What NEEDS to change NOW in order for Steemit to Survive. (Partial Payout Declined Self-Voting)

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Good Morning Steemians & Fellow Witnesses,

Over the past couple of months Steemit has gone through a lot, to say the least. From HardFork's to price fluctuations and user growth, Steemit has been experiencing some growing pains. I believe that there are things that need to change in order for this community to grow into the mainstream and become something great... and its more then just adding profile cover images.

Let's start with a hot topic that has been going in and out of the minds of many Steemians recently and this is...


To get straight to the point, Self-Voting has become an issue. There have been arguments both Pro and Con to the issue but at this point I think its all bad. When talking with most people, even those in favor of completely eliminating the Self-Vote, they argue that without that initial self-vote their posts would never gain any traction. They look to the many many great articles by new or low valued accounts that go to the way-side due to no initial visibility. It's true, when users see a post has Value they tend more often to automatically up vote this content. Not to say I don't up vote my own content on initial posting would be a lie, I do it as well, but there must be another way... I'll get back to this.

Another major way Self-Voting is an issue is Reward Pool Draining by High Value Accounts Self-Voting and this is always a very hot topic. It usually ends in hatred towards other users , down voting or flagging, and just negative behavior in general with comments, revenge posts etc and this is all bad for a social platform, it will drive people away. There is only so many rewards in a given timeframe to be distributed amongst the entire platform and with large accounts reaping, large amounts from the reward pool, it takes away from the small guy. Although a higher percentage of the reward pool is still proven to be in the favor of the smaller accounts , shouldn't good content be rewarded over account value?

SPAM, now that is a major issue and to make it all the worse tie in Self-Voting and you have a serious problem. Recently, as we have all seen, there have been some grave attempts to reap the reward pool by extreme self voting and bot voting (which isn't really Self-Voting but then again the bots are all voting for each other, owned by a single person). Not only does this take from the reward pool but it also creates a massive amount of spam on the blockchain , unneeded garbage with a potential negative impact on the blockchain...

Some have brought up that the positive side to Self-Voting is to retain the larger investors who need a solid ROI ignorer to stay invested and without self-voting this isn't possible. This just isn't true, we have curation, and it can be quite lucrative. Yes I understand that Self-Voting is the ultimate in ROI, after my 100% UpVote Everyone experiment I released I could make roughly $600 every 5 Days with pure self-voting. In the experiment I didn't just up vote myself but I did see how much I could give and if turned inwards that is some serious ROI. Curation if done right and done alongside everyone else could be yield a very good return. If self-voting didn't exist curation would be the go to and this would push the rewards for all, over that of a few.

This would still leave open the Whale Circle Jerking as some put it. Whales without a easy revenue stream of self-voting would turn to other whales for vote for vote strategies, causing essentially the same thing, therefor maybe implying there is nothing we could do would stop the self satisfying nature of some. But this shouldn't stop us from trying to move in the right direction... I have an idea.

Partial Payout Declined Self-Voting

What do I mean? The idea is simple and would to have each post/comment have three types of post rewards, over the two it has now (not including out right payout declined posts) Example:

Total Post Payout $230
Author 75%: $172.50 - Auto Declined $45 (Self-Vote)
Author Actually Receives: $127.50
Curators 25%: $46.125 instead of $57.50
Reward Pool Reduction: $173.62 instead of $230

One of the main reasons for people to Self-Vote besides gaining revenue is post visibility and in this case you Self-Vote does exactly what is does now visibility wise. On top of that it shows that you decided your content is good enough for you to use your valuable Voting Power without any reward to yourself. Like fully declining payout on your post it drastically reduces the amount of rewards being pulled from the reward pool and will distribute the rewards more evenly (Even back to yourself!)

I also think showing this breakdown via the dropdown instead of the current simplified "Potential Payout" would be very beneficial as well showing what each author has chosen to do, self-vote or not. The more transparent we are the better this is a community built on openness, freedom of speech, freedom of information, and a decentralized community.

I know most, if not all of us, love the fact that you can actually earn money from what we do here. I understand that making money from your time and investment is important, very important to most, but don't let greed destroy it. If greed continues to rain over us on this platform , there will be no platform and the price of STEEM will fall to nothing. Invest in your future by not investing in the now, vote for good content, others content, share and interact and the money will come.

I'm going to push for this change, this idea, I do not know how difficult it is to implement and I don't pretend to know, but I know something along these lines would really push the platform in the right direction.

I know Cover Images are cool, visually pleasing and make us more like most other social networks but remember we are not like them in so many ways, and we have the chance to prove something groundbreaking.

What say you?

I'm going to consider this witness-update so I'll add some additional witness information...

I am now ranked Witness #51

I know so damn close to the top 50!! Which every witness strives to break into from the very beginning. It opens the door to getting votes much more easily as your name is visible on the witness voting page here on Steemit.

I have been lucky to have climbed the ranks very quickly thanks to some great support from a lot of great users, so thank you all! I don't take your votes lightly from the smallest to the largest I am here to prove my worthiness to all whom vote for me. I am here for the long haul and will not give up, I want to see a bright future that Steemit is apart of. I will strive to see whats best of the community implemented and brainstorm with other Witnesses and users on what best for it.

