The rules of the competition are simple.
- Use as many words(those in uppercase are the part of the list) from the list below in a para that will stitch words together well so that it tells a story, makes it funny and easy to remember these words.
- Use the words from vocabulary list in uppercase so that it is easy to identify them in your comment.
- The comment with most up-votes will be the winner.
Prize money for this Gig (Might vary for future gigs)
100% of the liquid Steem generated from this post rewards.
ABASE v. To lower in position, estimation, or the like; degrade.
BACONIAN adj. Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon or his system of philosophy.
CABAL n. A number of persons secretly united for effecting by intrigue some private purpose.
DARING adj. Brave.
EARNEST adj. Ardent in spirit and speech.
I will also be participating in the competition as I am also trying to improve my vocabulary. So you got to beat me if you need to win. Since the comment with highest votes win I am assuming that this is fair enough. If you think otherwise please let me know so that I don't consider my comment as an entry.
Based on the poor response I got for I have changed the rules a little to make it simple enough for everybody to participate it.
Upvote and Resteem this post to increase the rewards pool.