A Realistic Integration Crash Course For Social Network Migrants To Steemit.com

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

somewhere you heard steemit.com is going to be the next big thing.

You heard it will be bigger than reddit and Facebook combined. You heard something about "blockchain technology", decentralization, and getting paid for blogging and voting. Maybe you even heard already the story about that gal that made a make-up tutorial and got rich, or the one about the guy who quit his job to earn his money blogging now.

If you encountered a particularly enthusiastic missionary, he assuredly spoke of a "new paradigm", more sober minds will have painted for you, with the most vibrant colors, a vivid picture of a dawn of a new age, of humankinds ascension to a higher plane of consciousness, of the beginning of an era of enlightenment, freedom of thought, and collaborative mutuality, of the end of scarcity, true world peace and prosperity for all nations.

You don't know and you don't care what that cryptostuff is about, all you know is there are $$$ signs under each post, that a huge pie is being baked and that you want a slice of it. You plan on grabbing the "first adopter" bonus and bragging rights for holding one of the older accounts. Most of all, you want to give reddits censorship the finger and you don't like the idea of Mark Zuckerberg getting richer with every photo upload of your breakfast. You have a huge friends list, you are scouting on their behalf and if you [like] what you see, you'll invite them all over. You are going to send them to this post because a proper introduction is of greatest importance for a great Steemit.com experience. Marketers will love you, you are an "influencer". They know if they excite you, you will resonate and translate these good vibes to a lot of nodes within the global network.

What, you have a... "spiritual" objection? You're, like, a public figure of sorts and built your whole identity around "speaking the truth" and being "respectable", you have preached "intellectual honesty" on every occasion, for years built a reputation of upholding the values of humility and modesty? You... have "moral" scruples to lure those who trust you into this inferno of a Ponzi pyramid system scheme, because they regard you as a modern-day Jesusbuddhaosho figure?

Then send your friends and fans to read this integration crash course for social network migrants to steemit.com.

here is how it works

Skip what you think you'll find boring judging by the headline. Bookmark and come back later, you will be asking questions.


Upon registration, you had a suspicion you are on crypto territory when asked for such a unreasonably long password...

Bitcoin enthusiasts and traders were the first to hear about Steem, hence the first to adapt and their density will remain quite high for a while before other demographics (such as yourself) follow and dilute the pool, so expect many crypto folks and crypto talk on main channels for the time being. Remember when your grandma sent you a Facebook friend request, alerting you to the fact that Facebook is not "cool" anymore? This will happen here too, and maybe sooner than you like.

All you have to know for now is that "Steem" is a database distributed to many computers all over the world. Similar to Bitcoin, it runs on a so-called blockchain. Unlike centralized systems, such a database cannot be switched off or censored. Steem is also open source. Consequently, the whole system is completely transparent (and everyone is looking forward to the security audit).

The single most important implication nobody is going to rub under your nose (since it is so self-evident) is this: all you do and say will always be visible to everyone (even your PM metadata - the PM itself not, of course).

There are already many webinterfaces that visualize the blockchain data. There will be more. And they will be way more advanced. And there will be those you'll ever see, operated by entities with very particular interests.


The first thing you'll notice about steemit.com is that is says "beta" in the upper left corner. In this case that means almost none of the functions you are used to (PMs, friends lists, ignore buttons, subforums, tag filters, bookmarks) are working - yet. The developers are working hard at it (and announced relief for next week).

Think of it this way: welcome to the party! Grab a drink, the DJ is still having trouble setting his turntables up, so people brought their own ghetto blasters.

So here is what you do and tell your family, friends and fans to do: you notify each other - on the network you're from - your usernames, then goto steemit.com/@username and click "follow". Then you go to steemstats.com, enter your own username, type [enter] and voilà: you have an improvised newsfeed of everyone you are following.

Steemit.com will have a new interface one day. Some devs are coding their own already. Quite a market will develop for Steem interfaces. The most successful will be those that empower users to customize their newsfeed after their pleasure.


You have already read the Steem Whitepaper and are even more confused than before? Worry not, it caused wiser people to argue over whether it is compound interest when your money doubles in regular intervals.