If you have every tried to communicate with me in any form you will know I try to respond to everyone, so if you have a question just hesitate to reach out. I will continue to have my mention bot running and I try to respond to every mention but please don't be discouraged if I don't respond right away. Also for those of you who take advantage of that don't expect a response, don't just mention my name just to get my bot to respond.

I hope this opens up to some great conversation, look forward to all of your thoughts!

Vote for @blueorgy as Witness

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  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the vote box
  3. Input my name (blueorgy) and hit vote.
  4. Rejoice in self achievement!
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Interesting ideas, but I'm not really a fan.

  1. It (IMO) over complicates an already complicated payout system.
  2. I think Sean King has made some good arguments for why self voting isn't as bad as many say here and here. If this blockchain doesn't allow it, a fork in the future would (and you can't really stop it anyway due to sock puppet accounts).
  3. Top down "solutions" to problems which can be solved via community response (i.e. shaming, unfollowing, etc) don't seem very effective as solutions and usually have a way to be gamed anyway. The point is to get people to want to be good community members, not just stop bad behavior in a sterile way.
  4. The bot abuse spam is simply that: bot abuse spam. There are already projects working to help solve that problem. The self-voting part of it doesn't really matter. I can create account 1 and have it vote for account 2, so the self voting removal doesn't solve anything there.
  5. I see some suggestions to change things without fully understanding the technical details involved and it makes me think it would be better to understand the technical details involved more first, or chat them over with someone who does. Otherwise it communicates (to me), "I don't really know all the details here, but I have an opinion!" I think we get a bit too much of that around here, at times. You may understand more than you let on, so this may not apply to you specifically, but I've seen so many examples where people don't understand game theory, what a Sybil attack is, how psychological motivations come into play, etc, etc

The real thing that will take Steemit to the moon is for the price of STEEM to skyrocket. For that to happen, people need to be motivated to buy STEEM. The suggestion here seems to be removing one aspect of that motivation. Yes curation brings rewards, but so does some self voting. If this was implemented, I'd imagine many would just create multiple accounts and auto vote them up.

  1. This is very true luke! I agree that complicating a already complicated system is not really a good move. But I do feel change might be in order, its hard to say what, when there are so many opinions and hard evidence.
  2. I have read these articles and I do see the big picture on this as knozaki2015 continues to mention ;) but I do see this being gamed and especially with the sock puppet accounts , not only does that though my idea out the window, but it's almost impossible to defend against.
  3. Agree with you on this of course, I do think having the option to decline your self vote , keep your visibility but also show others that you believe in your content and have no need to self vote (The partial up vote decline is growing on me a bit) gives a chance for more pure content quality control (which I do feel can't be truly done by oneself) Being a good community member is to give more then you take.
  4. Good point to bring up and again is disheartening a bit, with people not contributing but cruelly trying to game the system.
  5. As a programmer myself with the knowledge of many many different languages fro malt of hard work and experience I simply didn't want to pretend to be an expert on everything and I know that some very intelligent people put good work in and other aspects as you say that are forint to me come into play.

Thank you very much for you comments Luke!

That's is a very good point. That you could just find away around self vote removal by creating one account to upvote the other.

About "Being a good community member is to give more then you take".
It seems that proportion of givers seem to deacrease according to the rise of their SP.
It seems that minnows are more likely to be generous than dolphins and whales, despite that they can offer so little with their miniscule voting power.
It seems that the more Steem Power some user acquires, the more greedy he/she becomes (with some few exceptions), and less likely to share with minnows but more likely to upvote sockpuppets or circle jerk.

How about if all voting bots not allowed, then self-voting award limited to some degree. The biggest problem is "Account1 voting Account2 Same Owner" scenario, this may be solved by checking the source IP address, same IPs can not vote each other.

Haha I am no whale here, but may this idea solve the issue a bit. Regards all.

And VPN servers not allowed, if this can be done. I am just throwing ideas so that others might improve.

Yeah VPNS are the problem. I don't think there is a way to block it :-)

Hey man, just a dummy question as I am new to this platform: If I reply to you, is this automatically seen by the people above you in this chain? Or do I have to Reply at the topmost to be seen? Thanks.

Yes I think so. They probably won't see if you reply to the topmost comment.

I'm acting as admin temporarily for our band site @primatives-usa - this would mean I would get flagged for upvoting something on my personal page and vice-versa, even though the other band members are in full support of specific upvotes- same for when Jesse and Lila-suka return. I'm willing, for the greater good, to NOT do this, but I'm sure other people are in the same situation.

How about if all voting bots not allowed, then self-voting award limited to some degree. The biggest problem is "Account1 voting Account2 Same Owner" scenario, this may be solved by checking the source IP address, same IPs can not vote each other.

Haha I am no whale here, but may this idea solve the issue a bit. Regards all.

IP Addresses are not involved 🙃

Luke have you looked at other people putting self voting in perspective? link
Personz comented in the first link, 'self voting is a rampant and a huge problem', although he said I said rampant amounts to argument of the beard, I'm leaning to agreement, self voting needs to be shunned and flagged, we have the tools already, lets put them to use to trim this beard down, I think it has become a beard.

It's simply about perception, when people see others GAME THE SYSTEM, it devalues the overall experience,but I disagree with @blueorgy where he said that flagging will drive user away, I think flagging is a tool that would keep users more than drive them away, especially if people downvote bullshit self voters, personz quote the prisoners dilemma, which is exactly where we are headed if we encourage this behavior.

