glad we met last year and became friends firepower! This is the power of Steemit! Bringing people together. There is space for another SteemFest wristband!

We may be the only ones with the whristband :-)

@gargon hope you will make it there! Look forward to meeting up! :)

I will be there 100% it is just impossible i miss this :-)

In the meantime I will break into your home and cut your wristband while you sleep. I SHALL BE THE ONLY ONE



Wow that's a nice bracelet! I'm really inspired.

very beautiful!

I hope I can get my crypto together and pay for the fees :)

@timsaid Absolutely bro! I've made some great friends in life thanks to SteemFest! Cant wait to hang out with you like last time!

Oh yeahh

SHIT!! I just realised the first is my birthday!!
If I can't treat myself to a trip on my birthday then when can I?
Now, how is halloween night in Lisbon? I do like to start my birthday bash off with a great halloween.

Awesome! More the reason for you to come and we'll all do cheers together! :D

I'd love to get in on that!! <3

My birthday is on November 6th, a celebration as Steemfest unwinds!! I won my airline ticket through @theprophet0, who is still providing opportunities to win. This is my second year Steemfest birthday wish to come true. I hope you make it there @centaurmystic...there will be reason to celebrate!!

I think if we go we will be driving up to Lisbon from the Algarve. Lots to see on the way.
The way Steemit is going at the moment the 10 cent posts wont quite get us there lol

Gratefully we all have several months to figure it out and give it our best shot if it's important enough. Sounds like a great reason for a road trip to me!!

Nothing better than a steem halloween birthday

That meme is dope!

haha damn right! :D

Love your enthusiasm! Wish you and your amazing crew all the best.

I hope I can make it from India too! Hope so! :)

@sidwrites I hope you will! 5 more months! Steemit hard bruh!

I have no doubt you guys will deliver! I can't wait.

Awesome! Looking forward to meeting you! :D

Haha, seems that you are on fire more than ever, Meghan?! :D

Absolutely! I'm like an energiser bunny and dont run out of power easily! :D

@firepower on fire 🔥 image

oooooohhhh wow! Awesome! :D Thanks for this :D

Let's do this!)

That is what i call a perfect coner! nicely done :)) lol

mag ik mee?

@roelandp hier dus .. aw! duimen!

best one comment man... @firepower

interesting, I'd like to join you guys!

I'm Agree

I am beyond excited! Last SteemFest I must say, I was a Steemit Virgin. Now, I have more knowledge of the platform and met more amazing people, I am more than excited to come to Lisbon and rock that city!

Together with @firepower and hopefully the rest of his team we can welcome you again to another crazy week of Steemit, socializing, drinking, dancing and more fun!

People who came last year know how awesome all this really is! It's going to be awesome and there's no doubt about it! I look forward to seeing you @sjennon and you make a great team player so can't wait to put together a great show!


I look forward to meeting you again! It was a great time. Get that iron ready for 3AM adventures bro!

LOL! Seriously Party till 3. Create presentation 4.30AM -5. Sleep 30 minutes and start work at 6AM and rock the day!

Sounds wonderful. Can't believe you still went out the day after.

Hahahaha! I know right! Firepowaaaa!!! lol!

haha! adding this to my comment :P

@firepower's team was AMAZING! The smoothest, most energetic, organized, well-thought out, helpful, inclusive, concise, joyful welcoming team. I'll be so glad to see your faces again as my introduction to SF2--couldn't ask for a better beginning!! <3

Count me in!!!! :) Lisbon is really nice city and the SteemFest will rock there! Can not wait to buy my ticket with Steemdollars like last year, will start to save from today :) Also if a video is need it, just let me know. You know how to find me @roelandp

This is great! :D Looking forward to the updates @gargon

I'm glad you're going @juanmiguelsalas and with Steemdollars!!!! YAY! Will see you there my friend.

Yes @everlove!!!! See you there :))

YIPPEE!!! <3

Wtf man hahahah we are just doing our little steemfest 2 in berlin today uh!! What a coincidende ur home is 400 m away from my hotel hahahh that was a funny whatsapp conversation hahahha

It was!!! See u in 10 minutes :D

Quiero verles en Portugal chicoooossss!

