Is this what you stand for?

in steemisdeadlonglivehive •  4 years ago  (edited)

Look at your leaders. The ones voted in by Justin Sun. They are going to hard fork and delete the balances of dozens of accounts and move the funds to a anonymous account, totaling over 23 million Steem, which is about 5 million USD.

My accounts are on the list. Totaling over 2 mil SP at roughly 500-600k USD.

You all know me. I've fought for Steem, I've defended it countless times. I've helped many of you, curating your post, gave my advice, money and helped most anyone who asked. I left Steem because if you respect and love me, you know I fight for decentralization, not centralization.

I am willing to give my life to defend decentralization. It wasn't Steem I loved but what Steem represented. I moved to Hive because we were forced out of our home, unto the streets, and when you throw a community like ours to the wolves, we return leaders of the pack.

And now, Justin Sun, with the willing help of a handful of people (witnesses signaling .23 HF), are stealing our Steem.

"First they came for the large accounts, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a large account.
Then they came for the Hive supporters, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Hive supporter.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

If they can come after me they will go after anyone. I am a public person, my name is known.

Go spread the word. Let every Steemian assembled know the truth of this. Let each among them search their own soul. And while you're at it, search your own.

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Justin Sun can copy code, buy out companies, but he will never be able to make free people his slaves. He's got it all wrong, and the truth will be brutal. Crypto is not his place, he should run a normal company and be a tyrannical CEO. He has nothing in common with the philosophical roots of crypto. He's a sham, a disgrace and a moron.

So before Justin steemit was decentralized? wtf u on?

Seems like our leader will strike the fear into people so no more trouble on the platform. If you are good then u get to keep your money!! lol this is nutz!! I know how u feel, when I got my HIVE blocked it was horrible!! Sorry!!

It is better to make a SPS proposal at Steem like Hive, If you thing that you have wrongly selected for account frozen.

According to the HF announcement, there will be SPS proposal as you suggested.

I'm just curious about why accounts such as @freedom and @mottler (who has not been involved on this Hive fork and even have been inactive for years) are included on the list...

There may be mistake, this can be solved.
If they think that wrongly chosen for account freeze, they can apply for SPS proposal and community vote for it (same like as Hive).

Let me ask you something, what would happen if somebody went to a financial institution and took by mistake 3 million dollars? They're get clean by saying oh I took it by mistake then please let community judge if it was fair or not??? All transactions are public, there's nothing you should ask to community about these accounts... No transactions were made by them during the Hive vs Steem events, there's no way you can proof that even if those accounts have some transactions with the targeted accounts (I do t know if this is the case, I'm just guessing they have cuz otherwise this is even worse than it already seems) they are actually owned by the same person, you cannot go and take.millions of dollars based on vague assumptions...

These is just common sense, just in the way people who's supporting Steem right know voiced their disapproval for prior witnesses freezing Steemit INC's funds because of assumptions of possible actions (actions that sadly have been confirmed, granting them the opportunity to say a huge "I told you so" to everyone who disapproved they softfork, myself included), you and everyone on the platform should oppose this... Otherwise your initial claims against prior.steem witnesses loose whatever high ground they could have...

It is really funny that while we had helpful and productive conversation via DM and in this article there are trollers who speak as if they are representing you - and most of them don't even understand what's going on.

As I told you in the morning, I had to resign from my witness team due to violence threats. While I may continue to work for potential resolution as we discussed, but since I am not a witness anymore and I am tired of talking to trollers what I can do may be quite limited.

  • I assume that these "terrorists" will not attack you for talking with me. If you think there is a possiblity, I will delete this and will talk to you only via DM.

It's not good for people to use violence in any way to address disputes... I am really sorry to read all this, I understand why you don't support why Hive creators and supporters did to many members of the Korean community, and what they did by freezing Steemit INC's funds, but this action clearly violates the principles you have been arguing for the last couple of months... Maybe, you should stand firm on those very same principles and while still remaining not supportive to Hive you also should be condemning this outrageous actions.

