Should you invest in promoting your content on SteemIt?

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Your first question is probably "is it worth it?". This article will answer that and any other question you might have in great detail!

How to promote your content

First things first, let's explain how it works. On, the only way currently (that i know of) is to press the PROMOTE button at the bottom of the content of a post. You can see what the button looks like in the image below.

When you press that button the follow dialog will popup:

You simply fill in how much you want to spend and voila! Your post will be promoted until the first payout, 7 days after publication! Keep in mind that you can only promote your content with SBD (STEEM Backed Dollars).

One extra benefit of promoting content is that it deflates the value of SBD by decreasing the amount of SBD in circulation. Your promoted post investments will be send to the user @null. This is a non-existent account so those tokens can never be spent again. So by promoting your content, you essentially increase the value of SBD for when you get paid in the future!

Return on investment

So why would you spend money on promoting your post? What can you expect in return?


In my opinion this is why post promotion really pays off! It's likely that you'll earn at least 10% more followers. Let's assume you paid 100SBD. Your content on average earns 10SBD per post. Let's assume your future posts will earn 10% more, you will start earning a profit after 100 posts. In reality it will likely pay off even faster, because every single of your new followers can resteem your content so your exposure increases exponentially!

2. Exposure

From my experience a front page (being in the top 5) promotion will be seen by between 1 and 5% of the active users that week. If there are 50,000 active users that week your content will probably be seen by at least 1000 people! If your content manages to get trending it will get seen even more! If people didn't upvote or follow you, there's always a chance they will remember you and decide to take action next time. There are certain users you might not ever reach without content promotion.

3. Money

With your promoted content you will very likely earn much more money than you usually do. If you are lucky it will even pay back the promotion cost completely or even make you a direct profit!

How much to spend

In my opinion it's only worth it to get your promoted post in the top 5 of the promoted tab. Depending on the situation, this could cost 100's of Dollars. Going too far down decreases your exposure drastically. You can see how much other users paid by clicking on the rewards while you are in the promoted tab (see picture below).

At the time of writing this article it costs approximately 135 SBD to get a top 5 spot. At the moment that is over $220 USD! So for beginners this could be a huge investment.

How often to use promoted content

My suggestion is to only pick your very best work. It's highly advisable to pick content that is interesting to the most amount of people. I personally invested in promoting my article Curation rewards explained in great detail for example, because i felt like it would benefit a lot of people. As you can see i made a direct profit! There is absolutely no guarantee you will too, but the more value your content has to the average user, the higher your chances!


If you are a serious author on SteemIt, promoting your content will certainly help spreading your brand! The more people know your brand, the more you will likely earn. If the investment won't hurt you too much, i suggest to give it a try. You can also always wait until you have earned enough SBD with your content, that way you didn't invest any money yourself.

Don't forget to follow, resteem and browse my channel for more information!

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
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Good intro to Promotion option on steemit. Interesting that now with services like @randowhale and WhaleShares we have more options to promote posts, which offers promotion and rewards return at the same time.

Those services don't promote your post at all. Resteems are way better.

They promote in a way. Post with high rewards in short time are getting to Hot section.

Right, but then you might as well spend the money on post promotion yourself lol.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

But you can get money back later as a reward for whale upvote. Promotion payment will not be returned.

@pal May i ask why you unfollowed me? Are you personally involved in randowhale or whaleshares or something?

I'm really only trying to help. To make a system better you have to be critical. I still see some flaws that need to be resolved.

I don't care if you follow me or not, if you think there's a problem please at least let us know. Now i don't even know what i did wrong....

P.S.: I just realized you might have thought that i was talking about randowhale/whaleshares, but in fact i was talking about the SteemIt protocol and curating problems specifically.

I just unfollowed to prevent accidental conflict. I know that you considering self voting is unjust. I can't agree with that. People with stake are not got it for nothing. Some of them were early and bootstrapped community. Some of them took a risk and put their own money at stake in STEEM (they could by ETH). All of them were through the hard times, then the STEEM price was declining for 10 months. Because of people who hold the stake the price at that level today.

Even if they can't write in English very well or propose some idea - doesn't make them parasites.

STEEM is a system with stakeholders, they own the part of network capacity. They decide how to dilute their own stake by voting for others if they provide value. If they decide to vote for themselves - then they don't see enough value and their stake don't get diluted. System punish those who don't vote. From that perspective I see that system working efficient - stake gets distributed to people who provide value, not on some moral basis.