Here is the theory in broad terms: you upvote content that is popular, you get a reward. You create content that is popular, you get a reward. The poorer you are and the sooner you vote and the more rich users upvote that content after you upvoted, the greater your reward. That system got played by bots, and there was a patch, so you actually don't want to vote too early, or you get only 100(t/30minutes)% of the "curation reward". Payout will be 12 hours after the post date. A second payout will occur one month after the post date. A portion of the reward goes to the curator, the rest is split into Steem POWER and Steem DOLLARS.

In your wallet, three figures will show up. STEEM is your measure of shares of the whole project. If in its pure STEEM form, it evaporates pretty quickly, so sell it ASAP or lock it as "Steem POWER" by "powering up". Your Steem POWER determines your might when you upvote. Finally, "Steem Dollars" seem to act as an economic valve and are supposed to correspond 1:1 with the US Dollar most of the time. If you have some, sell them or convert them to STEEM so you can "power up". This conversion takes one week. If you "power down", your Steem Power will be converted into STEEM in 104 weekly rates (two years), which you can then sell.

There is a huge inflation of Steem, so you receive compound interest on your Steem Power. Once a certain amount of Steem is in the system, a "reverse split" divides all Steem by 10.

How that all works is understood by few and explained by less, so don't worry about it all yet. You probably don't even have a Bitcoin wallet yet, so just power up when you can.


Steemit.com is a playground for bots. There are good bots and bad bots, nice bots and evil bots. Your first post in #introduceyourself will be greeted by @wang with a bunch of ageing howto links. @cheetah will try to detect plagiarized content and comment about it to alert others not to upvote your lazy plagiarizing ass. Others will spam "Keep up the good work" or wildly up- or downvote stuff. Get used to it.

your content

Come here, stand where I'm standing, right next to me. Now look into the direction I am looking at.

Do you see the same anthill of half-naked humans crawling over each other, screaming frantically, waving their arms, kicking those below, tearing at those above them? Well, that is #introduceyourself. They try to get the attention and an upvote from one of the "power"ful users, because such an upvote can be worth hundreds of dollars, some collect up to $2000 or even $8000 apiece.

If you absolutely must, go try your luck. Strip naked, tattoo the Steem logo on your forehead, compose a song about it, tell a heartwrenching story of all the hardships, humilation, rape, torture, loss, grief, pain, despair and injustice you have suffered in life, boast with all your financial successes and sexual achievements, if you are boring, make something up; sketch your deepest hopes and optimistic projections for the wonderful future Steemit will bring, show them what you are about to eat, introduce your cat - or just go and dump hundreds of plastic balloons into the ocean. Whatever you do, remember to convincingly express your excitement about the awesomeness of Steemit and unwavering loyalty to the cause.

Don't look at me like that.

Make no mistake, you will not be swimming against this swarm. But you don't need to be a follower either. Be the swarm. You are an influencer, so stake your claim and create the content the world needs to see.

And since you told your people to join, and you have agreed on a category to meet in, and since they have your username and you have theirs and know how to follow each other because you used this guide, you can now proclaim your own little tribe in a huge cryptographic game of anarchy, free markets and alternative currencies. Set the tone and culture for those who will follow your path. What is your interest, what do you have to offer, what are you looking for, what have you learned, taught and done today? Write about it in #beer, #dragonball, #c64, #engineering, #l-system, #desirepath, #reinvestigate911. You see, it is easy, just use reddit's sub names. You can submit your post to up to 5 categories.

Make a name known in comments to posts related to your interests. Create your own market. Find peaceful solutions when you collide with earlier claimants, who may have a bot in place to redirect errant posts to the appropriate tag. You're too late for the #photography and #travel market for example, so go occupy #geocentrism now!

Meet new people, extend your network. There will be no moderation whatsoever. You can insult everybody's mother and her cactus and nobody can delete it from the blockchain - it just may not show up on steemit. So be polite and helpful, be excellent, the eye of a million eyes is being had on you. It also pays off sometimes monetarily. Feeling incentivized yet?

Then make sure to beautify your posts. Steemit uses a somewhat strong-willed markdown syntax for font formatting. Don't expect your reddit markdown wizardry to be 100% compatible. Here's what mostly does work:



# Heading size 1 (biggest)

## Heading size 2

### Heading size 3

#### Heading size 4

##### Heading size 5

###### Heading size 6 (smallest)

Paragraphs are separated

by a blank line.

Two spaces at the end of a line leave a  
line break.