Just my two cents

Incredible that they’re taking users funds. Feel sorry for you. Losing half a million. Luckily you still have your HIVE!

Motherfuckers will have it! I promise!

time to say goodbye steem.

Lolz, you little whining fart!!! :)

If they can delete and create STEEM with a simple fork, they're like the Federal Reserve. They create "money" from thin air, but really it's just stealing from everybody else that is holding that currency. They're worse than simple thieves... they're stealing from every account on the chain.

Pretty fucked how they are stealing your money bro.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

This is really sad... steem used to be a home for all.. i hope everything can come back to the way things were..

Thank you for all you have done for steem. I'm trying to make as much noise as possible on Twitter but I hope the Hive army will come out of the woodwork. I can't believe that Justin is this unreasonable but... well I've been proven wrong.

#Hive on.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

I think the hive wittnesses are the ones who started the fight with Sun!
However, theft is a no Go, as is accounts to block a no Go!
This will be extra damage to Steem Blockchain's reputation!

The only thing I can imagine is that you're gonna change the Steem in Hive and then send your Hive accounts

but all this is not right ❗️
VgA 😏

Awesome Status. Thanks

I think the hive wittnesses are the ones who started the fight with Sun!
However, theft is a no Go, as is accounts to block a no Go!
This will be extra damage to Steem Blockchain's reputation!

The only thing I can imagine is that you're gonna change the Steem in Hive and then send your Hive accounts

but all this is not right ❗️
VgA 😏

Sorry brother, this whole thing sucks

"I moved to Hive because we were forced out of our home, unto the streets, and.."
shouldn't that be present tense?

Just found out and I'm pretty shocked. This is sending all the wrong signals to investors. Back to square one: Remove delegation, restart power down and wait for a good moment to sell.

Sorry @project.hope.

@theycallmedan I speak for myself, but I know that my sentiments are shared by lots of little fish. This is abominable. You were one of the folk who refused to take sides until you had no choice.

Thank you for everything you have done in support of little people like me.

I do hope that you manage to prevent the loss and that there are appropriate consequences for what seems be blatantly unethical conduct.

I hear ya pal. i have been on a full powerdown since the fork, i swapped a large amount of Steem for Hive after the swap, i have sold ALL of my powered down Steem for something else. I still post here though because ii am not all powered down. Why not? I want as much steem as i can get to sell. A BIG one for me as a negative for hive is no EASY way to post short vids other than APPICS (which i love and want to earn Appics tokens) So what gives? Can't we use both for different reasons? I hold WAY MORE Hive than Steem.....i been here 3 years myself.....i hold more Hive because i believe in what Hive and YOU stand for. Do you look at me as a bad guy or bad for Hive because I post here? I don't really want to but then again nobody has replaced the "tool" i use to post (Appics) So i am not being a smart ass this is just some real questions i have.

Seems they are forcing people to go for HIVE, I think it's time to start a power down & secure funds & move to the place that the real community is waiting for!


"I moved to Hive because we were forced out of our home, unto the streets, and.."
I'm sure Hive development could have used that $500 -$600k you had in steem if that's the case. I guess your steem "investment" is now a historical archive. Great work but steemit has always been run by a whale cartel where you been? So Justin is just the next haejin or whoever... haha

There's a lot of Dick here

That's always been true.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

"deleting" all the balances. Fuck that. They're criminals

Things are really getting fucked up

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

I agree.
This was HIVE's biggest mistake.

Go suck justins cock bitch

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

Big difference - the stake moved out of attacking posture for Hive was participating in an activity understood to be an attack for the past 7 years or so. The accounts being forked here have not participated in anything previously thought to be an attack

If you had any idea of the amount of work that was put in to create Hive at this point maybe you'd consider it it's own new creation.
I'm not sure you are upset, from my interaction with you it's as if you're asking at every opportunity you have to not be included in the Hive airdrop.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  4 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

For the past 7 years, it has been public information that voting for multiple copies of a single actor as witness is an attack on DPoS. The definition has existed for a long time. Whether people previously attacked the chain from ignorance or defiance is unknown, but the fact remains that attacking stake was removed - not neutral stake as you claim. To justify steem HF23, new definitions of "attack" have been created, and very little of the crypto world will believe in these new definitions

I agree with you that freezing Justin's stake was wrong, but that in no way justifies the action of steem HF23

You realize that by saying this, the current steem witnesses are the German Nazi party in the scenario??

two wrongs don't make a right. Wrong plus wrong, just shows how weak this deployment of DPOS is.