The naive voting process creates a Prisoner’s Dilemma whereby each individual voter has incentive to vote for themselves at the expense of the larger community goal. If every voter defects by voting for themselves then no currency will end up distributed and the currency as a whole will fail to gain network effect. On the other hand, if only one voter defects then that voter would win undeserved profits while having minimal effect on the overall value of the currency.

Thoughtful comments. Polite way to tell blueorgy much of his post was ill considered

I think all the "self voting lists" and the entire issues is completely over-shadowing all kinds of other work we should be doing on the Steemit platform.

To quote @smooth:

"Someone who buys SP and then selfvotes is not 'draining' anything and at best can get back a portion of what was put in. It causes no harm at all."

Investors are the ones who underwrite all of the rewards on this platform. If you are not an investor, or are only a smaller investor, you need to focus your efforts on creating inspiring content that makes investors want to give their money to you. Whatever else they do or don't do with their money (including self-voting) is not your concern and does not harm you in any way. Nevertheless, you do have a downvote that you can use to disagree with what you think are underserved rewards. I suggest using it."

"The idea of creating 'lists of shame' and demonizing people is divisive, creates a hostile and toxic environment attractive to no one, and serves no useful purpose. There is no way to tell from these lists whether the content is deserving of the rewards or not. The only way to tell is by actually looking at the content, and if you think it is undeserving, downvote it."

"Your own statistics show that self-voting is awarding about 8.5% of the reward pool. I don't find that suggestive of any problem whatsoever. It is probably a very reasonable number given that the current parameters give people 10 full power votes to make per day. Thus one is being applied to the voters' own content and nine to others' (on average, of course). Seems fine."

I think self-voting should stay: how do you prevent people from voting from another account or tacitly trading votes with another user or pool of users?

My solution is to go the complete opposite direction. Let people drain 100% of their voting power with a single vote. So instead of a 2% max vote you can do a 100% max vote.

What I think happens: people who just want their vests for themselves will actually try to write a good article every week rather than a bunch of spam comments and articles. A lot will think: why not try to get other peoples upvotes by writing engaging content?

Any scheme to limit voting, can ultimately be gamed, so why not make the voting as simple as possible?

I will add: the knee-jerk reaction to this is everyone will self-upvote with 100% of their SP, However:

  • If you are able to commit a significant amount in curation, you basically get 25% of the follow on rewards. So you can easily do better by curating good content.

  • Being selfish may not be the best strategy, building a social network by up-voting your peers might be far more profitable than 100% up-voting.

What will happen with a 100% vote is everyone would vote once for them selves every 6 days and the platform would be completely dead.

I disagree because curation rewards can be worth several times what a self-upvote is worth.

Why not let people who want to patronize others do that, let people who want to self-promote do that (but with a lot less spam), and let investors who do not want to participate in the social media aspect do that without suffering inflation penalties?

I detail more of my thought in this post.


Also, look at the current content. It is already 90% self-promoted trash. For the rare contribution that is worth up-voting, I would rather give much more than 2%.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good post.

Exactly, if it doesn't deserve your own upvote, then you shouldn't post that in the first place. :-)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

😂 very good point @gtg Why post something that you don't believe be good content. Thing is a lot of people don't think its good content and just want the rewards... If you take some of the rewards out of it, as discussed with many, would be both negative and positive. True content quality control can't come from the one creating the content. At the same time this is negative in some respect that people with good content, don't get rewarded, even if they have invested real money. This can deter a lot of good people, no good return on investment will force some people to sell STEEM.. there are truly many ways this could go. I do feel giving back as much as you receive is a good start.

The most recent post by @berniesanders shows some of the abuse of delegated power being used for circle jerk upvotes... even in the comments they have vote trails with a zillion accounts upvoting them.

I read a while back that HF20 was going to address the added-value issue on new accounts to remove the incentive to create a million accounts just to drain the pool using the initial delegated SP we all get. Is that true? It seems like that would stop the wave of spam accounts coming on and starting up these vote circles.

I was also thinking that to find a middle ground on voting, maybe something along the lines of curbing (but not eliminating ) self voting will help. You can 100% upvote on your own posts (not comments) until you hit the "vote slider" threshold, then from that point on your self vote is curbed to 50%. Comments your own and others, all comments, have a max limit of 10 or 20%, something that puts comments in proportion to the author's main post content.

Sure you will have the vote trail armies on comments - BUT - it they are redistricted a lower % it becomes less worth the effort, and secondly - it makes it easier and less wasteful of vote power for those who try so hard to flag/downvote blatant spam posts to take down those accounts. (in theory)

Would anything like that help long term? or am I way off on it all?

You have some good thoughts and have obviously thought about this for some time so thank you for your input. Its definitely interesting concept but I'm just not sure complicating the voting system to this extreme would be beneficial to the community right now. Some have thought to just simply illuminate the self vote on comments all together which is simple enough. Use of voting power is another which Im sure I'm not the first to think up. Each self-vote would drain more Voting Power.. this however wouldn't lead to more votes for others but essentially less if the usr decided to self up vote anyway.

While I agree that it makes sense under the current system, this isn't really a working argument to keep it and it also doesn't adress any of the issues.

voturbate for the like of others, what's not to love.

While I agree with you @gtg, but perhaps there should be a self voting limit ($30 or so per post) once you reach certain amount of none delegated SP. For example, what's stopping Ned making a post every 5hrs and self voting for $500 each time?