_italic text_
*italic text*
__bold text__
**bold text**
`monospace text`

Horizontal rule:


Bullet list:

  * apples
  * oranges
  * pears

Numbered list:

  1. apples
  2. oranges
  3. pears

> To quote something

A [link](http://example.com).



| A table | might |
| come in | handy |
|  maybe  |  too  |


<center>tags to center stuff.</center> 

Use HTML <sup>tags to make small fonts or big exponents.</sup> 

sea life

When anyone raises his voice for a sermon about the cetacea or other ocean dwellers of Steemit, stick a finger into each ear, sing "Ode to Joy" as loud as you can, turn around and slowly, but firmly walk away. When out of sight, run as fast as you can. And keep singing.

Here is the deal.

The power of a user is measured as "big fish" or "small fish". So the trending channels are full of all sorts of snake oil peddlers who will try to sell you 23 Fishing Tips & Tricks (No. 5 WILL BLOW YOUR MIND!) how to become the next Captain Ahab. Fvck 7hat 5hit. This is the wealth distribution of Steem right now. This is the Top 5000 richlist and you aren't going to be on it.

Right from the start, cure yourself from any delusions about ever being more than krill in this vast ecosystem once saturation has been reached (full adoption and migration from other platforms) by posting photos of your bae in a swimsuit: a thousand bots will be more powerful than you can ever dream of. And that's fine, no shark will ever show interest in you.

Maybe, every once in a while, if you are really lucky, you might notice one of those fabled names of legend in the list of upvoters of your post when you wonder about a suspiciously big number next to your $ sign. Maybe not. Don't expect it to happen. When it does, rejoice and pay it forward.

In any case, the guy you ran away from a few paragraphs ago? A lunatic (from lat. luna = moon, someone who keeps insisting on getting Steem "to the moon"). A cultist of the worst kind. "Have faith, have trust, all will be well" is their mantra, and they will try to pull you into their warped religion, wash your brain, turn you into a mindless zombie, teach you the prayers of trickle-down economics, the exegesis of their idol's deeds and divination of their will and in the end make you believe a Gini coefficient of 0.988 is an indicator for a healthy economy.

Likewise, steer clear from the countermovement of those who yell about the unfairness of the system, who demand an equal distribution of power and make grandiose speeches about "the power of the many".

♭♫ There is no strength in numbers, have no such misconception... ♪

Do. The. Math.

your strategy

You have invited your friends. You are now all following each other, and have an eye on the "active", "trending" and "new (created)" tabs of the categories you will cultivate. Make 4 posts a day at most, the 5th one will be "punished" by the system. Upvote ~20 posts or comments, not much more (watch your voting power on steemstats.com - if it is too low, don't vote for a while until it recuperates). Upvote whatever you like, but if you want to go about strictly economically, refrain from upvoting a post that already has a substantial amount of money behind it. Invite debate and comments in your posts for visibility on the "active" feed and additional "rewards". Interact a lot in the comments.

For all those who care after their ecosystems like a gardener waters his flowers will receive their "reward" indirectly: by creating value for Steem, the value of your own share is raised. Long story short:

T H R I V E .

be prepared

If this experiment succeeds, you will soon find that services and commodities are being offered, and price tags in Steem or SD attached to them. Apps, album downloads, translations, skins, accounts, upvotes, rent-a-bot offers, analytics, visualizers, tools, games, sidechains (blockchains that run ON the blockchain).

Steem will develop its own economy.

One day you'll repair someone's computer and find you'll prefer a generous payment in Steem Dollars when given the choice between that and the usual $10.

And if all goes according to plan, one day you'll visit your kiosk and see a sticker on the counter saying you can pay your chocolate bar in Steem Dollars too.

What happened in the meantime, you were just blogging!?

You have been using a cryptographic system the whole time and never really noticed, Steemit.com was just another social network platform for you. But you were not the only one: your family, friends and fans and everyone else has adapted to Steemit as well, got used to a much freer "Facebook" alternative and its digital "play money" and is now accepting its currency as a legitimate, valuable, "real" token of transaction, as a medium for barter: as money.

Don't look so surprised. Did you think "new paradigm" was hyperbole? Then read again: Steemit.com is only a trojan horse and the beginning of the cryptomoney revolution. Its mission is to cause widespread acceptance of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in your everyday life.

