Steemit Dark Theme / Night Modus, join the darkside!

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Do you hate it when you check a website at night and the white background burns your eyes as if you were Gollum himself?

I personally like to view sites in a dark theme, especially during the evening! Some sites have a switch to enable night modus. I would be great if the steemit site supports a dark theme feature. For users that would like to view the site in night modus, here is a simple workaround for now if you use chrome:

  • Install the dark reader extension for chrome

  • Play around a little bit with the settings. Personally I use -10 brightness, -10 contrast, +20 graycale and +10 sepia.

Here is a screenshot of my steemit:

I didn't code the extension, I recently came across it and thought I should share it as I was pretty satisfied.

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I liked it!
Easy and quick, beautiful!

Glad you like it!

Actually pretty cool, am now using it.


If you are on a Mac use FLux, it makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day. And I think it's a must have. I'm sure theres a Windows alternative around.

That's a nice tool yes!
