$45 SBD Steemit Writing Contest. Writers needed. The more writers the bigger the prize fund!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Today we are kicking off our first (of perhaps many) writing contest!

The contest has few constraints, but it must be something about you or someone you know personally. It should not be fictional, but of course you may alter names and places as you see fit.

The motive is to create a moving, passionate, emotional article. The winning article must move the judges to tears, laughter, suspense or awe. Please do not write sob stories to solicit donations, write an article that tells the story of life. The primary subject matter is open and fully up to you to choose, just follow the other guidelines.**

All work must be new and original content and cannot have been posted prior on Steemit or elsewhere!

All articles need to be written in English only please.

Submissions should be at least 250 words and no more than 2500 words. Longer articles will be accepted; however, you may lose some of the interest of the judges if you have not created a VERY captivating story.

The payout will be as follows for this first contest.

$25 SBD to the 1st place winner.
$10 SBD to the 2nd and 3rd place winners.

Two honorable mentions will be given.

The more writers the more winners!

For every 10 entries starting at 30 entries, we will add another winners' slot for $5 SBD.
30 entries = 4th place winning slot for $5 SBD
40 entries = 5th place winning slot for $5 SBD
You get the picture. There is a lot of opportunity to win!

If more than 99 entries, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place payouts will be doubled to $50 SBD and $20 SBD!

The winning article will need to be moving, well articulated, decent grammar and acceptable spelling. An article that is grammatically poor is likely to distract from the story as does one not checked for spelling errors. Considerations are required to a degree, especially for those who do not have English as their primary language. This will be up to the judges.

The contest will begin as soon as this post is submitted and end exactly 7 days later.

Again, All work must be new and original content and cannot have been posted prior on Steemit or elsewhere!

Once the actual contest begins, submissions will be accepted for a period of seven days. Articles submitted after the close of this post cannot be accepted into the contest.

How to submit.

Simply write your story, then post it on Steemit as you normally would, then provide a link to your post in the comments section below using the hashtag #bycolemancontest followed by a link to your post. Articles must be submitted to this post to be eligible. The hashtag is helpful but not required.

Please do not submit more than one link or more than one article.

All articles need to be written in English only please.

There are seven judges plus a tiebreaker (@bycoleman)

In the order they appear in the remarks section, here are the #bycolemanjudge judges:


Each story submitted will be reviewed by at least 3 judges. They will not discuss their opinions with any other judge until the final tally is posted here.

Your submission will be judged based on:

Does the story move the judge to tears, laughter, suspense or awe, etc.?

Remember the motive is to create a moving, passionate and emotional article.
The judges may also look at any of the following to help them make their decisions; however this is at the sole discretion of the judge to apply any or all of the standards listed below and to what degree.

Final requests.

  • Please upvote this post to help pay for the contest.
  • Please follow me so you can receive updates on this contest.
  • Resteeming is not required, but it will certainly help spread the word, remember the more players the larger the prize fund.

OK, that's it. Get writing and send in your links, let's get some great quality posted to show off the amazing talent here on Steemit!

I will be posting remarks later on the "fine print" for both contestants as well as judges. Please keep an eye out for any announcements and clarifications.

****************** UPDATE 02/25/18 8:30 CT (USA) ******************

At this time, it does look like we have more then 99 entries, so the prize fund for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place will be doubled -- see the details above. Also, there are now more funds available for the judges!

Remember you can only submit one story and it must be submitted before the contest is closed Monday at exactly 2018-02-26 18:14 (UTC)

Thank you all for helping make this first contests such a grand event!

****************** UPDATE 2/26/18 12:07 CT (USA) ********************

The contest will be closing in a few short minutes. Good luck to all!

Please see this link for results as they are know.



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A few helpful tips from Judge #3 to everyone submitting their articles:

  1. Remember, longer is not always better!
  2. It's always best to take five minutes after you're done writing to read what you have written, fixing one grammatical error can sometimes do wonders for your score! :)
  3. Your story means the world to us so make sure to make it about you since only then will it have the power to move the judges.
  4. Lastly, try to think outside the box, sometimes your own creativity can surprise you! :)

Best of luck everyone!! Hope this turns out to be a great contest!

these tips are well noted. thank you!

No problem at all, best of luck! :)

In the interest of total transparency and for all those that are interested. Here is the total costs to promote the contest.

