[save the date] SteemFest³ - Kraków, Poland: 7/8/9/10/11 November (+ Hotel Packages now available)

in steemfest •  6 years ago  (edited)


Let's fight the bears with some dragons at SteemFest this year! Announcing the third iteration of our annual global gathering! This year Kraków is the place to be if you love anything Steem, are interested in using the Steem blockchain or just want to join in to the most epic crypto event, all thanks to the diverse crowd of attendees!

In this post I'll run over some initial things and thank you upfront for "bearing" with me waiting for the dates and location. Due to markets and internal discussions, it took some time before the SteemFest balloon settled on it's next touchdown spot in about 4 months!

SteemFest2 Lisbon After Movie by @mynewlife

This year will see a bit lower temperatures then previous edition in Lisbon (check the vid above and another one here), but hey, all the better to keep ourselves warm with maybe another one of those collector's item's SF1 (rainy amsterdam 2016) shawls?

So, why Kraków?

Kraków is a beautiful city, which dates back to the Stone Age as a settlement and was the Polish capital from 1038 to 1589. Located on the banks of the River Wisła, the city is well known for its well-preserved medieval core and Jewish quarter. It's people are friendly, hospitable and the pierogi (eastern european dumplings) are the best!

As with previous years I want to be SteemFest as inclusive as possible. This is not a for profit event and every sponsorship helps to lower the ticket-price per person below the cost-price per person.

And as much as I liked it and researched into going to the USA this year, it was just not feasible without seriously risking having to rise the prices a trifold or more (and "bear" with me, I have tried, investigated: Austin, Los Angeles and San Francisco). I do not want to downsize the event's offer, it's social events and general quality or make it an overly commercial thing. This, combined with VISA challenges, beary markets (post written yesterday :P), expensive hotels led to decision to look to Europe once more.

Krakow Market PlaceKrakow Market Place by Alan Bloom on Flickr

Now we have landed on a city which is not only beautiful but also quite affordable and willing to host an event like SteemFest. I mean, having a single room for 55 euro in a four star hotel or even less when sharing a double (including breakfast) is not to be matched when looking at US prices. This means that staying in Kraków will be exactly as expensive as staying 1 night in San Francisco (looking at the same rating / star level).

Additionally, looking at the annual crypto conference schedule, if you are a crypto-nerd you can go to Ether Devcon in Prague the week prior to SteemFest in Kraków! It is only a short train ride and you can enjoy and explore the beauty of both cities.

Let's look at the SteemFest 2018 program gist:

Wednesday 7 November 2018

  • Hotel Check-in (we've partnered up with 2 hotels, see the new SteemFest 2018 site!)
  • Festival Check-in
  • Opening drinks at night

Thursday 8 November 2018

  • Conference day 1
  • Evening event at night

Friday 9 November 2018

  • Conference day 2
  • Party at night

Weekend 10 & 11 November 2018
Explore the diversity of Kraków. Old-town is definitely worth paying a visit but also Schindlers Factory which also hosts the Museum of Contemporary Art (Mocak). The nearby saltmines are beautiful. A hike in a park, or a bikeride along the Wisła river can be on your program. Or decend into the cave, said to host the Wawel Dragon under the Wawel castle! Not for the faint of heart, but definitely demanding your attention is to visit concentration camp Auschwitz-Birkenau and confront yourself with the dark chapter of modern times' history.


SteemFest Hotels Packages now available

We've partnered up with two hotels with affordable prices, without compromising on quality. The Qubus hotel is the main hotel for this years even which has more capacity and a little more amenities (complimentary boat trips, swimming pool and saunas) than the INX Design hotel but that one is a bit newer and, yeah, more flashy maybe, being a "design" hotel. Qubus Hotel next to the river will host the opening drinks and should we have any official group departs (tba) this is the place to be. Both hotelpackages offer pricing including breakfast.

Book rooms in both hotels via SteemFest.com. You will need the booking-code steemfest.

  • Note that the official currency of Poland is the Złoty (zł / PLN) which has been trading between € 0.22 - € 0.23 this year and the hotel might charge you in those fine dimes!
  • Keep in mind that the closing dinner is on the evening of Sunday 11 November, so recommended checkout is on Monday 12 November!

Getting to Kraków - Easy to reach by air, train and car

  • Kraków International Airport (KRK) is well connected with multiple daily arrivals from every major European city including all well known EU airport hubs. Long-haul connections to Chicago and daily arrivals from Dubai too.
  • Kraków can also be reached by train with daily connections from Vienna, Budapest, Prague (home to Ether Devcon 5 days prior to SteemFest) and Warsaw.
  • Flixbus takes you to Kraków from anywhere in Europe.

SteemFest 3 - Kraków will not be possible without:

  • You visiting! (preferably by buying a support ticket (ticket shop opens mid august latest))
  • Sponsorships, generous whales, and tba other sponsors (you? - contact me via [email protected] about the opportunities)
  • Donations to the @t-r-f Travel Reimbursement Fund - feel free to donate money there, which will get distributed to applicants after SteemFest3 just like previous years...
  • The Firepower CREW!! - last year a dedicated crew lead by @firepower consisting of @sjennon @things @foxxycat @razvanelulmarin @anyx @nightowl @poezio @varunpinto @wandereronwheels @mynewlife made sure the event was a blast and most of them will be back to ensure smoothness once more!
  • Input and help from many more of you, just like last year.
  • The City of Kraków

What can you do now already?

  • Save 7,8,9,10,11 November 2018 in your agenda and start planning a flight / - train / start & arranging visas (Poland is part of the Schengen zone)!
  • Follow @steemfest - the official account for SteemFest infos
  • Signup to the mailinglist via https://SteemFest.com
  • Book a room in 1 of the 2 SteemFest hotels via https://SteemFest.com!
SteemFest2 Lisbon Drone Group Picture by @timsaid

Any liquid rewards from this post will be forwarded to @steemfest after payout and help lower ticket prices of the event.

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Location, because of convenience, for @roelandp

@roelandp wrote: Well, part of the reason being in Kraków is that we are close to another major crypto event taking place a couple of days prior. (*convenient for @roelandp)

So, You @roelandp have chosen a location so far away from the long distance International travel routes, that we see no point in even calling it steemfest.

Adding 20+ hours extra travel-time is not very convenient for us.

Because of your own selfish convenience of already being there anyway, you did not stop to think that this location adds about 20+ extra travel hours on average for long distance coming in from the continents? Krakow is not exactly the center of the world.