Ahí si nos vamos a ver seguro! Yo ya estoy buscando vuelos :D

Yo ya los he cogido!!! Jajaja toda disparatada :D

wait wait for me!

NExt week im also in berlin! Arr u too?

lets see =)

I simply had to see the 'creamy and delicious' part of your post and then I spotted the Portuguese egg tart on the top right corner of your photos..

Certainly enticing! :)

ooooh i am SO excited! lisbon is among the best cities in the world, and there are so many epic places nearby too! And so many friendships were made last year!

Better get my visa quickly!

Looking forward to meeting you again @nomadnessie and @heiditravels!

so are we! even less sleep this time!

Hahaha! Damn right! No sleep at all :D Full on zombie mode!

@roelandp this looks like so much fun well done on your event planning i really hope to try and make it and meet the community

@roelandp thx for the upvote brother have a great day

@roelandp this is a little introduction to me and my music u hope you like it look fw to speaking

Steem Fest will be huge!

Help me to finance my flight ticket :) I just need 177€ to buy them this will be awesome :)

Added to the calender~

Wow. This would be my birthday wish. I WISH I CAN JOIN STEEMFEST THIS TIME.

you should go.

Yeah, if given the chance, definitely I will


yeah, no way in hell I'll miss this one. You're a god.

If i am a god, we are all gods. Great news L!!!!!

This means my dream of visiting Gaudi architecture in Barcelona is coming true too. The location couldn't be better. Also, many people have too much trouble coming into the USA because of Trump. USA is not good right now.

good choice! I plan on going to Barcelona after Steemfest as well :)

ok, cool! I wonder if there will be a group of us going there...

I love Gaudi , but dont worry at this time of the year , all is more chill and easy ...there are busses to drive you there or cheap rental cars , if i make it to the festival , i ll be happy to go with you , i love Spain :) ..

we will see what happens with our government

Awesome gif! This is going to be awesome!

I needed a reason to get my ID and passport..

This is the reason. Come hell or high water I'm not missing STEEMFEST this year and the chance to meet you all!

yeah, i feel the exact same way

Well said @klye :)

KLYE! great reason man. If you need someone to vouch for you at Canadian govt :P

Actually it looks like it shouldn't be an issue. Looking into getting ID and passports.. Then flights! STEEMfest is a good enough reason to unghost myself and get some identifications. :P

Dear @klye we've known each other a while and in the past we've been #rekt. So come to SteemFest and lets get #rekt together hahahah!

So (I guess) we're not swimming there together? Look forward to meeting!

That is my sentiments exactly!!

Remember remember the first week of November!

More than anything, it's this time when everyone gets excited and hyped about the community more than ever. The community formation materializes during this phase and it spreads immense positivity across the platform. All the best guys! Y'all rock!

Image Source:

Amazing news.i am excited. Looking forward to this event.

Damn right! hehe :D

I have donated 465 steem to the travel fund. Good luck with all your preparations!

@benjojo i just saw that. It is a very generous offer and I am sure that attendees will be using it in a great way. Are you planning on joining us?

I would love to and have discussed it with my fiance...it depends how we are getting on with our new baby daughter. I will certainly be coming to one of them and I would rather it was in the early days!

I feel like there might be a race for tickets O.o

ICO for LISB tokens

There's an idea, haha

Me, too! :)) See you there!

That was quick :D Yaaay can't wait for round 2!

@timsaid Tim you're da man bruh!

So soon?

Can't wait!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Will be there too (unless an unforseen issue keeps me away)! That will make me the Steemit user that has attended more Steemfests than made posts on Steemit ;-)

And some praticalities: what languages do Portugese understand apart from Portugese? Should I start doing Duolingo or is my English or French any useful over there?

Edit: I don't know what others want to do. I would like to see the big (huge) wave surfing in a town not far from Lisbon (I think Nazare) but I'm not sure when the season of big waves starts.

