How to lose weight X kg. About Y days?

in steemit-health •  8 years ago 

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How to lose weight X kg. About Y days?


  1. You decide to lose weight only with a diet.
    Under diet, we understand diet with energy deficiency, ie. Eat less energy / food than you need. When there is a shortage of energy, the body turns to its stocks to get one. The body has 2 sources of stored energy - fats and muscles. Without exercise, the decomposition of the muscles for energy is easier than decomposing fats for energy. To convert a substantial amount of fat into energy, a significant amount of oxygen is needed - this is why running is so popular to lose weight because it increases the oxygen flow in the body and it is possible that a substantial amount of fat is used for energy.

However, you do not exercise, but you are only on a diet, ie. You do not have an increased oxygen flow, therefore you burn a minimum amount of extra fat for energy. By contrast, the body breaks down your muscles to get the necessary resources. The result is that you lose weight by killing some fat, but much more muscle, After the end of the diet you are weaker in weight and measures, but you do not look tight and healthy, but fluffy, soft and puffy, although the scale shows less ...

  1. Lose weight with diet and exercise.
    This is the way to lose weight 🙂 Again there is a lack of energy and the body again turns to fat and muscle to get resources. However, every day (or regularly) you use your muscles and your body thinks, "Hmm, these muscles need to make some hard moves every day if I break them down how I'm going to do these difficult moves? No, I will not touch them or just take them a little, but I will break the fat. "Your body is clever and does not break down the tissues it needs. Furthermore, as you exercise regularly, you regularly increase the oxygen flow in the body and create an environment for oxidation of fat to energy 🙂

  2. You only lose weight with exercise
    1 hour of exercise averages 300-600 calories, depending on the intensity. But most people train very lightly to say they have trained. Symptoms that you train lightly are: if you have not felt a shortness of breath (panting) if you did not feel pain muscular dyspnea (not always but occasionally) if you are not sweating after workout if you do not feel muscle fatigue after workout (In the good sense) if you have not felt your pulse without having to touch your veins ....

My main thought is that if you do not have difficulty in training, you do not have much energy, and you do not benefit from post-workout metabolism.

Let's say the forest 200-300 calories with 1 workout. In a glass of fresh juice (freshly squeezed fruit juice) there are more calories than you burn. Or in coffee, with cream, sugar and a few biscuits to it definitely has over 200 calories. Then how do you plan to lose weight by not creating an energy shortage? Only with training is very difficult to create an energy deficit / deficit.

Then you decide to add a "limitation of food" to the workout. Restricting food does not mean anything! You need a precise plan of what and how much to eat, especially if you have tried to lose weight so far and have not succeeded. If you do the same thing every time, do not expect a different result! Ie. If you can not lose weight by restricting food and a little more movement, obviously it does not work and you need something that is tried and worked.
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The only way to lose belly, buttocks, thighs, arms .... Is a diet that creates an energy deficit combined with whole body workouts (not just with abdominal exercises, for example).

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There is no magic wand to lose weight, You have to do hard work and be patience because losing weight is a process, you cant get results in a week but slowly you will see result after a month. I have done it and doing it on regular basis. Great information for our steemit community :)

Check out how i started the weight loss journey, if you are interested you can read

Thank you,I will read it:)