There is not self voting, stakeholders just deciding to not dilute their stake because there is no better option at the moment.

That's a really weird reason to unfollow, anyway you have the wrong image of me. I "self-vote" all the time, because the system allows it. But no matter my situation, i just don't think it's best for the system.

I hope you do understand that if everyone "self-votes", there is no value in SteemIt. That's a flaw in the system to me. It's irrelevant if something is likely or not. Flaws are flaws.

We really want the same thing: a platform without abuse, exploits and injustice.

I hope you have a better idea about my intentions now.

Thanks for giving us an update over how system works. Please follow me at @honeychum. I am sure you will like my work.

pal i think u are unfairly categorizing @calamus056 here and u dont even have a profile image and u are talking like u are one of the originals heere ?? are u? if so u should be a lil moe chill...early adopters have a ot of pwer

and u guys understand how steemit works more than most

alot of people here have no idea how it wworks

alot of people love to act like they knwo everything and we should all stop that and all stop being so naggy and wwe should stop complianing and focus on our work...unless we are an actual developer...cuz talk is easy....

hello Calamus, I am new on Steemit and i am trying to build up my follower base. I am continouesly posting and i am more into poetry. I am sure you will like my work . Please follow me at @honeychum

Begging is achieving the opposite.

It's all less optimal than when all users would curate optimally. The protocol needs to get better so people get rewarded for moderating the network. Right now there's nothing we can do about the terrible distribution of funds. The people that contribute to it also don't get punished for it, so it keeps going on.


where can i tract it

rock on steemit is destine to make it

Not if you upvote your own comment instead of my article ;)

chill.. and remember take responsibility mi amigo

Oh maybe you already upvoted it, i'm sorry. The price of STEEM keeps falling so i didn't notice the change.

Thanks for your support :)

np steemit is an experiment and Im glad Im part of it

Hell yeah! It can truly change the world when the final few flaws are resolved.


good information and straight to the point, I like it

Thank you, that's the goal; conveying as much quality information as possible in the shortest period of time in the simplest manner :)

I find that part of steemit so confusing! My mind buckles when I think of SteemPower and Steemdollars. My mind wanders off! But maybe it is time to invest money, not just time and energy! Thanks for post!

I am with you there. Just joined and this is a lot more complicated than setting up an ETH 6 GPU mining rig. Ha ha ha... Not really in to social media, but maybe this can get me started. We'll see how this Steemit deal pans out.

More whales need to pay attention to the promo section, that's a lot to spend and only see this result.

Check promo costs here -

Thanks @ausbitbank, didn't know steemviz had that feature.

Oh and yeah hardly any whales seem to scan the promoted page. Another thing that slightly bothers me is to see authors with reputations far over 60 in the promoted page. A third thing that bothers me is that the UI decides how many promoted posts are visible per page and essentially influence the price!

So true! We should all listen to @ausbitbank since he is a huge whale and so can tell us about whales since he is one!
Heres My theory: If someone is willing to spend money to promote a post, it MUST be good! Or at least good enough in teh eyes of the author to invest their own money into!

if someone is investing their own money into their post its a sign that they probobly worked very hard at it and want to see it succeed!

It would be rare for someone to spen money to promote a shit post they barely sent any time on! lol So when u see the posts intthe promoted section its not like some corporate promoted section on Instagram or snpchat no there are barely any big companies selling any products here on Steemit! and if they did it wouldbe a huge deal and theyd get alot of support!

The first company to use the "promotion" too to actually "buy ad space" on steemit will bbe made a huge deal of, and people will go 'OMG BIG COMPANIES ARE ON STEEMIT SELLING PRDUCtS FOR STEEM DOLLARS OMG" and imagine the promotions a scompany could give after making money off the ad itself! NOWHERE cana company make MONEY off just the ad they use to sel somethiing1 USUALy they have to PAY for an ad! now they cna make an ad for free, spend money to promote or R not and just make money in steem froom the upvotes!!!! evetually it wont be a huge deal when all big companies have steemit acounts just like how big companies all have twitter facebok and instagram and snapchat accounts BUT it will actually help ALl of us! when big companies jointwtter orfaceboo, the twotter and ffaceboook users dont make a dime off it! bt if a big company joined steemit and started buying steempower the price of steem will go up and we will alll profit!