Nearby is Cascais, Nazare is a bit further up north, but yeah thats where the huge waves are. @heiditravels can tell you for sure when season starts :)

Sounds like a great time! Maybe I'll join, again!

Sounds like a great time! Maybe I'll join, again!

The plot thickens.

Lol if you go I have to go... just sayin..

you are most welcome bernie :) we'll roll out the red carpet for you and I have a cold Hite waiting for you! :)

@berniesanders I'll keep a black tinted Ford SUV ready for you when you come! ;)

Again?? Were u in Amsterdam incognito? Maybe i even talked to u? Loool

Yeah right! :)

Bro if you give a speech on reward pool rape I'll buy a ticket! :p

Be cool to see you there Bernie!

Think we crashed Whatsapp with our excitement lol!

I have to say that since finding SteemIt, my life has improved quite a bit!

You see, I am a full-time Internet Marketer, and I've been making a decent living online since 2008.

Now, a lot of people might think that being able to work from home for a few hours a day is absolutely wonderful, and they'd be right! HOWEVER, it's not without it's downfalls, believe me.

I never got into cryptocurrency, and to be honest, I'm not really here to make money with crypto either.

While I have learned a TON about it, and while I absolutely LOVE the fact that I can get compensated for my writing, none of that really matters to me.

You see, I'm constantly writing for my marketing business, and I got into this mindset that every time I write something, the end goal should be to make a sale, or add a subscriber to my newsletter, or get traffic back to my online stores, etc.

SteemIt has become my sanctuary. A place where I can come and write about things I'm interested in and NOT have to think with a "marketing mind."

I LOVE to write, and I had lost that for a while. SteemIt has given that back to me! Like I said, I don't even care if my articles make any money, but it sure is exciting when they do!

I really want to try and make this year's Streemfest. I think it would be absolutely fantastic to meet others who love to write, and I have to say I am a little curious about how the whole idea came about.

I hope to be able to make it this year. If time allows, I will try my hardest to be there!

We would love to see you there! I'm so happy to hear this story as well!

would be great to see you contentking!

Anyone up for roadtrip before or after Lisbon? Good time to make some plans now

Im game! I have another big trip in my head and Im pretty nifty at executions hahaha!

where when how?

Flying out from Malaysia. Wrapping up Steemfest and we can do something. Lemme know! :)

Sounds awesome. May be meeting up with people in the states a day or two earlier as someone suggested. We shall see.

Hello @roelandp all i want is to thank you for the constant support that you are providing silently. I really appreciate your kindness and in return I am trying to do the same for newbies and trying to bring more and more new people to this platform. I am really greatful to you. Bye for now. Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!

Great to hear! Will work on attending and also helping in whatever ways I may be able to. time to start saving up for this event and making posts about it to spread the awesomeness & awareness.

Come on over!! Woohooo!

Will do! Time to start saving up.

Same here!

I'm over the moon with this announcement! Last Steemfest was one of the best weekends of my life and I met so many amazing people. I can't express how much I'm looking forward to this.

Fantastico! I hope to see you and others make it! #SteemFest

If I ever cash in on these Steem, I'll definitely make it to one of those SteemFest! Thanks for the updates and I look forward to seeing more about the goodness of this precious gathering.

Namaste :)

Eric! Please come! It would be great to meet you!

AS YOU MIGHT READ BETWEEN THE LINES, IF THE MONEY COMES, I'LL DEFINITELY BE THERE. I would LOVE to meet so many of you out there... Soon enough. Thanks for the encouraging words. Namaste :)

Sir yes sir! :D I'm in the same boat and have been working backwards to be able to afford my trip there!

Let's see how do I get there from where I am..


That's 2 whole months of my professional salary.

It's okay, I can use my assets on Steem
Let's see what I have now...



Patience then... Patience.
Perhaps I'll have my chance in the next Steemfest.

YOu wil get there!

Yes I will! Perhaps not this round but certainly the next!

@roelandp I am beyond excited!! See you there 🐳🐬💃🌺

Im beyond excited to see you there! Woohoo!