Are you now glad you adopted so early? Do you now curse me for not advising you to convert all your savings into Steem Power, sell your house, car and grandmother and buy more STEEM asap in the first sentence?

Relax, this is just the beginning. Other, similar projects are in the making, with different approaches, but the same goal: augmenting, and successively replacing traditional central bank fiat money systems with alternative currencies. There will be kinds of money perfect for saving and hoarding. There will be other kinds of money better suited for buying your daily groceries.

After all, money is just paper or numbers on a computer. It receives its value only through our agreement that it is "worth" something, that it is a "symbol", a "token", a "receipt", a "proof-of-work". Only this widespread agreement imbues it with the magical, metaphysical power it has on people. Whether you shape little chips out of precious metal, print fine ornaments on strips of paper, paint sea shells, make knots in a piece of rope or blink bits on a database in and out of existence - its value is just a matter of mutual agreement. That is why a 10,000 Reichsmark bill does not make you a rich man, and why people will begin to accept Steem as payment.

♭♫ If you believe in the power of magic, I can change your mind... ♪


Several things spring to the mind trying to describe the economic philosophy of steemit.com. Some will recognize the blatant anarcho-capitalistic mindset. Others will find the system quite meritocratic. At the same time, the elements of plutocracy cannot be denied. Critics of usury will be not so happy about the whole inflation and compound interest thing, but glad to find some aspects of demurrage currencies implemented. The STEEM/STEEM Power/Steem DOLLAR system is not so different from the Swiss system. You thought gold, banks, chocolate and cuckoo clocks make Switzerland such a rich country? They'll never tell you they have a complementary currency affording them stability of purchasing power.

The founders have made abundantly clear that the content's value will be extremely volatile:

In the case of Steem, there is a constant need for new content because old content decays in value very quickly

"Moby Dick", Homer's "Iliad" and all the other timeless works that have proven their value over the centuries would not have survived on Steemit - you could not even upvote them more than a month after they were published. You may want to be aware of that before you consider publishing anything supposed to have lasting value exclusively on Steemit.com.

This integration course is addressed at all those who are looking for a censorship-free alternative to reddit, Facebook etc. If you want to know more about the following topics, other users' posts and categories (#trading, #bitcoin, #steem, #cryptonews, #investment etc) will be way more helpful, informed and accurate.

password security

This is the new doctrine: if you remember your password, you are doing it wrong. Instead, get a password manager. The first 10 pages of Google consist of "the best (5|13|23) password managers" entries, so check out KeePassX because it is in the Lubuntu repos and is said to work under M$ Windoze too. It's easy to use and can generate strong passwords for you. You can, of course, insist on storing your passwords in the cloud.

From your OWNER private key (the long one you had to think of), which is the most valuable of all of them and which you should print out and then always keep under lock and key and NOT store in your browser's autocomplete, three other keys are derived (https://steemit.com/@{USERNAME}/permissions), so when you change your OWNER private key, the others will change too. With the POSTING private key, you can post and vote and change your posting key. This is the one you can keep in your browser's autocomplete. With the ACTIVE private key, you can do money transactions and all you can do with a posting key. You might want to consider keeping it in the password manager. With the MEMO private key, you can only do PMs (except you can't yet). With the OWNER private key, you can do everything, including lock yourself out forever.

On the bright side, there's a new protocol in town in case you get hacked.


The blockchain database is maintained by 19 witnesses to guarantee that everything keeps running on the technical side, people with lots of computing power and knowhow. You can vote for them on steemit.com/~witnesses. According to the whitepaper, these should have a natural interest to make Steem great.

The very same whitepaper which states:

Steem is committed to enabling free speech and building a free society.

Let this be your measure.


If you have a powerful CPU and a stable internet connection and you normally burn your kAh with 4000-generation runs of boxcar2d.com, you can turn electricity into thermal discharge and money instead: mine steem. And search for "bitcoin mining farm" on YouTube to get an idea of how the big guys do it.


There are exchanges ("Bittrex" is mentioned often) for cryptocurrencies where you can buy and sell U$, Steem, Bitcoin, Ethereum and a few dozen other coins. So if a rich uncle dies and you inherit a few millions...