If SteemFest 1 had not been in Amsterdam, nobody would have gone.

SteemFest 1 was great. The routes in and out of Amsterdam are the very best in the world. If you anyway just going to hold SteemFest where it is "convenient for you", why not just bring it back to Amsterdam, where you live - and make it CONVENIENT for the rest of us as well?

Location is everything!

We did also disagree with your location for SteemFest 2 because of the same reasons but did not say anything about it to not stir up fud.

But this time we speak up because of your "International Europe-Fest" is becoming an inconvenience to most people on steem. This is not an effective use of time for travelers.

I've researched this for quite some time.

You can fly from anywhere in Europe with daily flights. Most of them lowcost airlines. Also direct flights daily from international Dubai Hub. Many people (including myself) take change-overs when travelling.

Last year saw people from afai remember 38 countries. There are only 28 in the European Union. People from every continent came to SteemFest.

If it is really 20 hours for you, that means you are quite far away from anywhere Europe! Most flights to Krakow from anywhere in Europe take 1 - 2.5 hours tops.

And about the Ether Devcon: I'm obviously not going to Ether Devcon myself. I'm by then already in Kraków.. - I just mention it here because last year SteemFest and Devcon were at the same time which gave some friction. And now you can actually go to both (should you want to).

Warsaw would be better, cheaper and easier for everybody

Krakow is cheaper :)

Unless you live in Europe its going to be very long and far for a ton of people coming from Canada or the USA . and expensive. Why dont you at least give an example of what say someone like me living in Kelowna British Columbia Canada would pay in Canadian dollars to fly to Steemfest and how much hastle or time it would take to get there!? thanks, I look forward to your response. Im sure I would have to fly and transfer in eigther Toronto or im not far from Vancouver. I bet I would have to spend over 2 whole days maybe 3 just traveling time. ✈✈✈😩

what is ur international airport ms mckersie?
and.... why bet when we have Skyscanner?

a reasonable flight is total trip time 13hrs and 40 mins and will set you back 634 € (or Cad 978) and the cheapest is 620 € but has about 2 hours extra on the way to Krakow.

from vancouver your flight would be most probs change over in Toronto with a direct flight from there.

see below my search results.

i understand this is about double the flight time and price to get to EU. but that will all be easily compensated with a way cheaper hotel (u easily save 50% or more vs Americas) and ticketprice to the event which will be undoubtly about 30% of what it would have costed when having the event in the americas.

please check skyscanner.com and also flights.google.com - if u have time and are in a wander mood be sure to add destination airports such as Katowice and Warszaw.

ping me on steem.chat - i am a hobby travel / flight / trip planner and hacking that is what I like to do!


Thank you so much for the information @roelandp ! You are awesome! its just to long for me on a plane with lower back issues, and will be way to expensive for me this year, I would need most likely 2,500.00 dollars at least to cover everything, so I will try to start saving now haha, for maybe next years Event.
One of these years I will make it to Steemfest Lol! Have a great time my friend! And everyone else!✈✈✈✈

if it makes you feel any better, from australia, its 25 hours
and thats why steemfest will never be held here :(

that and the things that are trying to kill us XD

Wow! That's way to long,I could never afford it anyways!👍😒

Posted using Partiko Android

Why do you keep downvoting my posts you little twat ? Fuck off my blog if you don't like it.

please elaborate? i havent downvoted or visited your blog afaik. thank you.

ive visited ur blog to analyse. i have actually only upvoted ur blog a couple of times as i support the art hashtag. i am really sorry i have UPvoted ur content.

im sure to remove my vote as apparently u cant appreciate the UPvotes i gave u.

Sorry this was meant for somebody else lol my bad bro, u did only upvote I copied the wrong name on my GINABOT lol you have all rights to call me a dick now lol sorry again.

this got weird hihi

Hi @booster. I am coming from North America and it's really not too difficult. We have 4 full months to create travel plans. Don't worry, just like last year, there will not be a lack of attendees. Hope to see your team there!

** but I doo <3 Amsterdam

Hey Bud! I'll see you there!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

SLC to KRK  11 1 — 11 13.png

Ouch i didn't realize it was 20hrs dang!!

That said I'm still considering it, just one thing to consider

where are you flying from?
Chicago ORD to KRK = 10 hours and $664 direct flight (return).
Toronto about the same pricing and also direct flight.

Please try SkyScanner.com also!

Thanks never heard of that website before always like knowing what people are using. I switched it to Tuesday travel to lower price as well.

West coast adds another 2-3hrs of flying compared to those east coast cities and a couple more hours of airport time. The fastest possible i saw was 16hrs from the pretty good hub of Salt Lake City. It's just a pretty hard country to get to is all... I guess that is what makes it exciting.

Cheap flights from Salt Lake City to Krakow at Skyscanner.png

I'll be photographing a youtube conference before that so I guess it's a month of trips (also bolivia in there somewhere)

What's convenient for any one of us is most likely inconvenient for many others. So, regardless of where SteemFest is held, many will be disappointed... and for reasons other than just location. And that's so unfortunate.

Is this just going to be another circle-jerk fest, like the last 2, or is something actually going to cum out of these 3 days?

Again, I really question how throwing a 3 day party, for those who are ALREADY USERS, is worthy of a top witness spot that brings in RIDICULOUS income.

hey.... you can't forget STEEMWhale.io...

I hope to see you there @berniesanders... in flesh this time, not cardboard! I don't think it's meant to be a promotional event for outsiders... It's a fun time for people of the STEEM community to get together from all around the world so we can jerk each other off and share ideas. I went last year by myself (not knowing many people) and had one of the best times ever.

Cheers dude.

It's a fun time for people of the STEEM community to get together from all around the world so we can jerk each other off and share ideas.

I'm actually not sure about the middle part of your statement, but agree on everything else you said here :-D

Don't feel bad, if you weren't a blonde on the beach, you would get even less votes than you already do.

I know! I paid a lot of money to look like this, Bernie :-D

Ha! Ha! Cool.


Maybe some day even for a Bernie things won‘t be just black and white. But we love you anyways. :-)

ahahah you are incredible ahahah

Yea yea yea...

can we surf the Vistula river?

Sure! Sounds like a plan :-)

You can try, but the Polish police is faster with their boats ;) And Vistula is a little bit too calm to surf :)

Maybe we can make it on the cover of a Polish newspaper :-) Get your Steem-branded wet suits ready!