Even though there was more than 740 up votes, the majority of the Steemians that upvoted had little or no voting power, so the payout was less than the cost to promote the contest, resulting in a direct loss of 14.61 SBD

This of course does not include the cost of the prize fund. Which will add significantly to the cost to fund this contest.

Will we do it again? -- Absolutely if the judges are able :) The prize fund may not be so liberal, but we will do our best.

Stay tuned as we continue to evaluate all the submissions!

Many blessings and good luck to all!

#bycolemancontest here is my entry Reach Out And Keep Going Thank you for hosting this contest.

Hi @mermaidvampire i will be a judge for your submission. Good luck!

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge


Thank you. Your contest is doing great. Keep up the good work. All the best!

Nice entry ma,I have read and evaluated it

Hi there! Thanks for submitting yourn article. I'll be one of the judges to review your entry, best of luck!

Judges, please evaluate this submission which was the single entry submitted to the original contest announcement.


UPDATE 3/3/18 -- This entry should not be evaluated.
@ameet77804 submitted an entry into the correct contest slot, judge only the latter.

I have read and evaluated @ameet77804's entry.


Hi @alvinauh. Thank you for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

I really enjoyed your article @alvinauh,have evaluated your entry. Goodluck

Hi @alvinauh i have just read and reviewed your article

Your post had been curated by the @buildawhale & @ipromote team and mentioned here:


Keep up the good work and original content, everyone appreciates it!

Wow, I did not expect that. This a real honor for all us involved.

Thank you!

I finally finished my entry today for the #bycolemancontest. I hope you enjoy reading it:


Thanks for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Wishing you the best of luck.

Thank you. I look forward to receiving your feedback.

Thanks for your submission @mazzle. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thanks @doughtaker! I look forward to seeing the outcome.

Fantastic name by the way. :D

Have evaluated your entry @mazzle. Goodluck

Fantastic. Thanks!

Have evaluated your entry @mazzle. Goodluck

The link to my entry

Premature for a reason - Artist for a reason

Thanks for the nice contest.
Followed, upvoted and resteemed!

Hello I have evaluated your story 😃😃

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii thank you :)

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thank you too :D

Hi there! Thanks for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges to review your entry, best of luck!

@moneyinfant has added your contest to the list Steemit Writing Contests: Issue #25. The list is updated on a daily basis and your contest will remain on the list until its expiration - there's nothing you need to do.

The list was created to save writers the excessive amount of time spent searching through the #contest tag for writing contests. Now they can just come to the list each day, see new contests and use their time doing what they love - writing.

If you'd like to help spread the word about the Steemit Writing Contest List I'd really appreciate a resteem, but it certainly isn't necessary. The project is simply meant to help writers save time and contest creators attract more contestants.

P.S. If you know of any contests I've missed I'd love to hear about them. Thanks!

This is really awesome. Very pleased to have been included.

You have a great program going. Keep it up please.

I'm happy to have included your contest.

I'll definitely be keeping the program going, it seems to be making many people quite happy, and that's what I was aiming for, so it makes me happy as well.

Nothing wrong with a little happiness these days!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi. Thanks for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Best of luck to you.

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Hi @pjay96 thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Here is my entry https://steemit.com/bycolemancontest/@isteemithard/thanks-to-steemit-i-found-a-love-for-poetry-and-became-a-poet
Before steemit I had always liked famous sayings or quotes and a few poems I thought were nice. But then after joining steemit I stumbled across a poetry contest.... click here to continue

Hi. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

hope you enjoy

Hi thanks for joining and promoting this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Hi there i have read evaluated your story 😃

Hello @bycoleman!
I have a question: Must the subject of the story be a person-person or can it be something else (like an animal or a personified object)?

It's a nice contest, anyway, thank you for sharing

Thanks for the great question.

Non fiction, life story.

A moving story about an animal is fine.

2nd part.

I used the word "should" in lieu "cannot", therefor the article will probably not be disallowed.

It should not be fictional, but of course you may alter names and places as you see fit.

Again, personified is probably fine, just make it move the judges.

With that said, sticking closely to the guidelines will probably be in your net favor.

