STEEMIT IRON CHEF 2018 Act 01 Round 06 : Contest now OPEN!!! Join to win amazing prizes!!! SBDs, Voiceshares, Trophy Tokens and Skillcoins to be won! Discover the theme inside!!!

in steemit-ironchef •  7 years ago 

Greetings world of amazing foodies!

The moment that all the lovely foodies of steemit have been waiting for has finally arrived! Yes my dear friends, today is Friday and it's time for me to reveal the identity of the product that all the contestants of Steemit iron chef will work on for the 6th round!

Round 5 of Act 1 ended with 27 entries that i counted last...if more is coming up, i will for sure take them into consideration...well until i've done the judging!

Amazing rate of participation again, thank you to all who are collaborating in making this contest such a great one!

Thank you participants, thank you supporters and thank you all sponsors!

Surprise Surprise!!!!

For the 2018 season of SIC, it has been planned to have some surprise theme from time to time....and you know what...this week gonna be the first surprise theme of the season!

So after working on a different vegetable/fruit for the first 5 rounds...let me reveal this surprising theme that I am sure everyone will just love it!!!

Using your most favorite local fruit or vegetable, make the dish of your life with it and show it to the world!

The theme seems long but actually it is very simple!

Let me explain a little bit more clear...

Each and everyone of us, especially foodies, we surely have a favorite fruit/veg that is native to our region/country and not so well known in the world. All you have to do is to take that particular product and elevate it as you have been doing in the other rounds!

The one coming up with the product I know less or I have never seen will be scoring more points for sure!

I am looking forward to discover how you transform your local product to a very high level!


Don't forget...All you have to do is simply make either a starter, main course or dessert based on the local produce that you will choose!!!

The rules and regulations have been updated for this new season and here is what is needed to have a valid entry in the contest.

Please make sure to respect all rules for you to have your entry validated!

  • Create a post and title your entry 'Steemit Iron Chef 2018 Act 01 Round 06 : Name of your dish'
  • Make either a starter or main course or dessert with the local product you will choose!
  • Two entries per person are allowed.
  • Make sure to use #steemit-ironchef tag in any order you wish, so that I don't miss your entry!
  • Only new recipes will be accepted, so I need at least one photo with your name and date on it.
  • I don't need to see your step by step preparations/recipes, just make the list of the products used, describe your dish and add some photos to get my attention! Make it sweet and simple!!!
  • Post a link of your entry here on this post (Very Important to do, so that I don't miss your entry) and also share your entry on our discord channel - to get some more support from the awesome foodies there!
  • Any participant not following these simple rules will be considered a non valid entry.

Be the most creative , inventive and refined possible, you'll win a lot of points...
The DEADLINE to submit your entries will be Friday 23rd February 2018 once round 7 is announced!

By participating in Steemit Iron Chef, you give me the right to use your food photos for public announcement!


Different prizes consisting of SBD, Voiceshares, Skillcoins and Trophy Tokens are shared to the winners each week!

Check out the below table to see who wins what and how much!!!
Should you need any more information, just let me know in the comments sections below!

In order to receive Voiceshares, Skillcoins and Trophy Tokens, you have to open an account on bishares ledger and let me know your address!


The SBD made on my posts are used for sponsoring the Steemit Iron Chef 2018 contest!
Anyone wishing to grow the prizes and be a sponsor of this unique contest, please do let me know!
You are most welcomed!


Big thanks to @canadian-coconut, @donkeypong , @trophytokens , @voiceshares, @sjennon and @bambam808 for the amazing support to Steemit Iron Chef! It's thanks to you guys that this contest is running so nicely!

Big thank you to all the contestants as well!


I am sure this week of contest gonna be very informative for many of us as we will get to discover so many products that we've never seen/tasted before!

If you need any more info just ask me here or on the discord channel of Steemit Iron Chef!!!

Thank you!

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Sounds great ! I will enjoy this challenge for sure. I have asked this question a few other places ... but I am guessing that you did not see it ... @progressivechef I am wondering about where the payout of the winnings from SIC week 3 are .... I got from week 1 and 2 and I can see that you paid out week 4 .... but I never got my winning from week 3 ... is there something about week 3 that I missed ?

Hello my friend! Thanks so much for reminding me of same...i really forgot about sending the winnings of week 3! I am so sorry about that, I even for got to send the tokens winning of openledger, but now i've cleared all, thanks to you!
All winnings have been sent, do not hesitate to ping me like this when you notice that something is not normal, i really appreciate your help!
Thanks again and looking forward to your entry which I am sure will be outstanding!

Thank you ... I was quite sure that you might have forgotten .... I wasn't worried about the payout but more that I thought you forgot or I missed something lol ... but all clear now, I am glad I could help in reminding you ... sometimes it can slip hihi

Oh wow...that's going to be interesting. We're buried under snow here, so there's basically nothing in-season. But we do preserve some things...

You have snow ice cream, lol! Or maple syrup on the snow. Yumm! :D

Not the worst idea! 😄🍦

Potatoes!!! 😜 Ok, not in season actually but from storage! 🥔🥔🥔

I have never experienced those harsh winters like you in my entire life my friend, but i can feel how difficult this must be! I am so impatient to see which preserved favorite of yours you will be sharing with us!

My entry for this week:
Lacón con Grelos
Have a great week!!

Wow! This is going to be so interesting to see what people feature from their region!

And I am sure you will surprise us all with another great one! Looking forward to discover you entry my friend!

So sorry my friend, as you did not respect the rules ( max 2 entries) your entries are not valid for this round! Hope to see you in the next round!

I am really curious about all the unusual and unknown ingredients of the other contestants dispersed around the world ... 🌎🌍🌏

My real idea behind this theme is actually to discover more on others cultures, there are really sooo many amazing products that we have never seen/used scattered all over the world! Amazing!


So again @progressivechef, I apologise for lack of presence on steemit in the recent weeks, but back to normal life in China as of next week- in the mean time, hope you enjoy my entry for this week :-)

No worries my friend! I absolutely understand that we can be so busy especially when travelling! Hope all is well on your side!

This is a surprise indeed! Now I can't sleep anymore ... 🤔 thinking ...

Hahaha! I know that feeling too!!! Good luck for this round my friend!


I went with Minnesota Wild Rice!

Hii, i was wondering if it could be about more than one local ingredient?

Yes my friend, it can be even more than one local product! Go for it!

Here is my contribution:

Thank you for reading! Have a wonderful day all you food lovers!

Can't wait to see all the delicious food posts!

It really looks like we are going to see some amazing dishes again this week!

This is really interesting and challenging. Would love to participate for sure.

I am so happy to see that you are interested in participating in SIC my friend! Well it was a great pleasure for me to see your entry last night!
Thanks for the support my friend!