The Bitcoin Psyop

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Yes, the blockchain is truly revolutionary. Yes, bitcoin is Tulipmania 2.0. Yes, cryptocurrency is a nail in the coffin of the bankster parasites. Yes, digital currency is a tool of the totalitarian tyrants. No, these statements are not contradictory. But don’t worry if you think they are. You’re just a victim of "The Bitcoin Psyop."


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Brilliant piece, couldn’t have said it better myself, bravo James 👏

You love your own comment that much huh? lol

Crypto cannot be stopped by the Government, that's why they don't like it. As quoted by Julian Assange "Bitcoin is the real Occupy Wall Street"
Thanks for this, James!


The "conspiracy theorists" believe that the plan is to get everyone invested in cryptocurrency, while "the elites" invest in gold and land ...then crash the coins so everyone is broke but them. So use what you earn from crypto to invest in gold and land, if you're worried about it. Problem solved!

Lol, this is what the elites have been doing from the beginning of human history. In fact, it is way easier to achieve if you are able to centralize value exchange. Anyone who thinks this probably underestimates both current power and resistance of that power. Government already owns your land, try not paying taxes and see how long you can live in the home you bought without someone dragging you out. Bitcoin has every major trait gold has only you cannot digitally exchange gold or make a modern payment/settlement system with it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Right, but at this point I don't see them throwing us off our land IF we pay "our taxes". But if all you have is a $3000 per month rental apartment in NYC, and a new vehicle which you pay for with the money you make trading coins, and if they crash coins, you're homeless and on foot. We make the best choices we can, as we go ...and for me, right now, that means owning land and living off-grid in a very remote area of the U.S. where property taxes are only $100 per month ;)

Yep. As long as we are taxed, we are subjects, not citizens..

land, food, crops, livestock, gold, crypto, silver, fiat -- in that order. paper assets are risky.

id suggest you should puts guns and ammo on your list. else you might find your ownership of some of the assets is not that long lasting

Those items are on my personal list ....just didn't want to get downvoted for adding it here haha

Hey, as long as you're prepared!

Robert Kiyosaki always says to hold gold, silver, guns, and ammo just in case an investment goes wrong

Heck yeah!

Depends where you're investing in land. In Australia you definitely have to be careful about land because it won't be too long before the housing market falls through.

I read somewhere that preppers (even those who do not drink) are storing booze to use as a form of currency when SHTF. People will still pay for their vices.

Beer is recession-proof. Just sayin'

True. Although RE prices in many parts of the world are highly inflated right now!

When shit hits the fan i can settle my debts with a few cans of peas. I have loads of those :D And rice too, i store it in vats with packs of salt on top to keep it dry. Food is the best currency ever!

Toss in some MRE's lol and you are ready for the apocalypse

Good plan!

The 80's will look like a Joke in ten years time..🤑

Absolutely fantastic video. Everyone in the community needs to see this. Vote with your dollars (as the saying goes) with crypto. Invest your energy in the projects that seek to liberate and refuse to allow this technology to go against the liberty-based mission that, for example, bitcoin has. Blockchain and crypto are giving people the power to opt out of centralizations and put the power back into the hands of the people-powered market.

I keep hearing that but without a bank account, which I refuse to have, I can't touch my crypto.

I can't exchange it for items I pay for, such as rent, power, and internet access, fuel, etc...

While I certainly agree that there is some "Tulipmania" going on, I think that there are some very disruptive applications to the technology. A few examples are
1- The embedded security due to decentralization (so no need to trust yourself or others). This has some applications for cyber contracts between applications owned by different entities.
2- Another use of this is to remove middle men in a variety of transactions. This was something not entirely possible in the current systems (in which middle-men are usually the highest cost of transactions).

I think that if these technologies continue to be used for speculation the bubble will certainly burst, however if the technology is used for it's intended purpose (which was to conduct transactions) it has the potential to be very disruptive.

Lastly, I believe the powers that be are most likely involved in creating the bubble as they have a huge incentive to make this fail, so that they can then insert their own version when they are ready.