I can see the headlines already:
"Crazy People From Internet Try To Surf Polish River"

Haha in the Independence day! :)

Great idea to promote Steem in Poland :))


please anyone elaborate about this event??

' not sure' doesn't mean 'no'

Whoa! This is a fiesty side of you I've never seen before! :)

This is a good question. I’d like to know if there will be any kind of marketing for this event outside of the Steem user base. If not, it seems like a big waste of time and resources.

I think it's meant to be an extraordinary event for the people of the STEEM community, not exactly a promotional event for outsiders.

Agree, It's up to us to engage, share thoughts/ideas and leave with a greater sense of purpose for the upcoming year.

outside of the Steem user base.

Now you're just being silly. There is no such place.

I would love to be involved with this! If you are looking for speaking please msg me! email - [email protected] @roelandp

As much as I like a good orgy, you have a good point there, dear sir. It shouldn't be one.

Yes, there should be marketing for the event and I will personally do all I can to help @roelandp do just that - promote the crap out of it to journalists and media outlets. I've been told I am not bad at it, and I've done enough PR outside this here blockchain to be able to lend a hand. If you have any ideas - throw them my way.

Thanks for the heads up, and sorry for the reply. I know we had an agreement about me replying to you, so please don't flag my little ass - I mean well.

Well, part of the reason being in Kraków is that we are close to another major crypto event taking place a couple of days prior, in Prague: Ether Devcon. Not sure if that is just a circle jerk of ether people tho, what do you think mr B?

Yes definitely the idea is to reach more and more towards people who are not yet Steem users, however imho it is also great to have internal pr (which you call circle jerk, ok) for the current userbase, which I see as evangelists for Steem. Curious how you see this.

If you have any constructive ideas, I'm all ears. Either here or via [email protected].

I think it's hilarious you can even attempt to compare Steemfest to ANYTHING done for ETH.

Their's is devcon, yours is steemfest. See the difference?

They talk about tech and development to build their ecosystem, you sing kumbaya and tell each other stories trying to get another dollar worth of votes on your posts.

There is no comparison.

LOLL. You clearly havent been to either steemfest. Actually let me tell you, originally, before v1 the idea was to call it SteemCon or SteemDev, but we decided the community is bigger than devs.

About 1/3rd of last years content was tech related. Just check the livestream recordings please.

Please get your facts straight. I also asked for constructive ideas, if you have em, I'm all ears.

Or alternatively, if you want to add another one of your great comments in this thread, also fine. Don't forget to upvote it afterwards with your own SP which you earned by being a witness yourself back in the early days when witness payments where 5x what they are nowadays which you raked in very easy. Have not seen anything constructive you've done for the community before or after that. But I can be wrong.

Hey @roelandp! Good work. You have my support. Looking forward to Kracow.

Sheesh Louish B-Man, chill out, it's just a fun party and Steem celebration; maybe you can organise a better one and show us how it's all meant to be done?

Hope to see you there! :-D


Steemfest is a face to the faceless, it ideals were built on fostering unity amongst the community, engaging steemitizens off the block and promoting steem, blockchain and cryptocurrencies subjects and influencing the non blockchain users into the ecosystem. Not really the gathering. Maybe this can be another view point to the gathering.

Hey B-man, looks like Krakow has been promoting Steem already.

Sometimes you just need to relax in the circle :D

Yes. I also need some relax. I work whole my day. I want to make a tour. Who want to join with me?



Friend @berniesanders you have asked a good question,i like it.

I think it gonna be a great event, will also like to visit Poland one day.

I am currently running a campaign for a cause. Please take a look at it.
Any support or recommendation would be very appreciated. Thanks


Is this just going to be another circle-jerk fest, like the last 2, or is something actually going to cum out of these 3 days?

Circle jerk...cum ??? Maybe you answered our own question

Can't wait to get to Krakow now! My crew and I will be back and we're going to help make this event rock just as we have for the past two editions! :)

Yes I love How every SteemFest Is in a new cool place that we get to explore and appreciate together!
See you there!

Can't wait to see you again in Krakow my friend =)

You too my friend!


QUINN!!! I can't wait to see you again! Is the gang coming? I'm long overdue for a big hug from @everlove and @saramiller. :)

Most likely @sarmiller and @everlove will be there for their THIRD annual SteemFest attendance!
I may bring a bigger crew this time though ;-)>

Those guys are the best huggers!

We'll save our best for you @luzcypher!

Yea!!! Can't wait to see you guys again! Woo Hoo!

YES!!! XOXOXOXO @coruscate
Bring chocolate ;)

Yes Mon! Will be so great to see ya’ll again!

Yeah baby yeah!


Yes! looking forward meeting you guys!

Yup! Our Canadian crew should be there again :)

woot, see ya there! :)

Wheuu thats sweet theres a Canadian crew. I'll be living in Prague but definitely want to come for the weekend!

Prolly an easy train ride over from Prague which is a most excellent city to be in!

Loved it there!

Absolutely not far at all and relatively cheap as well!

Looking forward to another mind-blowing event! Cheers @firepower

WOOHOOO!! Looking forward gin seeing you guys there once more !! Lemme know if u need an extra pair of hands too

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the organization.

Stoked to meet you @firepower! This is going to be epic!

Terrific! See you there!

Yay! See you soon @firepower
Dance party in Poland!! 🕺🏼 💃🏽

Awesome! Best wishes.

@roelandp es lamentable que para personas como los venezolanos esto sea un sueño imposible. Seíra genial asistir al @steemfest . Gracias por la invitación y nos queda disfrutar sus fotos y que algún día sea tan exitosa que pueda costear mi pasaje, hospedaje y comida. Sin embargo me emocionan mucho estos eventos porque creo en la generación Steemit y la huella que estamos dejando. Yo sigo en la lucha, esforzandome porque nada cae del cielo, excepto la lluvia. Todo lo que allí aprendan... no olviden compartirlo! Feliz Festival!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I appreciate your efforts and I think next time(s) it would be nice to make a poll and get a general opinion on where and when the users would like SteemFest to be. This way you can't be held responsible if a majority had spoken. Obviously an arbitrary one-man choice has caused a lot of backlash already.

Just visited the dragon cave lately, I just love the fire spiting dragon at the entrance and the magical city of Kraków which shows its youthful spirit with festivals like the recent wianki‘s, it will be definately worth your while.

By all that's holy I hope the missus gives me the all clear to go and yes, I am fully aware how sad that sounds!!

You better be there this time!

Yo!! I'm working on it!!!

Yea baby Yea!!!

bring missus. she'll be doing just fine!

