Your First Month on Steemit - 23 Tips to Help You Succeed!

in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello, fellow Steemians. Today I will share with you the secret to my little success here on Steemit (at least to my eyes). I have been on this platform now for a month (and a couple of days) and 900+ of you has been kind enough to follow me on my journey here. First, I would like to say that this platform is simply amazing!


The community as a whole seems greatly involved. Whether you are here for investment purposes or simply consuming content, you are going to be making money. Just a click of an upvote button and voila! You get rewards!

It makes spending time over on Facebook and Instagram feel like a waste of time. Steemit is the future and the future is now!

Some of you might already have visited or read my content from my small but growing Travel Blog, Always Wanderlust ( I simply write and produce content born out of my passion for photography and writing - making next to nothing in return for my time and investment.

Now here on Steemit that has completely changed. I am rewarded for producing content! Now there is even more motivation to kick it up a notch!


Since I myself am a newb, I have made lots of mistakes, had a few successes, learned from it, and will now share it with new Steemians just joining the platform.

23 Tips For Hitting the Ground Running on Steemit

1. Invest in Steem – I realize that not everyone has the capital to invest in the platform, but if you do, put down your own money and convert it to Steem Power ASAP. This platform is poised to explode and attract more people. Investing also gives you more advantage on this platform with the power of your votes! I personally have been putting down my own money because I believe in the platform and you should too.

2. Do not beg for upvotes or do a follow for follow – What works on other social media does not work here. Besides, it's simply annoying. You will notice that I never ask for your votes, you should not either. You will never get anywhere spamming here on Steemit.

3. Join PAL (MinnowBOOSTER on discord channel – Discord is a chat app you can download or use within a browser. The PAL channel is a good place to network with established and new Steemians. There is an upvote section where you can get free upvotes from their bots every 12 hours. Just type $upvote (and the link to your post here).

4. Use @Originalworks When you post a new article reply to it yourself with @Originalworks. You will get an automatic upvote from the account.

5. Use 50/50 Split Rewards instead of Power Up – This is the best ROI as of now. Setting it to Power Up is dumb. I made this mistake by accident on three of my posts – I have missed on SBD rewards. Maybe they will change this system on the next hard fork but for now, you’re going to lose money if you Power Up.

6. Be genuine – Please read the article and know what you are talking about before replying to posts. Do not spam with follow me or check out my stuff or anything of the like. At least give a coherent response to let the author know you actually read his/her content. Just commenting for the sake of commenting to get rewards is annoying.

7. ReSteem your posts with ReSteemit – This is another free service meant to help planktons and minnows. Simply change/replace the https:// with “re” and press enter. For example to

8. Join Qurator - @qurator is a quality content curator in the Steemit community. For a small registration fee, you will get one daily upvote from them worth more than your registration fee!

9. Publish your Steemit Account on other social media – I was flagged by the @steemcleaners account and lost out on rewards (as well as my upvoters) because I did not do this. While I disagree with what they did, I believe such a service is necessary for curbing plagiarism and spam on the platform. Check out my Twitter account to see what I'm talking about - (links back to my Steemit profile).

10. Use Upvote Bots – The voting for yourself and buying votes from bots rather threw me off when I first joined Steemit. However, it is unavoidable if you want to progress on the platform. Whatever your stance is on the matter there is no denying this is your only (at least for me) path to the Trending page. I have noticed that whales are too busy voting for themselves and exchanging votes between each other - there is virtually almost no way, you as a minnow can get up there. There are exceptions but it is not the norm.

11. Join other communities on Discord and SteemitChat – A lot of networking occurs outside a Steemit. If you are just starting out it is good to join other communities to get you on the ground running. The most useful ones when you're just starting out: Utopian.IO, SteemTrail, Qurator, and Steemit Bloggers.
Here are a few more:
World Of Photography
Steem Gigs
Minnow-Power channel notify
Steemit Lover
Steemit ramble
Steem Life
Society for Narwhal

12. Produce good content – This is obvious but one that needs mention. Whether you are a good writer, photographer, or videographer, make sure you put your best foot forward. More good content is what this platform needs. I do photography and travel writing, so you will see many picture posts and stories about travel from me. You might be good at something else and whatever that is, I am sure you can contribute to the community. Plagiarism, while could be a talent, is not tolerated so do not do it.