10 dongs don't make a right either

omg, so much dongs

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

You are one of the biggest hypocrites of all and you just crave power. You ranted and raved about this exact same thing and now you will support it because Justin Sun gives you easy money.

You aren't playing with a full deck of cards honey.

Nazi asshole.

친절한 안부 😊
I wanted to reach you many times before, but never did because the conflicting scenario has overwhelmed my willingness to rise my voice. But this time I want to address some issues I really am concerned about. I deeply respect Asian culture, it's a real petty that events had turned the way they did... So far I just watched the events from a fence, I even was inactive for a while because of the overall behavior here was against my principles.

But this last fork is quite troublesome for me, it deeply harms my perception of some Asian folks that seemed to be beyond the childish attitude both some Hive and Steem supporters had.

In that regard, you seem to be one of the most genuine and honest users from the Steem supporters group. So I want to rise some issues about this new step towards the path of mistrust, dishonest behaviour and complete lack of ethics from both sides. The disrespectful tone of the comments from users supporting Hive and the decisions taken by current Steem witness is proof of that. Please read this comment wrote from another user here and let me know your thoughts about this issue, I still am failing to see why you are supportive of the new hard fork

Yes. Anyone is free to create a new fork with whatever code and data they want.

But there is one key difference here, namely whether or not the owners of the accounts whose states have been altered will themselves have to go through the trouble of first getting the support to run a version with their tokens, and second to have that token listed on exchanges and to thus gain value.

While I was strongly against the Hive exclusions, at least those excluded did not have to do anything to keep their existing STEEM balances. Those who forked to Hive created a new token, and did all the work to get it listed on exchanges and recognized in order to hold value. On the other hand, if those affected by the alterations of balances included in this fork want to run a version with their funds, then granted that this code gets accepted by exchanges, they will have to come up with a different token with a different name and do all the work to give it value.

Thus it is not apples and apples. In one instance, the affected party is imposed with a significant cost in order to retain the value they once had. Wheras in the other instance, those excluded from the HIVE fork has kept everything they had beforehand.

Again, I disagreed with the exclusions, as well as the spam and other attempts to make Steem unstable. But still, this logic does not apply equally.

In that regard, you seem to be one of the most genuine and honest users from the Steem supporters group

You should update your map on who you think glory7 is. Clearly he's not who he pretends to be.

You should submit a proposal to rename the chain to “tit-for-tat”.

No matter how you try spinning the butthurt, you guys come absolutely bad looking out of this. Just a bunch of vindictive, wannabe authoritarian rulers who want revenge for all perceived done hurt. I expected more... better.

I expected more... better.

Really? These children have been telegraphing this outcome for a couple months.

Well... here was hoping some day in a not too distant future they may have realized enough is enough and instead focused on developing the platform rather than continued harakiri.

There was a time glory7 actually did seem like someone with some sense.

I know, I know...hope is for teens and adults who wish to get laid on the weekend.

  ·  4 years ago Reveal Comment

Justin Sun can copy code and buyout existing companies but he can never force free people to become his slaves.

贾斯汀·孙(Justin Sun)可以复制代码并收购现有公司,但他永远不能强迫自由的人成为他的奴隶。

저스틴 선 (Justin Sun)은 코드를 복사하고 기존 회사를 매입 할 수는 있지만 자유인을 강제로 노예로 만들 수 없습니다.

Justin Sunはコードをコピーして既存の企業を買収することができますが、自由な人々に彼の奴隷になることを強制することはできません。