in steemit •  6 years ago  (edited)
111.jpgFor the past 2 months I've been engaging with a number of people I've considered valuable and engaging. Mostly sharing similar values and passion towards blockchain, crypto, AI, economy or psychology.



Those were a really long and intense 2 months, but the good news is, I've managed to get to know so many interesting Steemians and I believe that we managed to build an "infrastructure" for a great community.

Many of you know me already long enough to understand my vision of strong and healthy community (build around passion towards crypto) and many were supporting my efforts tremendously.



(pic source: don't want to brag about myself and my achievements, simply because I didn't achieve anything on my own. After all there were so many people invovled in helping me reach my goals who I should thank.

So many of you decided to be part of this journey. So many of you put enourmous amount of time to engage with others and I can only be grateful to each one of you.

Results sometimes were mind-blowing. After all seeing your own publication with over 800 comments is simply impressive:



I'm impressed with level of engagement and support I've managed to receive. However it's unfortunatelly not easy task to read and reply to that many comments and also to support content of my most active followers. So recently I have been experiencing a feeling of burning out, caused by stress and being overworked and tired.

I came to a realization that it's time to slow down for a week or two. Catch a breath and enjoy life for a difference. After all Valentines day is coming so it is indeed a great time to focus on my little family.

I will still be replying to all comments but it may be a right time to slow down for a week or two so most likely I won't publish anything new for a while. But it does not mean that Im giving up on Steemit :) Not at all.



During my journey I've met number of fantastic people from different countries and cultures. And my efforts had been supported by few to whom I'm very grateful. I would not be able to achieve much without their constant support.

Those are sort of people we need on Steemit. People who are willing to "give" and delegate their own resources to beginners in hope that it will help our community grow:


So I need to ask each one of you to give me a favor. Nothing big really.

Visit those accounts and have a look at their published content. Perhaps you will find something that you would find interesting and valuable. If you do then show your own support by investing few minutes of your own time, to calmly read their latest post. And then reach out to those authors and drop valuable comment.

That's all really :)



I've been lately trying something new. Idea of my little venture is simple: let's try to bring some businesses to Steemit and see how can I encourage business owners to join Steemit. I had so far many failures and only few small successes. But that's how it is really. Learning curve is not easy.

One of those businesses which I'm supporting with all my heart is @blockshine represented by Daniel Bateman. He published lately new interview with Mr Seth Lim (CEO and founder of Soar Labs and Indonesia’s largest cryptocurrency exchange SoarEx). I found this video interesting and refreshing. And not long at all :)

So to those who are passionate about blockchain technology and would like to support companies trying to build their presence on Steemit, then visit @blockshine and check out their latest video:

Guys, keep in mind that ...
Our engagement is the best way we can bring more serious businesses into Steemit platform. Hope I can count on your support.



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Dear Piotr, I will check them out, however I go straight forward to the most important message I am hearing:
Burnouts most likely happen to people with these trades:

  • High Engagement
  • Hugh Sense Of Duty

The lesson to every burnout is how can I set boundries, when do I have to say "No", how much can I give?
I once had a burnout and didn't know about these lessons which ended my engagement for over three years. Since I deem your engagement very valuable, please do us, do yourself the favor and take your time to answer all of these questions. If you should be in need of counsel I am here. I usually take money, however I feel like you already paid me with your engagement on this blockchain, so:


*This voucher includes whatever you wish for. I offer counsel, guided meditations & hypnosis, cosmological symbols for healing, Tarot Readings and much more. Feel free to ask!

Thank you for everything you did/do for this blockchain.

That's a really cool thing to do, kudos and best wishes to you fella :-)

wow what an amazing honor. congratulations

Thank you, @worldtraveller32! <3

Dear @mayb

Thank you for your amazing comment and I'm very sorry that it took me so long to read it and reply.

Since I deem your engagement very valuable, please do us, do yourself the favor and take your time to answer all of these questions

Those are very kind words :) Love to hear that you value my work here. Appreciate it a lot.

If you should be in need of counsel I am here. I usually take money, however I feel like you already paid me with your engagement on this blockchain, so:

oh wow. Is that what you do for living? Obviously I feel honoured to receive voucher from you.

How does this voucher works? Let's say that I would like to consult with you one particular topic: being a leader.

This is something that I found very interesting and I would love to learn from you more / brainstorm with you.

Don't worry about my burnout. I'm a former muay thai fighter. Half of my adult life I've spent in various countries accross Asia. Training and fighting. 4-5h a day, 6 times a week.

I experienced so many bournouts in my past ... and I've learned that short break every now and then + discipline is the only way that works for me. Discipline and persistance is the key :)


Dear Piotr,
I am very glad we're having this communication. I was never disappointed that it took you a while to answer this comment. I mean the whole comment is about taking your time, right?! ;)
I only felt a bit frustrated about the fact that some people are using your commitment and passion against you. I don't want to mention names anymore, I guess you got me.

So, if you really want to talk, I am totally open to it and I guess it would be a very nice time, however I don't want to give you the creepy feeling you would need to take this voucher. :D
You're not on discord, right?! Skype?

Have a wonderful rest!

Dear @mayb

Would you voucher be still valid next month? Im moving my entire life to europe within next several days and starting next week my life will become a real mess. Loads of running errands and generally I may have very little time for Steemit as well after this weekend.

I really don't want you to feel ignored, as I absolutely appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge. Just current timing is difficult for me.

Please advise

however I don't want to give you the creepy feeling you would need to take this voucher. :D

I never had that feeling :) ps. I'm on Discord but I'm just hardly using it (it consume to much time). We will figure out communication tool once the time comes, ok? :)


Love never expires. :)
I do not feel ignored or rejected. It's all good. Whenever, wherever. Where exactly do you move to if I may ask.

I already follow most of the people you have listed and agree they all have good work. Those I know of on your list post consistent content daily and have for as long as I have known them.

Steemit is not an easy place to succeed in and few can do so without keeping many balls in the air at all times. It's currently an inbred community and if you are not visibly active no one remembers your name.

I'm interested to see your strategies @crypto.piotr, and see if you continue them here. You are very unique in your use of this blockchain, so maybe you will start a trend.

I have had a few other steemers send me wallet transfers recently to get me to their posts. I have no idea if this is prompted by your example, but I am open to free money from all and always make a comment on any post I get sent that way. A certain segment of the people here do not like "wallet spam." I am in the opposite category and tell people to send me more :)

I'm in the engagement league of @abh12345 and every comment counts for that weekly contest. You may want to check that out when you get back as it drive a lot of the engagement here. everyone ranking in that league is all in for steem.