Sake of the platform. Biggest stakeholders have most to lose, if they would be too greedy milking the reward pool, then their stake would lose its value.

And I agree you can self-vote yourself in order for others to know you love your work and that want to share it , helping with visibility and hopefully others will up vote you. I don't want to take away the self-vote but more modify it.

It's one thing to upvote you own content manually but to set bots to upvote your own content, that is greedy and taking an unfair share of the total rewards pool.
To buy your upvotes for your own content, I'm not sure about, but it's your money you are risking....some even don't get a good return...but the businesses runnning the buy your upvote services do I'm sure.
It is mostly whales running those services to 'help' the minnows. Remember they are a business, and the aim of businesses is to profit.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Right on point. That's why you created your content in the first place, because you love the idea & has the desire to make that post. Self-voting basically means you are happy & satisfied on what you have done. :)

Thats all fine and good, you write some good content in your eyes you self vote, most of the time this is without issue , and at 7% not taking much from the overall reward pool. My self up vote isn't even worth that much at $3 or so as well. Im not disagreeing with all of these statements, I was more talking about gaming the system, a potential fully self centered community, very large accounts trending content at will with massive self votes, spam and other negative aspects. I just think a community where people would rather use their VP to reward others for content which would intern reward you.

That's the reason why i don't take a peek at the trending posts nowadays. It's same old, same old. High reputation & buffed up accounts not only self-voting, but voting each other, like a ping-pong game, with us minnows spectating. ;)

Oh thank you for mentioning that. Even though one of my posts made it to trending, I think its a feature steemit could live withot... actually, I think its another thing that encourages behavior not so good for the community.

I disagree, overall hot, trending, promoted do their intended functions quite well and hardly need addressing.

If that's what you "see", good for you.

You seem to have a problem with "high reputation and buffed up accounts", or more clearly the people behind those high reputation, buffed up account, and their "self voting" and "voting each other". First it's self voting and there is abusive self voting, like the "I believe my content is my own (do you believe, or do you know?) so I upvote because if I don't it means others won't like it".

I doubt many would agree with self voting and abusive self voting are the same thing. I doubt that the trending page has people self voting abusively, I doubt it's abusive first and foremost because it's brought forth with the "circle jerk voting", and I still haven't seen abusive self voting AND circle jerk voting AND high reputation accounts. So the problem with you have isn't with trending but with WHO is in trending.

I don't think I addressed that, I simply said I disagree, and you told me good for me, as if I referred to you or your comment/gripes with the community. Good for you, that you don't go into trending.

... I guess you don't need to worry about that problem since you don't seek out to see"is this a problem".

It seems that the 'trending' posts tag category is so full of whale upvoted posts mostly actually trash now, that I don't bother checking that tag anymore. If more of us just checked our feed and 'new' or 'created' we could find more worthy content to upvote and/or resteem.

Yeah, great delusional voturbatory argument, you deserve to voturbate.

Exactly, you invest in your own work!

If you don't believe in the content you are posting, why post it at all? Can someone belief in the quality of their work be defined by the amount they reward themselves, I don't think so.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Tell that to the countless people who post shit content. If they had the Steem Power they would reward themselves all the same haha

actually on that second part what exactly do you mean? prob just reading too many comments today but I can read this two ways.

Didn't @ned delegate 500,000 steem to you? And now you're saying you're using that to upvote your own content to give yourself massive rewards?

That's just wrong, man.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Well @gtg has currently (-77,397.267 STEEM) delegated away from his account not 500,000 towards it....

My reply was to tumutanzi. I remembered him posting about it the other day so I looked through his post but couldn't find it. So I googled, "tumutanzi @ned 500,000 steem" and it turns out the reason I couldn't find the post is because he's replace all the the English with Chinese.

Here's the post in question though:


Here's googles cached version:


I don't know if that's the case, but voturbation is abhorrent, there's freaking curation rewards, if you have a large account you make decent returns simply from curating, everyone self votes but it seems this douche is a delegated 500k self voter, the worst kind.

So you are saying that you cannot expect others to like them because you believe they are your works and you must voturbate because others won't like them because voturbate becuase believe. Yeah makes sense to me too, now if only everyone was as selfish as you and valued themselves first and foremost on a platofrm designed to reward curation, it would be bye bye curation.

I like what your on to here @blueorgy, and it's strong to raise the topic about it.

I think there is one easy solution we could do, instead of complicating the rewards system, as @lukestokes point out. We could add an icon at the end of the header when someone doesn't vote on their own post, much like how we do when someone does a Power Up post.

This way we can signal early on that the post isn't a Self-Vote and should be encouraged to be voted on.

Of course, this mainly applies to the articles, not comments that are also a way to self vote. This is of course not a full solution to the problem, but one stop towards finding ways.

Interesting idea thats for sure, would hate to clutter the interface too much but hey maybe that little icon would attract people.

we already analyzed the self-voting statstics and if I remember it correctly self-voting only takes out less than 7% of the reward pool.

so that self-voting propanganda is total nonsense

I guess most of my thoughts and responses have been less about the "self-voting propanganda" where there is no reward pool left due to self votes, which isn't really what I wanted to force as the subject. It's true that roughly 7% of the reward pool is going to self votes as some have analyzed. Some of that 7% may be in the form of substantial sized up vote from very large accounts (which is also a thought) which is really what most are upset about. Posts that seem to have little substantial value or be considered quality content, self-voted to $400, and instantly trending and therefor promoting the other recent compliant: others just voting for curation reasons...