Ok, I will submit my entry then. And if it doesn't meet the criteria it will be ok anyway. I enjoyed writing it , but I'm not native speaker, so it's just for fun.
Anyways, I was looking for a story to read yesterday and I couldn't find it, so I'm very happy I found your contest because I have a lot to read now :)

So this is my entry:

I wrote it in one go and then I realized I misred the rules and that probably I'm a bit out topic.
But I wrote it specifically for this contest, so I decided to submit it anyway.
I hope you enjoy it :)

Hi @creepyturtle. Thank you for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.


Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thank you

Thank you

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thanks for your submission @markkennard. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thanks very much @doughtaker it’s was quite an emotional experience writing this. Not because the quake scared the life out of me because it didn’t. I actually found it quite exciting. The emotional bit was thinking back on how everyone acted as one big family and laid their lives on the line to enter unsafe buildings to rescue strangers. Christchurch lost a lot that day but one thing they gained was a sense of community spirit

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thanks a lot @nosmas I hope you enjoyed reading it and I hope it wasn’t a chore to read due to the length of it

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thanks very much @nihalmaz I hope you enjoyed reading my story

Hello. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for this entry. Much luck to you.

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thanks for your submission @lordneroo. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

#bycolemancontest Thank you for leaving a message for me about the contest, I started writing immediately and this is my entry: https://steemit.com/story/@lazybird/short-story-about-my-darkest-hour-no-way-back

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Hello. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Wishing you the best of luck.

Thank you, this is so exciting!

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

thank you!

Thanks @bycoleman for this...
It's a big privilege for me to feature in a contest hosted by you..
Here's my entry


Thank you once again and I wish my fellow contestant goodluck...

Hello. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

Thanks judge...
I just pray my work is worth your time

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Hi there! Thanks for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges to review your entry, best of luck!

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for your submission @jpgaltmiller. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thanks for reading!

Thank you for submitting your entry @jpgaltmiller, I will be evaluating your article shortly! Best of luck! :)

Cool - thanks for taking a look.

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Aweseom, @nihalmaz. Thanks for taking the time!

Big thanks to the organizers of this contest and all the judges. Here is my entry, do check I think out and let me know what you think. I hope to win 😎


Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thanks for your submission @admiralsp. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hello there. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

Thank you for the contest @bycoleman. Really motivating to new writers like myself. Here is my entry for the contest.


Hi there. Thank you for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

Thank you for your time and effort for the community.

Hi @tagsplanet i will be a judge for your submission. Good luck

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Hi @lavanyalakshman. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for this entry. Best of luck to you.

Thankyou very much

Thank you for your submission! It has being evaluated. Best of luck! :)

Hi there I have read and evaluated your story, good luck!

Hello. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.


Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry


Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

This is my entry for the #bycolemancontest. I hope you enjoy reading it:

Hi thanks for joining this contest,i have read and evaluated your entry. Goodluck

Thanks for your submission @mrsexappeal. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

I'm submitting my absolutely true story for your consideration. Thanks for running the contest. Great opportunity to write, and possibly earn a reward!

Here's my link and a picture of the main character:

Boots steemit2.jpg

Thanks for your submission @agmoore. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thank you!

Hi. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

Thank you!

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Appreciate it!

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thank you! I appreciate the work judges put in.

Hi. Thanks for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Wishing you the best. Good luck.


Thank you for your entry @vergiliigurev! I'll be the second judge evaluating your article! Best of luck. :)

I think you will be an honest judge. I wish you to enjoy the content that you will read

Hi thanks for joining this contest,i have read and evaluated your entry. Goodluck


Hello there. Thanks for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

Hi thanks for joining this contest,i have read and evaluated your entry. Goodluck

Hi there, thanks for submitting your entry! I'll be one of the judges to look over your article. Best of luck!

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

I hope it's not too late. Thanks for organising

Hi @kivar. I am not too sure if your submission made it to the deadline but I thank you for joining. Pending the decision of the contest director, I will be one of the judges for your entry. Wishing you the best of luck.

Hi thanks for joining this contest,i have read and evaluated your entry. Goodluck

awwwn, sweet. i'm glad

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

hope you like

Thanks for your submission @kivar. It is on time (created 2018-02-26 09:52:51 and submitted to the contest 2018-02-26 10:00:51), and I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

yay! thank you

Hi. Thanks a lot for your entry. I will be one of the judges for your submission. Good luck to you.