Blockchain now, is like the internet in the 70's, very few understand what is actually is, and others are pure scekpticals. But soon enough people will realize what the actual value of blockchain is and what it can bring to the world!

As long as it uses a distributed/open ledger. If the ledger isn't shared we're f*cked...

Hahaha, you can print colored toilet paper or federal reserve notes but I'm repeating myself. It's a good one.
Thanks for the broken down explenation of the blockchain.

It IS a good one! All they do is open the window and click Print!

Ha, I love the comedy and sarcasm in this post. I had a friend basically brow beat me on the idea of Bitcoin being akin to Tulipmania not too long ago, and I tried to express to him that it shouldn't be that big of a deal what other people do with their money regardless of the currency. It's costed me nothing to get involved with cryptocurrencies via Steemit and I've actually learned a lot since being an active participant on the platform.

I also stand behind the idea of not investing any more than you are willing to lose, that goes for any kind of investment.

Good advice!

One of the issues with blockchain, at least from the POV of gov., is that a truly secure blockchain needs to be decentralized. A centralized blockchain is vulnerable to the same attacks as a centralized database.

And how do you (the government) secure your own permissioned blockchain without giving away the very power you're trying to maintain? I believe that the beauty of the technology is that it's most secure and viable when decentralized, thus rendering it useless for governments.

Ahh, I love it.

money money money, its so funny, in a rich man's world!!!

If i had a little money, it would be funny, in the rich mans world

I still know a few farriers and one or two chimney sweeps

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

As long as there is the trend of speculating with bitcoin the currency is dangerous in my opinion. You can't trust the value since it can change in a matter of minutes.
We need ro have a currency which is stable, has material worth in it but still should be able to bypass the bankaccounts.
I really don't understand cryptocurrencies at all becuase there is just too much information to wrap your head around.
Could there be a way to create a currency which is fairly stable? As long as it is tradeable someone with a load of cash can manipulate the system. There has to be a solution for that.

All the crypto's are too irrational right now; no one knows what they are actually are worth, but you can bet that their intrinsic value is much lower than their current dollar price.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are probably right about the real worth.
The worth is just the amount of trust.
Why can't we just create a currency which you need to earn like steemit but you can't really take anything out or put something in. That way would prevent the speculating. Or do it with a 3day timer for transactions.
I live the fact that I can buy or bid on stuff just with sbd. As long as there is a straight or almost straight connection to any fiat-currency it is almost guarantied to be speculated on..

"Why can't we just create a currency which you need to earn like steemit but you can't really take anything out or put something in."

We can do that. But then it wouldn't be a currency.

Yeah probably not currency as we know it now but certanly a token to trade goods and that is all we need I think.

In the Lorraine (a small part of Bern, Switzerland) they introduced a sort of currency which is all about helping your neighbours. Some electricians, painters and a local food store are participating and they just exchange goods for services via this alternative currency.
Of course it is not a global thing but I feel like it is a nice try to bypass the banks once again.

Hopefully the influx of 'dumb' money for speculation will help fund some good alternatives! We'll see!

Some points from the video.

Bitcoin is in a bubble.
Bitcoin is not blockchain.
(Say the word blockchain and increase your company's value)
Blockchain is a new technology, and is revolutionary.
Blockchain is just a tool, its use is determined by those who maintain the network.
(Centralized governments monitoring citizens, institutions and businesses using private networks to increase their margins, etc. are boring applications of blockchain, changing the way transactions or permissions are handled by people globally and removing the need for trusted intermediaries isn't)
The blockchain won't destroy banking on its own.
Centralized governments will attempt to reign in the public and push them towards their government-issued fiat.

Even if bitcoin or crypto craters in price it will not destroy the will of those who see its value as a game-changer in the lives of billions. We need to spread better understanding of why such technologies can be useful and not attempt to just shovel them into manipulated markets with little to no understanding of the concepts underlying the systems others are telling them to buy in to.