13. Participate in photo contests like @photocontests by @Juliank Best free way to get free rewards and exposure, which in turn get you more followers.

14. Join Steem Follower It’s free to join. It is a voting exchange platform. You get the same votes per each upvote you give on the platform. An easy way to get bigger rewards (you get author rewards instead of curation).

15. Join Steem EngineWant more followers? Join Steem Engine. It is also a voting exchange service like the one above but with the addition of followers.

16. Post at least 4 times a day – It might seem like much but when you are just starting out, you have a lot of catching up to do. It also returns the most rewards for self-voting - self-voting seems to be the norm here and widely tolerated. The jury is still out on the morality of self-voting but: "Dorothy, you're not in Kansas anymore. You got tornadoed to the Steemit universe." If you happen to have good photos, jokes, stories, etc., Post them about 4 hours apart during the day. Keep an eye on your voting power though.

17. Vote at least 10x a day – Go read and consume other Steemians content and vote accordingly. Voting gives you curation rewards and shows that you are involved in the community. Again, it is good if you invest in some SP (Steem Power). Once you get past 500 SP, you can control your vote’s percentage.

18. Keep an eye on your voting power at Do not just vote blindly hoping to rake in curation rewards. Make your vote count. The less voting power you have the fewer rewards.

19. Post on – Busy will give you an automatic upvote (when you use the tag "busy" and post on proportional to your followers so it behooves you to follow this guide and build your following.

20. Follow other Steemians – Do not stand on a pedestal thinking everyone owes you something. This is a community and not made for solo acts. Do not SPAM with the follow for follow tactic.

21. Check out for grammatical errors – Nothing says bad content like bad grammar. I use a tool called Grammarly ( – it has an extension for chrome. It detects grammatical errors on the Steemit or Busy editor; in fact, it detects all grammatical errors in anything you write within the Chrome browser (Facebook, email, etc.). A must-have in any writer’s arsenal!

22. Format Your Posts – Spend some time making your posts visually readable. Learn a few Markdown Styles ( You want your readers to be glued to their screens reading your posts.

23. Be patient – It takes time to grow an audience. I have some experience growing an audience travel blogging for nearly 2 years and it is the same here; it is going to take time. Do not treat the platform as a get rich quick scheme.

NIK_7386 (1).jpg
I was just thinking about redesigning my motorcycle :)

If you're confused about bots and how to use them, check out this guide from @earthnation -

There you go. These are my tips on how to hit the ground running on Steemit.

Do you have any tips on how to succeed on Steemit? Discuss below.

GET UP TO 2X YOUR VOTE VALUE >> Steem Follower <<

GET MORE FOLLOWERS >> Steem Engine <<

"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness." - Mark Twain

All photos are taken and articles are written by yours truly unless otherwise stated.

Twitter Page, AlwaysWanderlust
Facebook Page, AlwaysWanderlust
Instagram Page, AlwaysWanderlust

© 2017 All Rights Reserved

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Wew. That is a lot to take in. I am new at this. I need to just take one a day and read and try to understand. When you are really knew, words like platform, blog, and bots can even be confusing. Remember us older folks didn't even know these words much less use them. Thanks for the info. It will take me a few days to learn all this. This article will help me get there.

Yeah, it can be confusing at first. Logic is thrown out the window sometimes. Bots are basically Whale accounts (the ones with huge voting power) that sell their votes in exchange for SBD or Steem (money basically). Seems massively corrupt but when you put it in the context of the decentralized Steemit platform it makes perfect sense.

THANK YOU ABSOLUTELY SO MUCH! This post has really opened up my eyes to the World of Non-Traditional avenues of getting rewards! This post is genius!

I feel the same, this was a fire hose of information. Don't get me wrong, I think this advice is valuable, but a lot of the WHY escaped me. I'll probably have to come back in a few days once I have more hands on experience to make better use of the advice. much to learn i must say. I have never heard of #7 before and i am going to do that right now. Thank you so much for this. I definitely jotted down. I still need to know the bots that really helps. I only use banjo and minnows. I joined discord already and in the steemgigs and pal community. Thank you for your massive help.

Really help full post.. I did not know about a lot of these tips , Thanks ..


Hey @adonisbril! Thank you for this amazing Guide!

We recently made a guide for steemit success to. We mention a few things you have not. Specifically, which bots on steemit give the Best ROI.

