I'm Back From The Outernet!
I've been offline a while since a crucial bit of my networking hardware broke. I've been able to stave off fatal cyber-starvation with the little drops of digital ambrosia I so dolorously may extract from a simple smartphone. While this will suffice for watching the exchange rate of Bitcoin fall (which I have been doing religiously), no sane me should ever be subject to using Steemit through such a portal. That networking hardware is still defunct, but I've finally become motivated to pursue slightly more arcane (albeit achingly slow) networking methods for two reasons. First of all with Facebook having excommunicated me and all the silent onlooking at Steemit's Trending page I've been doing, I started to miss Steemit and being an active Steemian. Shockingly it's not even about money this time! The second is that my creative juices have been flowing more, I've been doing some writing practice, and I think I have a few things to say. If my Resource Credits hold out anyway!
"But what do you have to say, you 'E' lacking even-toed undulate?"
Well I'm glad you asked, and that I can use this cheap rhetorical device to conjure your interrogation.
- I want to make a post really detailing my various crypto-opinions about various crypto-events. My hope is that someone will disagree with me and we'll get some good discussion, and just generally entertain, or even learn. I have a few topics in mind, but whether you're one of my legions of devout followers or not I am open to going over any topic you suggest in the comments.
- I may post some more pixel art or some of my (terrible) poetry or maybe even some original music. It depends on how I'm feeling.
- I want to pose constructive comments about various emerging events, and also make more generally philosophical posts about the nature of Steemit as I see it. In short I want to be a more active community member and see what Steemit can do in 2019 with my mote of input.
There's probably a few more, but three is a nice neat number of bullet points and people hate reading anyway.
I know many of you have been losing sleep over my long absence. Your beacon of light has returned, weep no more. It's good to be back.