Promotion tool is REALLLy cool idea and just wait untill people start upvoting the promotion area even more and it becoomes like a huge deal when u can ake AOt of money promoting a post with a product your slelling etc

I'm down $500 on SteemIt promotions this week :)

Interesting post @calamus05656 . Followed and upvoted

Thanks for the tips, conveniently found this post in the promoted section. Clever?
Question: What's the best way to organize favorite posts, like if I want to save yours for reference. Good old browser bookmarks? Or is there a Steemit feature? Thanks!

Unfortunately there is no SteemIt feature yet. Making a bookmark folder seems fine for now yeah. There's also this website.

Thank you! Man, so many resources out there. I have to admit I'm a little overwhelmed by the pressure of how to "do Steemit right".

I meant "clever" with an ! not a ? :)

Actuallly @calamus056 is wrong and should neever say "there is no steemit feture yet for X" because there actually is! its called chainBB and @jesta created it loginwith ur steemit username and psting key (found in wallet>Permission) and u for example, theres muliple categories for weed related steemit posts thres #cannabis theres #marijuana theres #cannasteem and on chainBB they ahve em all organized into one subforum! theres a subforum for arts for photography for crypto currency its amazing and u caneven suggest and ask for nw subforums!!!!

Maybe this wasnt what u wereasking but it actualy is a soltion to what i believe is ur problem of neediing to organize steemit!
I didnt kno about but also theres a website called that i couldnt find any infoa bout and was woondering if it was a steemit phising site because it ask for ur username and steemit WF password and it looks JUST liek but iit is NOT teh same website or it would have had bme logged in aready!

anyone knwo what is??? Is it a phising website???

Oh, thank you for your rich info about should we promo our post! I like your writing! I am now have a brief idea about it. It seems that it is nice to promo our article in order to get more people to reach it! So do you promo all your article or just sometimes?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good tips on using steem, thanks! Though is it true that promoted posts are only seen under the "promoted" category? I'm still quite new to this community and often only look at the feed or the new posts. If that is so I think the promotion is not really quite worth it..

That's true right now. It gives you exposure to 100's or 1000's of users, you decide if it's worth it or not :)

Thanks for answering! :)

And i just gave you six cents , two upvotes, 3 cents each! and ur first comment is up to $1.22 did u know that??

Keep posting! comments are a gold mine! create HELPFUl comments tho! even if its some subject u have no idea about, just take the topic and google image search it and find a related image having to do with it! and post it! or find a Funny GIF thats relevant! any erelevent info from wikpedia is also a great way to create a helpful comment! u can make tens and 1000s a day off comments if u comment all day on top posts!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you! I've been thinking commenting is a good way to get started too as it can connect with other people when nobody knew me in the first place as I'm a minnow. It is nice of you to give me encouragement and advice! Have a nice day and happy steeming

Haha thanks for your advice. I'd consider making more posts, but the thing is I'm usually busy to write a post so often times I do commenting instead. Would try to spend more time on it in the future. That's kind of you to take the time to read my posts and for all the support!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

i just gave u 3 cents on this comment of yours with my upvote, pushing you up to $1 exactly on your coomment! see? its paying off to comment! its more tha jusy connecting with someone like me who goes and upvotes all ur posts, u also get a reward directly from good comments!
here look i just upvoted all ur recet cmments giving them all 3 cents each

but wow look! ur making $1 per comment! why arent u commenting more?????

u need more posts too! i ried upvoting all YOUR posts but all i found wwas posts u resteemed of strangrs im not trying tp upbote! iits annying to ee a bunch of resteems and none of your own posts
ust a warning that other whales wont like this either and wont take the extra time your foring me to take to scroll down and unt for your posts and not all tthe resteems u post, too many, u should have at least 1 or 2 of ur own posts for every esteem...just a tip! jus a to help u!

a;so udont post enuf! u should make posts everyday showing photos of hong kong!!!!

well explained article. Well done. Thanks for the help i was anyway thinking of promoting.

Sounds like a good investment on a interesting topic. If its something boring you'd just be throwing your money away.... Great write up, thanks for the info.

This was useful. Thank you.

What about when you resteem who earns what?

The purpose of a ReSteem is to let your followers know about good content. In the current SteemIt implementation only the author earns money, the person that ReSteems earns nothing (except for possible curation rewards).

The first day I started I promoted my listings to the tune of $3 SBD each and nothing happened. So a word to the new members, wait till you have a bigger following before you promote any listings. There is every exception to the rule also if you make amazing content and someone picks it up.

