100 Followers in a Week! Thank you!!! <3

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

I can't believe how many followers I've gained here so quickly! I'm glad people find my posts and 'things' fun in some way! 3:

Some thoughts on things I've learned, and things I want to do differently....

I've noticed a lot of NSFW posts that aren't peoples original work. And it kinda rubs me the wrong way, as an adult performer.... So, like I started to do on twitter awhile back, but then fell off of, is putting some kind of watermark on my photos.

All of my photos of me, be it professional or candid selfies and whatnot, I own all the rights to. Would piss me off to see someone posting my things here to say the least lol.

I've had my content pirated before, videos posted on pornhub which I did sell, until it became available for free haha😝

Although I can't much stop my pictures being hijacked, I wanna do what I can to make sure that if it does happen, that at least it will be obvious...maybe? But to do so in a way that doesn't distract you from the images....

I also wanna post more frequently, I've been doing like one post a day, and I'd like to do some more. I also want to make the content richer, most all of my posts are a single photos with a few of my thoughts.... A pictures worth a thousand words, right?

I also want to start sharing some of my experiences and pics from my travels. I think traveling is probably my favorite thing to do, ever! And I have a lot of things I've seen that I think people would enjoy, and I've NEVER shared before! Plus, it will be fun to relive some of those memories by writing.

And that's another thing, writing! I used to absolutely LOVE writing so much! I was a total nerd in school and went to universal intelligence league competitions for writing and stuff, haha 😂 I wanna get back to working my brain and getting my creative juices flowing again!

So I think my posts are gonna start having more variety, other than just NSFW photos and things.... But I'm still gonna do that too😋

I think my goal in my blog here is more for personal enrichment, and sharing my life with people who find it valuable is enriching as well! Who doesn't love appreciation❤️

So this photo I shot on my second trip to Africa. It will always hold a special place in my heart, because it was the very first time I saw a lion in Botswana, a place I love. It was taken in Chobe National Park. I've since visited Africa two more times, and have finally managed to shoot all of the Big 5. The Big 5, are the Elephant, Buffalo, Black Rhino, Lion and Leopard. They're called this because African hunters deemed these animals the five that are the most difficult and deadly to track and/or hunt on foot.

Altogether I've spent over two months in Sub-Saharan Africa, over a course of six years and four trips. And, man... I have so many amazing photos I can't wait to share!


And this is my first ellie in Botswana! I spotted my first elephant while driving down the highway on my way to the Chobe Natnl Park area. There was road construction going on, and a small group of elephants came to drink up water from the morning rains out of the ditches that the workers were digging. It was quite the sight, as I had just driven up from the big city of Johannesburg. The workers were politely but firmly trying to shoo them away... They seemed quite used to their presence. Meanwhile, my group is pulled over and snapping photos hah!


Thanks for all of the love and support that I've received here, it really means a lot!!!!💋

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like me.jpg

Beautiful shots.

thanks so much yall! I really enjoyed taking these, more than you can imagine! These are some of my most memorable experiences in life <3

Congratz !!

Congratz! I wish you all the best in the world and hope you will get much more follower. Nice pictures btw (not the nsfw ones :P) Looking forward to read more from you! I am interested in you stories. Have a nice day!