Yes!!! Finally. I will short
My holidays in sommer to be in Portugal 5 days :-)

Sooo excited

Por fin nos vemos Manu!!! :-))

siiiii, te voy a emborrachar que lo sepas!

Tú a mí? Entendiste algo mal..... Jajajaja
Qué ganas de verte lokoooooo!!!

ah es verdad que eres alemana...tu aguantas el alcohol más que yo seguro :)

Soy como Obélix: de peque me caí dentro de un barril de cerveza jajaja
Seguimos hablando por privado mejor :-D

This is great! We've gotto parteeeeeeeeey! :D

AWESOME, can't wait!

I'm excited to meet you there @voronoi! Let's draw something together.

Thank you very much for organisation. Lisbon is a very good location :-)

Absolutely! @roelandp keeps innovating! See you there @twinner!

Can't wait to see you all from Steemfest 1 again and meet all the new members! :) And big ups to you @roelandp for doing an outstanding job on organizing the event!

thank you @mrs.steemit! Bring the whole team this time? :) :)

Yes they will be there! Look out for a message on steem.chat in the upcoming days from me about that :)

Looking forward to meeting you again! And please do get the entire team this time!


BooYeah! :D


Will be there :-)

CRAZY RIGHT! Please do come! :D

Lisbon awaits


Mine tooo Mine too MINE TOOOOOO!

Welcome Lisbon!

Looking forward to seeing you there man :)

Today's post: The exquisite light of Lisbon in photos
Alt text
A teaser for Steemfest ;)


Glad you like the pics :)

OMG...........definately going to try and get. Really wanted to go to Lisbon too! How exciting!

Thank's for your choice of Portugal @roelandp.
I'm very happy to see Steemfest in Lisbon and the opportunity to meet all you guys face-to-face.
When I suggested Lisbon I could never imagine it would happen.
Any help you need here just ask.
I hope to bring at least 10 friends to it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

haha :) when you suggested Lisbon I really had to keep myself back :) Because it was the plan already by then :P Great to hear that you can make it. If i not forget I will let you know when I am back in LIS for some arrangements, within a couple of weeks I think.

Hehe. great idea.
I'm leaving to East Timor for 15-06- to 23-07. :(
One of the things I couldn't do last time was to climb Mount Ramelau the highest mountain there and I'll try to share some photos and maybe some Human experiences.
As you like to travel I suggest this still lost ancient paradise.( one week in plain to go and come back).
The best country in the world to live if you have a short retirement plan
With 250 bucks a month you are very rich and can even buy some big properties for small money.
I love those courageous and fantastic people after they trust you.:)
But you can count on any help for Steemfest as soon as I'm back.
Every month there gives me 6 more months of life (Africa too).

wonderful! have a great trip!

This is fantastic news and a great program.
Thanks @roelandp for all your planning and organization!

I'm definitely curious about this! Lisbon's a little bit away, but maybe it'd be worth the flight out. Connecting with people is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself, your business, your online brand regardless of your intentions and goals. There's opportunity everywhere you look!

Absolutely right! Well said and this is how communities are formed and great things happen when people come together! See you there!

Awesome we can't wait, we love Lisbon! I'm happy to help with organising any of the arts too.

I can't wait either!!! Count me in! Woo hooooooo

@opheliafu and @mariandavp Im thrilled to know you will be coming again! @opheliafu your gift from SF1 I will never forget! Thanks for the same and for your support to the fest! Roeland and I will keep everyone updated on things :)

yes yes! let's stay connected about this. still plenty of time, but i like the offer!

Ho wow! what a great announcement...this will rock. Can't wait for this upcoming event that will gather all the steem community.

Yes that's our expectation with this! Hopefully everyone will support and contribute in their own way!

See you there !

See you there! :D

Calendar booked!


Awesome! I am looking forward to this. Thank you.

So am I! :D

Very cool. I have never been in Lisbon and I am looking forward to patricipate on Steemfest 2.0. Resteemed .

OMG! This is great news! Im so happy to hear this!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Oh wow, this is awesome! You are awesome! This is the best news I've heard all year, and I've heard some good news! I am finding a way there, HELLO LISBON!!