Interesting. does the promoted content just of in the promoted section or is it distributed throughout the site?

It only shows in the promoted tab.

Oh. I never look at that tab

Thanks for the info!


its 'Why Post an Article"
When you can comment"

Not Why TO post an article get rid of the TO
here i corrected it for u!

PLEASE @dubhov PLEASE this updated corrected version! It has the CORRECT english!
this is teh SECOND time i have tried to correctthis brken eglish meme u made hahaha

hahaha well just give it more calm :D Sorry for my English, I dont claim it is perfect, but really I think it is not such a big mistake! :D However, thank you!

I find more and more interesting things in steemit, thank you.

This is a great post @calamus056.

I have often wondered how the promotion option works. I promoted this post earlier today without really knowing what I was doing...

Not sure what the results will be... only put 12 sbd on it. Will see how it goes.

Mate... someone with your posting talents should be posting with us at team Australia. Posts like yours earn tens of dollars in our community, not the small amounts I am seeing on some of your blogs. If you would like simply change one of the tags on this post to #teamaustralia then come a say g'day to the team. Us Aussies really do love this type of info.

Upvoted 100%! Resteemed. And following.


Thanks for the support!

I really hate vote sharing groups, sorry. If the content is good, people will resteem and share automatically.

Hahaha... I love it Maverick! A loner in the wide world of Steemit.

I use to think as you do, but the natural evolution for the individual was to the family, then community. Protection, resource sharing, specialisation.

I certainly don't think of us as a 'mere vote-sharing group' and nor do the members.

You have balls mate. If you ever change your mind and decide you want to be part of a solid and supportive community within Steemit... you know where to find us. 😊


I recently promoted a post but because I am new with not a lot of seem dollars I just sent $1.50 but my post was so far down the pomoted section I didn't think it was worth it.
But I guess you have to spend a lot more to rise up the ladder..

great post good info

I agree, very good info. I think we should tread carefully with this though...I can see people that make a significantly higher amount getting carried away with promotion, and potentially dwarfing your average user from attention.

I don't really see the point in promoting content at the moment. I never look at the promoted tab and I think that probably a lot of others don't look at it either. After all, it's almost like choosing to look at advertising when somebody paid to get it there.

We must be very early on Steemit still. Because blogs that are just there for advertisment will promote the hell out of their blogs.
And i do not notice any advertisment blogs yet.Or i do not notice because my inner eye discards most ads as spam anyway.

Promoting a post means it will appear on the promoted section.

Promotion is the best thing you can Invest in, in any area of what you do regardless If its steem or not, Because its the only Way to get your voice heard. No matter How much resources you have a lot or not so much it is a logical investment with profitable consequences. Once a millionaire was asked If IT had 5$ for business what would he do with them, He replied 1$ would Invest in a product and 4$ in commercial.
Enough said

Yeah marketing is highly underestimated, especially in the cryptocurrency industry. Look at the UI of SteemIt for example ;)

Good information for later thank you. Now I just need to get some STEEM

@calamus056 very good post upvoted your 100% right resteemed

Good read! Learned a lot from this post. Thank you!

Hi , I just read your post about self-promotion and the cost and so on , I'll upvote n resteem for the advice you offer Thanks Peace n Stuff Steem On !!!

I know what it's about, i wrote it myself :p

Thanks for sharing.

Informative !

Good Information. I am addictive with Steemit after I created my account.

I gave you a follow !

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I checked roi for sbd promotion and the variation is so wide you can throw money in the air for slightly worse results jk. I saw about 25% of the posts make any profit. It was about double. 170% roi on $50 isn't bad.

Thanks for guidance



goo read

Absolutely, there is not a risk in sight when it comes to posting on Steemit. Its much better than Facebook are you own personal website as many more people will see you content and appreciate it. And the best part is you'll get paid :)

Much better than facebook 👍🏼

Thanks for sharing 👍

Good post, but could you explain how you came to some of these figures? Particularly the 10%, is it just for the sake of discussion?:

" It's likely that you'll earn at least 10% more followers. Let's assume you paid 100SBD. Your content on average earns 10SBD per post. Let's assume your future posts will earn 10% more, you will start earning a profit after 100 posts."

From my own experiments. I gained around a 100 followers each time and i have less than 1000 followers ;)

But in my case probably over 95% of them were new users.

Oh, ok, interesting. I wonder if you got luckier than average, or if that's pretty normal. How many data points do you have?