One another topic, you mentioned the idea of my writing a post inspired by @reverseacid on the subjects of women, crypto, and the "need to know." technical details about blockchain in order to get involved with it. I'm working on that now and will post in a few days probably. We'll soon see if anyone else is interested :)

I enjoyed reading your reply and the response to it.
I tend to agree with you about having to constantly make yourself visible or be forgotten; at least that is what seems to be happening to me since I stopped commenting on the posts of others and for the most part have been concentrating on making replies to my own post respondents. I just don't have the time to read all those posts made by others lately. The only reason I'm here is because of the invitation sent to my wallet, same as yours.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I fell off the truck a few months ago too. I have always been big on commenting widely and really saw a bad result when I stopped. I think if you do a post each time you get here, reply to your comments, and then comment on others for XXX time, this gives the best result. Then if you have more time, post again, answer replies again, and comment again.

If you only stay on your own posts, your audience dwindles - unless you are big and can do big comment upvotes.

I use steemnow to find current posts to comment on and also enter contests that take comments. This way I am not spinning my wheels searching for places to comment on. So if I enter a contest with a post, I will open a couple of the other entrants and usually can find something quickly that way.

If you only stay on your own posts, your audience dwindles

Yes, exactly! That's why I am agreeing with you. It's just that right now I need to decide which is more important: Earning a few cents for hours of work or doing something that has meaning? There are more important things in life than a few cents. If I saw that this platform was going in the direction Dan Larimer envisioned, I might be more inspired. Instead I see a few people that still hang onto that vision, but a lot more that are seeking only to grab as much as they can as fast as they can and to hell with the platform itself. That attitude is extremely disappointing and is probably what is holding the entire platform back. Instead of going forward, Steem is slipping in rank, despite it being a very good blockchain. They say that it only takes ONE bad apple to spoil the whole bunch. Unfortunately, there are an awful lot of bad apples here. But I assume you already know that.


I ignore the bad apples as best I can and engage with the good guys. I do see a lot of positive developments in the last months and try to support those as best I can. The dapps I find promising, and the the current twitter campaign are the places I put most of my effort now.

We need new blood with money coming in here for sure. I look at @taskmaster4450 reports that show the rewards and stake being spread more broadly. It may be slow going, but it is happening. It remains to be seen if it will happen soon enough to keep this most excellent blockchain moving in the right direction.

You can most definitely earn more than a few cents for hours of work. but getting to that point takes a lot of focused effort.

I feel like commenting on good posts does have meaning. It encourages the people making them to keep trying. No one like to post to dead air. This is why I do it.

What constitutes a good post? It is very subjective. I spend a lot of time on my daily Zombie Adventure, but few people appreciate the effort. At least I enjoy hosting the games and rewarding my players for their participation. We have fun and that is important to me. I enjoy the interaction and get many good laughs from the comments. To me, that is my reward.

I do also enjoy meeting new people and having intelligent conversations with them, however, I need to curtail the amount of time I spend socializing so that I can do other things like maintain my household and cook and eat. As of late, I have not been getting any exercise and that is not good for my health. I should be taking even more time away from the computer to look after my own health because without health, there is nothing.

For me good posts are travel, art and food for the most part. Also I look at the winners in various contests so I can improve. I do not play games, so zombies would not be for me.

I hear you on the computer/life balance issues. I am an accountant and worked crazy hours for most of my life, so this is not much different. At least I do not have a commute :)

This platform seems to be geared to blogging-type posts, especially those geared to crypto-currencies and also to technology stuff. I find it quite amazing how many people have told me they don't have time to play my game, yet I find them heavily invested in the Steemmonsters game. My game is just too low-tech for them. At least you stated that you don't play games (which is far better than saying you don't have the time). I know many people that don't play games and I respect that. Not everyone wants to waste time playing games. In years gone by, I worked 3 jobs at once, while trying to raise my children, so I know what it means to be busy! I figure I have paid my dues and now it is time to stop and smell the roses once in a while. I deserve to take time out to play and have fun, because my days here on Earth are numbered. I need to enjoy the time I have left. If I can create or be part of something that leaves the world in a better way then I will feel accomplished. That is my intention for this platform. I have not given up on it yet. I'll stick around but just not put all my hopes and dreams into it. I'll watch and adjust my involvement as I see appropriate. I have planted a few seeds and am watching to see if they grow. It takes a community to make it happen and so far it doesn't look promising, but things can always change.

Are you retired from accounting now?

I feel you @happyme. It surely is discouraging to lose your engagement.

The truth is that sending memos seem to be currently the best way of letting people know about your publications. Just know your limits. Don't over do it with to many memos. And mostly keep somewhere list of all accounts that are engaging with you and focus on sending memos only to those people.

And most of all: try to make your posts encouraging for discussion. Most posts are strictly informative or full of strong opinions. It's hard to comment such a posts.

Yours, Piotr

Most posts are strictly informative or full of strong opinions. It's hard to comment such a posts.

That's true, except for others who may have strong opposing opinions; then you can get a good debate going. Although it does tend to discourage those who are too shy to challenge a strong opinion.

Not all posts need to have discussions though. If you have been watching my feed, you would have noticed that I post a weekly place to let others advertise their own posts. It could be considered our own little classified advertising section if enough people began using it as such. It needs to overcome that critical hump where enough people use it to make others want to also use it. Without reaching that hump, nobody wants to post there because there aren't enough OTHERS already there! How can one get over the hump if the few that try it drop off before others find it? If you and your followers all consistently advertised their posts there, that weekly page could potentially become a central place to advertise and we would be creating our own community right there! Unfortunately, it seems everyone wants to be the creator of their own communities and as such, nobody cares to assist anyone else in building anything.

This is true - it is much easier to join the efforts of others more established. All initiatives I have tried like this have failed. This is why I focus on supporting other people who are trying instead of trying to create my own thing to compete. The only time I have success is when I have comment contests and give sbi shares but that is a huge ton of work.

LOL... I'm totally shocked at the number of people that go for SBI. I really don't see what the attraction is. I would way rather have someone vote directly for me than buy me a share of SBI.

It is way past my bed-time, so I better get moving. Whatever part of the world you are in... I wish you a good day/night.

It's the middle of the day in Malaysia.

I am happy for all votes and after winning many shares, sbi is one of my top performers. They are not buying the share for you - they are buying it for both of you.

It's a concept called universal basic income. As an accountant, I am not too much in favor of the theory. As a steemer, I will take as many as I can get.

As a steemer, I will take as many as I can get.

LOL...Me too. I own 9 shares but they pay very little and just once per week. Of course when the value of Steem picks up, those shares will be able to produce a bit more.

Hi @fitinfun

I'm in the engagement league of @abh12345 and every comment counts for that weekly contest.

It's me again. Could you tell us more about this account? what they do etc?

One another topic, you mentioned the idea of my writing a post inspired by @reverseacid on the subjects of women, crypto, and the "need to know." technical details about blockchain in order to get involved with it. I'm working on that now and will post in a few days probably. We'll soon see if anyone else is interested :)

I would love to read it. Also I would gladly help you promote your post if you would like me to do so. Just let me know few days before your publication so I would allocate some time on weekend to boost traffic into your post.

ps. do you have telegram? you could find me on Crypto_piotr


no I am not on telegram.

