My Bittrex & Steemit Get HACKED - Missing All Money

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)


Bad things happen to me today, when I wake up I get a notification message on my smartphone, I get a bittrex incoming email notification message. it surprised me, but I did not open anything. when i see it all gone. the steem I've collected for 1 month is just gone.

Kejadian buruk menimpa saya hari ini, ketika saya bangun tidur saya mendapatkan pesan pemberitahuan di smartphone , saya mendapatkan pesan notifikasi masuk bittrex di email. itu membuat saya terkejut , padahal saya tidak membuka apapun.
ketika saya lihat semuanya hilang. steem yang sudah saya kumpulkan selama 1 bulan ini hilang begitu saja.

All Money Lost

2017-10-12 - Wallets.png

I think there was an error on my bittrex account, but when I look at the withdrawal history, I see that there is a different recipient address. and at that time I was also convinced that my bittrex account had been cracked by someone else.

Saya pikir ada kesalahan pada akun bittrex saya , akan tetapi ketika saya melihat history penarikan , saya melihat ada perbedaan alamat penerima. dan pada saat itu saya juga yakin bahwa akun bittrex saya sudah di retas oleh orang lain.

I do not know what else to do, my hard work for 1 month is just gone. not only that that happened to me.

Saya tidak tahu harus bagaimana lagi, kerja keras saya selama 1 bulan ini hilang begitu saja. bukan hanya itu saja yang terjadi pada saya.

Thief Wallet Address

2017-10-12 16_55_24-Bittrex.jpg

When I open my steemit account, when I see the wallet, there is a rarity that makes me believe that the hacker has also hacked my steemit account @arie.steem, I am not doing power down. I am sure if the person has also entered into this steemit account.

Ketika saya membuka akun steemit saya , saat saya melihat wallet , ada keanehan yang membuat saya yakin kalau hacker itu juga sudah meretas akun steemit saya @arie.steem, saya tidak melakukan power down . saya yakin sekali jika orang tersebut juga sudah masuk ke akun steemit ini.

Hacker Powerdown My Steemit

2017-10-12 17_09_33-Arie.Steem (@arie.steem) — Steemit.png

When I found out he was also signed into my steemit account. soon I change the password and be more careful again. but I never clicked the phishing link and no one else knows my steemit account password.
this really makes me confused.

Ketika saya tahu dia juga sudah masuk ke akun steemit saya . segera saya mengganti password dan lebih berhati-hati lagi. padahal saya tidak pernah klik link phising dan tidak ada orang lain yang tahu password akun steemit saya.
ini sangat membuat saya bingung.

What saddens me most is that the money I collect at bittrex has been successfully stolen. I hope you guys do not happen like me. for now I can still open my steemit account because I have changed the password.

Yang paling membuat saya sedih adalah uang yang saya kumpulkan di bittrex sudah berhasil di curi . saya harap kalian tidak terjadi seperti saya. untuk saat ini saya masih bisa membuka akun steemit saya karena sudah saya ganti password.


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We hate to see people getting hacked. We are sorry to hear that this happened to you. Perhaps this Upvote and Resteem to 4000+ Steemians will help you recuperate some of the lost funds.

thank you sir @adsactly
im glad to see you here can comment in my post
thanks for your help

You @adsactly, sir, have a good heart!
Upvoted and followed!

Resteemed to warn others @arie.steem this behaviour makes me mad, to see people working hard to make ends meet to have others come and steal "No Comment".

Just came across this post, perhaps a good read to assist -

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That's so weird... for sure is someone that can get to your computer. Please consider to use in Bittrex the 2 ways Authenticator. It's really helpful! Good luck with next moves..

@leotrap yeah... this is an experience for me
thank for your suggestion sir


Turut berdukacita atas musibah yang menimpa anda. Saya pernah menemukan kasus uni sebelumnya. Alamat memo yang di copy saat dilakukan paste terjadi perubahan karakter. Peretas mencoba memasukkan memonya kedalam transaksi yang kita lakukan.

Harap memastikan kembali saat mempaste alamat supaya terhindar dari segala masalah. Solusinya yang lain harap clear cheache browser supaya terhindar dari masalah yang sama. Keep steem on.

Oh no! not again!

I'm sorry about your hacked account.

I think it's time more awareness about security is raised, so people will learn to be more security conscious.

Hackers, spammers and phishers are on the loose.

Pls learn to be more secured online. Research and read about it.

On steemit, try not to use your master password for login. Instead, use your posting key to login.

Remember that there's no patch for human stupidity*

On Bittrex, did you have 2 Factor Security setup? Sorry to hear your loss!

I dont have .. Just now i hear about that. Omg

Thank for sharing my friend

That's so sad. When are we going to get rid of these thieves. You should have a enabled 2FA security.

And never ever use your master password. Use only posting key,.

yeah... this is an experience for me

Sangat di sayangkan jika ini terus terjadi.
Semoga kita dapat belajar dari musibah yang di alami saudara @arie.steem

How can the hacker crack such big password? Horrible

Not crack. It's on the blockchain.
Never login with your password.

I was thinking of making a post on the importance of the Authenticator and this gave me more encouragement, so that fewer people fall into the hands of hackers, I also think there is someone who has remote access to the pc.

I would advise you to restore the machine to format, to remove any possible trace of a remote keylogger

I do think so ... maybe I need to reinstall the laptop

I was thinking of making a post on the importance of the Authenticator and this gave me more encouragement, so that fewer people fall into the hands of hackers, I also think there is someone who has remote access to the pc.

I would advise you to restore the machine to format, to remove any possible trace of a remote keylogger

Oh damn

So sad to hear. I hope you will get more security. It is really bad news for all.

thank you my friend.... today very bad for me

gabung diaplikasi 3rd party nggak gan? misalnya esteem atau apapun yang mengharuskan memasukkan key posting/active kita ke site tsb?

ada sih saya gabung, emg knapa dengan itu gan ?


Apa akun bittrexnya diaktifkan verifikasi 2 langkah bg?

ya verifikasi gmna itu ?
dia bobol email bittrex aku juga soalnya

I am sorry to see this happen to you. Upvoted.

Saya hanya bisa prihatin dan berdoa semoga Allah menggantikan kenikmatan lain yang lebih dahsyat dan si pelaku segera melakukan taubat nasuha @arie.steem. Kejadian seperti ini bisa terjadi terhadap siapa pun, dan kehati-hatian belum cukup. Kita harus memiliki pengetahuan yang lebih untuk mengantisipasi kejadian seperti ini.

iya bg ayi
arie uda super hati2 tapi kenak juga ..
gk tau gmna nasip ini akun kedepan .

This scares me, are app like esteem safe?

I think esteem will save

Oh My! So sorry to hear that.
Harus dilacak ini gimana bisa sampe dihack. Yg lagi serng terjadi akhir2 ini, ada pesan di wallet yg kasih tau ada aktivitas tak biasa di wallet. Begitu kita klik, kita disuruh masukin pasword. Did you experience this?

itu karena phising... ini kejadian email bittrex di tembus.
kalo steemit dia bisa masuk itu yang saya gk tau , kok bisa

Sounds bad man! Hope ya can re-coup some of ya funds on ere...

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this post is so amazing, I'm so inspired to keep working hard on steem.