This integration course should give you a good start into the Steem universe and save you the trouble of trying to wrap your head around the many mutually exclusive opinions on Steemit, what it is and will become, and help you decide whether to risk your credibility and authority among peers by recommending what potentially could well be an elaborate long con Ponzi pyramid scheme scam or turn out to be the steam engine of the 21st century.

By decidedly NOT shoving the greed-induced excitement, enthusiasm and euphoria many others experienced down your throat (and then leaving you alone with reality's bitter hangover), it gives you the tools and a realistic, skeptical perspective on what to expect when you decide to be among the first to turn Facebook and reddit into the same tumbleweed cricket desert MySpace has become to spite their manipulation, mod abuse and admin censorship.

And now have fun. I am looking forward to your reports, questions, comments, objections, corrections, projections and experiences!

#steemit #steemigration #newbies #howto

//edit: thanks to @pfunk for the corrections, @repholder for the exposure and of course a big thank you to all you crazy uptuckers!

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A very thoughtful and well written post. I will be sending out a link to your crash course as a huge time saver for me when e-mailing to friends about steemit. Thank you!

"Grab a drink, the DJ is still having trouble setting his turntables up, so people brought their own ghetto blasters." hahahaha....that was perfect.

Ok, now time to occupy #geocentrism

May Ernst Mach smile upon you!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Great post, it's a little long but worth a full read by anyone who finds it. A little commentary:

The single most important implication nobody is going to rub under your nose (since it is so self-evident) is this: all you do and say will always be visible to everyone.

Except private messages which only metadata will be available for (who sent something to who and when, but not the what).

Don't vote too much (~20 votes a day are okay), or your voting power will be "diluted".

Upvote 20 posts or comments at most, or you will dilute your voting power.

You can vote more than that, but yes, a lot of sustained voting will dilute your voting power and you might have to take a break to let it charge up.

You can submit your post to up to 4 categories.

Should be 5.

I'll be following you :)

Thank you for the corrections, @pfunk! Found a few typos too. I am just too afraid to edit the corrections in now. :o

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I also missed that in the markdown formatting you didn't include using # ## etc for headers

You can use up to 6 with varying results


####### Not seven though

You can also center text and images with <center> and make smaller text with <sup>

You should be fine with edits. If you read the post yesterday about edits counting towards the daily post count it was incorrect. You can always just collate the edits you want to make, maybe using stackedit.io, and make the change all at once.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I also missed that in the markdown formatting you didn't include using # ## etc for headers

I, in turn, missed the function when I tried (and I tried often, because I don't like using the === method at all)! Glad to see it works now (or maybe I just left out the space after the #?).

On a side note, there is other wizardry which does not work as on reddit. For example, this would cause an indention of apple, orange, carrot and tomato:

- Fruit  
 - apple
 - orange
- Vegetable  
 - carrot
 - tomato

I could do some fancy stuff with this. It does not seem to be official markdown syntax, but I think it's a useful feature nonetheless.

Also, I miss ~~strikethrough~~ and ^(this is a <sup>) very much. And while we're at it, I am very much in favor for a function too for mathematical discussions :)

Again, thank you, I will update ASAP.

This is one of the most well written posts I have seen about every aspect on SteemIT. Kudos, this is what Im going to be sending my blogger friends to ELI5 Steem instead of multiple links and videos.

Fell over it at Steemviz as soon as it was published and so glad I did. Shamelessly plugged it everywhere :)

Indeed it is!

Thank you for all the plugs, @repholder! Glad to hear it serves its intended purpose.

Wow! This is one of the most epic post I have yet seen on Steem! Awesome work, dedication and a giant thank you!!! All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Namaste, @eric-boucher! :)

bookmarked for future use of welcoming newbies.

Precisely what I had in mind writing this!

absolutely hilarious @akareyon... guilty as charged on all counts after my first two weeks

The accused has admitted the crime and shall be sentenced to make a post in #geocentrism!

Welcome and thank you, @elissahawke :)

so funny you say that Im certainly 10months pregnant with one, coming any day now, so glad to see "its a thing" over here

WTFF you really did it.

Now I feel guilty :D

You are awesome.

👍amazing post,so very interesting...

What. 😂😂😂

where are you from?

Orange County CA how bout you ?

im from Russia
now stay in Indonesia
you know the world of management theory?