Ha, now that's an awesome idea!

He’s got lots of those!

Good answer!

Last year I’ve been filming event in Portugal, this year is coming to Krakow and as A person from Krakow i can guarantee that this is lovely city and surely anyone who will attend will enjoy their time

Excited to see you again and for another awesome video!
Let’s set up an epic photo shoot!

Did you even checked previous one ?

The video? Yes...Photos from our shoot I dont think so...

I’ll repost it

Lookin' forward to 3.0! See you there @mynewlife!

Very excited for this, its a total surprise... Poland!! hahah I love polish food and I am sure this will be fantastic! With crypto being so low, didnt think i can afford to come to steemfest 3, but I might just be able to stretch it to Poland!! :`d

Yay! I hope you can make it because it would be awesome to finally meet you in person Alla! <3 I'm with you on polish food too. There will be lots of tasty moments i'm sure. :)

The price of flights from the west coast is makin' me sweat a little, but I made a decision earlier this year that I was going to figure out a way to make it to Steemfest no matter how expensive it was. haha

aww it will be great to meet you as well. hahah amazing! so glad you will come!! good thing you wont be spending much there!!

Good decision. It will be great to meet you in person. Steemfest is so cool. It's like a family reunion. Last year was my first one and it was remarkable to be meeting people for the first time that you felt you already knew. A unique experience for sure.

We have to go! I'm looking at plane tickets already :D

heheheh yeahh i know seems pretty cheap!! definitely gonna come now!!!

Congrats, you made the #steemitminute for today!
Click the Image Below to see the Video!

Its time for the third wristband :) I think only @timsaid and me are the ones wearing them from SF1 and SF2

Captura de pantalla 2018-07-19 a las 11.35.48.png

Those must smell very nice ;) Looking forward to seeing how @rolandp will step up the photobooth/gif-booth this year!

ooooh i wanna go! Kraków is truly an amazing city!!! I been there once before for a film fest and it was grand! there might be a way for me to make it there for Steemfest!!! I WANNA GO!!!!!!

Hello there. This is exciting news. I love #steemit and I would love to be there. The main question is if it is worth for me to be there?

Let me explain myself. I live currently in Venezuela so the trip it will be very long and expensive. My main goal is to know face to face the big guys from Steemit, so we can discuss about SP delegation. I have many projects in minds, some of them are currently working on, as the spanish community supportive account @steemitvenezuela.

Is there any guarantee that if a truly steemit member goes over there may find support, SP, cash, coins, etc., from big members?

I honestly understand many of the attendees of the fest are going to celebrate, personally I believe that we as a community, we need much more planning in order to take Steemit to a level where it can support projects and communities all around the globe. I have many ideas and I really want to work for steemit but I need support as many other members. I have been here more than a year and I plan to continue bringing people in...

This is the dilemma I have in mind...


It's mainly a party and a way to connect with other Steemians. I wouldn't go there with expectations of getting SP or coins, but there is a fund that helped pay for some of the costs of the flight based on the distance you fly and all the food and beverages were covered.

Thanks for answer @luzcypher. I understand and this is a valid point, not to expect SP or delegations but this is very important for me in order to build great things for Steemit in Latin America. I think we may change many lives and fund many projects.

Can I get info about this fund in order to make a decision?

Thanks buddy. STEEM OM.

Ask @roelandp about the travel reimbursement fund.

the @t-r-f travel reimbursement fund is explained on its own blog page. will work like past 2 years!

Cool, thanks for the heads up. That really helped last year BTW. It was a nice surprise to see that come in a couple months after Steemfest 2.

This post has received a 6.71 % upvote from @boomerang.

I suggest to throw in this steemfest's motto ideas, pick one, translate it to polish and then keep yelling it now and then to strengthen the spirit while you enjoy steemfest. It can be anything like: Where are the dumplings - as @roelandp already hinted.

Steemfest 2018
"Gdzie Pierogi?!"

Great news, always wanted to go to Krakow, I'm in!
Hope more Steemians from cn community will join this time too. This wonderful post is featured on today's news show in Chinese:

Looking forward to meet you there.


我应该会去 但也不是那么确定

Yeah! 👏👏👏

Yea, see you there Jonas, but first Berlin.

yaaay excited to meet you @joythewanderer! <3

Yea, see you there!

I am happy to announce that this will I will attend as well. And guess what? I still wear the SteemFest 1 and 2 wristband. Time for wristband number 3!

Will be glad to see you there @timsaid.

I will see you there! I have not been to Poland yet, so this will be awesome!

Very excited to see SteemFest coming to Krakow! There have been several Steemit events in Krakow this year, one of them organized by @bitspace and Forklog in the end of May (picture below) - a workshop and seminar where we had the pleasure of be joined by top witness @gtg among others.

In August we are doing a follow-up event in order to dedicate more time to platform experimentation for the people attending.


I will participate from Japan:D

Steemfest it is. I love to attend

The most expected news of the year! Here we go Poland, get ready for hundreds of Steemians.

Time to start saving some STEEM, see you there?!

It's my home city so you better show up!

I was wondering who the locals were, ideal for you!

Hopefully I'll be there :)

@abh12345 Is the question mark for you or for @anomadsoul. I sincerely hope you'll be there. 😁

yay! can't wait for another steemfest! :)

both :) Well i think Eric will be there for sure, I just need to get my saving boots on - or power a bit down - nooo! :D

Let’s be friends I like your posts

Time to lower the travel budget even more haha I hope we meet again man!

I'm on rice and peas to make it happen :D

Hahahaha, and water for juice.


Most expected...or unexpected lol? I totally thought it’d be west coast NA this year. Still pumped nonetheless !

Hope I'll see you there again man!

Oh i planned on being there regardless of where it was this year ;)

We're going to freeze our balls off but I guess you being from Canada are used to it.

Ha, i never get used to it... been freezing my balls off since i was born yo ~

So this is how you reach those high notes eh!?

Bahaha, not quite :)

You’re hilarious 😂 thanks for that laugh!


Was that the thud I heard? Your balls hitting the floor?

You've a keen ear still Brian ;)

I'll be flying in from Thailand. Going there for 2-months, then Poland, then back to Thailand. See you there brother!

Can't wait to meet again. How's that sound @abh12345, Thailand after Poland?

Just found out @roxane is going to Thailand after Steemfest too. Let's all go and eat Thai food.

Sounds pretty awesome to me!

Thailand after Poland, tempting!

Yes, go to Thailand and thaw out from freezing our asses off.