Hi thanks for joining this contest,i have read and evaluated your entry. Goodluck

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

hola buenas noches esta es mi entrada espero sea de su agrado saludos desde Venezuela versión ingles


Hi, thank you for your submission but entries should be in English. If you can write an English version of your post I will be happy to one of the judges. Meanwhile, hasta la vista.

hola ya edite nuevamente mi entrada y ya esta en versión ingles espero les guste saludos desde Venezuela y gracias por este concurso tan genial

asegúrese de darnos un enlace a la versión en inglés.

Thank you for the English version of your entry. I will be one of the judges for this. Good luck to you.


Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

gracias por leerlo feliz dia

Thanks for your submission @frannyquero. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

gracias feliz dia

As I look at your guidelines and standards, strikes me that these are the same every writer strives for, whenever we write. Unfortunately, easy to fall short of the mark. I think I'll try for this one, and see what happens.

Absolutely worth a try. It cost nothing to join and your article is yours to keep and of course it may be a hit on its own!

Nice contest ... I'm gonna think about it and try to write a good article later this week.

Excellent, look forward to your submission!

I am all in on this!


Here's my Entry

kudos to the organizer and good luck to the entrants.

Thank you for submitting your entry @herr.ekong. I will be one of three judges evaluating your article, I wish you the best of luck! :)

Thank you... Cheers!

Thanks for your submission @herr.ekong. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it



Above is my entry; was a tough subject to write about, even with such a tiny bit of writing. Good luck to everyone!

Thanks for your submission @extremedistaste. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Count me in. I will try and get something done after i get the kids to sleep tonight.

Looking forward to it. Take your time, you have 6.9 days.

Oh i read it as it ends on the 7th day. That is just the deadline for submission. I see now.

Good luck!

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

I don't think this submission can be accepted into the contest. The post is stated to be a work of literature, thus failing to meet the requirement of being real.

Agree with you @doughtaker.

Judges, this is a duplicate entry (a link to the same post). Please use the other spot (above.)

Hi @laloretoyya. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thanks for your submission @laloretoyya. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hi @johnstone. Thank you for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Best of luck to you.

Now when I know who is my judge, this sin thought of bribing my judge keeps disturbing me.
I Hoped it would leave my mind, if I say it openly here, but to tell the truth, it still haven't moved anywhere yet.

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Hello @djoi. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Hi there, thanks for submitting your entry! I'll be one of the judges to look over your article. Best of luck!

Thanks for your submission @omoyiwolabusayo. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hi,thank for your submission,I have read and evaluated it

Hi. Thank you for participating. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thank you for your entry. I will be one of the judges who will evaluate it. Good luck.

Thank you. :)

Thanks for your submission @ailenepm. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thank you. :)

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thanks for your submission @tygertyger. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thank you

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Thank you

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thanks for this submission @perennial. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

Thank you for submitting your article @perennial, I'll be evaluating it shortly! Best of luck. :)

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

this one is very challenging!

Just put your heart into it.

Thanks for your submission. I will be one of the judges for this. Good luck.

Thank you! Hope you have fun reading it. Even if I don't get it let me know how you like it and how I can make it better.

Thanks for your submission @bakermaker. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thank you. Hope you had fun reading it! Let me know how you like it and how I can improve even if I don't make it

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Thank you! Have fun reading it. And do let me know how you like it even If i don't make it through

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

I think I'm gonna get my nose bleed in this contest but I want to try anyway hehhee

Just go for it, there is nothing to loose.

Thanks for your submission @atim1234. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thanks you sir @doughtaker

Thank you for your submission @atim1234.
I’ll be one of the judges evaluating your article! :) best of luck.

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thanks for your submission @kpeno. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thank you very much @doughtaker and a special thanks to @bycoleman, it is an honour to participate in this contest, I hope I go far.

Hello. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

is the filipino people can enter or join this contest my friend?

Yes, of course, but it needs to be in English please.

ok i want to join, w8 for my entry...

Hi! I had been writing a story on steemit and I posted its 3 episodes while 3rd episode was posted last month. Then, I decided to stop writing the story as I didn't have much followers at that time... Now My question is if you allow me to do so, I want to post that story in one post and submit for your contest as it almost have 7 more episodes pending. May I submit that story? If you allow I will post the complete story in one post and submit to your contest.