I spent one of the earlier months binging all Dragonball and Dragonball Z and then you give us this supercute Kamehameha! A belated uptuck to you, @lukeerico!

where you from?

Lower Saxony, Germany. Why do you ask?

I have been on steemit for a month now and truly believe this is the most interesting post i have read on steemit as yet. This is a post which should be up-voted if only to reiterate the philosophy of the platform debated till now. If this post makes it to the top of the trending page, a lot of users will feel confident that we are heading the right way. Recommend this to everyone!

Thank you @norbu, so glad to have you.

I hope it is as useful as possible!

Wow! good article @akareyon, lot's to read there, long article... I'll be following you, looking forward to read more of your writing

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Im on 2084 place @nippel66 1.353 M vets
Great post to new users, good reading stuff

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Forgive, there was a 7:8 probability for that statement being true at the time of reading :D

Now we can use your ranking as an index in the future!

Hehe i see ^^
Great :)

Wow, you certainly put your time and effort into this post. Well done.
Very informative and hits the nail right on the head.
I hope to see you do well here, but for now, take my measly upvote!

Much obliged, @bobdownlov!

wonderful post

Glad you liked!

This has to be one of the most objective articles written about Steemit. Excellent work man.

Thanks Alot this is very helpful :) kudos

I am surprised to find that a 1-week old post still has value. Thank you for commenting, @breck0882!

whoa man. don't even mention myspace. that site is toast! I see your point why you used that. Very digestible writing. Man, this post was a trip to take on. You got my attention with migrants...as I am a latinx, those signs gets my attention a lot and wanted to see what you meant by integration crash course. So catchy photo, headline, and reading was an exploration.

myspace. that site is toast!


It was almost perfect; I met most of my musical friends there.

catchy photo, headline

Ha, I stand accused of social engineering!

Thank you both ;)

Hey, ​people don't forget to pay today!(right now)
Easy payment: a comment and an upvote! Is that hard after you saw this amazing and complete post!

Glad you liked it, thank you!

Folks, check out @the-future's "Newbie" comics!

Upvoted :)


Yes, Social media 'exodus' is so widespread and top that up with the $ sign here

welcome to $teemit


..its a learning curve for sure... especial thanks for the mention of beer as a tag, :-)https://steemit.com/recipes/@orsonkartt/beer-and-beer-making-including-quick-recipe

Do me a favour, please: drink one for me :)

Absolutely brilliant. This will save me tons of time in explaining. I'll just be sending people to this post.

Labour division works :) Thank you!

Great take on the steemit howto guide!

Our strength lies in unity!

Our power in diversity!

My conclusion to the whole matter: STEEMIT is a very wicked money making opportunity. It's like a well sharpened axe, ready to cut down the big social networks.
Thanks for such a great insight into this almost mystical phenomenon.

What do you mean, almost mystical?!?

But yeah, it would be great if this steem were to cook some bacon...

I'm 64 years old and I never thought one could live and make money like this. I bought my first PC 29 years ago and 38 years ago witnessed the use of an Apple computer by my stats professor to compute the standard deviation for a stats question.
But despite my early experience and adaptation to computing technology, I have not yet made any money from it. I was too skeptical. I never invested in companies that were at the forefront of technology; I never took the time to explore the potential of technology to change the world; I never imagined that it could make so many people so rotten rich.
Now that I have taken the time to read the white paper, etc., and watch videos so that I may know more about Steemit, it is not mystical to me anymore. It's real. I'm firmly onboard and will ride this ship to the end of the rainbow. There is a pot of gold waiting there for me. Soon I'll be eating Steemit beacon for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Thanks for your help in stoking the fire that generate the STEEMIT to propel this big ship.

Your enthusiasm is contagious! I am still on the cautious, skeptical side, but I also think the Steem Boat is the flagship to explore the waters previously mapped as "here be dragons" and will sail towards discovery a new world to settle and thrive in.

Thanks to you for your generous remarks.
Daily, I will recite my pledge of allegiance to our STEEMIT nation.
It alone has the platform (holy grail ) that will empower us to create and maintain wealth.

I always type a post like in your gif.