I”m in!

Awesome brother! Will be great to see you!

Cool, lets start talking about plans soon...We can arrange a post SteemFest shebang in the tropics after SteemFest and start promoting it soon!

That would be a blast. I'm in Thailand 1st week of September until the day of flying into Poland for Steemfest then going right back to Thailand. It's cheap to get there from Poland and would be awesome to have a thaw-out, post-Steemfest gathering there. I can't wait to see you again brother.

You got me thinking about it now :)


Love to meet you again and save the Saturday evening for a #BeerSaturday

At least the beer will be cold. LOL. It will be good to see you again.

At least the beer will
Be cold. LOL. It will be good
To see you again.

                 - luzcypher

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I can't agree more.....

Have a great time and see you soon. Greetz from Bali and around

See you there!
Steem On~*~

sounds certainly very tempting.

the big question is: how are you planning to get there? :)

I'll have to come up with something interesting and adventurous but I'll asure you I'll try to make it as good as last year :D

You could ride on the back of one of those dragons @rolandp mentioned.

"as good as last year"
last year was top quality!

Yes mon!

Hope I'll see you there again man!

I hope :) I'll try to be there.

See you there.

ahhhh stoked to meet you in Poland @anomadsoul!

I have highlighted the exact place where I have organized Steem Meetup in Cracow in 2017! I am extremely pleased that my city will be able to host the community this year. :)

Yet again another euro steemfest. It's time for a steemfest in North America.

I suggest North American steemians go to World Crypto Con in Vegas Oct 31 - Nov 2.

I can't wait to attend Steemfest.

Oh Boy, Oh Boy! I am excited to see our Steem family.


Can't Wait!!! I’m a crypto enthusiest and trying to bring the steem community together with multiple initiatives. Check out my @steemmonsters and @steembasicincome giveaway with a Byteball signup.


Poland in November be like

YES PLEASE! I love snow and we don't get ANY snow here!!!

Get your snowmobiles ready then :)

It's not for sure :) Last years winters are very worm.

I suppose climate change should sort it all out =D

It could be like this as well, who knows... ;D

It's gonna be awesome then! :D

Cozy! :-D

Cool, I haven't seen snow in five years...

according to my local sources like @gtg snow will most probably not yet be there. Also smog people are talking about is not yet the case as that mostly happens during the peak of winter which is then still 2.5 months out.


I thought SF3 was going to be U.S. Canada friendly this year...

Why not vegas?

I was anticipating North America too, but then again it's not quite as affordable for everyone, and pulling a Visa to the US can be difficult.

I just booked a Superhost Airbnb in the heart of Krakow for $26 a night....

Cancun? All inclusive resorts big enough for everyone and the cheapest time to come. Warm water and nice beaches.

That would be a lovely location!!

I second this @luzcypher! I think a Steemfest in Mexico would be awesome one of the these years! 🙌🏻

Looking forward to finally meeting you in Poland! 😊

Yes! I will see you there for sure.

Because that would be too much exposure? Too many people would attend? Would make too much sense?

I've given an explanation on the 'Why Kraków' in the post above. There are exactly 1000000 cities in the world. So yeah Vegas is one of them. Btw there was already the SteemCreators conference this year in Vegas, did you see it?

Did anybody see it?

Keeping SteemFest affordable and high quality gives more people opportunity to join the community. It's probably most expensive to carry it up in US or Canada.

It's not too affordable for those in the US. Great for those in Europe. Mexico is very inexpensive. Thailand is very inexpensive.

Didn’t have plans yet for tonight, now I know I’ll be researching tickets and stuff :’)

I wasn’t on Steemit yet the first two editions, but this year I am and I’d never miss out on an awesome trip and possibility to meet so many awesome Steemians! \o/

I'm checking plane tickets already! Really hope to meet you there :)

YES! I'm checking them too but they are expensive now, will wait a month longer :-) But will definitely go! :D Cool we're going to meet there!

Fingers crossed!!!

alternatives can be: car, train, or flixbus. I always recommend to use 'Skyscanner' for airfaires. Maybe none-directs are cheaper, but would take a bit longer.

Yes, I love train travel so I'll do that from Rotterdam probably :D

Oooh it would be awesome to meet you @soyrosa!!

I’m definitely in the middle off trying to find cheaper flights too! Hehe

Oh MANNN, yes, that would be awesome indeed @coruscate! Your search for cheaper flights is more serious than mine, I'm in Europe already so it's no comparison. I think you can search for the cheapest flight anywhere in Europe and see if you can take a Flixbus to Krakow - might save you a few dollars.

DM me on Discord if you have any questions about travel in Europe. We'll meet in november!

I've heard about Flixbus! Definitely going to look into that as an option. Thanks for offering to give me advice on traveling in Europe too. I will definitely be taking you up on that as I start planning things. :)

Sounds like an amazing 5 days. Will definitely try to make it to Poland this time. Can't wait @roelandp... Been collecting funds for this since the last Steemfest

Wow. Finally. Let me start making preparations and see if I can make it to this lifechanging event.

Steemit has really helped me alot.

Thanks so much for the advance notice.

My dreams will come true if I get to make it to this event.

I need this on my blog :)

I really wish I would be able to afford something like this!
I think it'd be incredibly fun and worthwhile!
Not only would I get to see another country that's on my bucket list, but I'd be able to interact with the community face to face!

I can imagine that something like this is very very far from cheap though, so maybe sometime in the future I'll be able to attend one of these! Here's to hoping! :P

Thank you for your vote @gentlebot! It means a lot to me! I'm new here and every little bit helps me to grow! :)

I just joined and it's pretty amazing at all the stuff done for it's members. I new that it was big for their members before, but now I've learned it was even bigger for it's members. I never heard of any other social medias throwing a party only for it's members.

Moremainstream publicity should be done as the event approaches.
Likewise, all the developed steem apps, SMT's and real life mode of payment adoption for steem should be showcased on this event. I will monitor this event in my end here in the Philippines.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Siiiick, most of us have probably been waiting since the last 1 for this announcement :)

I for 1 am Pumped!

Yaaay stoked to finally meet you @jaybird! We might need to do on an impromptu group open mic entry. 😆 Maybe @luzcypher will even sing with us!

Indeed, will be great to see some of the old faces and meet some of the new in the flesh :)

Ya, we talked about a live openmic last year and there was a very loose jam that involved the steembirds and a ladder haha. Hopefully we’ll expand this year !

Will sing for warm clothes. I have no warm clothes to speak of.