@ezzy, @jedau, @meesterboom this is our chance!

looking forward welcoming you all!!

So exciting!!!

@steemfest I'd so love to go but I just can't afford it think would be great I just started using steem even thou I got my acc and didn't use it for 12mnth nearly this for sure Ian the future of social media and I just got the buzz back for it instead of that stale I'm better the next you crampon Facebook. Seems like this community is nice kind and fair if any of you guys wanna donate some steem to me I'd love to see ya all at steemfest I'll be the guy at the back of the hall screaming how great steem is and how it can change the world love steem thx for letting me become part of this amazing community

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Since i joined steemit i have met a lot of good friends. it is mostly warm community here.
Perfect time, beautiful place
I heard a lot about last steemfest which make me welling to join this one. i hope everything will go fine

Sounds like a blast! Wish I could be there! You will have to give us updates throughout.

You can count on @roelandp to put together a great show and my team to help execute it! Come and have your mind blown away!

Just walk past the counter into the building and sit down at one of the tables and order a coffee and your pasteis. Coffee paid with Steem :P

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That is a great news! I am marking the dates into my agenda, in particular as I may actually be in Lisbon at that time (on my way to Brazil! ;) ) I will however confirm later!

Thanks for organizing this!

This is fantastic! I hope you can make it there! Would be awesome to see more Steemit old timers come!

I am so hoping we can get to this. Just down the road in the Algarve.

Oh yeah!!!!

then.... you must :) i'll prepare out of Cercal most probs before the event.

I think that Lisbon is an amazing place for steemfest 2!!

I'm looking forward to meeting fellow steemians in Portugal.

Thanks a lot for organizing this!

Awesome! We need more old timers from Steemit to make it there! :D

I don't wanna miss it for the world!

That's the spirit! :) Hear hear @roelandp :D

Oh nice! Thank you for your commitment!

Thank you for your support!

This is awesome news, thank you for what you are doing @roelandp!

Hi @firepower! You and your team are the best!

If it was in America, then I would not fly. But in Lisbon I'm ready to fly, especially since I've never been there!

Would be great to have you guys once more!!!

Thank you, we will try!

Very nice location for what promises to be a great event.

It will be for sure!

waiting for the big event. Excited

Will you come? It would be awesome if you can make it!

please email me the details on [email protected]

Standing ovation for your incredible skillz, @roelandp!! Steemfest the first was a world-class inspiration, and it was powerful to witness your masterful abilities at bringing a whole community together in celebration and potential. Can't wait to see what awesomeness you pull off for Steemfest 2!

thx sara! are you guys thinking of joining once more?

Yessir, I would love to be there!!! Steemfest is a most excellent experience, and I've never been to Portugal :)

Okay, SteemIt Whales: I'm gonna need a whole bunch of upvotes here if I'm going to be able to afford to make this trip. Start mouse-clicking and I'll see you all there, too!

Here's 1 from me! See you there! :)

Awesome! Thank you. Followed.

You people are crazy! ;-)
See you there :-)

weather is hopefully good :) no canals tho...

I can survive lack of canals but... how can I survive lack of pancakes?

well my parents actually also really like portugal... nothing set in stone yet :)

ABSOFRREAAKKINGLUTELY CRAZY! :D Come again and let's have a great time!

Such great exuberance!! Hope to make it there!

See you again at steemfest 2.0
That was a well kept secret.

@roelandp knows how to blow minds!! :D

Great news!!! Looking for flights already. Can't wait to see you all in Portugal 😍😍😍

OMG! I have soooooooooooooooooo much paperwork ahead of me that its not even funny! :D

Great, I've never been to Lisbon and I'd love to discover the city! It must have been disappointing that the San Jose plan had to be cancelled, but I'm glad I get another chance to go to SteemFest in Europe. I missed the first edition, although I live close to Amsterdam. I only joined Steemit after reading about SteemFest 1.

If I have the time for a holiday, I'll take a road trip by car through France and Spain.

sounds like a great plan :) :)

Incredible sounding event! Would be so good to make the trek from Canada to Lisbon for this. In the meantime upvoted and following you. So excited you're putting this together!