You mean the gif with the mushrooms? :p

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

@akareyon S(t)eems I am late to the party per usual, but not to worry. I am here now (one week) and thanks to whatever Gods of Karma, was lead to your post.
It is quite simply the best I have read. Period. Will be bookmarking for future reference and sharing. Beautiful style of writing, great humor, and the animated video link is a great summary also. Slainté.
P.S. There really should be a "repost" feature for material like this.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank you too @davidbrogan for your kind words!

Quite a few things have changed already in the meantime, so maybe an update is in order, but it should be fair to give the devs a few more days to implement even more novelties ;)

PS: damn, I haven't had my coffee yet. You wrote the NDE article!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

I laughed and i cried, such a gerat post! @akereyon, you explain the Steemit experience with passion and enough guidance to help migrants to this platform. Informative and cautious. A great balance. Definitely an upvote!

I laughed and i cried

This struggle is real indeed :D Thank you!

That was a really fun read! Love it!

Was fun to write too :) Thank you, spread the love!

Great post. It is nice to find a one-stop-shop post that covers so many topics.

Great Job!!

Glad to be of service!

Thank you for posting! I've been around a few weeks and this post has helped answer a ton of questions, some I knew I had and some I didn't. I'll be sending this article to my wife who just joined the other day

questions, some I knew I had and some I didn't

Precisely - I wish I could ask better questions, so I just summarized the answers I found.

A hearfelt welcome to @sjt10369's wife, people!

This is actually a great article. I just have to make two small usage corrections, both of which i think are due to you trying to find the same word and not coming up with it.

You have used the words "migrant" and "refugee" incorrectly. Migrant means a person who moves from place to place, continuously. A social network migrant is not someone who moves from one social network to settle at another one. It is a person who continuously moves from social network to social network, never settling on any one.

A refugee is someone seeking refuge in a new place from danger, disaster, or war in the place they came from. Simply moving from a place because you don't like it isnt being a refugee. A refugee is someone fleeing from imminent mortal danger.

The word i think youre searching for is expatriate, which means broadly someone who has left the area native to them and settled in a new place. Emigrant also works, but it has unfortunate political connotations. Emigre would be my third choice, though it sounds a little fey

Thank you very much @sigmajin!

You have used the words "migrant" and "refugee" incorrectly.

I am not a native speaker!

Migrant means a person who moves from place to place, continuously.

Maybe a case of "false friends". I was under the impression that "migration" is the umbrella term for all kinds and reasons and modes of wandering...?

The word i think youre searching for is expatriate, which means broadly someone who has left the area native to them

Exactly! Who really feels "at home" on Facebook or reddit though?

unfortunate political connotations

Oh, I love those, but...

...to each his own...


Very nicely put together

We need this on the front page so all newbies see it :) Thank you for your work. We all need a helping hand sometimes

Just doing my duty, sir, always a pleasure.

Yes thankyou for this great piece of writing !! Sure its long but i certainly enjoyed reading its very intelligent quirky nature . I love you humour and things which seemed a little lost in the vapor of things here have become so much clearer now ! I shall refer this to some of my friends here who are still struggling with the workings and direction needed to find success here ! Thank you again for the effort. ; - )

Sure its long

Never follow @akareyon and expect a haiku.

Thank you for your kind words - I value that "currency" dearly!

yes im sure you do too..... by a man,s words we may judge his power or should i say Steem Power ?? ; - ) So all Power to you !!

Power to you too, man - awesome intro!

well thank you very much, its was officially my second intro as i did do one at an earlier stage but was wearing a death mask, so i dont think that was constructive , so i decided finally to be more upfront and post myself in true !! I have high hopes for this site and the politics it may bring to the net and crypto world, im sure you share my vision too !! I am following you now , so be careful !! hehehehe regards to you !!

i would have upvoted normally this kind comment, but i overdid it yesterday and my Steem pressure is really down, so im letting things build up again !! But maybe i pass back here to give you a little push later !! ; - )

This is perfect...I was trying to describe the system to an interested friend yesterday and here it all is. Sharing with her in the hopes she'll get on here and get started! I learned a few new things too :)

You are too kind!

Greetings @jessica-miller's friend!

brilliant :)


Love and Peace

Where are all you stragglers coming from? :p

Love and peace to you too, @richhorn!

Long post but still, I read it to the end. We will see if Steemit can take crypto concept to the world.

Precisely; it needs not necessarily be Steem that comes out as the dominating force; but it may just be the initial spark starting the fire that burns down the edifice of old.