Why did you pick somewhere cold? Again. Come on, Poland in November will be shit. There's way more enticing (aka warmer) places.

Not sure about "Again". Last year was in Lisbon, people where t-shirts, I was wearing shorts all week. Now the world is not only sunshine and hot / warm weather. It's unfortunate you won't come to this event because you say Poland in November will be shit. It rains (statistically) more in July then November in Kraków. But yeah it will be colder then summer! But don't worry there is no beach in Kraków.

Poland is amazing and affordable for everyone. Tickets are 20 euros return from most places in Europe. Meals are 6 euros in restaurants. Drinks are like 1.50 euros in pubs, you can't go wrong with it.

I own one pair of jeans and two jumpers. So even I wore all my clothes at the same time it would not be enough for Northern Europe. -1 to 6C over those dates? Nope!

Mexico in November on the other hand, would be super nice. Somewhere between Cancun and Tulum. Perfect.

Great if you're in Europe. Not everyone is.

Very reasonable compared to London NYC OR VEGAS.
Plus the culture, that is what I Am most excited about!

Oh, I'm not against Poland. I'd love to go there. It looks amazing. But in summer--not fucking November.

Cancun, Thailand, Spain, Greece.

Exactly. Plus there's a whole hemisphere of countries that won't be in winter and are cheap if costs are the main issue.

Agreed, Anyway, it's done. Will see you there. I'm going for sure. Going to have to buy warm clothes just for the trip.

That was literally my thought too haha I hate cold so much! I don't think my body even knows how to function in cold anymore

I moved to las vegas because of the lovely weather, not snow.... cold weather is not a vacation haha

haha yeah I left Portland in October because of cold and I guess I forgot to go back because I'm still gone lol

Still would be great to see you in Poland!

Of course! Would be good to see you too! I would never dream of avoiding an awesome event just because of cold. I'm a big girl. I can suck it up :) I went to Europe this time of year before and even though I was dying a little on the inside, all I remember afterwards are the good memories, not the being cold part :)

I REALLY hope I can go! Not sure...because I think I have to go back to US end of October and I'd be flying from Asia which means I might be tapped out on travel funds.

But I want to go SO SO SO MUCH!

You'd better go so I can finally meet you

Yeah @nomadicsoul and @daveonarrival! Then you won’t have to road trip to my place after all. 😜

We can all just meet up in Poland!

Would you believe I've driven through your town several times but I didn't know you existed @coruscate?!! =/

Totally agree, makes no sense lol

Just so you know, it is currently cheaper to book the INX hotel through the website and to not use the steemfest discount if you don't want breakfast included. @roelandp, do you know if the cheaper room at INX (minus breakfast) can be booked using the steemfest discount code via email too?

I can't wait @roelandp! I like this destination so much more than the one originally heard.

Awesome!! How can we get the tickets for the event?? Im booking the hotel right away :) - looking forward to it since last time I didn't have the time. Thanks for organizing @roelandp

There seem to be a little issue with the booking code with the Qubus hotel, their checkout date was incorrectly set to 11 (sunday) and should be 12 (monday) working to get that fixed.

Ticketshop for the event will open, just like last year, latest mid august.

Ok perfect, thx :)

I'm so glad you're going this year! Will be great to hook up again. There's an idea floating around to go to Thailand after Steemfest. What do you think? Are you in?

yeees!! Im soo exited!! It will be great! hahaha I will think about it! Depends on my next plans from September on, but maybe we get more people to join ;) Steemittrip

Great! Can't wait! Steemfest is so much fun. Let's start dangling the carrot in front of people to go to Thailand afterward.

Haha, do you already have some people in mind for that?

I know @roxane is going. Look in the comments of this post. @quinneaker was interested and mentioned he would start promoting it, @anomadsoul, and a few others. I also have a friend coming from Germany. I'm flying in from Thailand and going right back after Steemfest. Got all my flights booked for everywhere. Going to Mexico City for a week, then Thailand 2 month, then Steemfest, then Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and the Philippines for 2 or 3 more months! Woo Hoo!

Nice, Ill see if I join! ;)

What a wonderful gathering

@thewritersblock will be represented by me and hopefully @rhondak.

Won't it be a little cold for your safari suits @roelandp?

yes i guess so :P

You could wear fur covered safari suits or dress up like a teddy bear.

oh this time it is really close to my place!!! All the times i thought eh why it is so far

Lovely, Kracow is amazing. I cannot wait for November :)

hugs will be waiting! :)

Yey indeed, hugs camp 😍😍

Instead of Creamy & Delicious...
The motto for 3.0 is: Kielbasa & Perogies

YAAASS! Eating lots of perogies is high on my priority list. 😂

It will be awesome to meet you Jeff!

I am with you on that!
See ya in Kraków!

See you there!


Most welcome sir
I like it your every blog and comment.
Best of luck in your every post.....
Thanks for you sir....

Omg!!!! How exciting! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Steemfest 3! Ekkk!

OMG @karensudstudios... are we finally going to meet! 🙀 🎉

Yay!! ♥️

Omg!!!! ThAt would be amazing! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

You will have to be back to Europe :D

I will go for Japan!
I can not wait.

Poland? - That's actually pretty awesome!

Hey @roelandp. Im just wondering about the party program. Will there be Steem musicians playing and is the lineup already set. Thx.

interesting! please mail via [email protected] thx.

Are we finally going to meet in person? Woo Hoo!

Haha. I dont know. Ive talked to roeland and we will see if he can organize me being a part of the music program. November is mid season for my orchestra so i need to see if i will have free dates to come and see what the steemfest program will look like. How the logistics will be set up.
Ill try to be there but at this point its hard to say.

great stuff

Been lookikg forward to seeing where the next SteemFest would be ever since leaving SteemFest2 with some of the best memories of the year! :)

Looking forward to seeing you all again and also to meet any new Steemians who will look to join this time.

I look forward to meeting you there.

I can't wait!
I will go this year too!

Oh my Goodness. I have been waiting for this. Can I present an African dance performance? thanks @roelandp for supporting @steemcamp 2018 IMG_20180715_110941_1_1531649459901.jpg

epic t-shirt! :) Yes, definitely, however I must say that the past 2 years we have never had any luck with any VISA requests.