We need current and future generations fostering a truer appreciation and understanding of what this all could and should mean for them, and not have them be burned by blind speculation and high risk plays with money they can't spare in the first place.

100% Facts. I appreciate that.

Hah, nice bio quote you got there.

It's people like you that i want to be friends with lol. Thanks for recognizing it. It does seem to sum up things pretty well!

Yeah it does, lol. Annnnnd followed.

Followed you back

I watched this talk with anop a while back. His insight is stronger as time passes. History will appreciate this man for sure.

Wow nice bitcoin

@corbettreport Absolutely agreed.

Cryptocurrency is the beginning of a new chapter in global economic history. The whole thing is still at its infancy stage; all bank currency in the world equals approximately 2 quadrillion USD, while the entire crypto market cap is roughly 0,58 trillion USD. Too much room for growth.

All thanks to the blockchain technology, which can be applied in multiple different aspects of society. So yes, it is a nail in the coffin of the banksters.

Actually yes, its the beginning and i think it cant stop to grow. It will always have something to make it slower or put stick in his whell but its rolling !! That technologie will be controled sooner or later

I bet they won't go without a fight!

Hi James! "...another arrow in the quiver..."

Excellent as always. We supported you ever since we found you 2 yrs ago on YT and still support you today. You're the one who led me to Steemit! Yay! Domo Arigato, sensei!

We always enjoy watching New World Next Week. Is the other James here too? If so, what's his account?

Anyway, thanks a lot. And Steem on, and d-tube too!

I feel like Bitcoin sucks because the transaction fees are way too high, that is why STEEM is the future.

The message distributed by James here is necessary learning for anyone on the world right now! That's why I will resteem this.
But one more thing, I just love it to listen and watch you James, your voice has something soothing that even makes the worst news possible to digest and interesting.
Keep it up and keep on steeming!

Brilliant as ever, thank you James for the insightful educational explanatory short documentary that separates the myths from reality for the crypto-world. Keep them coming and stay safe.

BTW just a day before someone told me there's an attack on my name by a (12,000 members strong) Facebook Group led by a bunch of fanatics including a "high ranking freemason" (in his own words in private) known for its ties with the Australian spy agency when I shared a post on my FB account about Bitcoin mining and few days ago we ran a report on an Israeli/US Zionist businessman who opened a series of schools under alQaeda in occupied Idlib, Syria because Moti Kahana was attending a conference for Blockchain in Miami...!

Check this out: Enraged Israel Bombs Syria, Pimps Takfiri Moti Kahana

Hello absolutely fantastic video. everyone in the COmmunity needs to see this. Vote with your Dollars with Crypto. Invest your energy in the projects that seek to liberate and refuse to allow this technology to go against the liberty-based mission thatFORexample, bitcoin has. Blockchain and crypto are giving people the power to opt out of ut the power back into the hands of the people-powered market . thank you.....

Great new and thank you for sharing with us.

amazing post..its also very learnable and informative post. hope that everyone like your post and benefited from thanks for sharing.....great job

The bankster parasites don't care what form your money takes, they like money.

Excellent news of bitcoin, amazing post, thanks for sharing

Esta tecnología es demasiada fuerte, y aunque los gobiernos traten de de detener su progreso, no van a poder con ella, somos afortunado en tener algo de conocimiento en cuanto a las criptomonedas, le llevamos una gran ventaja a aquellos que aun no lo conocen, mucho éxito.

interesting post ...
I got insight and knowledge..

Good detailed breakdown of some commonly misunderstood things by the public! I believe that the blockchain technology is certainly revolutionary, however bitcoin being sold on the cme has sort of undermined the blockchain by allowing wall street to sell the futures without actually owning any of the bitcoin. On the other hand I think that the other cryptos will learn from this and strengthen themselves as a result. 2018 should be a very exciting year for the future direction of cryptocurrency.

Thank you, good talk.