You can just sign up for the league on the weekly post of @abh12345. Then you are in until you ask to leave and can track what your interact counts for based on his metrics.

He has two segments - one is about curation rewards - you would be a big fail there based on your voting pattern. The other is about interaction - posts, comments, replies etc. You might do well there, I do not know how active you are in commenting.

He publishes the ranks weekly in both leagues on one post. The people on those lists are driving a lot of interaction here imo. Few others on steem are likely to be that active without getting into the leagues to check themselves. The leagues are very well known.

I will let you know when I publish my post. I'm not too good on knowing how things will go in a few hours much less days :)

you would be a big fail there based on your voting pattern

Thank you @fitinfun :) You managed to put a huge smile on my face :)

Haha! You would come in last lol.


Enjoy taking a little time to step back. Resetting like that can be a good thing.

Dear Piotr, you already done a great work in these past months and of course you deserve a break.
You made the movement of a great community and i do not know why but 2 months ago i did not even hear about Venezuela troubles but now in all world news Venezuela is on watching and its president is nearly to be out from its crazy power to keep Venezuela people under its egemony in totally powerty.
You are doing great job my friend and i am proud to be your friend!

Dear @crypto.piotr, all the effort I have made has been worthwhile, the community has been strengthened and mutual collaboration is growing.

Certainly it has been a very demanding work done so far, you deserve to rest, think and return with new strength.

As far as I am concerned, I hope to be able to give back some of what you have received from you, and from your collaborators, that is why I try to attend and go to every call you make to support an account. You should know that whenever I am required by you I will try to support your projects.

Rest and come back soon because this must continue to grow.

Hey @crypto.piotr, thanks for the mention! It's the Lunar New Year and I have been busy as well. It's good to take a break and recharge. See you soon my friend!

Posted using Partiko Android

yep its hard to keep up the engagement when you get so many comments, burn out is easy. Look after your self. I dont know all the accounts you listed so I will go and take a look

Dear @paulag

Thank you for your previous comment. I will try to add you on Discord (I'm still learning how to use this tool).

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


thank you friend for this interesting message, I would like to be part of that commitment you have, I can consider myself a steemit worker on a daily basis, I am involved in the visual art and I have many very good friends in their presentations and very responsible, I would like to be aware of your projects and get involved, for me it would be great to be part of your great project, visual art has many advantages here in steemit, so many businesses can be achieved with the help of good artists involved in a project, greetings friend will be very pending and review the proposals of the friends you have as a reference,

Dear @betzaelcorvo

I'm very pleased to read your kind comment. Please accept my apology for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :)

I am involved in the visual art and I have many very good friends in their presentations and very responsible, I would like to be aware of your projects and get involved, for me it would be great to be part of your great project, visual art has many advantages here in steemit, so many businesses can be achieved with the help of good artists involved in a project

I will keep in mind that those are skills you're having :)

ps. God bless Venezuela.


Hello great friend @crypto.piotr,

We more than appreciate all your brilliant efforts towards building a great community on steemit. Your initiative has continue to help new steemains build connection and remain highly motivated on this platform.

My special thanks goes out to you and others who have continue to support your initiative @majes.tytyty @devann @tysler @crypto.hype @culgin @chbartist @danielfs @hatu @dynamicrypto @indigoocean @mariusfebruary @neavvy @shadowspub @sulev and @boxcarblue.

God bless and wishing everyone a happy valentine!

Best regards always,

@crypto.piotr has set 5.000 STEEM bounty on this post!

Bounties are a new way you can earn rewards irrespective of you Steem Power. Go here to learn how bounties work.

Earn the bounty by commenting what you think the bounty creator wants to know from you.

Find more bounties here and become a bounty hunter.

Happy Rewards Hunting!


I´ve been so busy lately i haven´t had too much time to support your work. Great work by the way. But we are stil building as a community, and we stand strong, without weak hands (blood sucking creatures) and garbage producers. As you may know i work mainly in the portugueses speaking communitys. But i am open to interesting projects...But we have to have in noticion that STEEM is not a social security number...We need to create intelectual content to receive...As the most valuble asset to humanity to advance.

Dear @duarte9sousa

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


I understand, i have been busy "in" hell as well XD. Good job. I will help you guys as (ss)on as possible. But many things is happening at the same time now. And i´m not God yet XD

Dear @duarte9sousa

Thank you for your previous comment. And Im also sorry for such a late reply. I wonder if you even will read my comment ...

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


I will do my part as you do yours...

Dear @duarte9sousa

I just realized that you delegated 39SP to me :) Thank you for your kind gesture. I really appreciate it a lot.


I feel your love...Take the symbol...Is yours broher...Love your work.

So recently I have been experiencing a feeling of burning out, caused by stress and being overworked and tired.

A feeling I know all too well. In addition to the work I do for this platform, I work a demanding full time job in IT so it takes it's toll.

Although, I greatly appreciate your approach and heart for communities, @crypto.piotr. At least a couple names on your list are frequent and / or excessive vote buyers which I find antithetical to community.

If they really cared about growth of community on the platform, maybe they should opt our of appropriating the reward pool to themselves by buying votes. Maybe then creators that stand by their work and the quality thereof will be rewarded via proof-of-brain, one of the most appealing things about this platform if it would actually work (and people were more honest).

It's great that the users are delegating to users. I guess in a sense it's giving something back for undermining proof-of-brain with proof-of-wallet but it doesn't take away from what they did in the first place. My position is that bid bots and circle-jerking auto-voters are the bane of this platform.

While i really understand you and we already met in a comments section of healthiswealth if you remember, but still bid bots and promobots are part of this ecosystem.
Just some people should know the limits when they use them. ( this is just my opinion )
Or i will be also fine with it if we ban them. I mean the bots. But i think most of the bots are running by big stake holders.
Even me i am useing, because nowdays you cant get attention if you dont promote your post😔 I will be more happy without them but for sure we will lose many accounts and the vallue of the steem also.
The reason is simple. The people are lazy. They are lazy to read and vote.

Easier is to sell they votes. Also most of the accounts are from third world country where the steem have bigger vallue in every day life so they straight withdraw it if they have a small amount.

So example i try to dont judge people who are useing bots or promotion service. I read they post and after i judge😊

By the way i checked the steemflagreward as you recomend it and they are good. As soon as i have more time and i can make my account stronger i think i will join them because looks like they are effective😉

Posted using Partiko Android


Dear @gabbynhice

The reason is simple. The people are lazy. They are lazy to read and vote.

It's not that. Look at it from different angle. Time = resource. And if you want people read your publications then you're asking them to spent their limited resources (time).

Somehow it's your job to ensure that they will think that it's worth it. And this is not easy.


This is a quiet sensitive topic. In some way you are right. In some way not. It depend just from which side you look at the topic.
I can also share some experience and i can prove what i wrote but that will be a crazy topic and for sure i will hurt many people. And as we talk about it before sometimes the block chain maybe is not the best place to be honest.