Maybe bring SteemFest4 to Africa? Kenya, South Africa, or even Nigeria 😁

Don't leave out Ghana :)

Tak! I am pretty stoked~ It's been twelve years since I spent time in Krakow. A bunch of rad Steemians ought to up the ante a whole lot! See you all there

Oooh cool shots. Looking forward to meeting you @crimsonclad! ♥️

Likewise!! I'm often working behind the scenes, but I'm slowly making my way around the world meeting Steemians~ I'm hoping this will put a big dent in my "still to meet" list 😊

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Great news @roelandp! Only an one hour flight from munich away :-) My bet was capetown since your visit there in February (https://twitter.com/roelandp/status/963465971867545600)

@twinner .... me too :D I was hoping Capetown for months looool

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I prefer Krakow, I dont like long distance flights


Then that's the perfect spot :D @twinner

Capetown would have been awesome

Unfortunately there are water restriction in Cap Town at the moment :( @chiama

Capetown in summer, sounds nice to my ears, but flights would be much longer

Capetown in summer,
Sounds nice to my ears, but flights
Would be much longer

                 - detlev

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I'm a poet! ;-)

I learned today about Haiku

A haiku in English is a very short poem in the English language, following to a greater or lesser extent the form and style of the Japanese haiku. A typical haiku is a three-line observation about a fleeting moment involving nature.

More at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiku_in_English

Haiku in English
A haiku in English is a very short poem in the English language, following to a greater or lesser extent the form and style of the Japanese haiku. A typical haiku is a three-line observation about a fleeting moment involving nature.
The first haiku written in English date from the early 20th century, influenced by English translations of traditional Japanese haiku, and the form has grown in popularity ever since. Many well-known English-language poets have written some haiku, though—perhaps because of their brevity—they are not often considered an important part of their work.

Kraków what a beautiful city, so much to do and see there.

Interesting choice and I'm sure it will go with a swing. Let's get Steemy with the bears and dragons! :D

Oh I am so there! Israel to Poland in November is really cheap.

P.S. lulz my mom is in Poland now in some health resort for old people.


Hmmmmm Good thing you are going.
Do me a favor. Drag me to this feast. I dont want to miss it :P

I will hypnotize you in your sleep in September in Italy. ;)

Sounds really interesting. I live in Australia so it is far for me to go. If I go, I will have to combine the trip with other trips as well.

I will also need to know more about the format of the event of the projected number of speakers and topics as well as the selection criteria for those presenting. I might be tempted if I can justify a tax deduction from the event.

Hoorah. Hoorah!!!

Krakow I can manage @roelandp. i'll be booking very soon! 😁

So excited. Brillsville!!!

This seems amazing! Looking forward to this :)

Will you join, too?

Yes :) What about you?

Yes, me too, meet you there! :)

Awesome! :)

I'm heading to Europe in less than 2 days. I guess I'll just stick around there until Steemfest3 to save on flight costs. YAHOO!

So funny to think that you came to Bellingham to visit me and @maryjaney last weekend - and the next time I see you will be in Poland! :)

Honestly, it's not unusual for me to meet the same people in different spots across the world. Let's make it a more normal thing for you. :)

Omg, yes! I never in a million years would have guessed Poland but I can't wait to see it! Thank you so much @roelandp for arranging this! Buying tickets asap!

aww Gringa I can't wait to meet you! I was pretty surprised by Poland too - but It looks like a gorgeous city to explore... and you can't go wrong with Polish food. :)

If I show up with my family (three kids, 9, 7, and soon 5), will there be activities for them? For the evening, adult-only events, would it be possible to arrange a professional service (or recommend one) to watch the kids while the parents play?

Although I was planning to come alone, I'd seriously consider bringing my kids too if it is a more family friendly event!

If it comes to it, and no one can help you with arranging/recommending babysitting, I can help you ask my friends living in Krakow with young kids, who I'm sure can recommend trusted babysitters :)

That sounds fantastic!

haven't give this any thought to be honest but I hear @tarekadam also about bringing 'them boys' so worth looking into. As we will pop the belly for the second time 1 month prior, my fam won't be there this time. Let's discuss some on a chat about what you will envision! In general people in Poland are very friendly and helpful so arranging kids care I reckon would not be very difficult.

Thanks for bringing this up!

Thanks for replying!

I'm talking with @corinnestokes about options. I'd love for them to come with me, but she's concerned about what the kids will do. Maybe she can get something together with some other moms/dads bringing kids.

I fully support the bringing of family and may even consider it this year. We could just decide To facilitate a great space for the kids and family making easier and more fun for families to come together.


Yeah, Steemfest again! 🎉🎉🎉


Dear Kraków..

we meet again!


Pierogi!!! Everyone must try it!


Ahhh you are already making me crave perogies! I’m planning to eat as many as I can during Steemfest!

Yuppy!!!! We will be there for sure!!!! I can't wait! I'm so happy to be a part of another steemfest after the wonderful steemfest in Lisbon!!! Big hugs from Italy!

@roelandp count me in AND if you need a last minute DJ then DOUBLE count me in

Krakow has been on my list for a long time and I would love to attend Steemfest, but unfortunately I will be studying in Taiwan at the time, I don't think I can fly back to Europe for one weekend.. You are doing an awesome job in organising Steemfest and I wish a great time to all participants including the rest of the @travelfeed team who will be there!

But maybe ... maybe it will work out in the end for your to come as well!

Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here: https://steemit.com/dustsweeper/@dustsweeper/dustsweeper-faq

life s not a bed of rose.....carry on. ...i hope you will success...in steemlife....best of luck....

Finally i get to see a post on the trending which doesn't have votes from the usual top bid bots

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Oh. Big news! I resteemed this article.

See you all there ! 😉👍

whaaaa @acromott! We will finally get to meet! :)

There Will be! This year is a must...
Cheers for this!

Wow this is great!
I will do my best to attend this year and meet all Steemians!
Great location as well... and very close to my place so you made my day!
Steem On brothers and sisters... Steem ON!

Wow.. What a pleasant surprise to know that it will be in Europe again! Really really hope I can make it this year. Thank you @roelandp and all those working hard behind the scenes for all the effort :)

I really, really hope you can make it too @redrica! 😍


Awesome, thanks for the update @roelandp and see you all at Steemfest3 again! 👏👍

Excellent news, an opportunity to go just that further east than I've ever been before (Vienna!) Looking at flights (but also maybe a train adventure!)

Oh wow, we gonna be in Europe again! Terrific! I was betting on San Francisco, wisely not putting any money on it...😜

Let's go surf Kraków!! Will we?
You told me we would be surfing at Steemfest 3 @roelandp and after the whale fountain I'm pretty sure there's nothing you can't do...lol

not sure about this one Marly. When we chatted the setup was still pointing somewhere else... (see main post) Maybe a wakeboard session, or this?