I like your idea more and more of really have a partial payout decline self-vote, My overall goal isn't really to take money away from users and stop people from gaining profits but more trying to get people be apart of the community and give back. As some have pointed out there is a lot of account not utilizing their Voting Power for others at all and just voting for their own content, I have fallen into this personally with my votes being all manual right now (one positive part of voting bots) arguments can always be made both directions it seems.

Ok before I go writing an entire post here within a comment what I'm saying is that part of the 7% which is probably a pretty big number still (have to go searching for this value) unless you know it? that some of this given back to the reward pool or directed elsewhere towards other good content wouldn't DOOM the platform and I feel could create a better economic environment.

Thank you for posting @blueorgy.

Since we did not have these issue before the hard fork....HF19......

Could we consider some of the measures Steemit had before HF19.....

such as the limit of 4 posts in a 24hr period......and the previous payout for comments....

It seems this would address these issues to some degree.....would it not?

On a side note..... @remlaps wrote an article regarding self-voting....it presents a different perspective and a valid point.

After reading roughly 75% of the comments and digesting the suggestions, it seems we are looking at a larger-scale issue than just upvotes, @blueorgy.

First, I agree with your insightful suggestion of declined self-voting... for those with a large enough SP to do so.

Second, I also agree with this:

The more transparent we are the better this is a community built on openness, freedom of speech, freedom of information, and a decentralized community.

Which @captainobviou3 also hinted at in the comments I believe when he said :

I appreciate the long term focus here. So many people are interested in the NOW.

@lukestokes also inspired a volley of comments, with solid points.

I venture to say that we are bringing our current societal way of thinking into a forward thinking platform. We are used to WIIFM (What's in it For Me), instant gratification and the pursuit of 'get rich quick.' So without a paradigm shift in thinking we have to rely on the design of the reward system. Or...

Proper education for new users. It is available, mostly by chance, but there.

Yes, higher steem price would help. Yes, UI changes (covers) and ease-of-use help. Utility helps (plenty here with bots, tools, APIs).

Bottom line: People need to make a choice. Active users. Informed users.

Do we game the system for greed?
Or do we realize the potential, invest... and still earn! <- I hope this one.

Sorry for the long reply.

No need to apologize for a long reply when it's a good one! You're right on most parts here and have cleared thought about this community. There will always be someone trying to game the system, it's just life, but with the right tools in place this will be at a minimum. As others have stated community action is nessesory for this all to work and we are building that now. Optional declined payout on self votes I think could really be useful and give an option to be less greedy but not give up all of your rewards. I would personally do this every time because I do want the visibility created by my self upvote, although not very big compared to some of these whales, still impactful.

Secure a promising future for steemit , acquire more cumminity investment, reap the rewards of a high STEEM price!

There will always be someone trying to game the system...

To this point: I believe this will be the first platform that allows us an insight into the effects of gaming long-term for studies. Kind of a learn and earn experience.

...acquire more cumminity investment...

Yesterday I seen a post from neoxian delegating most of his SP. Another creative way we can invest in the system without changing the rules. It's encouraging to see those with the most vested doing their part.

Hi @blueorgy, thanks for keeping this issue alive. I have not rewritten by original article Proposal for New Rules Regarding Self-Votes and Voting-Rings as I can't think what else to add. Perhaps I should just rehash it.

The change in rules I propose are simple, easy to code and fast to process. The one rule covers both self-voting and vote-spamming. Once the value of vote-spamming, whether for self or your sock-puppet drops to the point where the rewards diminish quickly, then it will both slow down in number but, more importantly slow down the reward-drain.

Yes, of course, this will lead to more sophisticated programs but those then become easier to catch with other methods. The drain will continue.

great post. i am thinking on this very deeply because steemit is certainly degrading by the day. In the trenches, reviewing the massive spam bots, i have a different perspective on the linear rewards curve. In short, Dan was right. If votes from small accounts were not as much as they are now, botnets would not be profitable.
I don't have the answer, but we are heading in the wrong direction clearly.

I welcome discussion on this topic as it is something that has been burning on my mind. I am not sure I fully agree with your proposed solution but it is refreshing to have a discussion on this. I have read through many of the comments on this post, and I get the feeling that before tackling the problem we need to first identify what the problem we are trying to solve is.

Is the issue related to payouts, or content promotion?

The guts of your post talks mainly about visibility, but I hear from comments people referring to ROI and the like. Why are these two dynamics entangled in the discussion in the first place and is this the issue. Is the problem we are trying to solve how do we making new good content more visible?

Upvoting your own post

For most people I have no problem with them upvoting their own post but at the same time is it really necessary, does it really add any value to the platform. They wrote it so surely they would vote for it anyways!

For whales, I cant believe they upvote their own posts. It makes little financial sense. Short term they get a boost, but longer term the platform suffers and their investment falls in value, at a significantly leveraged rate.

At the moment upvoting your own post is a way to promote your own content. This will never work unless there is a cost to you for promoting it. If you couldn't upvote your own post then you would have to spend SBD to promote your content in that way on the promoted tab, or via alternative means. The vote is a means of the community steering the daily steem to your account, of rewarding you for your contribution. If you can reward yourself it reduces the monetary value of Steem. The reason Steem has any monetary value is because of the network and community created and the fact that they are willing to use it to pay for goods and services.

