Which Album Did You Listen to so Much That It Was Ruined for You?

in steemit •  7 years ago 


For me it's "A Fever You Can't Sweat Out". I don't think I'm alone in saying this, either.

I was around 9-years-old when in the album came out and it was the first album I bought myself... Not with my own money but with my aunt's iTunes account. Still, this album shaped my life very heavily, especially for the next 5 years afterwards. It still shapes my life now - I bought tickets and flew halfway across the country to see them play in Sydney last year and it was monumental.

I wish I'd had that kind of childhood where I dyed my hair black and took emotional selfies and posted them online to embarrass me later in life but honestly, I was too busy just listening to and enjoying this album.

What about you? Please engage me in some conversation and uh I dunno I'll send you an SBD or something if there aren't too many people and I get some good interactions.

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