Posted using Partiko Android


Dear @anthonyadavisii

Please accept my apology for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :)

In addition to the work I do for this platform, I work a demanding full time job in IT so it takes it's toll.

What do you do related to IT? Do you mind sharing?

It's great that the users are delegating to users. I guess in a sense it's giving something back for undermining proof-of-brain with proof-of-wallet but it doesn't take away from what they did in the first place

The way I see delegating is more of a way of connecting between people. Connection build on selfless support of one person towards someone who is either new or cannot buy STEEM. It gives people impression that someone out there cares about them. And that's how I'm trying to bond people here. Building some small emotional "bridges".

My position is that bid bots and circle-jerking auto-voters are the bane of this platform.

Are you very against bots?



I've pretty much said that vote-bots are our enemy from the time they were first introduced.

Take a break Piotr and enjoy Valentine's Day, we'll be here when you get back. 🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

do you have any interesting plans for Valentines day @wonderwop? :)

Hey piotr

Forever the selfless gentleman, its great that you're always trying to push connection and engagement its with efforts like these we build stronger bonds and become closer as a community especially during these down turn phases.

Once value picks up again we will be stronger for it

Dear @chekohler

Forever the selfless gentleman

Im already blushing hahaha :)

Cheers buddy, Piotr

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Visit those accounts and have a look at their published content. Perhaps you will find something that you would find interesting and valuable. If you do then show your own support by investing few minutes of your own time, to calmly read their latest post. And then reach out to those authors and drop valuable comment.

Will surely do. You have done so much for this platform as well as bloggers. You supported many and helped them to grow. After this kind of amazing and continuous work you should rest and spend time with family. I wish you great happy time with your family.

@majes.tytyty @devann @tysler @crypto.hype @culgin @chbartist @danielfs @hatu @dynamicrypto @indigoocean @mariusfebruary @neavvy @shadowspub @sulev

I want to thank you each of you for the great work at steemit. I already following and reading every article of some but now onward will do for all. Wish you guys great success here.

I've been lately trying something new. Idea of my little venture is simple: let's try to bring some businesses to Steemit and see how can I encourage business owners to join Steemit. I had so far many failures and only few small successes. But that's how it is really. Learning curve is not easy.

Please let me know if I can help you with anything, whatever you need I am here. Lately I was trying the same. I reached some you tubers who were famous and they have lot of subscribers - in shorter time youtube blocked so many and the reason was unfair. So I was encouraging them to join steemit and dTube where this kind of things not happens.

I am going to participate in commercial ad contest - I made little video. I am not good at it and never done earlier so this is the first. But as they are using some of them to promote steem so I wanted to try too. Will share with you the link. Your kind feedback will be appreciated as you always give honest reviews about the post.

One of those small businesses which I'm supporting with all my heart is @blockshine represented by Daniel Bateman.

@blockshine is doing great job for sure. I remember they have used steemit to hire new talents. Which was great step.

Have a great time my friend @crypto.piotr.

Thank you for your kind words @flash07 and for the support of the content. @crypto.piotr is really an inspiration on this platform, we need more figures like him who is supporting and expanding the community!

@crypto.piotr is really an inspiration on this platform, we need more figures like him who is supporting and expanding the community!

Totally agreed with you @blockshine.

Dear @flash07

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.

Lately I was trying the same. I reached some you tubers who were famous and they have lot of subscribers - in shorter time youtube blocked so many and the reason was unfair. So I was encouraging them to join steemit and dTube where this kind of things not happens.

Cool. and how did it worked out so far? Anyone showed some real interest?


Cool. and how did it worked out so far? Anyone showed some real interest?

Recently some big YouTube users lost their account so reached them through their alternate YouTube accounts & other social media accounts like twitter and all. Honestly not that much of response till now. But I will continue to do it.

Dear @flash07

Thank you for your previous comment. And Im also sorry for such a late reply. I wonder if you even will read my comment ...

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


I don't want to brag about myself and my achievements, simply because I didn't achieve anything on my own. After all there were so many people invovled in helping me reach my goals who I should thank.

Take a look at that humbleness and humility you portrayed with that statement. If it were to be some people, they will always believe they did it themselves without anyone helping them. I actually love this trait about you 😊.

I came to a realization that it's time to slow down for a week or two. Catch a breath and enjoy life for a difference. After all Valentines day is coming so it is indeed a great time to focus on my little family.

Smiles, I will surely do the same if I was in your shoes 😀. I believe we should always have more time for our loved ones which includes our family and we shouldn't be a workaholic all the time 😊.

So to those who are passionate about blockchain technology and would like to support companies trying to build their presence on Steemit, then visit @blockshine and check out their latest video:

I hope to check this out 😊.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla 😊.. Enjoy your week days 😊💞

I am very grateful for your kind words @haraeborla and for your fantastic support. @crypto.piotr has been amazing in getting the word out there for the Blockshine ecosystem, we need more figures like him who is supporting and expanding the community! Feel free to check us out here: @blockshine Upvoted!

Dear @hardaeborla

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.

Take a look at that humbleness and humility you portrayed with that statement. If it were to be some people, they will always believe they did it themselves without anyone helping them. I actually love this trait about you

I love to hear that ! :) IM BLUSHING hahaha :)


People try to have success very hard in this plattform so I fully understand the need to disconnect a bit. There is no need to apologize for your memos, I don't have any problem in take a look on those accounts.

It's a good thing to have some recommendations to follow interesting people here. Cheers and enjoy the time out :).

Dear @palasatenea

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

Thanks a lot for your engagement and you deserved the break in every case.
Spent time with your wife and let her know that she is for you the most important human on earth !
All the best and see you again after time out !

Dear @udow

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Very good, so I hope you will soon be ok again.

Im back already. I didnt manage to go to far @udow :)

Im Addicted to steemit already hahaha

Have nice rest Piotr😉
But i have a advice for you. I know you work hard for the steem block chain. But dont forget that this should not be a work. This should be a fun.

Mostly that is our biggest promblem here on steemit that the people are dont use it as a social network but they are forceing themself like a work to earn some money.

Money should be just secondary here. First should be to have a rest and fun. And we should be happy that we also can earn a small amount. 😉

To be honest i think you know that how much i want steem to be popular and i really want all of us here to earn also while we enjoy steemit.
But life is first. 😉 And steemit is not a life. Just one option.
So even i try to spend here more time but when my fiancee and my doughter needs me they are the first😊

Anyway i will check out the blogers you mentioned as usually as soon as i have a little time😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @gabbynhice

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.

But i have a advice for you. I know you work hard for the steem block chain. But dont forget that this should not be a work. This should be a fun.

It has been fun, but even having fun can make you tired, right? :)

Mostly that is our biggest promblem here on steemit that the people are dont use it as a social network but they are forceing themself like a work to earn some money.

I'm here to build connections. I believe that knowing right people within blockchain community will help me create business opportunities in the future.