I think i tried it 3 times now. All 3 times 100-200 new followers. I don't know if it's typical, my content probably has something to do with it since i write beginner guides and such.

But for $200+ it's a huge risk not everyone wants to take.

Upvoted, resteemed, and followed. Nice write up. This is the 1st I'm seeing about Promoting. Very helpful.

I've spent a little doing the promotion, but either I didn't spend enough or I couldn't tell it worked. Great blog. I appreciate the info. I have not been able to find much info on the promote button. Thank you! You picked up a new follower.

Was this the post that you promoted!? Nice work in the future I might do the same


I wouldn't bother. I never check the promoted tab!

Luckily there aren't 7 billion @beabear613's in the world ;)

Hey @calamus056

I would like to apprecite . I was really in search of that post you explained very well . I think your really experinces steemer .

I would request you if you check my blog for a while and give me a honest suggestion it will be apprecited
** I willl wait for your reply **

You can check my into post ** My Name Is Sophia Olive ** to get Knowledge about myself ...

Thanks for Effort and Content ..

I would agree that investing in your content would be a great idea. As long as the content that you're creating is worthwhile. If you're just turning out junk there's no point of sending good money after bad

great advice thanks

Great information now I understand how tje promotion option works, thank you

I like the way you explained it.

Thanks a lot. I'm trying to make it clear for everyone.

For me something is unclear.

  1. What is the difference between if I promote an article with 1SBD and if I promote an article with 100SBD?
  2. If I never go to promote posts I will see some promoted articles?
    Actually I run Facebook ads for my Programming Courses Page but there is so clear. You can easily measure ROI, but here...

Promoted posts are only visible in the promoted tab. The more you pay the higher in the list your content will be placed.

This has been some really useful information. Thanks for posting!

Amazing post..
Honestly we are all unique and we all have much to show and much to strive for.
Cheers for the good post and much love from me..

resteem share the love

Very good article

I like it. This article worth the time I've spent during reading

Much appreciation for the breakdown on the promote button and its features. I'm sure it will help others get a better understanding of Steem as it did for me!

Very Helpful!

Yes iam totally agree with you...

Short and simple to understand.

Thank you, this is really helpful for a noob like myself! Upvoted and Resteemed :D

This post has been ranked within the top 25 most undervalued posts in the first half of Jun 25. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $56.26 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Jun 25 - Part I. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

If you are the author and would prefer not to receive these comments, simply reply "Stop" to this comment.

A big warm Steemit Sunday greeting goes out to you Calam! :-D

Upvoted and High Pawed!


Thanks for the great info! Looks like this will be my first upvote post in steemit since I am brand new :)

By far a good read. Some of my questions really answered in this post. Btw, does a beginner needs to buy steem dollar or earn it?

Learned something new.. Thank you, I had been meaning to do some research to see if it was worth paying to promote posts. Saved me some time!

That's what i'm here for! I spend up to 100's of hours of research so you don't have to ;)

Being new here, all the info I can get helps. I appreciate it, and will follow so I can keep up with your future posts. I'm currently writing about my travels, but may shift focus to health, or finance. I'll give it a month or two to see how the community responds to the content I'm putting out now. Once I build some Steem, and followers I will give the promotion a try. Thanks again.

I might try to invest in this steemit. I hope it would be my best shot!!

this was interesting...not ready for prime time from it ;-)

however I'd like to find out more about this @null account...any way we can follow the fund movements on the blockchain?

took this screen shot..I'm the 179th follower...nothing there but followers...notice the join date...curiouser and curiouser...yes/no?

Null.JPG to see all account activity. January 1970 is the start time used in Unix timestamps.

thank you for getting back to me on this...much appreciated!

wow, this help me a lot for me as a newbie, but my only question sir is:
how much will it cost per day when you click the promote
like for example i click the promotion button and it's saying "Spend your STEEM DOLLARs to advertise this post in the promoted content section."
with the amount of $ 1.0 SBD, how many days will it promote?

i'm sorry sir, i'm just newbie.

Your post will be promoted until the first payout, 7 days after publication!

The more you pay the higher in the promoted content list you'll be.

Thank you for the useful post, @calamus056. I admit I wasn't sure at all what would happen if I hit the Promote button...a bit like a big red nuke button. Upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks Linsey! Now please don't kill me :)

Huh? I'm kiligirl, not killgirl 🤔😂

Haha oh, i guess my eyes are getting terrible being on SteemIt 24/7 ;)


Thanks. It is very helpful.

thx for the explanation!
new follower+upvoted+resteemed

Information is very useful for beginners. Keep posting more.