Thank you for reposting, I didn't know @corbettreport
was on Steemit, wow excellent reporting and what bitcoin really is. Amazing crypto history lesson.
This a must for demystifying this vast subject!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Probably the best synopsis of the why and how of Bitcoin I've ever seen. Also, I like the selection of music in this episode. Maybe I've just noticed it, but I like this tone more than the usual doom-and-gloom stuff.

wall nice post

Awesome bitcoin

Wawww very nice post 👍👍
I like it

By George... I think I've got it! Thanks James for simplifying that mess. I can share this instead of sounding like an alein when I am trying to explain it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I know this is off toping but I would like to let everyone here know that there is a real Patriot out there fighting for our freedom and liberty. He has been falsely arrested after annoucing that he is running for president and needs our help. Please follow Adam @adamkokesh. Thank you.

Blockchain the brain of everything
Is everyone able to know about the brain from blockchain

Wauuu amazing post.. informatif


Great video James! You have a way of explaining (confusing) things that makes it quite clear and understandable.

Innovative technology like blockchain will certainly have a significant impact on the globe. Ultimately, however, the worlds economies involve humans and we tend to repeat our mistakes.

Excellent piece James! I will be sure to use this as my 'for dummies' reference in my future videos.

Agreed, well said. Considering the hype, I can easily see how this tech can be used as the carrot that leads people into absolute bankruptcy before TPTSB pull the final weight bearing beam out of their decrepit social system.

Finally a balanced perspective from you on this, you’ve been avoiding this topic for a while.

Thank you, very informative post. Should be a mandatory introduction video for new individuals in the technology. ReSteemed.

I really like Monero and Zcash because of the anonymity. Maybe we should start calling cryptocurrencies with legit blockchains open source, free market coins, and call the other bank scam coins. Use labels against them.

James, thank you for this video. It clarifies a lot of things that were unclear to me about what a block chain is or does. The part about the role of a clearing house as neutral administrator of transactions in a centralized system explained clearly why banks regulating block chain in a decentralized system is a bad idea. Thank you

Thanks for useful video

useful reference i'll be able to share with some newbies

Great Cryptocurrency news.

Very interesting...Glad I watched. I still have lots of questions. I think that there are a lot of things about bitcoin and cryptos that have not come out yet, and average people who believe everything they see/hear will be scratching their heads when they lose money after buying the bubble. Smart money is manipulating the hell out of these currencies. No, stability , no widespread use.

Upvoted, resteemed, tweeted and shared on facebook with many thanks for incisive analysis as usual. xx

Wow, didn't expect to watch the whole video...and then I did. Great collection of information. Both exciting and depressing :/

Extraordinary work, you do this job very well and neatly, analyze and predict and even always update data.

Thanks for the video, sajuga getting around dangle about a ban on using bitcoin in Indonesia and get penalties. And I also got the right information about the countries beyond the bitcoin in legitimate had as its currency and has made a sort of atm card, whether in Indonesia can be like that for the future. Like where did you

Blockchain, cryptos and specifically Bitcoin are bringing true democracy in the financial world. Its empowering the people investing in it by giving full control. The centralized systems will sure have a problem with it because it takes away the control from them. It renders them almost useless after ruling the people for so many years.
They will try to stop decentralization with full force. But ultimately they have to give-up.

Great post. Very thought provoking. They are hoping newbie investors to crypto, jump on the blockchain hype train without researching what it is and before you know it, Bob's your uncle and people are going all in on centralised alts and JP Morgan has been rebranded as JP Blockchain Morgan. Be vary wary, people. Do your own research, read the white papers and stay away from financial institutions and big banks. They are looking to profit from people's eagerness and ignorance.

Thank you, Corbett!!

Brilliant analysis, again. Thank you. Re-steemed.

Excellent video, @corbettreport. Thought provoking and thorough! Couldn’t have said it better!

This is really the best informative piece on blockchain and bitcoin.
Going to share this with my friends!

Thanks @corberttreport

Bitcoin prices and other digital asset prices are currently destroyed. Can you explain why this happened?