And I'm here to stay. I'm more determined that 99% of people here. Almost half of my adult life I've spent training martial arts and it does require real hardcore discipline. :)

Again thx for your great comment.



Great, some people I followed before, some I added after your post. Good job Piotr, this is worthy for the community!

Dear @ritxi

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Hey my friend @crypto.piotr nice to read one more time a post from you including incredible people who are help more steemians and great writers...!!!

First it all. I just want to say thank you one more time for all the time you are investing to keep a great community and help more people here on Steemit.

Enjoy your days off... So. It is not necessary to reply my comment, the most important part is your life and your health.

If you feel tired...Take a huge breathing and make your life better, now you know the technique about breathing meditation..

It is necessary to take a nap and meditate for a while what is happening in your life.. Steemit will stay here long time. So, one or two week off is nothing...

I’m sure nobody will upset here if you don’t response to everyone...

Taking easy... If we have a healthy life, we can enjoy everything and nobody can disturb us with nothing else.. ok..

Be happy all the time...!!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @edgarare1

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.

It is not necessary to reply my comment, the most important part is your life and your health.

to late haha :)


Dear friend Piotr:

Dissenting voices always appear, people who for some personal interest do not share your methods and perhaps express their point of view in the least appropriate way.

But I know that I can speak on behalf of all of us who are part of your circle of friends at steemit: You can count on us.

The response that you obtained from this valuable action that you did in December with the request of charity for the brothers of Venezuela said a lot about you.

I've been lately trying something new. Idea of ​​my little venture is simple: let's try to bring some businesses to Steemit and see how can I encourage business owners to join Steemit. I had so many failures and only few small successes. But that's how it is really. Learning curve is not easy.

Sure you will have our positive testimonies of motivation.
The results are clear: we are many who respond to your calls, to your suggestions. We do it selflessly. Already the sentimental bond exists and is very strong. You have a community of friends that we love and we will support you in your new initiatives.

Yours, Juan.

Hi @crypto.piotr. You have done an amazing job. You deserve a good time for you and your family!

Love to see how responsive you are @danielfs

I'm sorry that it took me so long to read and reply.


I always say, real life comes first! I’ve stepped back a bit from here as well, been enjoying some other things and still comment on stuff and upvote but the level I was doing things before was difficult to manage everything. Breaks are important, for everyone!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @cmplxty

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


My dear friend @crypto.piotr
There is no doubt that you are accomplishing your goals like the One Man Army. The way you are placing the crypto community in a strong lanyard and motivating people. Undoubtedly it reflects your strong mentality. You are one of those people who never give up. Together, I would like to thank every member of the crypto community who are making an invaluable contribution to the development of this community.
Hundred plus reply shows that your effort is increasing in positive direction. I am happy that I am a member of this journey. Late trying to reach the post of people related to the script on the script. In fact, the characters of congratulations are you who are trying to bind many people in the form of unity and inspire them constantly.
I will pray to God that the coming week is good for you with the family.

Your @certain

Dear @certain

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Aye man, just talk a lil rest. Its okay if you dont get to every comment. I know how it feels from experience in the past. Just take it easy and go at your own past for now.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @midgeteg

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Hello Crypto.Piotr, you're doing a great job to add value to Steem as well as support fellow Steemians. I feel it's too much work but then your passion made it seem like it's nothing for you :)

Anyways, I follow a few of those accounts mentioned and and I will visit the others.

Finally, I did check out Blockshine and promoted their hiring post on other social media and with friends.

Have a great time buddy and a happy Valentine's day to you and Kathy in advanced 😄💯

Hi @ajongcrypto thank you for your kind words and for your support! It means a lot to to be able to connect with great steemians!

Dear @ajongcrypto

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Greetings crypto.piotr, I have rather the following suggestion about steemit, I have heard that there are people who claim that steemit lately of only steem and nothing of sbd when paying users for their posts, in my opinion steemit could be corrected always giving a percentage of both currencies that it has (steem and sbd), also needs to improve its system so that it becomes easier for people to interact directly, to have a chat as the discord for example. It is my opinion, greetings

Dear @ljmm

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Hello @ crypto.piotr I had a time out of the platform for important issues here in Venezuela, but this week I will surely be returning with some post. I think it's good that you take a break, you've worked hard to build this community and help them all, including myself. I thank you for all the support received from you and I hope that this favor you ask can compensate some of the aid you have given to many of us.

Dear @luiscalzadilla

It's great to have you back. Send me link to your new post via memo once you upload it, ok? I will gladly check it out.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for the post @crypto.piotr... you did really make quite a great jump... you are far ahead of me on STEEM (in terms of my own generalised view, ok?). I have been quite distracted with other stuff, but mostly with family, to be honest.

This is a very time-consuming hobby, and for whom uses it for a living, I give those my best respects... it's quite hard to be valued for what you know.... and most of the time, the only way is to bring what you know, do something useful, otherwise, people don't really care.

Anyway, good rest, and see you back later.

Dear @forykw

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.

I have been quite distracted with other stuff, but mostly with family, to be honest.

That's a great distraction, isnt it? :)


It is already proven many times that in this blockchain, helping others tru steempower delegation is not scarce. There is so many steemians in all levels do delegate to others to improve engagement, fund raising or content rewarding and management.

We owe it to them.

I will do my very best to comment to their post.

Posted using Partiko iOS

you need to relax my friend, you became nice for the people you knew so they'll understand if ever you wanted to take a break. Enjoy life and most of all build memories to remember later. Ofcourse it's not a big favor to ask so I will visit those nice people you recommended right away. Thanks for including me

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @mrnightmare89

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


The holidays stress people out so much. I suggest you keep it simple and try to have as much fun as you can. Life is all about balance, and there are certain times of the year - birthday, anniversary, holidays - that are meant to be enjoyed without guilt.

Dear @whatsontrend

Life is all about balance

Very well said.

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Thank you so much Piotr

Hi Piotr!
You are doing a great job and I respect that (except for the memo-spamming).
Engagement is one the most important things here ;-)

Big Hug
Steemitri The Mannequin

Dear @steemitri

You are doing a great job and I respect that (except for the memo-spamming).

I'm pretty much only sending one memo a week to group of people who engaged with me one way or the other in the past.

If you wouldn't like me to bother you in the future then obviously I will stop. Please advise.

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Thank you to each and everyone Steemian for their persistence and patience in keeping this project alive. Keep on Steeming :)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @jmehta

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Thanks @crypto-piotr . I appreciate your effort for introducing me with so many wonderful writers, I know few of them earlier but majority of them are introduced to me by you. though I am not very active in steemit so you provide me an excellent service of providing me the fully curated content. (Actually saving my time).
Your efforts of bringing the business in steemit wit help both businesses and steemit users. I hope together we will all rock.
Best of luck to you and I hope we will see more good articles from all the authors listed here.