I was just kidding :-) But wakeboarding sounds like a plan to me!

Otherwise you can always start windsurfing ;)

Ha, I'll be doing a windsurf training next Sunday :-)) Stay tuned!

Wow really!? Awesome 😀 🤙
What kind of training you will get?

WOW! YA! SO SO good to see this popup today, perfect location, you've done it again man! :)

hey @lloyddavis you coming along? i really hope so.

@teamhumble!! It will be awesome to finally meet you! You are definitely one of my OG friends on the platform! 😊

OMG you'll be there?! awesome. ya! :)

Kraków, Poland

Yes, Yes, Yes! :)

Of course I will be there! I already had a talk about Steem in Kraków last year, and the community was amazing!

Is SteemFest prepared to host 200 steemians from Poland alone? Or maybe even more? :)

Any thoughts on child care options?

I could set up/run something really awesome for that.

Great idea Luke!

Woah! Way to represent, Poland!

This is so exciting, holy crap! Can't wait to see you there, it's unbelievable that we went from @dailydogger's meet, through your talk to hosting steemfest.

Hehe. See ya both guys :) you and noisy

That is amazing!

Oh boy!!!

@Steemfest is arranging Annual Global Gathering in Kraków (Poland) this year. I love Steem and want to join this most epic crypto event. @printskill

That's very interesting i never been to Kraków before also we can meet new steemit friends 😊 i'll try to participate, have a nice day

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Wow this is looking very good, I'm glad that it's in Poland! Makes me really consider this, since that means visa free and cheap travel for me. Ryanair has some very cheap flights, for me it's only 42 euros for a round trip.

Would be awesome to meet everybody in person!

and with that... Today had become a very exciting Wednesday!

Yeah, go go STEEM!

Was really hoping you'd move it out of Europe and visit north America at least. Disappointing to see i won't be able to attend again.

Americans can organize their own event if they want. Maybe in Mexico?

I'd organize one as long as some people wanted to volunteer to help. Like, steemfest North America chapter or something. Maybe we could make a poll...

Now you make it even more confusing .. we're going to be in the USA around that time but now I'm figuring out how to still make it to Poland. At least for 2 days.

The steem creators thing might be more like the US versioin. I forget what time of year it is but I think it was during the spring or something

I did some thinking and decided to go to the SF ... I'll keep the US event in mind next time I'm there in the spring. Will you come to Poland ...? Would be fun to meet :)

I want to so much! Not sure if I can!

I know many American steemians are very disappointed to see it in Europe yet again. A north American event is certainly needed.

SteemCreators was earlier this year fyi!

As said in the main post, throwing one in USA, with the quality of the past 2 editions would have certainly meant raising ticket prices to 1000 USD minimum, and then having hotel prices way beyond current (triple the price too). All that together means that even for US people it will most certainly be cheaper to get to Kraków. But that's my look at it.

If people want one in the US, then they could be in charge of making one or get people together to make it happen. Might be an idea @ma1neevent

Waiting around for other people won't always get you what you want because maybe no one would create it, you never know. Be the change you want to see! Hehe.

It would be impossible for one single event to fit everyone's preferred location. If it was in the US, then Europeans would be disappointed and people near Europe. You can't make everyone happy it's impossible.

I think I mentioned steem creators to someone. I think that's kind of like the US version.

Thanks for putting the event together @roelandp!

True but they have all been in Europe and a large percentage of the users are not from there.


I thought it would be in the US this year. I was hoping for somewhere with some sun too, as a bonus. Oh well.

Many of us hoped it would at least be somewhere on the north American continent. Guess someone will need to plan an event here for us not fortunate enough to travel to Europe every year....

@jerrybanfield tried to plan Steemfest 2.5 lol

The idea was good, just not the implementation. An event here would be nice, considering many steemians are from North America. Having the event every year in Europe only caters to that part of the world.

Anyway, I hope you can make it @ma1neevent !
Money shouldn't be a problem on the Steem blockchain !

SteemFest is reserved for the global gathering. It saw last year about 45% from beyond EU fyi. I'm not saying it will be in Europe every year by the way. I hope you can find a way to join.

Great news and good choice of the location! Although I have not been to any of the Steemfests, and it seems I might not make it this year either... I really like this gathering and what it represents. IMO it's the opposite of wasting time and resources, but I do agree that maybe some serious efforts in leveraging this event and turning into a big global promotion for Steem will be very nice - like inviting media or influential bloggers or sth to come for free (if STINC can announce a big news exclusively in this fest it will help too)... After all, this kind of opportunity comes only once a year!

RAAAGGGHH!! Are Dinosaurs welcome at this event?🦖
Would love to fight some bears with you guys and make some people smile. 🙃

Oh man, this does look amazing. Who knows how lucky I'll get by November if I can ever make it there! If not for Steemfest, Krakow is on my bucket list for visit!

I need money to get there.... ^^

wow good your post i am flowing you @roelandp

it will be a great of SteemFest³ event in Kraków

Kraków? Thank's god it's in Europe :-)

Enjoyed a polish beer tonight...


See you all in Kraków!

Book the Saturday evening for a #BeerSaturday pub crawl through town and bring your cam.

Love to have more than a day for preparation this time

OMG! It will be my first trip to Poland and my first SteemFest !!!! I can not wait to see you all there!!!!


Woot woot! See ya there!

Yessss! =D

One of the best cities in Europe with tough history. I'm sure everybody will love this place.

I'll be looking into whether I can get there. Lisbon was such great fun. Lots of positive, cool people.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yeahhhh ! Poland during the winter will be giant ! :D
Probably a lot of snowball fights and a lot of vodka to warm up us :D
@roelandp, you will never stop to surprise us !

great...that's only 4 hours and 50 minutes by car from here. That should fit.....

Who does not like to see the natural scene. Everyone wants to visit the beautiful places of the world. We have become mechanical to see ourselves the buildings of the brick-cement-stone buildings around us. Difficulty in nesting the house. So maybe our mechanical city, where there is a lot of opportunities, as well as our sightseeing. Because we are naturally comfortable. Now we do not go to enjoy the wonderful landscapes at any place of trouble, where we have to face many problems. And that is why we go beyond our sights, some of the wonderful places in the world.

This is a good that you are organizing a steel fest
This is a first fest that you was organising.So best of luck

It also gives a chance to meet each other of the seemit community