Hi, I can certainly understand your desire to submit something that you put your heart into but did not get a lot of views, this has happened to all of us starting out. With that said, the rules are in place to keep things fair, it would simply not be right for us to accept anything that is not newly written for this contest.

I am sure you an find a new story to tell for this contest and use the skills you have to win it all!

ok dear.. I will submit a brand new story very soon.. Thanks for the response...

I am not a judge but I think the rules are to write a story about your life that is completely new and written just for this contest, personally I feel that submitting a pre written piece is unfair to those us us who made the effort to sit down and write something new. But as i said I am not a judge so it is up to them ...

Thanks for the contest @bycoleman, you doing an awesome job helping us minnows and promoting the great side of steemit -> awesome writing.

Here is my entry:


Not sure it worthy for the competition, but doesnt hurt to try :)

Please dont forget that english is not my main language.

Good luck to all the other contestants.

Thank you for the many kind words!
Have a joyous day!

Have a day full of smiles :)

Just made a salad of those babies :))

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thank you very much @nosmas, I appreciate it and hope you enjoyed it :)

Thanks for your submission @carpedimus. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thanks I appreciate it

Hi @carpedimus. Thank you for your entry. I will be one of the judges for this. Good luck.

thank you very much @gem.and.cookies I appreciate your effort and regardless of the competition, I hope you enjoyed my post :)

Thanks for submitting your entry, I'll be one of the judges judging this article. Best of luck to you!

Thanks for your submission @ezrao. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hi. Thanks for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Ok i will try too!

Whoa a very good initiative! I'd love to participate but I'm out of ideas at the moment..

Judges - Note this a duplicate submission to the same link.

Hey! Thanks for your submission, I'll be one of the judges reviewing your work. I wish you the best of luck! :)

Hi, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. Best of luck!

Hi @bebag. Thank you for joining. I will be one of the judges for your submission. Good luck to you.

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

I just resteemed this contest.

Thank you.

Now just get the fingers flowing and send in a story :)

This is an amazing opportunity to spark up that story I have been holding back. Quite an intimate one. Would be quite a sacrifice to let it go.

Perfect, we look forward to reading it.

Thanks for your submission @andreyyte. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

thanks much @doughtaker

Hi @andreyyte. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thank you for submitting your entry @xplore! I'll be one of the judges reviewing your article, best of luck! :)

Thanks for submitting your entry, I'll be one of the judges judging this article. Best of luck to you!

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thank you for entering the contest @badet! I'll be one of the judges reviewing your article. I wish you the best of luck! :)

Thank you too :) i hope you'll like my story :)

Hello. Thank you for your contribution. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Lots of luck to you.

Thank you too :) hope you'll like my story :) may the best writer win! :)

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Thank you @renalexis! I hope you'll like my post :)

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

This is great! Thank you for starting this contest. I'm not sure what to write about...looks like I have some thinking to do after I have some coffee :)

Yes, two cups and you're a winner for sure :)

I will join here!

Excellent, just send us a link when you have written your story.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hi @farraz. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thanks for your submission @farraz. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thanks for your submission @orangelife. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hello. Thank you for joining. I will be one of the judges of your entry. Good luck to you.

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thanks for your submission @peterakpan. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thank you for your submission @peterakpan! I'll be evaluating your article shortly, best of luck! :)

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Awesome, good luck to all the Writers that would be participating.

Thank you.
Have a great day!

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

thank you.

Hi there. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for this. Good luck.

Thaank you.....

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thank you ....

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Thank you. Glad to see that I'm included in the spreadsheet list @nosmas

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Thank you

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Resteem to 700+ Follower . Send 0.150 SBD or 0,250 STEEM to @music-curation ( URL as memo ) Service Active

Thanks for your submission @gandhibaba. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thank you.

Hello. Thank you for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Resteem to 700+ Follower . Send 0.150 SBD or 0,250 STEEM to @music-curation ( URL as memo ) Service Active

Am sorry I just saw the post,I will start evaluating the entries immediately

Thank you Judge.

The entire list of replies may need to be scanned often.

Have fun with it!

Thanks for your submission @long888. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thank you!

Hi @long888. Thank you for joining. I will be one of the judges for your submission. Hoping the best of luck to you.

Thank you.

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Thanks a lot.