Sock Puppets

Sure people can set up other account to vote for themselves, but maybe we should be tackling that problem too rather than dragging it into the discussion on payouts and visibility.

For example you could possibly introduce a penalty into the algorithm for repeated voting to the same accounts, or group of accounts. If this is not possible there could be dedicated accounts that downvote excessive repeat voting circles. (Not proposed solutions just the first thing that came into my head)

Level of Payouts

I would also like to throw this into the discussion. Many people feel this is a topic there should be no cap on payouts, let the market decide.

That argument makes sense when we have an efficient market. What about introducing a cap until Steemit achieves a sufficient scale so that good content is rewarded by the crowd? Or payout target such suggested by several people in the past?

Interesting idea... I also have thought about the self voting issue...
Here are another ideas: Allowing upvoting only for post creation, and not for comments (still some people could create 20 post and upvote themselves), but that would look even worst in a community point of view, and that could be avoided restricting the amount of posts that can be made per day (who really needs to make more than 10 post/day anyway?)...
Giving more than 25% to curators, maybe 30% or 40% would incentivize curations a bit more, also giving the curation reward sooner, or maybe splitting the curatioon reward 50/50 steem power and steem dollars, that could make curating more attractive too...
Right now what we earn in curation is very little, and i guess is not significant if you dont have a lot of steem power...

Its good to think through these things and debate them here on steemit (mainly why I wanted to get a discussion going here) and I like where your head is at but to answer like @lukestokes complicating a already complex reward system might not be the best approach , it may take some community action and some careful thinking. I may not know all the answers but I think something is slightly off here, I think we can think up a solution in time.

If you take away self-voting you will kill steemit. there is no point in buying steem and powering up.

@smooth said that selfvoting is although a way of quality control. if you vote yourself with 100% than you are doing selection.

I like the idea of Partial Payout Declined Self-Voting (If I know I earn 100usd I might decline part of the payout. but not all of it)

Thanks for your comments @knozaki2015, I respect your opinion as you know.

there is no point in buying steem and powering up.

Author rewards are 75% of the rewards on this system remember and although obviously this is a high percentage there is Curation to consider! This means being able to help with quality control, the more power the more control. You can bring to light the issues you'd like to be discussed. With enough power you can claim terrible , slanderous , even plagiarism as good content... Now the good part about having this power is to also down vote this bad content. But do you think one should always say there content is the better content? The quality content? If every self votes then is that really selection?

I understand that a small fraction of the reward pool is going to these large accounts in the large scope of things and I read these articles. But as you said being able to decline part of your payout , which you would with declining just your self-vote, it would allow for a distributed reward pool not effected by self promotion, true quality control on your own content can't come from yourself.

I appreciate the long term focus here. So many people are interested in the NOW. If we don't slow down and think of the future of steemit, we could be poisoning the well and just sitting by and drinking it to a slow death.

I know that most of the bigger guys on here 1Year and more have pioneered this thing from the ground up, and they have seen a bunch of change. I believe that we have the talent "in-house" to make this thing work.

There needs to be a choice; is this going to be social media with benefits or benefits off the back of social media. There is a difference.
Great view, and great post! See you in the air.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If you up vote someone, you give them rewards.
Thank you Captain Obvious ;)

If you look close at my profile pic you can see me winking*

Good point.

...is this going to be social media with benefits or benefits off the back of social media. There is a difference.

The most active Steemians will have a say, as will developers. Forks are for more than eating. Dodgeball is for Ben Stiller.

😂 good mix of comments you ave there

I've seen so many garbage posts upvoted, it's depressing. Then you see one word comments also upvoted like crazy. It takes a lot of wind out of someone's sails (as a newbie) to pour your heart into something and get maybe 5 views and $0.06 in votes and then see the type of thing I mentioned.

The worst are people that link to an existing youtube video with like 2 sentances worth of their own commentary. Then you look at the other posts by that author and see they are cranking 10+ of this type of thing out every day.

Yes these aspects are definitely dis-heartening and are part of why I came up with my idea , these types of users and content is what causes a lot of these issues, we don't live in a perfect world and some of these people even think what they did is good...

Intriguing idea. I'm for anything that is a forward step in the right direction. When I first started on Steemit, I self-voted because I thought it was the thing to do. Of course I vote for my own content. I endorse it fully...every piece. I didn't understand everything just yet.

Maybe by about post 4 or 5, I had stopped doing it because I saw someone speaking about it in a negative light, and I didn't want to be like "those people".

I recently hit the Upvote by mistake on one of my posts trying to see the voters...and I felt bad. I think self-voting needs to go away, but I think at the same time, new posts shouldn't start at the bottom of the barrel. I don't know what the solution is, but you have my vote for witness.

Lower level post self-voting is just fine, with so few Steem Power any bit will help you grow your account and it will not be frowned upon in any way. This is more for the very large impactful accounts tied with spam, malicious self voting comments etc and very large accounts where a self vote is worth $500 and by voting for themselves can push there content directly to the top, may it be good content or not. The are many fine lines and many different opinions, make sure to read through the comments here and listen to what people are saying and come to your conclusion 😉 good healthy debate.