We have added your guide as a top level comment on guide! We have also resteemed this post. If you like our guide, please return the favor.

Updated with your guide :)

Updated post and resteemed your article :)

Thank you! Epic collaboration!

Great tips for a newbie like me)Thank u for sharing:)


Anytime :)

Wow! @adonisabril what a great post. I think this is one of the best getting started articles I have read on Steemit till now.

The best part is that you actually provide steps and tasks to do which is way better than generic guidance which I have read on most other posts. You got me to register on discord as a first step

Joining the Discord channel is the best way to get started. There's a wealth of information there at your disposal!

Please upvote and follow
Promise I'll follow back
I'm new and I need help and upvotes thanks

Hey Bro, thanks for the article, quality content, this took some work. I have a few things to add:

a) I personally do not think that you have to post four
times a day

b) Quality content is a big thing, you are promoting it but I see you posting stuff like a single picture with one sentence about which plant it displays earning 70$+, I do not necessarily think, that this is quality content nor do I think that this post is worth 70$. It is about your great networking and more betting on quantity

c) I think one thing which you did not mention, but you are doing, is to brand your posts with steemit logos, or do stuff like you did with your motorcycle. People like that!

d) Contribute to the Steem Community by promoting Steemit somewhere else, this is huge.

Keep it up (:

A: No you don't have to if you don't have good content to offer. B: Absolutely! Gott put your best foot forward, especially in the first month. C: Yes, I'm also applying for the ambassadorship (I'll promote Steemit. D: That's covered in #9 and I will be writing a comprehensive article on my blog after my 3rd month detailing my experience here.

Thanks for the tips! I cant wait to get started!

Hey, good luck!

super helpful - thanks!

That was a very helpfull post. I just started out and going to use this information going forward. Thank you!

Great tips. Had no idea about 2/3rds of them. You get my up vote worth .01!

It's a minefield for sure, like a whole different world with rules and protocols and a currency and everything! Everything seems scary at first though right?

All votes count! You got .11 from me :)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The learning curve of this place........... steem power grooooowsssssss.

slowly but surely (if you don't invest $$ into Steem power)

It makes spending time over on Facebook and Instagram feel like a waste of time. Steemit is the future and the future is now!

i hear that.

20. Follow other Steemians
I have found some awesome people out there with similar interests. and it was a smple as searching one my fave topics

very informative post. enjoyed every word.

Use steem engine, you'll get follow backs :)

Great Tips ! Thanks @adonisavril ~ as you said it takes time to grow a network, but it also good to get such insights from the beginning :)

You're welcome :)

Hi, this is a great post and really very useful for any newbie on the site. There is so much information floating around about how to do well on Steemit but I guess having good content and liking the good content of others is a good way to start! Cheers!!

he follow and upvote I follow and upvote back

This is a great article and I did not know about half of these tips! I will be sure to try these out. Thanks so much for sharing!

Hope it helps with your success :)

Thanks for sharing.
I really had no idea even what steem was now slowly but steadily I am getting a hold of it.

You'll get there! Dig around like I did :)

I have actually been here for almost two years and some of these resources are things I totally forgot about. Thanks. Bookmarking this.

Dude, If I was here almost two years, I'd be to the moon by now :)

This is the post i was looking for.I am a beginner and I wanted to learn the basics and you helped me alot.Thank you very much.This is very supportive

You're welcome :)

Wow, nice post @adonisabril... thumb up

Thanks a lot for the detailed information and tips! Much appreciated!

Perfect for a new entrant like me. Great post!

Welcome to Steemit!

Thank you for your post! I just joined today and I'm glad you are the first Steemian I came across on this platform. This platform is well constructed, very clean, and seems to be very user friendly. Your post in my opinion, should be the first one that newbies visit. Just like other Steemians stated, your list is very informative and of great value. It will also take me a few days to digest but it will definitely will save me tons of time to get it going the right way.

By the way, as a fellow photography enthusiast, I love your travel photos!

Glad you found it useful :)

My account just got approved this morning and this is the first post I decided to read! Thanks for the advice! Is there any way I can save this post to come back to it later?

Thank you very for this post. Joined steem today and was looking foward to a guide and this certainly is 100 percent what i needed.the important part about learning for me is majorly from the experienced who are always a step ahead. Thanks

you're welcome and welcome onboard!