Your post is too old and short for this contest

The creation timestamp on this submission was 2018-02-10 16:11:27. I confirm and agree that the submission should be disqualified.

Thanks for your submission @fabian98. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thanks for your submission @fabian98, I'll be evaluating your article in the upcoming day. I wish you the best of luck! :)

Hi. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

i really thank you

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Hello @mnine3. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Thanks for your submission @mnine3. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thanks for your submission @yungchief. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Hello. Thanks for joining the contest. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Thank you. I really appreciate.

Unfortunately, I think your submission cannot be accepted @ominaj000. It appears to be a repost of some of your previous work.


Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thanks for your submission @kainos-success. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thanks for your submission @zizymena. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Hi @zizymena. Thank you for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

Thanks for your submission @orangina. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Thank you! will we get to see your evaluations at some point? Just wondering...

Thank you for your submission @orangina! I'll be evaluating your article shortly! Best of luck. :)

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Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Thank you grately and am looking forward to your results..

Thanks for your submission @gjoeohere. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

I will surely need it

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Alright thanks for the update

Interesting contest! Good luck!

Thank you!

Excited with this contest, we all have a story to tell, luck to the participants!

Thanks for the support!

Sir,your post is too old to qualify for this contest

Okay. I'll submit something more current next time.

Interesting contest @bycoleman. Let me in I am making my entry.

Absolutely -- Go for it!

Yes sir, Im still making the right title for this.

this is great,, its an opportunity to every steemians to grow,,, thank you for this,, i myself wants to join this but the i think i cant be qualified, i find it hard to write using english without mistakes in grammar,, guess i'll stay as an audience hehehe,,,

cheers everyone and good luck

If you think you have a great story, you can give it a shot. It is up to the judges to determine what level of English is required.

Thanks for your submission @bookoons. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Thank you for submitting your entry @bookoons, it shall be evaluated shortly. Best of luck. :)

Hi @bookoons thanks for joining this contest, i have read and evaluated your entry

Hi @suheri. Thank you for joining. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck to you.

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Hi @suheri thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Presidents day letter: C.I.A. RUNS THE PEDOPHILE RINGS, #bycolemancontest N.S.A. Darpa global Sex Slave Industry

Hi thanks for joining this contest,I have read and evaluated your entry

Hi, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. Best of luck!

I don't think this submission can be accepted as a legitimate entry. At best, it seems to be completely off-topic. Judges? @nihalmaz @nosmas @naufil @conradt @renalexis @gems.and.cookies @bycoleman

I agree with you @doughtaker.

I agree too, after reading it...

In Hinduism, sanchita karma (heaped together) is one of the three kinds of karma. It is the sum of one's past karmas – all actions, good and bad, from one's past lives follow through to the next life.
The motive is to create a moving, passionate, emotional article. The winning article must move the judges to tears, laughter, suspense or awe. Off topic? Indeed!

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Hi @mdbrantingham. Thank you for joining the this contest. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

My participation to your writing contest. #bycolemancontest Thanks for this because of your writing contest I release some of my condescending grudge.

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

It's my pleasure to participate here, it was a great contest. great job.

Hey! Thank you for submitting your article @jie28, I will be one of the judges evaluating it! Best of luck. :)

Thank you so much for your time to evaluate my entry. it's my pleasure @naufil

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

I appreciated Thank you so much @nihalmaz

Thank you for your submission @jeeedyong! I'll be one of the judges evaluating your work, I wish you the best of luck! :)

Hi,thanks for your submission,i have read and evaluated it

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Can't to send my write-ups! :) So excited for this. I think this would be the first writing contest on Steemit that I'll be joining! :)

Hey @dfrankle thanks for the submission! Ill be reviewing it shortly, best of luck and have a nice day! :)

Thanks for your submission @dfrankle. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hi. Thanks for participating. I will be one of the judges for this entry.

Hey there, thank you for submitting your article. I'll be one of the judges who will be judging your entry. I wish you luck!

Thanks for your entry. It has been read and evaluated by me. #bycolemanjudge

Thank you for submitting your article @dazzlingprincess, I'll be one of three judges evaluating it! I wish you the best of luck. :)

Thanks for your submission @dazzlingprincess. I have read and evaluated it. Good luck!

Hi @dazzlingprincess. Thank you for your submission. I will be one of the judges for your entry. Good luck.