Just Thinking Aloud About My Frustration on Steemit Today

in steemit-today •  8 years ago  (edited)


Today I have started the day with the idea to do something different, in fact a few different things, as I got some ideas that I wanted to try out...

I have started with a brief introduction about Virtual Reality and Oculus Rift, the introduction was a brief, but the post was not as you might've have noticed from some of my other Blog posts. I recommend that you check it out if you are interested in VR and VR headsets and as usual I'm open to answering any questions you may have.

Moving on to trying something completely different, trying to offer an interesting idea and maybe start a trend on steemit, say hello to #introduceyourbag and #introduceyourbackpack. I'm waiting to see if there will be any more posts using these tags that I have suggested and if there will actually be a trend starting as it could be really good, though apparently the idea did not get a lot of interest. Maybe will repost it later on to give it a second chance...

Then my uneven fight with SPAM on steemit started, an experience the outcome of which pretty much let me a bit frustrated. I see more of the same SPAM from the same user even after posting about it. I have flagged more than 15 probably of his posts already, really got enough for today, time to spend some voting power upvoting good posts.

Are most of the people here so focused on using Steemit to make money and nothing else? Really, I get the feeling that a lot of the users just don't care about anything more than finally getting that long dreamed whale vote on their post or even better, getting into the trending page...

As I spend more time here I more and more I get the feeling that when I write something on steemit it is like talking to myself in an empty room, not that I'm doing that... yet :)

In the end I didn't feel like finishing the next 6th part in the series of introductory articles about 3D printers and 3D printing - the last part from yesterday is here. So that goes postponed for tomorrow I guess.

Didn't even feel like going out to pick up a real book to read like I have planned yesterday.

If you have a question or want to add something, then please leave a comment below...

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Don't give up dude. There are lots of us that are totally engaged with the platform and not obsessed with making money. Just keep posting, reading and following. The readers will come.

I too keep an eye out for spammers. I am sure as others have commented that eventually they will die by the hand of the community!

"I get the feeling that a lot of the users just don't care about anything more than finally getting that long dreamed whale vote on their post "--yes, it's all about validation and getting that $15,000 payout that we've all heard about. But most of us who are in it for the long haul, will work very hard on our content because it's going to be around forever to haunt us if it's bad! And we want to be proud of our work.
Unfortunately, there will always be people who don't have that perspective.
"introductory articles about 3D printers and 3D printing -"--were YOU the one who posted about the 3-D pizza? That was great stuff!
"Didn't even feel like going out to pick up a real book to read like I have planned yesterday."--now that's just sad. That book would have taken you out of your head for a while and you would have felt much better for it. Wrong choice, sweetie!
Hope tomorrow is a better day for you.

Great reply, i wish I had been so coherent!!

No, I have not posted about 3D pizza... you can check my 3D Printing series if interested, the last one is linked in the post.

yes this is Steemit but it is just a nice training ground for the next better venue.
Steemit: Blockchained and open, yes,
But because the default view is Trending you have almost zero hope to get noticed unless you get whaled.
Which means that for honing your skills in the meantime this is good enough.
Someone will replace Steemit with a venue that is not so whale-centric soon enough, just get ready for the limelight.
Money ?
Not really - if you want money Steemit is a lousy venue unless your brain is synchronized with the whales.

Relax... all the spammers will eventually go away, but in the start of any venture there will be those to take advantage.

Keep posting worthy material and you will gain as will we.

If not here for the money, what would be the reason for selecting this as your medium to write? There are other tools with better features.

Just keep putting out Quality Content. Everyone keeps saying it. I keep asking why? I don't think that is an unreasonable question.

It does not have to be only for the money and I don't care about anything else.

Sorry? I don't understand your response? Who said Only for the money? I said if not for the money, you would have to be here for features? Or for content? Or some other reason... right?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

"If not here for the money" sounds a lot like like "I'm here only for the money" as there are other places with better features, don't you think.

I just came to steemit try it out...

There is nothing wrong with getting a reward for something that you do, people should however not just be focused only on the reward and not care about anything else... that was my point.

I am for getting rewarded for what one does! I think there is nearly always a payoff of some sort when one chooses to do something. Whether it is financial, emotional, investment, etc.

please name them so we can go check,
Thank you !

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