Dang there's a lot more too it than i expected. I have some research to do. Thanks for the list!

Nearly everything on this platform is visible. Go check out the big players on the trending page. Look at their wallets and what they're doing and connect the dots :)

Well said, thanks for sharing.

I definitely want to find this blog later. Thanks for all the tips. I have so much to learn!

Invest, read, and the rest will follow :)

Thank you!
I joined steemit because I want to create some content with quality. Tired of getting all those pointless "look at me on instagram and facebook" postings... :-)

Those hints are useful! :-)

Well, you have to strike a balance. To grow my Travel Blog during the first six months, I had to be a prolific writer then eventually what was 2-3 posts a week dwindled down to one a week and once every two weeks. Once you have a following you can dictate the amount of content you are putting out.

Thanks for the great post! Its really helpful!

Very useful information. Thanks @adonisabril.

Phenomenal post! I acknowledge you for taking the time to give back to the community and create the space for others to succeed. My intention is to come from service and it's refreshing to see others doing the same. I will be referring to this posts quite a bit as I embark on this steemit journey.

Hiya, I'm pretty new to Steemit... I somehow stumbled on this guide and couldn't be more grateful. Really appreciate your effort in making this guide. Cheers!!!

Today is my first day on Steemit! Thanks for the tips! Really liking it so far, but I have been stumbling through it trying get use to the platform. I can defiantly see this becoming my new "Reddit".

Woah! That was one long list. I am still working my way around here and this is one of the first articles I read. I have to admit, while you have done everyone a favour by compiling these tips on a single page, I am slightly overwhelmed and intimidated. I am still trying to wrap my head around voting bots and wary of joining communities that will give me free upvotes. I may be totally off the grid here, but it feels like cheating? I am very new to this entire Steem scene so my doubt may come across as silly or may raise eyebrows, but I was of the belief that only good content and genuine audience would be enough to break through all the white noise. Some of the tips you mentioned here look not only like a lot of work but also sound unethical. I'm sure you aren't doing anything worth frowning upon but at a first glance some of these tips (automatic upvotes or exchanging upvotes) are making me skeptical of this whole thing.
But all the other tips about being original and not spamming are something that I second wholeheartedly. I am also eager to check out the other links that you have shared to help me increase my reach.
In general, thank you very much for being so meticulous in your tips and in particular, if you could answer my doubts, that would be great!

Just observed the trending page...Basically, self-voting is widely accepted. The problem is, we all share the same rewards pool. Some votes here are worth more than others - while your vote may count to 0.1 SBD a wealthy person (whale) with massive SP can basically vote him/herself 300 SBD and much more! Yes, self-voting and buying votes from an outsiders view is unethical - there's a whole ongoing discussion about it here on Steemit. But, think within the platform, how you would succeed. Can you compete with a 300 SBD vote on subpar content that's guaranteed to hit the trending page with your 0.1 SBD vote and great content?

I kinda get your point. I have been posting on and off and from the way the site grew exponentially, I thought I had hit a holy grail with Steemit. But the more I am generating content here, the more I realise that it's a treasure hunt! But I still haven't had the heart to upvote a single one of my own posts! -_- I suppose it's a habit that I will learn eventually.

A helpful and interesting read! Thanks for taking the time to share.

HELLO .. please Upvote and Follow me , i will upvote u also and Follow.. Thanks .

Tsk tsk, you didn't read the article

I do really appreciate this post my man and great blog you've got.

Mention us at @hustleaccepted and we'll be upvoting your relevant posts

Hustle Accepted

The most educate post I've read on steemit. Nice one man and thank you.

Anytime man :)

Is this "originalworks" thing still working? Cause they mention that its sleeping and replaced by originalworks2, who looks like its sleeping too..

Probably just ran out of voting power. Should be back up again.

I just created my account and this is one of the first posts i am reading. I like the way you write alot. However i find your tips both helpful and disturbing... I really like the way steemit works and how it lifts up the "sozial networking" to a totally new and already long overdue level.
But boting and paying to get more attention seems so wrong to me and not what i expected to do on steemit at all...
Hopefully one can make it without that. I'd like to focus on my content.

Just watch what people are doing on the trending pages - look at who's voting (the top 10). You'll probably see the same people voting on that account's posts.