I will have to do this when I get better with my post. Thanks for the help. I followed and resteemed.

Thanks for the really informative post will certainly consider this

Promoting your Blog website content on SteemIt is good news I will be doing more of it.

it all depends on how much time you put in your post and how creative of a writer you are... if you put up a 'test' post and promote it, you'll probably lose 99% of investment

Good ideas and it makes a lot of sense. You want to contribute value on Steemit in order to get attention. Promoting is a way to contribute value to the community. This is in addition to having great content which is table stakes to be in the game.

I look forward to reading more of your content, calamus056. Thank you for sharing this!

I am loving your posts man. People usually think that lame posts are promoted by their authors, but your posts are very original and useful. Kepp up the good work!

Thank you! But you're not following me or resteeming, why might that be? :)

You can reward content creators way more with follows, resteems and donations compared to just an upvote. You should keep that in mind.

Wow, over $200 to get to the top 5? That is a lot of money... To be honest, I check out the hot and trending topics but almost never check out the promoted tab. Maybe it's just me?
Thanks for all the interesting articles though. Stepmother is quite a complicated system when you boil down to the nitty gritty. Still learning a lot of this...
Keep up the good work. Hope it all pays off one day :)

Thank you for this. I had been wondering about that promote function.

Great info, thanks!

good job everyone

This is great information and straight to the point, I love it

Thats quality content, I follow.

Excellent information!

I was confused whether to promote my content or not .. This is really helping . Thanks a lot

Self promotion is ok but in my opinion steemit should implement readers promoting button. Let's say if I find quality content that by my humble opinion deserves attention I would love to have that button to help the author to be more visible. Authors which do not have much influence or too many active followers usually go unnoticed. So option don't have to have name promoted, we can call it readers pick, or something like that.

Your upvotes and resteems are readers promotion already :)

I know, but people here usually click on content (what I noticed) if there is big dollar amount attached to it, or if they think that comment will give them bigger reward, so sadly my upvote and resteem don't work as good as it should. Just suggestion 😊

Yup i know how you feel. Life isn't fair at all. This platform could certainly use some changes to make it more fair for newer users! I'm still struggling myself.

This time I'm not talking about myself, still new in this, just seven days on platform and rewards are not bad, got already 100 dollars for content which is by my opinion average, but I 'm talking about content which I came across.

wow........thanks for sharing

I think the only way to earn money from Steemit, is to buy some Steem power. Otherwise, we should wait an eternity and be very active in others posts.

Once again thank you for some valuable information

very informative! thank you. I am following you now

I guess it's a lifetime saving investment to get your brand known and earn more followers.

Good post BUT you are MISSING photos!!! wtf come on man

u were SO close!

U will probobly still get over $200 for this post but its a shame that u didnt ad any photos between "1. and 2.

Just trust me! We want more photos!

Your post also is too wordy its like ......full of fluff!

It needs to just get down to business!!!

I DO LIKE how you have the HEADERS or LARGE TEXT!
How did you do that? U need to explain that!
Explain how to use the ### headers

I feel weak and obsolete not knowing how these markdown codes work! Its not lke HTMl its a different system, or if it is like HTML I have always beenconfused by headres antags for h1 h2 h3 its so confuing it needs to be explained

For example here is a link and i had to do so much crap just to get this link up!

this text

AND WTF why cant i make my text big?? SO frustrating

Your post is great I am just envious that you know how to make ur text big!

it REALLy helps organize the text


There are your pics. Now where's my $200!

It's not guaranteed you are going make money back? If you post you promoting your steemit? It's a very risky move too.

wow great information. I am looking making income from steemit, I am getting more followers and putting out content every day and I am slowly getting more. I will start promoting my material once I have more to promote it.

I have been thinking about doing this. A good read and now maybe i will start clicking promote.

Hi sir !
I am new in steemit site :)
Plz support me
I upvote ur post :)
Plz upvote my post me wating ur response :) plz sir support me follow back me upvote me plz :)

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May be in near or far future I do that again but my first experience has been pretty bad. I wasted those SBDs as I think of it. Not worth it yet. With reputation close to 70, totally worth it may be.

Thanks for sharing this information with us! It was really helpful! :D