SteemGigs : Steemit First Ghost Writer

in steemgigs •  8 years ago  (edited)


Lets face it there are a lot of terribly written post on Steemit.

Well that is what happens when a Social Media site that rewards people for posting content is built.

Everyone starts writing even those who are good in writing and those who should be doing videos stick to writing because most of the time the text format gets better engagement.

Now the number one commodity people have is their time and most people will are also reluctant to watch video because it gulps more data and the last time i checked gulps data, then adding videos to the mix will leave a person's data balance low very fast.

I am not saying that people don't know what to blog about, it is just that they don't know how to put it in the right words.

Where I Come In

I have decided to start providing ghost writing services for steemians who may find it difficult with structuring their posts. I am a very good writer so the quality of the post would be excellent and you can check my blog for posts I have written.

I also run the #blockchain-blogger series and it has been getting good reviews.

Now there are different categories:


This is where you write a rough draft of a post and you need it to be polished further and injected with more details, and you also need it to be properly formatted with HTML tags for easy readability.


This is basically me using the ideas and outline you provide to write a blog post for you on any topic you provide.This category is for people who know what they want to write but lack the words they need to properly flesh it out.

Ghost writer

This is the category where I come up with the idea, create the outline and write the post, all you have to give me here is the topics you like blogging about.


Anyone who wants me to write a post for them will have to pay me upfront, and if after writing the post you don't like it, I can improve it to your satisfaction or send your money back to you. and once you request for a refund I will post the article on my blog so as to protect my effort before refunding your money.

Before sending any money to my account we must have discussed and agreed on a price and the nature of the work on Steemit Chat or Discord so to prevent any problems that may arise.

For now, I have no fixed price all jobs are negotiable, but special consideration will be given to Minnows.

Every post will be properly formatted and put in HTML Tags .

I guarantee you will recieve a post that is 100% Unique, I have been blogging on Steemit for Eight months now and none of my post have ever been flagged by @steemcleaners and @cheetah have been far away from me.

You should also know that publishing a good post on Steemit does not automatically translate to huge earnings it is left to you to promote the post.

Thanks for reading

You can reach me on Steemit Chat or Discord with @Ogochukwu

Read My Last Post : Are Your Blog Posts Missing This Vital Ingredient ?

Follow @ogochukwu

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Your content is always original mate, that's why i am always impressed by your post!

Thanks for your kind words @progressivechef

ghost writing, well, to each his own, but no matter what, such a venture would affect your ability to perform your duties to the fullest if you have any extra work your doing.

I have some free time for now

Great one ogochukwu, i use fiverr so i know how crazy things can get once requests start coming in. Hope you can manage though.

I am currently in the holidays period so I believe I can handle the demand for now

thats great that u are posting since 8 months and u never got any copyright warning brilliant bro

Well I don't believe in copying and pasting

I love that you're helping in a much different way then others on this platform , I gotta admit , my writing is not perfect , we can all always improve with help

You may want to proof read your own writing. First line:

Lets face there are a lot of terribly written post on Steemit.

Thank you for pointing that out @naquoya

Great post and a genius idea!! Any takers yet??

Thanks for the tip concerning steemit being data hungry - now I know why by phone is always out of data! As for ghost writing... I certainly believe in people being helped to improve their writing abilities, and a proof reading service, especially to authors who don't have English as a first language, would be good. But at what point does a post cease to be the work of the author? We all hate to discover stolen material on here, but is a post written by someone other than the named author any less of a lie?

Great idea. I would be interested in reading how your venture went. I would like to sell originally written poetry but I can not find the right way to atract clients. Maybe you have any tips once you habd some success :)