Would be awesome to have you there for sure! Please come and join us in making this bigger and better than last year! :)

I am new to the steemit community and will be out in Lisbon middle of June filming on red dragon, if there is any content you may need for the upcoming event I would love to capture and collaborate!

great offer, pls can you mail me on [email protected]?

WOW! This sounds great! Hope to see you there. Please connect with Roeland

Awesome news, hopefully we can make it @matt-a!

Please do!

We were talking about SteemFest on SteemSpeak, and the conversation ended up on the TSA.

WooHoo! We're going to SteemFest! Again!

Looking forward to meeting you again! :D

We can't wait!
@s0u1 and I have cancelled any plans for a summer holiday/vacation to save days off for SteemFest!

That's great! Stay tuned to @roelandp and @steemfest blog for future updates on the Fest. :)

Boom - Lisbon - the city we always wanted to handle our own company global event - it is time to go there - Noted to Calendar - needs a bit research and staff allocation.

Will re read this later and again and again - exciting as i was not there last time - think before my time, definitely before my active time where i learned to love this crazy platform full of crazy fun people!

Calendar what you say?

This will be awesome! if you missed the last event, you dont want to miss this for anything!

Checking with family first, November I am usually on travel often for the company but hope it works

I want go there and photography this in B&W :) I hope some one help

Perfect and I cant wait to see you post incredible shots from SF2. Please join us!

Thank you!! I hope :)

Europe it is! That made my potential appearance possible! Ultimate Frisbee season ends in October so no tournaments should intervene with that date too!

Oh wow! You are a profressional frisbee player? Do come and perhaps we can have a frisbee match on the beach :D

Well practically we are not professionals because we get no payment for it (we actually have to pay everything ourselves), but we are definitely full-time committed! The problem is that next year there will be a World Club Championships in USA and its cost is waaay over my budget. If I manage to save up for this trip, Frisbee will be the first damned thing packed :D!

Oh Wow! That's quite a challenge but its great that you are doing this! Sounds very exciting to me though!

Whenever you’ll have time you can check this review of our first European tournament this year :). I think you would enjoy it. Also I have been thinking about joining your team. I don’t know what kind of expertise you’re looking for though.

This is fantastic! I was going to ask you about it. Im glad you shared it with me! :)

Lisbon is perfect! This is great news! :) I'll save the date. :)

Great! see you there!

What a nice location, that's amazing! I can't wait for the SF2! Congratulations @roelandp!

Cant wait to see you again dude!

Nice to hear that! I can't wait to see you again, man!

Yay! :)

I think this time will be more people! And more work for you man! :D

I'm ever ready! haha! Quite excited to see how this one pans out really!

I know you are, man! I'm also excited about it! The place is amazing!

I wish it was going to be Austin first, but Lisbon also sounds amazing. I better start saving up for plane tickets!

Yes but Europe is better for everyone! Please come! :) 5 months to go and im sure you can manage it perfectly well

And thank you for all you do @firepower

Thank you :)

I do love traveling in Europe. Portugal is on my list. For Steemfest, I will do whatever it takes!

Looking forward to meeting you there! :D

Looking forward to seeing you again! You were so nice and helpful at the last one. I was the long haired hippie type besides @ballinconscious

hahaha I think I remember you! :D Thanks for your kind words bro! I hope to meet you guys again! It was great fun last time!

Lisabon is a perfect place for this event. It's position is like an Atlantic connector of the worlds. Just like Steemit. Hopefully I will see you dear people there in november! STEEM RULES!

Fantastico! See you there!

OMG THIS LOOKS AMAZING! I am definitely coming this time. Thank you for doing this amazing work.


HAHAHHA! awesome! :D

What a wonderful choice, @roelandp! Can't wait to hear more!

coming sooooon! :D

I'll definitely be there!

I hope I am able to go to Steemfest this year, but I will have to wait and check if I have other commitments in November first. If not, I'm looking forward to reading the posts about it from the people who are there :)

I think my wife and I will be there :)


Wow, what a great announcement! last time @chayylin told us about Amsterdam and we hope maybe we can join this time.