@adonisabril really great tips . Will start investing in Steempower, thanks for the tips.

You're on the right path :)

Thank you for posting this! It really helped me out.

this is so important man thank you :D

Steemit is confusing enough :)

The most educative post I've read on steemit. Nice one man and thank you.

Thanks :))


Wow! I have a lot to learn, but I am glad that I have all these resources! Thank you for posting! So far I am loving the platform and I everyday I find valuable content like yours. I will put all of this in practice right away!

This article is very helpful, voted and followed the author to help writer continuing to post such articles.

Please be kind enough to follow me as well. Gracias!

Already started to follow some of this steps! Great post, it surely will help me a lot to make a good start in this network, thank youu :)

You're welcome :)

I'm new to this platform and I'm confused on how voting for your own content and using bots doesn't make people care more about rewards then quality content.

The best way is to observe what's going on in the trending pages. Look at the accounts making 1K + SBD and look at who's voting on it.

Thank you for the post. This will really help out many of the newbies here, including me. Upvoted!

coool! Thank you!

wow! This is really a very good guide. I really thank you for all your precious tips. I'm a beginner and I'm trying to understand what to do and don't, but you post is the best one I've read till now. Thank you so much :-)

Too much information, all useful!! This is what I've been looking for. You've got my upvote....whatever that's worth. :)

Get some SP you can vote yourself some profit :)

Wow ! Super Tips für jeden Anfänger wie mich, danke! Werde mir das Eine oder andere rauspicken, vor allem die Formatierung meiner sehr unbeholfenen Beiträge. In irgendwelche Push-Hilfen zu Investieren, kann ich mir leider noch nicht vorstellen!
Aber Steemit ist einfach genial, Hoffentlich wird es auch im Deutschsprachigen raum bald ein wenig größer!

Gutes Nächtle aus dem Ösiland, Robert

:) glad it can help you.


Great tips !! thx.

Wow! I literally JUST joined so that is a lot to take in but I'm sure it will all start to make more sense soon so thanks for the tips! ..I'm not sure I under the plagiarism point though... you just linked to your steemit account from twitter? I already use that one link to connect to my blog... hmmm.

Yeah just make sure what you post is yours, that's all.

As a newb this is one of the best posts I’ve read! I’m only two weeks into my journey and still trying to grasp everything. I’ll be honest, It can be discouraging putting out high value content and seeing zero views and interaction. I was considering calling it quits, but this gave me a boost in motivation to press on and try even harder! Thank you very much.

Well, if i can help one minnow succeed. I did my job :)

Thank you for showing me the ropes. I hope to be like you one day so i can enlighten other when I become a veteran in this community

That will take time and all that depends on the fate of steem. So far so good but keep your eyes peeled :)

Awesome advice for someone like myself just trying to figure it all out. Thank you for the tips!

@greenroom. 1

Glad you find this post useful :)

Great tips.


This is a "must read"
Before developing your own way, it is good to see as many success stories as possible.
Everything does not fit me, especially 4 x day posting.
If I do that, I will feel like I am doing a business.
My way is enjoy steem and let it make money.

The other points, I will try.

Thank you very much for sharing.


If you post just once a day, make sure it's superb content :)

Superb, I don't know...original yes :)
The problem is to get them free from the noise...
And your comments are really beneficial on that point.


Yeah, I hear you, brother...Voting bots are the only way.

Thanks for sharing your secret and success stories with us. Its really helpful.

Glad to help and good luck!

Sage advice! Thanks for sharing this, very useful.

thank you

14.83% @pushup from @adonisabril

I upvoted your post not because i need to upvote, i voted you wrote good things which help me to move forward. By the way i bookmarked your post and read again to follow your every single suggestion. I actually i dont want to invest money to earn money. I love to write and i am regular user of Quora. I must follow your suggestion and let see what happen next.

You probably read some of my stuff on Quora :) I write there too.

whats your profile url on Quora?

Thanks for the advice!

You're welcome!

Thank you.

I've tried the voting bots but I'm still contemplating about it. Someone told me that they do not like it because they will think that my content is cheap. But how on earth can we minnows stand out with all the thousands of posts. It feels like being recognized by a whale is a bet in the lottery. I used the bots in 2 posts and it felt good to see some amount and votes on something I've worked hard for.