Dear @r1s2g3

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Its good to take a step back and view all the things you have done for Steem from a wider perspective. Some things maybe become more clear for the future. You definetely managed to create a lot of engagement within the community which we all really appreciate.
Take care @crypto.piotr and enjoy the time with family, thats very important!

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @masterthematrix

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Dear @crypto.priotr, you've done a great job in supporting people and promoting blockchain tech to gether with the people you listed here. I dont mind checking out them. Have a nice rest and fabulous fun with your family.

Thank you so much for sharing this @crypto.piotr. I am already following several of the contacts you promote.

Have a good rest and come back soon with your renewed energies.

Dear @darthgexe

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Thank you @crypto.piotr I too have visited most of these wonderful bloggers and try to engage with their content hope you find some quite and peace while you are away and come back refreshed, It's a long journey ahead to build our strong community and we are wuth you in every step of the way.

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Dear @shaheerbari

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Great i was looking for some new people to follow i will check them out in a while p.s upvoted and resteemed as always 🤗

Posted using Partiko Android

Again the enormous amout of replys says it all. You have donr good work in bringing people together. So yes its time for a rest, you earned it and after all this should be an enjoyable place to come, so take a break enjoy your beautiful family, we will try and keep the flag flying so don't stress we will be here when you are rested and ready to return. 😁😁

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @andyjem

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Can't keep a good man down eh Piotr?
It shouldnt be a chore so make sure you take time to relax and enjoy life too 👍
Cheers Andy.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @andyjem

Thank you for your previous comment. And Im also sorry for such a late reply. I wonder if you even will read my comment ...

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


You did a great job. Though sometimes they came across criticism from some.

You are well helped us all. Our blogs continue to evolve. Personally, my number of subscribers is already approaching 300. Thank you very much for the work.

Dear @carbodexkim

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Hi @crypto.piotr , thank you for your hard work for Steemit community, inspirative tips and support. Enjoy your off time you deserve it.

Dear @hairyfairy

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Thanks man, i already follow a few of these guys... Just took a look at neavvy's article on AI

Dear @nseghe

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Taking some time off is really important. Sharing time with your loved ones is what matters. Have fun and take care.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @digitalworldyou

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Great to have you back

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It's okay, Piotr. Heaven knows you deserve the rest! Your unique methods have done so much in increasing engagement on the platform and getting valuable content noticed.
See you when you get back... Figuratively speaking. 😁

Dear @petermarie

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


@crypto.piotr Take that break, because it is well deserved, and i will tell you why ...

I know and see what you are trying to build here, and i think i told you before, you have my upmost respect for this. I know very well myself what physical toll you are paying when you do these things all by yourself.

Even though you get ‘help’ from the community, you are the driving force behind it.

So ... take that break (if you havn’t already) and reload that internal battery. There’s much more in life then crypto and other internet related things, ...much more.

Your health is much more important then anything else, sometimes you do not realise that .. untill you loose it.

Be Safe my Friend and take good care of you (and the wife)

Dear @elektropunkz

I know and see what you are trying to build here, and i think i told you before, you have my upmost respect for this

Love to hear that! :)

Even though you get ‘help’ from the community, you are the driving force behind it.

Very well said. I never thought about it this way, but you're quite right.

Yours, Piotr

Thanks for the trust @crypto.piotr , count on my support.
It will not be difficult.
I follow some of the Member on your list.
I will focus more on her because I am grateful.
Greetings from Venezuela.

It is a great idea to take a break and gain some energy as the year is just getting started and seems like it could be a promising one for the ecosystem and our community. Thanks for the suggestions, I will visit them as the week continues! Enjoy your time off!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @newageinv

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Oh yeah!
Just a little support from me.
I'll resteem this post....

Hello, I have not been able to connect much because of the serious internet problems that exist in my country and because of the struggle that my people are fighting to get the freedom and democracy that Venezuela deserves. Thank you for helping many colleagues from steemit and my country and I hope to be able to collaborate more soon. Regards :)

Indeed! One has to find priorities in life and family must come first. Enjoy the coming days, @crypto.piotr.

Dear @zorank

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Coming to appreciate more and more the efforts you put here. I already learned new thins just reading a few comments below this post and I begin discovering other interesting posts among the authors you mentioned.

Thank you!

Dear @manoldonchev

Coming to appreciate more and more the efforts you put here

I love to hear that buddy :)

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


I traveled, too and now I need some time if I am to catch up. Actually I think I shall train to not want to catch up. A person can't be everywhere so... whenever.

Dear @manoldonchev

Thank you for your previous comment. I will try to add you on Discord (I'm still learning how to use this tool).

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


Greetings and thank you for your comment. I am glad to support good causes but on that poll matter I am with the team of #powerhousecreatives, community account @steemitbloggers. Since before last poll. Which was a hard effort and we came out second in the contest.

So on that matter I would not deviate from fully supporting my friends. But... you can always make contact with us via @jaynie, @zord189 or looking up the Discord link under our posts. I take no decisions but I believe interactions between groups may be of mutual benefit. Ally style. I do suggest you check us out and see if you like the efforts of our group in manually supporting blogging content across dozens of spheres and lots of art forms.

You'll find that a person whom you recently recommended has already joined, by the way ;)



Your balance is below $0.3. Your account is running low and should be replenished. You have roughly 10 more @dustsweeper votes. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

Hello brother, very good job, pass it with your wife and pet in the best way, and thanks above all.

I want a crypto world with people like you humanitarian above all things.

I have my support for those users.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear @memes777

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Dear Piotr,

Enjoy your break. Perhaps its time to take a mini vacation? hehehehee

Anyway, enjoy!


Hey Piotr!👋😀 I am engaging with steemians you reccomend but not tagging you not to stress more ahah, relax & enjoy your Steem vacation!😁

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You are worthy of congratulations for the strength and perseverance that your community created.

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Dear @vickykarma

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Wow, I follow the threads of conversation, and it is pure learning. Saved in my study files. :)

You deserve a good rest @crypto.Piotr. Thank you for all the efforts. Devote time to this is not easy. As you are a few troop-contributing to the platform and the small users.I will pass through the accounts. Thanks and happy traveling friend.

Thanks to you for bringing us to life in steem community again.
I had lost trust in steemit but you made all of us together and I want to thank you again for that.

Dear @arslan786

I had lost trust in steemit but you made all of us together and I want to thank you again for that.

I hope you wont lose your trust any more ...

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Hello buddy.

Reading your publication today has really brightened my day, you've always been a very dedicated person and thankful to everyone you've shared at some point along the way.

No one deserves a break more than you, you have spent hundreds of hours reading and thanking everyone who has the opportunity to read your publications and that is something that is really valuable and meaningful.

I hope you return with much more strength and energy to conquer steemit.

P.S.: I will follow all those people who have supported you very much within the platform with pleasure and I will review their profiles.

Dear @roronoa07

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Sometimes slowing down is all you need to have a clearer perspective in life.