Fantastic! Look forward to seeing you and @chayylin again!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Last time @firepower, i was not their but i would like to meet you! :)
It could be a new experience for me and @sinzzer because this would be the first time we travel to Lisbon.
And November the first is our son birthday too so it's all depends when we plan his birthday party.

oh that sounds nice! Hopefully it'll all work out!

Yes, i hope it to :)

Well lucky me for living in Lisbon! Definitely gotta see this gathering!

sounds nice and I would like to visit Lisbon for the first time. How many people attended on the first Fest?

hehe ... it's in the first line of this post :P almost 200 - i think 191 from 31 countries if I am not mistaken.

How many people are you expecting this time around? Double?!

@sgnsteems Certainly! More the merrier!

A LOT and if you come it will be a LOT more this time :D

I am going to make it to steem fest. Upvoted and followed!

Awesome new!! Thank you so much for sharing!! :)

I have just started steemin, but I like it so far. Also the fact there is a great community behind it and these amazing get togethers are organized. Great stuff! I will not be able to come, because I will be in Indonesia by that time. But I just wrote about Lisbon so maybe this helps a bit to get to know Lisbon upfront.


Keep on steemin! Resteemed for extra attention :)

Have a nice day! Gococonuts

I am so hopeing I can get to STEEMfest this year.

Nice ! Can´t wait to finally meet everyone <3

oh yes!

It is great to hear things are getting set up for SteemFest 2 but I'm not going to lie my heart sank a little since it wasn't going to be in North America. It makes it a lot tougher to make it. I will try for sure but it won't be easy.
The plan to have it in California sounded awesome. I'm sorry to hear that fell through. Having it in Austin, TX sounds bomb especially since that has become a tech hub. I'm sure no matter what it is going to be awesome and you have my support. Hopefully a lot more people can make it this year!

Yeah it was a pain to have to pull the plug. As said I was happy I had not announced it, only did some peer-reviews and things where looking good until... this: https://www.presentationcenter.org/closing

Yeah it is too bad. I could have made a road trip to Southern California and then drove up there. But no worries. I'm going to do everything I can to get to Europe!

Im looking forward to meeting you there and I can understand that it must be difficult to plan a long journey. However, for the larger audience America with its restrictive policies can be a hurdle as far as paperwork goes. So come join us at Lisbon :)

Awesome, I am coming. Looking forward to meeting you all! :)

Awesome! See you there!

Wow. I can only hope I can make it. But wow, what a cool city to visit once again.

Yay! See you there!

I am so happy is in Europe. I saved the dates, so excited about :)

Couldnt have selected a better location for SF2 @roelandp for president of UNO!

Great news! A link to your post was included in the Steem.center wiki page about Steemfest. Thanks and good luck again!

Thats great!

Hello everyone! I hope see you everybody in my hometown. @roelandp if you need something please let me know. I'm more than thankful to help. I'm serious I'm here to help. Everything that you need I will make real.

thanks bycz! that is a wonderful offer, I'll be visiting lisbon again not too long from now, is there any way i can contact you? pls ping me via [email protected]


replied to reply :)

Lol! Can you reply to the replied reply? ;)

See you there! :)

Interested and would like to join 😆

Yeah, that's dank @roelandp! Looking forward for that! I would be pleased to have some workshops on bitcoin, trading and that kind of stuff. For I am only a writer, photographer, blogger, philosopher and poet, and I don't have any experience in trading. Be seeing you all!
Love, Unity & Abundance

Flying over from Bangkok!

I've been waiting since I heard of the last one! November! I really want to go!!!

And we realllyyy want you with us and bring my friend @infovore with you!

Intriguing! I just might make it! Croatia? Anyone who thinks about joining? Reply in chatroom if not here!

We could have a real live beer review board there If I can make it lol

I'd like @beers in judges quarters too!

Please come! :)

Damn. Sounds wonderful. Uwelang's proposal doubly so. If I donate blood I get two days off work. Just might pull it off.