Sorry I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining. I haven't slept trying to figure out how to be successful here and I'm glad to have found this. Thank you.

That's BS. Look at my wallet. Look at this post. All voting bots. I've had good experience with most of them but today I'm having issues with @buildawhale (mistakes will cost you) - avoid this one for now and stick to lays and smartmarket. Both are very reliable.

Seriously. Just look at what's on the trending pages. They're all self-voting and circle jerking whales. How are you supposed to get up there without whale/bot votes?

Exactly. I'm really excited about Steemit but it can be frustrating when you've worked hard and then someone who doesn't gets lucky to get a whale vote. I really want to be successful here and feel like I can't let this opportunity pass. I felt guilty earning 10 dollars for the bidded post, but you're right, even those in trending use these services.

I will follow each steps you said here, except I can't invest in Steem at the moment. Thank you.

Well, you and I (I'm assuming) don't know any whales. The evolution of Steemit now as it stands, favors those with High SP or those with enough SBD/Steem to buy votes. So you shouldn't feel guilty or any less for using the service...frankly, in the end, the bots and whoever is running the bots are the winners. Not you or I check @buildawhale for example...gobbled up 15 SBD from me because of a simple mistake. Choose your bots wisely.

We go into why we cannot do refunds anymore for user errors in the refund policy. It isn't because we want to keep your money, it is because how the bot tracker works users bid based on how much SBD is sent to our bot. They don't know or care if it is an invalid bid or is refunded, they stop bidding when the window looks full.

I am working on a solution that would allow the bot tracker to accurately measure our bid windows and allow us to offer refunds again but as it stands, the site is out of my control does not report invalid bids and issues that cause refunds. There are also users using clever tricks to exploit bots that have refunds.

I am sorry about that, but it is not because we are trying to steal your money. Too many variables out of my control that caused me to have to stop refunds. In the past, we handed over 500 refunds out manually but the bot tracker changed the game dramatically.

That's a lot, thanks for the warning. And yes, I don't know a whale so I guess we have to rely on the whale bots :)

Perhaps you can also make an article on how to avoid costly mistakes. I know someone who also uses boosters to gain upvotes and he lost a few SBD just because he forgot to include the post link.

Human errors are bound to happen on the platform. There aren't any safeguards in place as of now. I accidentally sent 15 SBD to @jer because of an Autocomplete on the transfer section. It was meant for @jerrybanfield just sucks how some bots don't have automatic mistake detection.

Wow dude, you've put SO much work on building your channel in just a month. Been looking at your wallet and consistency and it's super impressive. I'm considering getting started on it but not sure that it's right for me after reading your list of "things to do" haha. Gosh. Kudos though - keep up the great work.

Investing in Steem so your voting Power matters is a perfect start!

I did just that buddy!

Can you check out my introduction blog and see how I did?

Appreciate it. I plan on linking to this post too in the near future!

so useul tips for an amateur like me :D

glad to be of help :)

Hello ! Thank you so much for sharing this, it's absolutely helpful ! I am just a little bit confused about joining discord since I don't know much about chatting platforms, but either way I will try to find more information about it, have a really nice day !

Discord is used by gamers to chat with each other but it's more than that :) you can use it to chat with other Steemians in various channels.

I will try it ! Thank you so much for your recommendations !

So much great info!
Steemit is like a jungle for a newbie :PPPpp

Joined steemit cause I've been learning a lot about cryptocurrencies and wanted to join in it. However, getting followers and finding out what I want to do is a whole other problem to tackle in itself. Fortunate for me, this post might be my rosetta stone to this entire website. Idk how many times I can say thanks, but I guess one heartfelt one should do the trick. Thank you.

Yeah well, there's plenty about Cryptocurrency here on Steemit! But, Steemit is more than that! So you have the complexity of Cryptocurrency combined with the wild wild west of Decentralized Social Media to form what is Steemit :) Welcome! I hope you took the red pill..

rising Steemian you are bro! welcome to the community! :)

Thank you, great to be here!

Nice to know everything! Good information, I hope that it will help me. Thank you for sharing!

I hope so!

Adorable write, servers as guild to beginners like me


Thanks a lot! Verey usefull information. I ll put all of it in action!


Very nice information. I will be referring back to this and recommending it to my friends as I introduce them to the steemit platform.