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Dear @dses

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


You have been doing a great job promoting people with great content. I have been consuming the content you have been highlighting and have found them enjoyable. Thank you for not only helping these guys out but also for helping me discover them.

It’s good that you are taking some time to breathe . We all need balance in our lives.

I have been on Steemit for about a year now and I have had times when I’ve pushed hard and got a lot of content out and other times I’ve disappeared almost! I really enjoy being here on Steemit, we have such a great community.

I’ll be sure to checkout those you’ve given a shout out to and post feedback.

It’s great to hear that someone is trying to get business on Steemit, I’m mean really it just makes sense. I hear a lot of talk about mass adoption, but rarely about business joining. I’m only new to this but wouldn’t mass adoption come after businesses joining?

Anyways, you have been doing an awesome job helping build up Steemit. It’s awesome to have you here with us . Take your well deserved break and I hope to see you again soon. Have an awesome day!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @mickvir

Thank you for not only helping these guys out but also for helping me discover them.

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.

I’m only new to this but wouldn’t mass adoption come after businesses joining?

I think so. It seem to me that businesses are part of mass adoption.


You are so awesome, one of those people who are positive in making Steemit a better place. I know you won't leave steemit and I am so happy that you have to enjoy yourself with your little family to become a big one. Have a nice break, but not means of breaking out on steemit.
God bless, enjoy and have fun,best regard to your sweet wife.

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Dear @olivia08

You are so awesome, one of those people who are positive in making Steemit a better place

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Take your time, I know you are just start g making a family. I hope God will give you and your wife a good response to your desires. You are so welcome and thank you.

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Hey @crypto.piotr

You have my full support! I can definitely invest my time to help grow the community!

Dear @altumanimo

Thank you for your previous comment. And Im also sorry for such a late reply. I wonder if you even will read my comment ...

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


Good post crypto.piotr I agree we all need to slow down at some point been feeling a bit burnt out.

Dear @crypto.piotr ,
Their Delegations really brings big help... And I will say Thank You for all of them from the bottom of my heart.

If I will gain and have a Lot of SP in the future then I will also delegate and help beginners and for those who Have Low SP.

CONTINUE for the Work. Your doing great.
However, too much work bring harm...So take a break and rest.


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Dear @junnel123

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.




A break well deserved ... you can't sprint a marathon.

I've enjoyed our epic conversations. Whatever ails Steemit ... it is not an absence of intelligence. You just have to go looking for it.


Hi. @crypto.piotr!

Friend, I am very happy that your effort has created a very rewarding consolidation of happiness.

Because you deserve it, your noble and great work that you do for others is very pleasant in the eyes of many and it shows in the confidence that you give all those who mention, that in turn they aopoyan.

Friend is sent a big hug very fraternal.


A well-deserved rest. Enjoy a lot with your family, because you deserve it. And thank you for supporting so many people who deserve it. Greetings from Caracas. Venezuela, on the road to freedom

Dear @surika

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Have a great rest mate! Enjoy

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thanks for the recommendations.. I love new people to follow, who create good content and posts and engage with others..

thanks for the names!

Dear @darrenfj

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


I hear yah brother!

Down time is good for the soul..

Dear @darrenfj

Thank you for your previous comment. And Im also sorry for such a late reply. I wonder if you even will read my comment ...

Thank you for your previous comment. And Im also sorry for such a late reply. I wonder if you even will read my comment ...

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


Hi @crypto.piotr
Enjoy your rest and thanks for all your hard work.


Hello, I hope you find yourself well, as I would have liked to meet you two months ago to belong to your work group. Congratulations for achieving your goal.
It is recommended that you take a break, and what better with your wife.
Greetings and a strong hug.

I also tried to write to a company and to draw attention to a post from me, it has not worked quite well yet, but it will work maybe next time. For Steemit you also need a lot of patience, then it works well :)



Dear @sternblitz

Could you please share your experience? I would love to hear more.


I sended an email to a company and i contacted the same company via twitter and also via facebook, before i wrote the post. So maybe i got some more upvotes after that, and some lesser upvotes from a post where i did´nt contact the related company or anyone before

Thank you for the value you bring to steem. Enjoy your break!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @gcalex

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Will do :) It's always great to help each other out in any way we can. This post reminds me of thedarkhorse's pay it forward and many other initiatives to promote others in this platform.

Also, everyone needs to take a pause and break from everything even from things we love because sometimes we lose focus and we are stressed because of that. Take a break and enjoy the moment.

Dear @leeart

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Good to have you back :)

Take all the time you need, fir you and your family. A burn out is a bad thing and not over in 2 weeks time.
I will see who I am not following yet and I really hope the business you take to steem will be successful. You proved you are able to do so.
Good luck and thanks for everything!

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Dear @wakeupkitty

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


You should bettertake care of yourself and family first. The community will still be there if you take some rest for real!

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Dear @wakeupkitty


I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


Hi @crypto.piotr, You have my support! Great Post!

Thanks for your support @crypto.piotr

Some music as a gift

Soon as my LNToken will start to be purchased by investors, i'll start to introduce new artists here on steemit and tronscan as well and support them as well.

I need more time to have more Tron/Trx for my campaigns and to grow here as well, but as i've already mentioned to you Piotr, i'm pretty much on run now.

Speak soon and i do hope this platform will succeed and will grow day by day.


Here's my LNToken Feel free and invest people

Thanks for your support. You are making steemit a better place. Come back soon.

Dear @putu300

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Hello @crypto.piotr, you are one of the most energetic members on Steemit. I can vouch for that.

Yeah, these members mentioned are some I follow. Thanks for speaking about them. A break for you is well deserved and heh, like you said, Valentines' is around the corner. :) Have fun!

See you soon.

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Dear @oivas

you are one of the most energetic members on Steemit. I can vouch for that.

I'm like a Steemian on steroids, right? :)

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


You deserve a nice break! Enjoy!

Hi dear @crypto.piotr, I'm really proud of the excellent lavor you've done and the support you've given to many on the platform including me, each of those people deserves support for the effort and work, unfortunately my connection to the web is currently limited in Venezuela, but I'm still working and trying to bring the best possible education to the platform through my publications and what better than steemit to achieve that goal. A great post and you deserve a well-deserved rest my friend. We are in touch.

Dear @lenonmc21

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


I was wondering how long you would be able to keep up your modus operendai. I spent at least a year working all day long at reading and posting but it did not turn out anything like I had envisioned. I resigned to focusing on my contests and games and let those who were interested come to me as I just can't keep it up forever. I get very little support for my efforts and it is very disappointing, but that is the reality. I think I have some good ideas, but unless I find ways to convince others (and I'm not a sales-person), those ideas stay at the bottom of the pile due to lack of engagement. It could be just bad timing (low crypto prices) or just my inability to get others on board. I'll churn away at them a while longer and see what happens.

Dear @happyme

I was wondering how long you would be able to keep up your modus operendai.

I feel I could run quite long simply because I'm more determined that 99% of people here. At least that's what I believe.