One of the main reasons you give for people doing self-voting is to get more visibility for one's post. It seems to me that more visibility could be accomplished by a better post filtering system. Such a system can go a long way towards what you mentioned (which I strongly agree with):

shouldn't good content be rewarded over account value

I agree with all your suggestions. I think that more less you got it all right :-)

There is just one correction I would do - only allow self upvoting for users with less than 5000 SP. In the end, we deserve to upvote our own content that we have worked to create.

About Whale Jerking Circle - they will always find a way to exploit the rewards. They just have too much power, unless some serious changes are introduced to the code. This is unlikely to happen as their are also major investors or witnesses who try to protect their privileges of their higher social Steemit class - self guarding the status quo.

I agree with the way you describe the problems. Although some may question your solutions and bring up better ones, i do feel you have the best interest at heart for steemit. Therefore i have upvoted your post (obviously) and also voted for someone (you) to be a witness for the first time in my time at steemit. I hope you will make it. Good luck and please let me know if you become top 50!

Thanks for your vote. I will surely share that news!


@blueorgy this is a well written post, upped. I agree with you however eliminating self upvoting posts might lead to some people powering down their steem beacuse self voting is their incentive to invest in more steem power.
I wrote an article about power delegation issue , feel free to see it and send in your suggestions.

Thanks for your input, I will check that out.

You are welcome, more success bud

Though I may agree self-voting is harming; but a solution is hard to come by as people with money & power could easily own multiple accounts and vote up their posts the same way. Self-Voting gives the little guy some power. The little guy being someone who's not manipulating the system to the extent as a big powerful and resources tech guy.

For us minnows even self voting does not prove to be a good way of earning money. How much we can earn? it is only negligible. the major benefit of self voting is for the whales and dolphins they can continue to get rich , have more influence while the minnows would continue to be ignored. So yeah being a minnow i would want to eliminate the self voting.

This comment has received a 0.78 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @scorpionking.

There is much that can be done to enhance Steemit! Stopping the ability for Bots to vote would be huge. Make guilds, collect data, seek out plagiarism, or whatever, but when it comes time to vote, humans only. Self voting is not of itself bad, but can be abused. The number one drain to the award pool are voting and flagging bots.

Self Voting is a major issue and with all opinion this need to be solved,i mean voting to self and getting to the top how does it make sense to anyone even if we talk to our self that doesn't make any kind of sense it will be great to see everyone opinion on this thanks for putting this into highlight :)

How about limiting self votes to like one per day? Also limit the upvotes on same author also to one per day.

that way you destroy the freedom of vote. you power up. if you have a problem with the system you should invest more to have more voting weight

Limiting self votes wouldn't be the right move, limiting anything is never really a good move.

I also share the same sentiment as @knozaki2015. Removing self-voting spells DOOM to Steemit.
This self-voting should've never been an issue in the 1st place.
You have all the right to vote your own post.

I really don't think it would DOOM Steemit. If everyone one day didn't up vote themselves ( or like suggested have no reward value) it wouldn't do much at all (7% change as some say) expect in those top acutes were a self vote is worth $400... they would notice. If people liked the content they would still vote for it, still comment , still discuss. Curation rewards would still come in... maybe a little better of a community feeling, looking out for more content to curate?

Doom might have been quite an overacting term, sorry about that. ;)
And yes i do feel those massive high 2 - 3 digit votes too and sometimes i wish that was my post. LOL. Well as long as there is the upvote button sitting snugly besides the payout counter; ill grab my popcorn and marvel at the self-voting titans, & maybe they will get bored and upvote my post. :D

Nice post @blueorgy. Maybe we could have a system where you can upvote your own post, but not your comments. I guess the problem is self-voting on comments. I have personally tried to not self upvote my comments lately as I kind of think it is waste of vote power (not financially though). But, I think self-voting on posts should be allowed. Perhaps, we could also change the system so curation is more profitable.

well if you can't upvote your own post you can't put it in front of other posts. that does not make sense. again, there is no problem with reward pool raping as many claim from self-voting. that is just some propaganda. i believed it too, until someone showed me the numbers.

Nice, I have never thought about self voting as a huge problem my self. If it only 7% if the reward pool, then it is negligible. One think I like about Steemit is the ability to self-vote.

@blueorgy this post was a great help as i am new to steemit , I joined today and just going through all the buttons and youtube videos. Your post was great help.

No, it is not. However, if I suggested a change, my suggestion would have been ignored like the rest of my posts. I may soon start a spam campaign in order to promote the changes needed for Steemit to survive.
If you dig into my past posts, especially some of my exchanges with l0k1/elfspice/calibrae, you will find some of the changes, but there are more and there may be yet more in my future posts.

This is excellent. I very much like the ideas you have presented here. We are very much on the same wave length when it comes to self voting.
I gave you a witness vote mate, hope it helps you crack the top 50.

Thanks for that, It will take a solid amount of votes to crack that top 50, was a good size gap.

I'll spread the word to the other guys in Team Australia. They support good active witnesses, especially those that support us back and want to stop the selfishness of upvoting.

Selfvoting circle jerking is a shame.

Spam with Selfvoting wastes a lot of computing, storage and bandwidth resources of the network. Selfvoting spams are annoying, they are destroying the "attention economy" of STEEM. "Sefvoting spam" badge is badly needed.