As long as you get something out of it :)

What a great article. As a newbie to the platform I found this to be full of great insight and gave me that extra boost of confidence to spend more time here :) All the best!

I wish you the best!

Thank you for excellent tips! I knew some of them, but not all, thanks for sharing :)

Happy to contribute :)

That's a very good initiative :)

Thank you for all tips sharing they are helpful for a new member like me :-)
have a wonderful day :-) / T.J.


Great tips! Will be trying some of them! It's too much at once for a newbie. Thanks a lot :)

Welcome to Steemit!

Thanks for encouragement, you are a great leader to new steemains(like me)...

You'll make it!

I'm brand new to Steemit and super grateful I found this post! Thank you for putting together so many helpful tips. I love your photos and appreciate the high quality content. You've won another follower. :)

Thank you!

This is a massive download of pertinent info for a plankton, which i guess i am! Thought i was a minnow! Thank you Adonis for all the sucess tools and new found wisdom you have shared!

Once you get past 500 SP I think that label changes :) I simply invested to become a minnow lol.

Thank you, Adonis! Your tips are priceless and your photos breathtaking! It is a bit overwhelming all the things there are to learn on Steemit as a newb, but take it one day at a time, right? I plan to launch a rap video series highlighting the day's top three posts. Have already recorded my Intro Rap for my Introduce Yourself post, but want to learn enough before I post so that it looks good enough. Tim Cliff likes my idea, so that's encouraging lol. Travel on, my friend! I've been to 53 countries and counting... But then again, that's cus I'm old! Lol ;-)

Just been to my 54th (Russia). Hey I like your idea too, you'll get an upvote from me :)

REALLY, your 54th?!Wow, so we are neck and neck... I've not quite been to Russia yet; eastern Finland is as close as I've gotten lol. What's your next country? I'm looking at Egypt in October...
Warmly, Rappngprof

Hey adonis!
I wonder if you can help me? I posted my introduceyourself rap video and the video link plays okay but the photos I included from are not appearing, only the links to them. Thanks brother! Matthew

These are some great tips and I especially admire you because I see that you had joined a month back and has set an exemplary example for the likes of me who are starting and trying hard to build up. I am myself a travel blogger and I understand finding success in blogging and building followership takes time. I was not aware of many of the tips that you have mentioned, I will try to use them in this month and see how much I am able to grow myself in the coming month.

Good luck! It's a little weird at first but you'll get the hang of it.

Thank you and wish you more and more success on this great platform

I sent 0.5sbd to @steemvote, nothing is happening to my posts.
Why is it so?

Have you checked the accounts it's following? It's a resteem service.

So I should wait patiently for my turn right?

Another question ----> in the attempt of sending 0.5sbd to steemvote I sent to myself, and my steem dollar was deducted, will I get it back?

Yes, it should have come back instantly unless you sent it to the wrong username.

Is there a way we can chat better, so I can show you the picture and get proper guidance?
Discord, or whatsapp?

waooooooooooooo God bless you for this have been looking for tips or how steemit works nice one for this one.


Esse seu post é de enorme valia para novatos como eu aqui no steemit! Obrigado! #pt

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

No problem:)

Helpful post! Thank you very much for sharing your tips. More Power to you! :)

You are welcome :)

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

I'm glad it can help someone :)

I am just starting out with Steemit and thank you for the advice on getting up and going. Worth the up vote for content.

Thanks :)

I was looking for some inspiration and how to do my #introduceyourself post best and found this. That are very interesting and helpful tips. Special for future use of #steemit. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Just be genuine, everybody's got something to contribute :)

Gotta be the best steem I have read over the week! Thank you and resteemed it!

Thank you very much!

Would be awesome if you can write an article on how to utilize discord channel effectively.

Yeah, but I'm just figuring this out myself lol. It's definitely confusing in there sometimes. But the best place to start is on the PAL channel and go on the General chat section.

Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 22.65% vote... I was summoned by @adonisabril! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh

Great content, thank you! I just startex and will put your advice to use.

Thanks :)

There should be a save feature on steemit like on other social media platforms, so that I can save your post for furthur referance. Very knowledgable for a beginner like me.

Should always be here on the Steem blockchain :)

Yeah...about the save feature, I have bookmarked this page on my browser. Why not do the same? Hope this helps :)

Thats pretty nice option.

Thank you for sharing these great tips, definitely gonna use it.