Almost half of my adult life I've spent training martial arts and it does require real hardcore discipline. :) And being disciplined and persistent can help :)

I appreciate your kind comment and also I'm sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.

I spent at least a year working all day long at reading and posting but it did not turn out anything like I had envisioned.

Could oyu share with me more about your experience? And do you blog sometimes about blockchain and crypto or not really?


Could oyu share with me more about your experience? And do you blog sometimes about blockchain and crypto or not really?

In the past I kept thinking that at some point people would discover me and I would get a huge following and begin to grow faster and faster. In reality, the value of Steem went down and it became more and more difficult to grow a following and growth remained quite constant.

I'm not one to brown-nose and feel that in order to have dignity and respect for oneself, our progress should be natural and by the quality of our work, consistency and innovation. Making friends with people by virtue of common respect is different than obtaining friends by sucking up to them and saying all the things you think they want to hear. I know it hurts my growth taking that stance, but to me there are things greater in value than money. And besides, I only wish to grow so that I can dish out bigger votes to help others, so if it isn't meant to be that way, then so be it. I can only try my best and if that's not enough then I'm content to accept whatever the outcome is.

A major turn of events happened when the price of Steem went below a dollar. I didn't believe that was possible, but it offered an opportunity to buy Steem at a reduced rate. Surprisingly it kept falling and is now sitting at approximately 30 cents. I wanted to buy more Steem at this bargain-basement price, but the exchange gateway I used to convert to crypto has shut down (Quadrigacx) and will likely be down for a long time or forever. There seems to be this concerted effort to keep me out of dabbling in crypto and I'm wondering if I should be paying more attention to those signs.

My blogs are not about blockchain or crypto because I have so much to learn still that I don't feel competent to write about those topics. When I was first finding my way around the Steemit environment, I did write a couple of blogs about the things I learned in an effort to supply other newbies with the information that took me a long time to collect, however I have not written anything more on that topic other than point people to resources like the Steem wiki and answer some questions to which I knew the answers.

Love to see how responsive you are @happyme

This is one brilliant piece of comment. Seriously appreciate it a lot!

My blogs are not about blockchain or crypto because I have so much to learn still that I don't feel competent to write about those topics.

Very humble.

I'm sorry that it took me so long to read it and reply.


Dear @happyme

It's me again and ....

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)


Few of those steemian you mentioned regularly appear on the trending page. Without them, STEEM can feel empty. Especially @chbartist and @hatu, they got superhuman powers to post that long everyday and replying to most comments they got. Wish can have some of those powers, but life distracts me to focus more here.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you. :)

Dear @farizal

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


I hope you get some rest and enjoy life in your down time and come back fresh with new insights. I’ll check out those steemians you mentioned.

I also understand the feeling of being burnt out and trying to engage with many people, it does take a toll. At times I don’t even bother to comment on the more popular steemians posts like yours as I know it can be a burden to reply ... I try to comment more on accounts with less comments these days, also looking for newer steemians ! Enjoy the break , you deserve it !

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Dear @dmilliz

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Your efforts are wonderful. I think I can also contribute a bit. I may delegate some SP to those who really wish this platform to grow. I can delegate as much as 50 SP. Tell me if this is sufficient.

Dear @akdx

Would you be kind enough to delegate those 50SP to @help.venezuela? This is account created by my dear friend @achim03 and I'm supporting his efforts whenever I can.

Idea behind this account is simple: together with achim we've met few quality content creators from Venezuela, who we consider valuable. So we're supporting them with automatic upvote on each of their publication.


Hi @crypto.piotr! I have delegated 50 SP to @help.venezuela.

Thank you @akdx :)

ps. @achim03 - check out this good news :)

Family comes first brother have a good rest will check out all the names you mentioned on my day off. Take care and keep safe

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Dear @ragnarhewins90

Family comes first brother

You nailed it! :)

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.


Don't worry about the late replies I just started managing restaurants again and unable to be in steemit like I used to.

Anyway welcome back hehe

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Hi @crypto.piotr

I am late to respond to your memo perhaps. On the way to their accounts....!!!

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Hi @questionthetrend

It's me again :)

Please don't forget to help us :)

Competition between us and "top dog" (SteemBloggers) is really intense. Head to head after 4 days:

Another 3 exciting days to go in front of us :)

Allow me to remind you link to vote:

Please vote on "SteemChurch". I would appreciate your support a lot.


@crypto.piotr, we will continue to make this platform better :)

Dear @tysler

Thank you for your kind comment and I'm very sorry for such a late reply. I needed those few days off from steemit :) But I'm slowly already coming back.

How are you feeling buddy? Still feeling a bit burned out too?


Resteemed and upvoted. .. you are a good fellow members and I will always support you.

Red rose

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Thank you for your lovely words and support @red-rose

Thank you for the support my friend @crypto.piotr , always a pleasure to read your posts and very grateful for the mention. This is a truly wonderful community and I hope to bring and engage with more people on it!

They should make you a part of the Steemit team!

What does the future hold for more sublime content for you? I would love to see more of your life in South East Asia, they is real value in seeing travel experiences to inspire people.

It’s good to take a break sometimes. I’ve been on a semi break for a couple weeks and still a few more to go. Then you can return with renewed energy and creativity.

Dear @indigoocean

I’ve been on a semi break for a couple weeks and still a few more to go.

And how're you feeling? Better already?

Rock on @crypto.piotr

Indeed :) Rock on @bluehorseshoe :)

Dear @bluehorseshoe

Thank you for your previous comment. And Im also sorry for such a late reply. I wonder if you even will read my comment ...

I NEED YOUR HELP :) Nothing serious really. But I still hope you can spare few minutes of your time :)

I found out about great contest where winning community can receive a year's delegation worth of 20k SP!

I realized that receiving such a delegation could help greatly to grow our community. After all I'm upvoting each valuable comment. On top of that, I'm doing my best to promote quality content published by other authors and again: I like to reward those who engage with those authors.

I know that it's probably a long shot and most likely our community won't stand a chance in this contest. But I love being the underdog! Let's give them a fair fight :)

Which brings me to my next question, I was wondering if I could count on your support? At this stage I would only need to ask you to comment this post and suggest myself for the contest. Perhaps you could also make another suggestion: @ help.venezuela (this is run by my dear friend @ achim03).

This is just a first round attempt. I hope we can make it to second round hahha :) Naturally I would appreciate if you could ask your friends to help with our little "quest" :)

Let me know what you think? Perhaps you can also share some advises and hopefully we can "do little bit of brainstorming". Would be awesome to win :)



Have a great Sunday!

Hi @bluehorseshoe

It's me again :)

Please don't forget to help us :)

Competition between us and "top dog" (SteemBloggers) is really intense. Head to head after 4 days:

Another 3 exciting days to go in front of us :)

Allow me to remind you link to vote:

Please vote on "SteemChurch". I would appreciate your support a lot.


Hope you enjoy the break!
Come back even stronger. :)