I did not know about the selfvoting but that does not really make sense. why is this feature there?
I voted for you as a witness
good luck!!

Self voting has to stay but it should be limited to perhaps 3 max a day or after the first it is a reduced rate say 20% higher rewards should be given for upvoting others and on comments if you ask me it provides more engagement but also we need a better way to not reward spammers. The other big killer of steemit right now is all the dang bots!

I think there are more urgent things to do: do better marketing, update whitepaper etc...

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I honestly don't see that self-voting does much either way on a small account. It really does not help visibility, and it does not increase payout substantially. I never up-voted my own comments on someone else's work, or even my own; I find it kind of strange that anyone would.
A problem that is bigger than self-voting (at least for small accounts) is the abuse of down-voting - and if anyone down-votes someone just because they self-voted, that IS an abuse of the option. It isn't there for that.

Nice post. Thanks for share

Somewhere I read the proposal - let people vote for their comments, raise them up - but they do not receive rewards for that. This would solve many problems.

Well kind of what I just proposed here.

Congratulations @blueorgy!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 9 with 106 comments

The issue of self upvoteing is a very hot issue with many on Steemit, some for, some against, and some vehemently taking sides not willing to listen to the other.

It is good to listen to all sides as this could be a make or break issue for Steemit, and we all have an interest in the continued success of Steemit...all the way from the redfish, and minnows, dolphins to whales.

It seems to me that the upvote bots are rapidly assuming control of Steemit, this is sad as Steemit used to be a more fun place to be than it is now.

I have no solution to offer, sorry.

You got an upvote & resteem form me.
Steem on beyond the moon, who's in for the ride? Good luck to us all.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Steemit was established with author rewards and curation rewards.
Author rewards = rewarding authors
Curation rewards = rewarding curators who dig and find great content.
That's not what's happening now.
Author rewards were hijacked by the pay4vote bots. Author's mostly don't get the rewards, they use the bots to get more exposure for their posts.
Curation rewards were hijacked by the voting bots that vote for specific authors without reading and verifying that its quality content.
So steemit just doesn't stand up to it goals I made a proposal that you can read here: https://steemit.com/steemit/@emble/will-steem-succeed-or-commit-suicide
Also read what dan has to say on voting bots: https://steemit.com/steemit/@emble/top-posts-on-steemit-one-year-ago-today-2-aug-14-16-top-author-payout-usd8589-to-dogcoin-creator

I like the idea of the removal of rewards from self voting, yet retaining the visibility. It seems to be a good compromise. Yes it complicates things further but the real world is complicated and messy.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is true.
Some think this would DOOM the platform.

Very Good Work.. Its people like you that make us believe that Steemit will fix these issues with Self-Voting and Circle Jerking Whales. We Agree that it is an issue that should be looked in to fixing.

Perhaps you can join our Discord and we can discuss more ideas how this can be fixed in the upcoming Hard Fork.


Hey @blueorgy!

It's not much, but you've just got my vote for witness.

Good post and thank you for trying to make steemit better.

Thank You for the witness vote.. every vote matters! I need all I can get to crack that top 50.

Dang, you've been grinding hard. Congrats on reaching rank 51 witness. I think once you're in the top 50 you shoot up fast being on the front page.

I think this is a great idea. Some sort of self-vote implementation needs to be created. Even if it's just limiting folks to one self-upvote a day. Either way I think self-upvoting is a good thing that needs to be further limited.

Lets hope so!

I have never voted myself or my posts, and maybe I am just silly to have not done that.

should I vote my articles every-time instead?
I believe in them every time!

I really thought it was a no-no, but I have been sinking fast, very fast.

my vote is worth almost nothing anyway, even though I put money in from outside.

it's a worrying thing, not knowing what is best thing to do...

I am going straight to vote for you too @blueorgy, you sound like a sound witness to me

well, done before comment posted.

see you round the blockchain

I can safely say you should be upvoting your posts, with your current Steem Power you are not anywhere near the level I was mainly speaking too in this post. That little extra will help with visibility and gaining Steem Power, which is what you aim to do. I see you are also delegating as well , at your level too! Once your upvote is worth $500 I suggest you avoid self voting 😉

Great post mate. I agree with your sentiments on a lot of what you have said regarding self voting etc but don't have enough knowledge of how steemit works to say whether I think your idea is a good one or not but any conversation around making the platform more honest and fair is a good thing in my opinion so thanks a lot.

Have a great day my friend and good luck! :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Face the FACTS - Facebook is MORE DECENTRALIZED than Steemit.
Steemit is an ILLUSION of decentralization.

We can definitely DISPROVE THIS STATEMENT because that statement you made although in my opinion not true, you just saying it means that its lives forever on the blockchain and therefor can never truly be censored by anyone... meaning... it is decentralized.


dont understand.. facebook can delete your account. you will always be able to write something in the steem blockchain? nobody can stop you

Pythagorus is rolling in his grave...

This guy is obviously a troll...

You deserve the downvote you got because you either lie, or need something bigger than the downvote you got in order to start thinking properly.
Facebook is one of the worst websites and means of media in terms of freedom or any semblance of fairness.
In Steemit your posts are immutable once posted, and no one can delete them from the database.
This is in fact one of the things that must be changed in order for this platform to survive long-term.
Spam must not be perpetuated, or it will drag along the entire platform down the gutter.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment